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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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Shut down multiple linux systems (Raspberry pi) over network ssh [duplicate]

i have 6 Rpi 5 systems which i want to shut down from my windows pc. I was hoping the put a range of IP addresses (they are on my local network 50.100 > 50.106) They all have ssh access too. Is ...
Stuee's user avatar
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How to make SSH more sensible to failures?

SSH sometimes appears in state when process is not finished, there is command log from a server on a screen but in fact connection failed – user can't make any commands, command line does not respond. ...
andre487's user avatar
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scp not working in a custom python shell script after migration from ubuntu 20.04 to debian 12

I have this backup server where various clients upload daily archives via scp. In order to protect the machine and to manage the backups, I have written a simple python shell script that only allows ...
velis's user avatar
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SFTP: Pull files from remote host without directly knowing that they are there?

I'm sure someone has encountered a similar problem to mine before but I can't seem to find a solution by myself: There are two Debian hosts - one within a DMZ, the other within a secure environment. ...
kandreijewsky's user avatar
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After successful SSH connections can not type anything

I am using Ubuntu and after my successful login in my SSH I can not type anything. When I reboot my computer and open a Terminal, I run the command ssh root@****. I receive a password prompt where I ...
Pcelarnik Danevi's user avatar
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Execute a remote shell script from within screen via SSH and view stdout in one command

Couldn't find an answer for my particular use-case in the hours I've unsuccessfully researched this. I have a script located on machine B. I am aiming to run a command on machine A that establishes an ...
DeathToMediocrity's user avatar
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Cisco IR829 , Cellular is not getting IP address

hello I have a problem with my current router and with this model Ir829 i always have problem to get ip address by cellular, the sim card seems to work good with other device, and i have tested ...
Mauro Mejias's user avatar
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How to explain sequences of FIN,ACK instead of FIN - FIN,ACK?

Context: newly installed Debian 12, I get a bunch of strange logs related to ssh: root@square:~# journalctl -u ssh -f May 07 11:13:00 yop-square sshd[766]: error: kex_exchange_identification: ...
WoJ's user avatar
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macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase with git remote since I updated to Sonoma

Referencing this similar issue, which had good suggestions: macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra but this solution isn't working for Sonoma, and using git on a server. Used ...
Joe's user avatar
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How do I clone from local git repositories with ssh?

The final goal is to host a remote repo on my pc that support pushing and pulling. From the official doc given by git help clone, the host url format should be git clone ssh://user@localhost:/C:/path/...
Forest Lam's user avatar
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Connection abruptly terminated by remote host when trying to gain ssh access to a windows computer from outside the local network

I have a windows computer and would like to gain ssh access to its powershell from outside my home network. For this purpose, I opened a TCP port on the router and set up automatic forwarding to the ...
Yes's user avatar
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git - using gitconfig to switch repository host address

So right now I have some alias in my ~/.ssh/config: Host github_company_a HostName Host github_company_b HostName and I use the alias directly: git clone git@...
Prometheus's user avatar
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SSH login to Windows 10 not possible with a admin account

I am trying to establish an SSH connection from a VirtualBox Ubuntu2204 guest to Windows 10 host via ssh using public key. I can do it when I use a non-admin account, but it fails with an admin ...
Alexander Kessler's user avatar
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Using ProxyJump option for SSH tunnel with multiple hops

I need to create a tunnel from localhost to host2 through host1, so I'm using the approach suggested in this answer: ssh -L 9998:host2:22 -N host1 ssh -L 9999:localhost:1234 -N -p 9998 localhost ...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
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ovpn config file creating a tunnel but cannot access LAN apps

I have an ovpn file which opens a tunnel to router I have setup. This tunnel works since I can confirm that my public IP is located at the same location as this router. This router has a local server ...
bcsta's user avatar
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ssh connection on Ubuntu via WSL2 while connected to Windows 10 VPN

To access a supercomputer, I need to connect to the VPN and then perform an ssh command. Is there a possibility to connect to the VPN via Windows 10 (Cisco VPN Client) and perform the ssh command on ...
Emerson P L's user avatar
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ssh config share values between alias

I want to setup a ssh connection with different configurations depending on some conditions. Much of the parameters in the aliases are the same. Is there a way to avoid repeating them in each alias? ...
rkochar's user avatar
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SSH key works for FileZilla and Windows CMD, but not PuTTY

I upgraded Raspbian on my 6 Raspberry Pi units from Bullseye to Bookworm by: Updating /etc/apt/sources.list. sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade I didn't change anything in the upgrade. The ...
Sawtaytoes's user avatar
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Which ed25519 PEM keys does openssh >9.6 support?

