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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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Can’t send over a SSH key to Windows 11 but process works with Windows 10. Why?

I'm running some tests with SSH with public keys. I am generating the keys with the ssh-keygen command in my Linux machine. I'd like to use the SCP command to copy the public key to my Windows 11 ...
slyroad's user avatar
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After upgrading from Windows 10 to 11, why can’t I connect to the PC using SSH?

I can't get incoming SSH connections to work after upgrading from Windows 10 to 11. Background: I was running Windows 10 on a PC, and I set up OpenSSH and keys to be able to remote into it. It had ...
ryan arnold's user avatar
1 vote
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Make sftp-server return a banner/disclaimer

I am deprecating sftp access in favor of a restricted ssh based API. I need the sftp-server (OpenSSH) to return a fixed message "SFTP access will be shutdown soon", preferably on STDERR, ...
oᴉɹǝɥɔ's user avatar
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Copying files from Linux server to windows machine over SSH, using expect script and crontab is not reliable

We have a server that is producing reports from some elements in two formats. PDF and DOCX. I created a crontab job to automate transfer of these files from the server to one of the local Windows ...
anej zafred's user avatar
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Unable to submit the files by Rsync from the Windows terminal to Ubuntu VPS (code 12 error) while normal SSH authentication works fine

Although the Rsync is available for Windows, there are some problems with SSH. Here is the first one: the files are simply could not be submitted because of unclear error "error in rsync protocol ...
Tokugawa Takeshi YD's user avatar
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remote host has disconnected error with sshfs as cron job on openbsd

I am trying to automount a directory with sshfs using crontab. the sshfs command: /usr/local/bin/sshfs -o IdentityFile=/home/user/.ssh/,idmap=user,allow_other,uid=1000,gid=1000 user@...
pitpux's user avatar
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How do I use Localxpose to SSH into a Raspberry Pi?

I want to SSH into my Raspberry Pi 4 when I'm away from home. I already have a Localxpose account, so I figured I would use that. I know I have my keys configured properly, since I can successfully ...
Octa's user avatar
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Unable to connect to ubuntu 20.04 on vm from windows

I could not manage to make ssh connection working. ssh [email protected] time out… Port forwarding: Host ip. Host port gast ip. G-port 2222. 22 Tried with host(...
Davit Shavliashvili's user avatar
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Linux/Ubuntu/Orange Pi5 retrieve open tabs on Chromium (kiosk mode) via terminal - Powershell

I have a problem as of late where I am developing some PowerShell script to manage and update some digital displays. Please see below for my work in progress (By no means done). I am struggling to be ...
M.Atkinson's user avatar
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Managing SSH access and who has access

I'm currently implementing AD and some of the users access external servers via SSH (not hosted within the AD) and I'm looking for a way to monitor who is accessing them and maybe limit them. As far ...
alfcooper1981's user avatar
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How can I send command line output to another computer?

This sounds kind of simple but I can't really figure it out. I have 2 computers. One is my main computer. Another is a laptop used to run business logic. It's quite loud so I put it a few meters from ...
John Hon's user avatar
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SSH forwarding audio in Debian 12 KDE

Systems: X86_64 Debian 12 bookworm KDE AND Debian 11 bullseye KDE Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) (official port of Debian Bookworm) PROBLEM: I have an X86_64 receiving audio from my ...
wonder's user avatar
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Forcefully ending ssh connection deletes content of /dev/shm [duplicate]

I was just curious if the following behaviour is intentional and if somebody could explain this behaviour to me. Enlighten me on this topic. I used /dev/shm as a place for ram transcoding until the ...
speedyonzales's user avatar
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Why OpenSSH client is not using my keys on Windows?

I'm on Windows 10, using an OpenSSH client to connect to a Debian server. All my keys are stored in C:\Users\entityinarray\.ssh\ PS C:\Users\entityinarray> ssh [email protected] [email protected]:...
EntityinArray's user avatar
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Why is msys2 ~/.ssh folder is not used?

