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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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28 votes
5 answers

Induce Mac graphical login from SSH

How do I induce the Mac graphical login from SSH? Is there a way to make the loginwindow process start a user session by running a command when remotely logged in via SSH as an admin on Mac OS X? ...
Sophie Alpert's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

git-receive-pack : command not found

I made a git repo on a local machine with "git init --bare" and added it as the remote origin on the project on my main computer with ssh: git add remote origin [email protected]:repoName.git I was ...
Philippe Mongeau's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

SCP Error - .+i+;I:

What does .+i+;I: mean with scp? I'm trying to transfer a file from my laptop (OSX 10.6) to my school's linux server (RedHat 5). Ssh works normally with a public key but when I try to transfer a file ...
epochwolf's user avatar
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352 votes
19 answers

How to reliably keep an SSH tunnel open?

I use an SSH tunnel from work to go around various idotic firewalls (it's ok with my boss :)). The problem is, after a while the ssh connection usually hangs, and the tunnel is broken. If I could at ...
Peltier's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Connect using ssh by key fingerprint

I have an SSH server set up on a machine which, unfortunately, changes its IP address quite often due to DHCP. I've worked around it with a small script which iterates over all the addresses for a ...
Robert Munteanu's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How is non-HTTP traffic handled while running Firefox through an SSH tunnel?

I have configured Firefox to run through an SSH tunnel via SOCKS5 so that all HTTP traffic is encrypted. What happens if I am watching a video streaming over RTMP or opening an FTP site? Is this ...
rcampbell's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How to set up Ssh/Sshd for key-based login under Cygwin (Vista) with StrictModes yes

I have successfully set up ssh and sshd under cygwin to allow myself to login from A to B and B to A (both A and B are Vista machines). To do this, I have had to set StrictModes no in my /etc/...
Brent.Longborough's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how do I copy files from a remote host to my computer?

I am trying to use the following command: $ scp remoteusername@host:$HOME/fileiwanttocopy /my/local/comp I woould like for home to be evaluated on the remote host instead of my computer (which it is ...
Derrick's user avatar
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11 votes
5 answers

PuTTY authentication equivalent on Mac OS X?

On my Windows development machine, I use Pageant with a secret key to authenticate with an SVN server. I want to know: What's the equivalent Mac process for doing this? Pageant isn't ported, how do I ...
Joseph Weissman's user avatar
35 votes
6 answers

sshfs mount without compression or encryption

I am a very frequent user of sshfs for mounting various disks over the network. I do however have a very small machine (with an atom processor) from which I need to mount a directory using sshfs. Is ...
Bjarke Freund-Hansen's user avatar
1 vote
5 answers

What is the best way to perform daily/weekly/monthly backups?

I am currently running a script in leopard every few days to make sure I have backed up my data on a remote server using: #!/bin/bash rsync -avvz ~/Documents ~/Workspace -e ssh [email protected]:~/...
Penang's user avatar
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300 votes
11 answers

Remove key from known_hosts

I built several virtual machines during the last few weeks. The problem is, the .ssh/known_hosts gives me the Man in the middle warning. This happens because another fingerprint is associated with the ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How do I make OS X set the terminal title back to the original title when coming back from ssh?

Starting on OS X, I ssh into foo (a Linux box). My terminal title changes to foo. I then ssh into bar (another Linux box). My terminal title changes to bar. I log out of bar. My terminal title ...
Chas. Owens's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

VNC connection from Windows to Mac drops immediately

This tutorial describes in detail how to setup a remote desktop from Windows to a Mac using putty tools and VNC. However, my connection is immediately dropped after authentication. (i.e. tunneling ...
Hauke's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

SSH login without password [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How do I set up SSH so I don’t have to type my password? You don't want to type your password when you ssh into a machine. What can you use to accomplish this? Are ...
crst53's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What SSH server software for Windows support direct screen access applications?