According to the release notes of OpenSSH 9.6 it now supports ED25519 keys in PEM format ssh(1), sshd(8), ssh-add(1), ssh-keygen(1): add support for reading ED25519 private keys in PEM PKCS8 ...
till's user avatar
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ssh between two docker containers on different nodes

Hi I am trying to create (preferably passwordless) ssh connection between two docker containers (named master and worker_1) on mulitple nodes and having difficulties. These are the options I tried so ...
aneela's user avatar
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Why did my ssh port forwarding not work?

I have this port forwarding set up at my home: Fedora 39 server with sshd set up and firewall disabled. Linksys WRT32X router using OpenWRT 23.05.x connected to a cable modem (routing capable, but ...
buurin's user avatar
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Access ssh through proxy

My college requires proxy to access the WiFi. My computer is connected to that WiFi at college. I want to access it from my home using ssh. What can I do? what can I do to access a machine using ssh ...
Dhiman K. Chakraborty's user avatar
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How can I configure OpenSSH to forward SFTP-Requests?

I have a two-server setup in which one is only reachable via the other. The corresponding client config looks like this: Host <actual_host> User root ProxyCommand /bin/bash -c "ssh ...
Shade's user avatar
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How to stop ufw-firewall preventing me to ssh into another server?

I have a weird issue on Ubuntu 22.4.4 LTS. Using the ufw firewall, I allowed SSH/Port 22, HTTP and HTTPS. I can successfully login via SSH into my server. However, when I am logged in on the server, ...
itinance's user avatar
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Can't connect via SSH to OpenWrt after changing /etc/config/network

Setup Mikrotik RouterBoard 750gr3 OS: OpenWrt 23.05.03 MacBook Microtik: Port 1 IP: Problem Before a configuration change to /etc/config/network, SSH was possible, but after rebooting,...
zahntheo's user avatar
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Starting a GUI process on a remote windows computer through SSH

I would like to start a process on a remote computer through SSH and have the GUI of the process open up on one of the remote computer's displays. The remote computer is running Windows (10 or 11) ...
Olli's user avatar
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Avoiding Google Authenticator Re-Authentication for Existing SSH Sessions on EC2

I've configured Google Authenticator for 2FA on my Almalinux 9 EC2 instance to secure SSH access. However, I'm prompted for the Google Authenticator code every time I open a new SSH session, even when ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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I can ssh and access the webserver but ping fails

My knowledge about networking is basic. I have several computers in a intranet. Let's call one of them the DB_Host. I want to ping this computer. So I do ping -c 1 When I do that ...
KansaiRobot's user avatar
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Is it possible to have a single IP for a VM in different networks?

I am learning about DNS administration in Linux. And I do it in my office and home. In office my IP range is 10.x.x.x/21 whereas in my home, my IP range is 192.x.x.x/24. Since I am learning DNS by ...
achhainsan's user avatar
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What will be the local IP and remote IP while doing port forwarding in airtel Router?

I bought an unmanaged cloud server from the hosting company. My cloud Server IP is It is hosted with Plesk so PORT is 8443. My local IP is and my Router IP is
Haccker AI's user avatar
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Flushing output on interrupt on the Linux cmdline

On a local terminal, the stty -noflsh option allows to discard buffered output on Ctrl-C and thus prevents from long scrolling delays if one did accidentally output large amounts of text to the ...
Juergen's user avatar
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Unable to get ssh key based authentication working with MobaXTerm

hello I am running MobaXTerm 24.0 and am able to connect to the remote server fine using password authentication but not using ssh keys. I'm also able to ssh directly to the server (I'm using Cygwin's ...
Motorhead's user avatar
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Ansible use connection: local option along with jump ssh

