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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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1 vote
2 answers

Script to auto execute creation of ssh tunnel

I'm a CS student, and still learning a lot of these things, and so please bear with me if I don't have a full grasp on what I'm trying here. I'm on a Mac, connecting to a linux machine. I can set up ...
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1 answer

Having JetBrains WebStorm open regularly kills screen session in PuTTY

I have a very odd and very frustrating issue. Summary I have my Linux environment set up to automatically reconnect to any existing screen session on log in, which when combined with the WebStorm IDE ...
0 votes
0 answers

Sending Environment Variables via SCP

I'm looking to send some kind of environment variable using "SCP -o" (or any other file transfer protocol for that matter PSFTP, PSCP, etc). I currently use SCP to transfer files between ...
2 votes
1 answer

adding *any* directive above Include negates HostName inside that included file

Okay - worst subject ever? Sorry. $ cat ~/.ssh/config # Host wut # LocalForward 1234 whatever:1234 Include ~/.ssh/test.include $ cat ~/.ssh/test.include Host op1 HostName $ ssh -...
0 votes
1 answer

How to transfer a file to a remote host using parallel + ssh?

I am writing scripts to poll a large number of remote hosts over ssh using gnu parallel. I copy the script to them, run it and get the results. Right now I'm using two bundles parallel + scp to ...
1 vote
2 answers

How to SSH between two servers behind firewalls (without a 3rd party server)

There are many posts on this topic and SSH Tunnelling however, some come close to meeting this requirement, missing out a step or two and others are difficult to follow because of unclear terms. This ...
1 vote
1 answer

SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B

Schematic: ssh ssh A ------> B ------> C ^ ^ using A's using B's ssh key ssh key Preconditions: A is running ssh-agent A can access B B can access C A can't ...
0 votes
0 answers

How do i set up MacOS Screen Sharing only through SSH?

I am physically in another country, and I want to set up Screen Sharing on my MacBook Pro running 10.15. The problem is that I didn't even think of setting up Screen Sharing before I travelled, ...
0 votes
2 answers

SSH authorized_keys and newline

I am trying to configure SSH with public-key authentication on Debian. I can't seem to get it to work because auth.log keeps saying that can't read key type:...(key line)\n. It keeps complaining ...
0 votes
2 answers

Screen capture in Windows is all black

I'm trying get screen capture through a SSH connection. In this SSH connection, I'm using the normal user. (in my case its PC) I found that after executing this command: screenshot-cmd -o test.jpg ...
1 vote
0 answers

Hotspot connection SSH / Ping

I have a singleboard computer (Rock 4 SE) with a wifi that is hotspot capable. It is running linux Debian. I want to SSH into it with my laptop using the linux machines own wifi as a hotspot for ...
3 votes
1 answer

openssh windows bad owner or permissions

I've installed openssh for windows and when I run ssh localhost I get Bad owner or permissions on C:\Users\gary/.ssh/config I've looked at these 2 questions "Bad owner or permissions" ...
0 votes
1 answer

Transfer files from one remote server to another remote server in WinSCP

I want to transfer some files from one remote server to another remote server. The issue is these servers are accessible to be by doing hop from a jump server. I am able to get into these servers ...
3 votes
1 answer

Can no longer forward X11 with MobaXterm

Until today, I was able to effortlessly enable X11-forwarding with MobaXterm from my Linux laptop to my Windows laptop. However, as of today, I am suddenly getting this error message whenever I try to ...
31 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between the .pem and .pub and non suffixed ssh credentials files?

Running "ssh-keygen -t dsa" generates two files, a private and public key. Its simple enough to comprehend that the private key is used to identify yourself to the outside world, which only sees your ...
1 vote
1 answer

How to find the ssh connection behind a reverse tunnel from the server side?