I have changed MSYS2 home folder to point to Windows home folder by cd c:\msys64 mklink /j home c:\Users And have set set %HOME% Windows user variable to c:\msys64\home\<user> And have put ...
Gowtham's user avatar
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can anyone explain how user keys are verified (post host key/KEX, and not authorized_keys)? issue with ssh user key verify

Nutshell: Looking for a bit of an ELI5 explaining the protocol and/or implementation (openssh) of [post-KEX] user key verification (who does what) without being in code I don't understand or a too-...
zenfridge's user avatar
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Access local network from VPN while in local network

My local network contains the following setup: Windows RPI (WireGuard, Nginx) NAS When I tried connecting to the VPN from an outside network I could ssh into the local machines without an issue (...
Strinnityk's user avatar
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How to run `nvm` for Windows through SSH?

I'm on macOS and try to run nvm on a Windows host via OpenSSH. I installed nvm via scoop install nvm on my Windows remote. The environment variables are set and where nvm resolves properly, but trying ...
Martin Braun's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

how to solve: ssh "Connection corrupted" error

On a Oracle/RedHat VM that I use every days (probably after the nightly upgrades) I've this authentication error: $ ssh machine Bad packet length NNNNNNN. ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to A.B.C.D ...
Ivan Buttinoni's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reposition window in SSH session? I am logging into a Linux machine from a Mac machine

I am using a Mac with XQuartz to display an X application running on a remote CentOS machine. I'm trying to reposition the window from the remote machine using my keyboard, as it opens in such a way ...
blaughli's user avatar
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Linux oathtool-generated TOTP 6-digit code invalid for 2FA SSH login using

I'm trying to set up TOTP 2FA login into an SSH session on my Ubuntu box. To this end I have in /etc/users.oath: HOTP/T30/6 testuser – 8436e373cbdabce46a5d8d019c463a (I'm generating this value over ...
Stefan's user avatar
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Esc fails on vim via ssh through git bash

I am a heavy user of vim and, by extension, the Esc key. Today, for the first time, I've noticed that it sometimes sends a literal [ to the screen instead of changing to command mode as it should. ...
icedwater's user avatar
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Forwarding traffic from one VPS to another to utilize GCP's network and speedy connection

I have a VPN currently hosted on a VPS far away. For this reason, I have a pretty slow connection. I hypothesize that if I have a VPS close to me, I could connect to the closer one, and use that to ...
Joshua Reisbord's user avatar
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Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process?

Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process? When I open my terminal, an ssh-agent gets created with socket location /var/folders/sm/4bt9kz951dg4s5kq1jwy57tc0000gn/T//ssh-nWola5Puaw6o/agent....
kataba's user avatar
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Why do I need to re-add ssh keys on Ubuntu?

I have a Digital Ocean droplet running Ubuntu. I've created a non-root user (not sure if that plays into the issue or not). I can ssh into the droplet with my local identity, and on the server I have ...
kontur's user avatar
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Possible to disable password authentication and only use Google Authenticator for Linux ssh logins?

Is it possible to setup Linux so that Google Authenticator is the only required authentication? I've had no problem setting up Linux so that password+google auth works, but I've not been able to get ...
raindog308's user avatar
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FileZilla stopped using keys from ssh-agent on macOS

I recently set up SSH access to my web servers on my Mac by following GitHub's documentation for Generating a new SSH key and adding it to the ssh-agent. After that, I installed FileZilla and the ...
kataba's user avatar
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SCP from server to local host failed

I am sure I was SCPing some files TO the server before, but now it does not work in opposite direction. I'm using: $ scp -v mysrv:/home/XXX/dir/app.rb app.rb.bak Authenticated to mysrv ([]...
A.D.'s user avatar
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ssh linux to windows fails, Connection reset

I have set up the sshd server in windows 11 as in the official documentation. I have transfered my public key to the windows machine to C:\ProgramData\ssh\ as administrators_authorized_keys and ...
Kauabanga's user avatar
6 votes
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Trying to understand if fail2ban is working on Debian 10 VPS

I have a Debian 10 server running on a VPS. The only software I installed is: tinyproxy (http proxy) and fail2ban I have included the results of port scan using ss I have included my specific ...
xstack's user avatar
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How to automatically load multiple SSH keys on ZSH and PowerLevel10k

I'm trying to have my SSH keys loaded automatically when I start my computer (I'm running Archlinux). At the moment I have to use ssh-add [PATH]. I use ZSH, Oh my ZSH and PowerLevel10k. Here is my ....
MrZigha's user avatar
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Remote Windows Host Disconnected From Everything When Logging Out From RDP

