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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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ssh key and firewall blocked zone

i added ssh key from servera to serverb [production5@servera ~]$ ssh-copy-id production5@serverb and i added servera to blocked firewalld zone in serverb. firewall-cmd --add-source= \...
bahadir b's user avatar
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use aws instance connect without port 22 open from anywhere

Right now I can connect to my ec2 instance using aws instance connect (via the browser, aws console site), if I have in my security group port 22 open from anywhere, I tried to specify instead of 0.0....
Omu's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure new user for AWS EC2 with SSH

I have created an EC2 instance. It has internet connectivity and I can ssh into ubuntu@ip using the 'test_kp.pem'. I have created a new user.. useradd test-user and created a new keypair test-user-...
Hector Harris's user avatar
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SSH Connection - Permission denied on MacBook

I am having problems with my newly setup Ubuntu 22.04 LTS server. My goal is to access the server via SSH from my laptop. But I cannot connect and get an "Permission denied" error after ...
SJF's user avatar
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AWS SSM SSH with host alias not working as expected

I'm wondering why this command works (1): ssh -i .ssh/my-dev.pem ubuntu@i-1234abc But this command fails with the error below (2): ssh myec2 The error is: An error occurred (TargetNotConnected) when ...
Markus Hedlund's user avatar
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SSH connection through tunnel unable to negotitate error

I am using an SSH tunnel to establish an SSH connection to a device, I am creating the tunnel with: ssh -L localhost:44445:X.X.X.X:XXXX [email protected] However when I try to ssh through the tunnel with: ...
Pietro Paolini's user avatar
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ssh config generic vs specific the title meets quality standards

I have .ssh/config starting with ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%C ControlPersist 24h ForwardAgent yes ServerAliveInterval 60 AddressFamily inet AddKeysToAgent yes and end with Host ...
chx's user avatar
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google cloud vm & putty - after moving I get "Network error: Software caused connection abort"

I hope this is the correct place to post this question. I apologize if not. Let me start by saying this is NOT a keepalives issue. My bot is running 24/7 so there is, at least to my knowledge, no need ...
Yellow Blood's user avatar
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mac os web app not accessible on LAN

I have a web app on port 3333 on my mac os (ventura). This mac has a static internal network IP ( I want to access this web app from another machine on the. LAN via ...
bcsta's user avatar
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Unable to connect to a raspberry pi4 using SSH via Mac

So I just set up a fresh install of Ubuntu Desktop 23.10. I used the OS Customisation options in the Raspberry pi Imager program. There I set SSH to enabled. I then mounted the SD card after it got ...
curies's user avatar
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Why can't rsync be used in place of IMAP/POP? [closed]

Disclaimer: this relates to those who like to manage their email as files, using the likes of mutt or some other maildir reader. Before I became familiar with the likes of rsync and scp, IMAP and POP ...
Seán Healy's user avatar
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public key passwordless ssh from linux to Windows 10 works for domain account fails for local user

Linux box is Fedora 39, latest ssh/openssl libraries. Remote box is Windows 10 LTSC build 17763, OpenSSH.Server~~~~, sshd.exe claims 7.7.0. Linux user1 tries to connect as ruser1@windows, where ...
HASM's user avatar
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Vim/Nvim Remote Editing

I want to work from my local nvim client on a project on a remote machine. My job requires that I don't store any source code on my local machine and only work on remote (I think writes to /tmp are ...
ataha322's user avatar
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interactive ssh connection forgetting/creating keystrokes

By and then it happens to me, that an ssh session running on WSL/windows11/ubuntu_20.04 to Centos 7.9 forgets keystrokes or other keystrokes are suddenly repeated. This is driving me crazy! And I'm ...
Frank Puck's user avatar
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Set terminal color without having bash history look wrong? [duplicate]

A site suggested I wrote the below to set the color of my terminal in `~/.bashrc export PS1=`printf "\033[32m$ \033[39m"` If I log in through ssh, press up, home, up text will be garbled. ...
Andrew Spar's user avatar
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SSH / RDP Reverse Tunnel through intermediary

The problem I am trying to solve is how to establish SSH & RDP connection to a Linux machine that is behind a firewall, with a non-static public IP, and no port forwarding capability: Customer ...
rpr's user avatar
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Connecting through SSH in VS Code crashes my web server

I have a hosted web server and I would like to SSH to it from Visual Studio Code. I have a clean installation of it and the Remote SSH is literally the only plugin it uses. I have created a SSH ...
Ondrej's user avatar
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How to make a script to launch different scripts in different workspaces in linux?