I use the the ssh -R command to create a ssh reverse tunnel in the client side: ssh -fNR 3389: user@remotehost In the client side, I can use the ps and netstat commands to find the ssh ...
0 votes
0 answers

Getting Remote side sent SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO after USERAUTH_SUCCESS on mobaxterm

I am getting Remote side sent SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO after USERAUTH_SUCCESS on mobaxterm after some times, I tried to google up but couldn't find solution. This one say to adjust the PuTTY's Connection/SSH/...
5 votes
2 answers

Trying to ssh into IPv6 address, getting "no route to host"

I have a home computer that uses Ubuntu 22.04, that I'd likely to remotely SSH into, from the internet. I'm trying to do this through its public IPv6 address. The address doesn't begin with fe80::, so ...
0 votes
1 answer

Specify passphrase when invoking ssh?

I'm trying to run a remote command using SSH in a script. Host1 is connecting to Host2 to run a command. I've setup the public keys between the two hosts so I don't need to use a password to make the ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why do only some applications generate "MobaXterm X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol" error?

This question is related to How to fix "MobaXterm X11 proxy: Unsupported authorisation protocol", but the answer there did not work for me. I use MobaXterm to ssh from a Windows PC to a ...
1 vote
1 answer

Manage nmcli connection when logged in via ssh

This Question has been asked before, but it was never answered, so here is my take on it: I am running a headless machine in my local network and I need to manage VPN connections to the internet ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to see MacOS's sshd process in the output of ps?

I am running the following version of MacOS: $ sw_vers ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 14.5 BuildVersion: 23F79 I observe that when I run ssh localhost, I am able to ...
249 votes
10 answers

How can I avoid SSH's host verification for known hosts?

I get the following prompt everytime I try to connect a server using SSH. I type "yes", but is there a way to aovid this? The authenticity of host '111.222.333.444 (111.222.333.444)' can't be ...
0 votes
2 answers

MobaXTerm: opening a new SSH session from Win CMD with logging

first topic here, so apologies in advance, if I am doing something wrong! Searching with various terms did not yield in useful results, so I would like to ask for your help. Is it possible to start a ...
1 vote
1 answer

SSH Multiple Session -> "stdin: is not a tty"

I have a Linux-VPS, using it as GIT- and HTTP-Server. HTTP: Apache Git-server: git-http-backend via vhost When I log me in via SSH, everything is fine. But if I open a second SSH-Connection, I get ...
10 votes
4 answers

How do I view the job queue in lftp after it has moved to a background process?

I've just started using lftp for remote transferring files on my Raspberry Pi running Debian. I know how to transfer the files, and use queue and jobs to add and view transferring files. However, I'm ...
1 vote
1 answer

Ansible SSH hangs for no clear reason

I am trying to get Ansible 2.7 setup for an initial enviroment of six Linux servers that run Ubuntu 18.04. It seems I have the most basic of problems, but cant get it figured out. I am simply trying ...
0 votes
1 answer

Will this OpenSSH config provide the best security

Setting up my OpenSSH server on a Windows 10 server to be exposed to the WAN. (Up until now it has just been used on the LAN). What I am trying to achieve: When connection is from the internet, only 1 ...
0 votes
1 answer

ssh-copy-id sh command not found

I'm trying to copy my ssh keys to my machine but whenever I run ssh-copy-id archie@localhost it gives that error: /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: Source of key(s) to be installed: "/home/archie/....
40 votes
6 answers

How do I force SSH to use password instead of key?

So I need to log in to a machine using a password instead of a key, which I practically never do. Seems it should be easy but nope, ssh refuses to use anything but a key. ssh -o ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to list SSH keys?

My SSH can't connect to the server, although it has keys. So, I want to see if SSH has the right key for the server. How can I list all keys which are accessible by my SSH?
0 votes
2 answers

No supported authentication methods available [preauth]

I have a problem with logging using public key genereted with puttygen. My /var/log/auth.log says No supported authentication methods available [preauth] When attempting to connect using putty I ...
1 vote
0 answers

ssh-connection from outside (and inside) fails -- Linux Mint

PROBLEM no ssh connection to my local computer possible, even not ssh [myname]: ssh localhost, on the other hand, works entering sshd: ALL and ssh: ALL in /etc/hosts.allow does not help ...
7 votes
3 answers