How to make Ansible use jump server ssh when there is the "connection: local" instruction? Ex: - name: snmp hosts: all gather_facts: false connection: local serial: 1 tasks: - ...
rogeriojlle's user avatar
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I'm getting on gitbash a warning WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! for github

When I try to clone a git repository in gitbash on Windows I get following error: $ ssh -T [email protected] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST ...
Asterios Raptis's user avatar
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sshd Match on the type of pubkey being use by the authenticating user (Match PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms)

I want to detect what type of ssh pubkey is being used by a user and do a Match Statement on it in sshd_config. The goal is to prevent using pam if a Secure Key (
perrze's user avatar
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Ncat: Connection Refused when connecting on Linux server

I created a java application and ran it with docker inside a linux server XX.XX.XX.XX. That application should listen behind port 105 of that server. In fact, by executing the "netstat -an | grep ...
El_Merendero's user avatar
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How to be able to access all folders on Ubuntu when using Visual Studio Code Remote?

I have my user which seem to be in the sudo group: myuser@server:~$ groups myuser myuser : myuser adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev But when I use Visual Studio remote with SSH, it doesn't give me the ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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KeePassXC and `.ssh/config` dont behave correctly when setting public key as Identity

I have been using KeePassXC as a password manager for a while and I've been quite happy with it. Today I decided to try to set it up as as ssh agent. The platforms of interest for me are Windows and ...
Sito's user avatar
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X11 forwarding on SDDM

I am trying to forward X11 from my PC (server) to my laptop (client). I allowed X11 forwarding in my sshd_config. Running ssh user@ip -X returns Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth ...
Player_X_YT's user avatar
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Find source of bandwidth cap

Good day! There is a group of Ubuntu 22.04 LTS workstations at work that me and my coworker use to run different kinds of jobs. Both me and another coworker are sudoers on the machines, and we are ...
arthuro555's user avatar
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One liner command to ssh to server2, switch to another user in server2, ssh into server3, run commands in server3 and get output

Because I can only get to server3 from server2 (Server2 running CentOS7), I'm trying to create a "template" command or a script that I can use to : ssh to server2 switch to another user in ...
Tlink's user avatar
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What exactly triggers the following SSHD warning, suspected IP change?

I have connected via SSH to the server before (using name, not IP). What exactly triggers the following SSHD message: Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '[xx.xx.xx.xx]:23' ...
Jan's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Does changing your Mac name affect your SSH key?

I was setting up new SSH keys on my Mac for usage on BitBucket and GitHub. I had not named my Mac yet so it had the default name of <my name's> MacBook Pro. When I was pasting the ssh key in ...
Kaizer Sozay's user avatar
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Why can’t I connect to an SSH server on Windows?

I'm trying to connect to my PC from my laptop when I'm out of town. First I made sure my VPN was turned off. I live in Egypt and my ISP is WE Egypt (aka: Telecom Egypt). I set everything up but it's ...
GeorgeSedhom's user avatar
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Why in port forwarding in VirtualBox I can't set both equal host port and guest port?

Name: Anything you want. example for ssh, say “ssh" Protocol: Type of protocol [ for ssh: TCP ] Host IP: provide hostname from which host you want to connect to [ over here: ] Host Port:...
hodini's user avatar
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why is ssh-key only used on one system

I had to copy manually my ssh key from a windows system to a headless ubuntu server using scp (because ssh-copy-id isn't a basic command on windows), and I've desactivated password authentication. ...
Danywigle's user avatar
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What are the implications for bug CVE-2024-3094 (ssh / xz) and how to minimize potential damage?

What are the real implications for bug CVE-2024-3094 (related to SSH and the XZ library) and how to minimize potential damage to the server?
Felipe's user avatar
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How to properly secure harden SSH in 2024?

Since 1995, SSH, notably OpenSSH server [1999], is one of those essential services like DNS [1985] for admins to manage their IT landscapes. How do I properly secure harden an OpenSSH server in 2024? ...
user418615's user avatar
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Tmux session disconnect does not preserve session content when reconnecting

I need to copy a 200gb+ file to multiple servers from one server. I have a sftp transfer running in multiple tmux sessions from the one server. When I press ctrl+b, d to exit the tmux instance and ...
user460178's user avatar