I have limited access to a linux machine, meaning I cannot install any external tools. I want to make a script to open terminals with ssh at different workspaces. However, I found that one way to move ...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
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Setup Port Forwarding

Please help me setup a port forwarding. iMac ➜ Raspberry Pi ➜ My PC using Termius I know my RaspberryPi's public IP, but not my iMac's one. The Raspberry Pi is in the same house as I'm in, and my iMac ...
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Cannot access internal network server from internal network device using public IP

I cannot access server2 from my laptop under the office network using public external IP address. And here is my experiment Case From To Command Connection Case 1 L server1 ssh [email protected] -p ...
Olivia's user avatar
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3 answers

SSH parameterized config entries?

I often setup port forwards with something like: ssh -NL 1234:localhost:1234 MyHostName The ports usually stay the same, but the remote changes. It would be nice if I could create SSH entries like: ...
Nathan Fig's user avatar
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Please, concretely, how to setup port forwarding to use remotely my iMac over SSH, with Raspberry Pi

I have a Raspberry Pi and want to use remotely my iMac. I am in another house, and want to use it over SSH. I have Termius too. I want to create a tunnel where the iMac connects to Raspberry Pi and I ...
user avatar
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setting up ssh between two windows machines - permission denied

I am trying to establish ssh connection between two Windows machines. Here are things I did: I installed OpenSSH on both machines, generated the ssh keys and placed the public key on the host machine ...
SlimakSlimak's user avatar
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I have an Imac and enabled SSh, cannot connect from other places. What is it?

So, I have an iMac and a windows device. I wanted to connect over SSH to it, and it worked, but I was in same house. Now, I'm in my parents home, and connot establish connection. Please help. IP : 192....
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Windows 10 server ssh tunnel to Ubuntu doesn't work

source: Windows 10 Server (local port 8081) destination: Ubuntu ssh tunnel: Putty Windows10 server------->ssh tunnel--------->Ubuntu I have the ssh tunnel up between the source and destination ...
user3916's user avatar
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Encoding issues over SSH characters shown as ~@~X in vim

I am having issues when viewing a file through SSH I have 2 computers connected to each other myServer 'myHost' , sharing over 'SSH' a session. On myServer I have got a log from wget which originates ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
-2 votes
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Where does the command "ssh-keygen -A" generate host keys?

I tried to start sshd and saw an error message as follow. # sshd: no hostkeys available --exiting And did some search and found I need to run the command "ssh-keygen -A" to generate default ...
user1339750's user avatar
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In the Bitvise Client Software, Host Key Verification window shows public key information not generated by me

The Problem(s): After hitting the login button, Host Key Verification window shows up with host key info. (Not generated by me. Should this be happening by default.) For Public Key Authentication, I ...
Jerry Fleurival's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 Desktop no display suddenly "can't open display"

Summarize the problem: I have a headless homeserver running ubuntu-desktop 22.04 using an HDMI dummy plug and have been working fine for months. but lately when remoting using "rustdesk" I ...
Richie Ryulie's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sending text to windows clipboard with iOS shortcuts

The command interacting with the clipboard: echo <text> | clip In the ios shortcut app, i try to do this remotely with the "run script over ssh" command block, but nothing is ...
Forest Lam's user avatar
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SSHFS over multiple connections through a gateway

I have to mount a directory from a machine which can only be accessed through an SSH connection within another SSH gateway that I have to connect first. I want to use SSHFS for mounting, is it ...
kiwo's user avatar
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redirect X11 ssh fowarding between linux and windows

I have a challenge and requesting your help to guide me on that. I have two linux server (A, B), run ssh x11 fowarding from A to B (displaying specific app such as firefox or chrome or ...), infact ...
Ali Dehghan's user avatar
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Long time SSH key to github stops working, and now github tests welcome me as org_name/other_project

A ssh key that had once worked with Github stopped working and nothing I did would fix it. All Git requests would die with the standard git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository In github, I ...
wruckie's user avatar
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Passwords and cookies when running Chrome remotely