GCP - sudo works in GoogleCloudShell but not when I ssh into vm

I created a brand new Google Compute Engine VM (Debian 9) and opened a shell to it using the GoogleCloud shell. I can sudo from that browser shell window. I then setup my ssh-keys and ssh into the ...
1 vote
0 answers

Incorrect permission of copied files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh

After copying files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh, the copied files and folder have permissions that only creator have full access and other users including SYSTEM and Administrators have ...
4 votes
3 answers

Windows11 ssh-agent does not remember passphrase

I am facing the issue that my running ssh-agent is not remembering my private key passphrase. It keeps prompting to enter it, each time I open an SSH session. I cannot figure out why and hope somebody ...
23 votes
5 answers

How to specify password in ssh command

From the terminal I type: ssh user@ip and then it prompts for a password. Is there a way to specify the password in the ssh command itself?
1 vote
1 answer

ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" – file not found

I'm trying to run cat < /tmp/test.txt on remote host host2 through host1. The file /tmp/test.txt exists on host2. I try: # locally ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" The ...
0 votes
0 answers

Windows YubiKey GPG works with putty but not terminal

I created three gpg subkeys stored on my YubiKey as described here. I added enable-ssh-support and enable-putty-support to my gpg-agent.conf file. Everything works when accessing a server with the ssh-...
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8 votes
2 answers

Shared connection frequently closes when opening a new connection

I'm making heavy use of reusing a shared connection which I open to a remote box at the beginning of my workday. My .ssh/config looks somewhat like this: ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/...
1 vote
1 answer

Non-root User Rsync Daemon rsync error: error starting client-server protocol (code 5) at main.c(1675) [Receiver=3.1.3]

I am on on Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop and I am backing up a remote client Ubuntu 20.04 server using the following basic framework: In /etc/sudoers non-root-username ALL= NOPASSWD:/usr/bin/rsync From Desktop ...
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to not overwrite existing files when using pscp?

I am trying to copy files from a folder on a server using a batch file, however, I don't want the files in the destination folder to be overwritten. This is what I have: set /p address=ip address: ...
2 votes
2 answers

How to get ssh to use config on jump-host?

Let's say I have two servers: jump and target. On jump I have: jump:~/.ssh/config: Host target User targetuser HostName actual-target-hostname.fqdn IdentityFile ~/.ssh/target_rsa ... and on my ...
1 vote
2 answers

What ProxyCommand to use for ssh host-based authentication relay?

I have a host $HOST which I can (only) access by sshing to a host $BASTION and then, by host-based authentication, connect to with ssh $HOST. $HOST does not accept access by for example public-key ...
0 votes
0 answers

How to fix cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host

I use oracle cloud infrastructure. I was trying to connect thorough ssh and I got this error "cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host". I have checked everything. ...
1 vote
3 answers

PuTTY Fatal Error: No supported authentication methods available

I try to establish an SSH connection with the Linux server of my web hosting provider. I receive the following error when using PuTTY Release 0.74 Build platform: 64-bit x86 Windows: "No ...
0 votes
1 answer

Failed to download files from a remote machine using MobaXterm

I am connected to a local VM linux machine using MobaXterm SSH with no problems. The problem is I am not able to download files from that machine. MobaXterm shows that dowloading is in progress, but ...
0 votes
0 answers

tmux ctrl-b + [arrow key] for navigation not working

I am pressing Ctrl+B, releasing both keys, and then pressing arrow keys, but it is not navigating (instead it is going through past commands as if Ctrl+B was not pressed). I'm using tmux in a SSH ...
1 vote
1 answer

Equiv of `ssh a -tt ssh b` or how to use remote ControlMaster

I have two servers, A and B. Login to B requires 2FA every time, so I use a ControlMaster to persist the authentication status. However, I'm using a laptop, which sometimes sleeps and stops all TCP ...
23 votes
5 answers

Windows SSH server refuses key based authentication from client

On Windows 10 1809, I have enabled the in-built SSH server, and have configured it. On another machine, I have used WinSCP and PuTTy generator to generate an authentication key. I copied the public ...

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