I have a remote Windows host running Hyper-V virtual machines and I am using the popular service "Tailscale" to act like a VPN to reach the remote network. Due to compliance, I have to sleep ...
VJZ's user avatar
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router -> wax204 AP -> raspberri pi ssh session chain is freezing on certain commands

I have a standard sky router, with one port connected to a newly configured netgear wax204 Access Point (configured in access point mode), with some peripherals hanging off the access point (including ...
Mauvai's user avatar
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Debian bookworm: Long delay when starting application via ssh -X

I have a new vanilla Debian bookworm installation on a laptop. Everything works as intended but when I connect to it with ssh -X and start any application (e.g. gedit) there is a delay of ~ 25 seconds ...
code_onkel's user avatar
3 votes
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How to convert OpenSSH ED25519 private key to the OpenSSH format that MySQL Workbench uses?

Juuso Nykänen's user avatar
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pipefail over ssh in linux

set -o pipefail is not getting evaluated correctly on the remote host if the set command is used in ssh command. Example ssh hostname "set -o pipefail; false | true; echo $?" - gives 0 (Not ...
Praneeth Gudumasu's user avatar
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SSH refuses to work no matter how much work

I am running on a Windows laptop to a Ubuntu MacBook Pro that's running Ubuntu Sever on VirtualBox. I'm running it over VM because the connection at my house is dynamic and Wi-Fi only, and I cannot ...
SensorMyth's user avatar
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Permission denied error when trying to SSH through a script

I have a set of Bash scripts designed to establish an SSH connection from a local machine to a remote server through a middle server. The local script initiates a tunnel using socat, and the middle ...
FLSill's user avatar
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Remotely initialize RDP connection through SSH

I'm trying to find a way to remotely start RDP connection through ssh with cmd. It would work like this: Machine A tells Machine B to connect with RDP to Machine C I've tried logging into the B with ...
DejaBoo's user avatar
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Can’t connect to SSH

I'm trying to get in to the backend of my website in VS Code, but every time I write the password it says could not establish connection to I succeeded with log-in in the terminal, ...
Celeste Holmberg's user avatar
2 votes
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ssh executed from Windows PowerShell displays GUI open file dialogue window

I attempted to ssh from Windows 10 to Ubuntu Linux 20.04 and the "How do you want to open this file?" window appears. I have no idea why or what this has to do with an ssh. Documentation ...
Steven's user avatar
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How to make sure a process spawned via ssh get's terminated with the connection?

Apparently people try to keep processes they started via ssh running even when the connection is gone, see So I was believing ...
frans's user avatar
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SSH: connection to ip closed

I am trying to connect via SSH to my computer: from Powershell, I use ssh user@public_ip and then I insert the password. I have the following response: Impossibile accedere al file. Connection to ...
Leonardo Plini's user avatar
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connecting between two subnets via VPN

I am trying to use mount -t cifs command from my computer to my raspberry pi when i am on the same network there are no issues ssh into the device mount from my computer to the rpi all good The ...
Jordan Avitan's user avatar
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Configure SSH key based not working on Windows

I have a shared laptop with Windows 10 at home that I would like to use SSH to log into from my jailbroken iPhone using the NewTerm and OpenSSH tweaks I used this video to set it up. The SSH ...
Grez's user avatar
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Connect to OpenSSH Server on Windows PowerShell

Following this tutorial: # Confirm the Firewall rule is configured. It should be ...
Splendid Digital Solutions's user avatar
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shutdown command passed with ssh or directly from a pc

from pc1 as user1, the shutdown command doesn't cause any problems, but if I try to use it remotely on pc2 as user2 using the ssh protocol, it doesn't work: it requires authentication and then it ...
mazda's user avatar
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Raspberry Pi v5 - Can not SSH into Pi server via Public Key

I am trying to do the very basic task of ssh-ing into the pi server from my Windows 10 box. I've tried using keys with a passphrase and without a passphrase, both generated within windows using putty ...
Fonkin's user avatar
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SSH Connection Timed Out - TryHackMe Linux Walkthrough

I am a beginner trying to learn Linux from TryHackMe's Linux Fundamentals. I ran out of time on the attack box and have been trying to connect to my active machine using a VPN over OpenVPN Connect. ...
Spider Spark's user avatar
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Configure SSH to immediately deny all authentication but still listen

I'm trying to configure an SSH server to only allow access for a specific user from a specific IP address. I've configured that with PubkeyAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no ...
wastelandcourierperson's user avatar