I use Ubuntu 23.10. I usually use Google Chrome on my desktop PC, and I have my passwords saved in Google Password Manager. This works fine. But when I login remotely from my laptop (also running ...
k314159's user avatar
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Double SSH then execute NC using Batch file and Plink

Good morning, I need to execute a netcat command and get the output to do elaboration on my local PC (windows). I just need the "connection good/bad" Now I use PuTTY using the following step ...
ThEnGi's user avatar
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Can't view, download, nor upload files on MobaXterm windows

I connect to my university cluster on MobaXterm to submit jobs and when trying to download, upload, or open any files, they start but remain stuck at 0% progress Its basically the same problem as this ...
Klaus3's user avatar
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Is it possible to route all traffic from and to my local PC through an AWS instance using port forwarding?

I am trying to make use of PuTTY's port forwarding abilities to establish a connection from my home PC (running on Windows 11) to an AWS Lightsail instance (running on Ubuntu LTS 20.04) that I've ...
user221238's user avatar
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How to SSH into a server that is only addressable and accessible from jump host?

I can SSH the jump host server B from my local machine A via ssh B. Server C is only addressable (has an address of C.internal) and accessible from B via ssh C. How do I SSH into C directly from my ...
Teddy C's user avatar
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Slow internet when connected to VPN and local SSH at the same time

I use Surfshark VPN over the wireguard protocol with a dedicated IP. The connection is generally fine and the speed is not noticeably different with/without the VPN connected. However, if I ssh into ...
FluxZA's user avatar
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Trying to run some apps from cmd doesn't start them properly

Noob here. I was playing around with ssh and was trying to run some commands (start some apps) on my ssh server (win10). Running anydesk.exe for example, actually opens the program and I can connect. ...
Kite-dude's user avatar
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How can I tell ssh to connect using the non-temporary IPv6 address?

IPv6 interfaces (with routable IPs at least) usually have a temporary IP address, which changes frequently and is normally used for outbound connections in order to provide more privacy. How can I ...
Julien Oster's user avatar
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How to configure ssh client for different host groups? [duplicate]

Is there a way to edit my ssh config to apply config based on groups of hosts? Here my imaginary ~/.ssh/config HostGroup workhosts IdentityFile ~/.ssh/workkey User workuser HostGroup projectA ...
Human's user avatar
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How to add a new SSK key to a remote server and make it works? (with Hetzner)

Problem I've lost an ssh key and thus cannot connect anymore into my Hetzner server. I've read a lot of answers but couldn't make it work... I've also tried to reset my root password, but even with ...
charnould's user avatar
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More secure option than DDNS + port forwarding to host website

I wondered if there is a more secure solution for my setup. A small PC at home is hosting a website (on port 8080) while my router is forwarding outside requests from port 80 to internal port 8080 of ...
Joe's user avatar
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Issues SSHing into Raspberry Pi 5 device on local network using WiFi

I am trying to SSH into a Raspberry Pi 5 on my local network, connected via ethernet. I am using ssh [email protected], and this works when the machine I am SSHing from is also connected via ethernet, ...
kinneyan's user avatar
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How to upload file to PuTTY using PSFTP?

For a school project we are required to use PuTTY only for the semester, we have a specific host that we are supposed to connect to, to upload the files and PuTTY to run them. I have successfully ...
BLW33's user avatar
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Windows Server 2022 openssh sftp change default directory

Windows Server 2022 Installed optional feature OpenSSH Server With FileZilla I connect to server as MyUser which opens to /C:/Users/MyUser/ which is the default directory. But what I want is for the ...
BaltoStar's user avatar
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19 votes
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Why is the SSH server asking for a password even if I specify a valid key?

I can't set up password-less login on a Ubuntu server. Even if I specify a key, I get prompted for a password. The same key can correctly log me in another server. So I don't think it's a permission ...
Sifro's user avatar
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Why does incoming SSH on macOS Monterey stop working but is fixed temporarily by restarting sshd?

I have been allowing incoming ssh on one of my home machines for many years without incident. Recently it stopped working. I have discovered that it can be fixed by restarting the sshd process, using ...
Jeffrey B Mulligan's user avatar
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Can transfer files using WinSCP but scp or rsync fail with errors like "Connection closed"

I get errors when trying to transfer files using scp or rsync, but I can transfer files using WinSCP, and it's using SCP protocol. I'm running WinSCP on Windows 11 and scp rsync on WSL2, and when I'm ...
李昊泽's user avatar