SSH for Windows does not support applications that implements direct drawing to the terminal screen buffer (like FAR Manager I mostly interested in using with SSH). What other SSH servers supports ...
Maksee's user avatar
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15 votes
9 answers

Running commands on Putty without fear of losing connection

How do you use the "screen" command effectively? Is it: Type "screen" Type in command Lose connection Check back on lost session How do I carry out step 4?
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0 votes
5 answers

Reset SSH password on DroboShare

Today, I started toying around with installing DroboApps on my DroboShare. I first installed the Drobo Admin Utility, which allowed me to simply install Dropbear SSH so that I can ssh into my ...
Tom Lokhorst's user avatar
471 votes
4 answers

What is randomart produced by ssh-keygen?

When you generate a key, you get "randomart" from newer versions of OpenSSH. I am unable to find an explanation of why, and what I'm supposed to use it for. Generating public/private rsa key pair. ...
dlamblin's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

How can I get the comment of the current authorized_keys ssh key?

Edit: What I really need to know WHICH ssh key from authorized_keys has been used to identify the currently logged on user. According to "man sshd": Protocol 2 public key consist of options, keytype,...
krosenvold's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

brute force password guessing on SSH server isn't going to work?

I'm running an SSH server on my personal computer. The log had many people(or bots?) repeatedly trying to log in to my server (that is before I changed the default port), which made me a little ...
RamyenHead's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Setting up an SSH Server on Port 80

I'd like to set up an SSH Server to the public internet on port 80. I've got SSH for Windows installed on my machine, and I can use Putty to SSH into localhost. In my router config, I set up a "...
Ryan's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Colors in ssh connection

I have a colorful bash terminal (e.g. ls and vim show colors when configured to do so). How can I have these colors when connecting to a remote server via ssh?
Adam Matan's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Why does my remote process still run after killing an ssh session?

I'm tailing a remote logfile by running this command in a local shell: ssh remotemachine tail -100f /path/to/error_file When I ctrl-c out of this command, it seems that the ctrl-c kills the local ...
Ryan Olson's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can I use SSH port forwarding to connect via RDC to a Windows VM setup to use NAT?

I have the following, totally bizarre, please don't ask, setup: AirPort router iBook running Virtual PC connected to AirPort MacBook running RDC connected to AirPort A Windows XP VM running on ...
kch's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

Is there a way to SSH or otherwise view an iPhone's files without jailbreaking it?

I have an app on my iPhone that no longer works (it loads to splash screen then quits), but I have some files on there. Is there any way for me to pull these files off through FTP/SSH/Finder (I don't ...
waiwai933's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

How do I skip the "known_host" question the first time I connect to a machine via SSH with public/private keys? [duplicate]

How do I skip the "known_host" question the first time I connect to a machine via SSH with public/private keys?
user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

How can I set my computer up for remote SSH access?

I have a Linux machine that I can access by SSH from my laptop when I am inside my house, but when I am using another Internet connection, I can't connect. What do I need to do? I have Verizon DSL ...
Eric Wilson's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Is it a bad idea to use the same private ssh key on multiple computers?

I recently bought a laptop from which I need to access the same remote hosts that I do from my desktop. It occurred to me that it might be possible to simply copy the private key file from my desktop ...
Jason C's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Make Evolution go through a SOCKS proxy

I use Evolution for email when I'm on Linux. Most of the apps follow with GNOME's proxy setting, but Evolution does not do SOCKS proxies. Right now my proxy is simple SSH forwarding. The SOCKS host ...
jweede's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Purpose of username in OpenSSH public key file?

Let's say that my username is user and my computer name is cmp. I notice they are also part of my SSH public key: user@cmp:~/.ssh$ ls config id_rsa known_hosts user@cmp:~/.ssh$ cat ...
Deleted's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How do I connect to an SSH server from Ubuntu?

I've been given this information (changed to protect the innocent): Hostname: Port: 4033 Username: user Password: $ecrectP#ras3 Protocol: scp I don't have to have a nice ...
codeLes's user avatar
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0 votes
4 answers

Created a key using SSH keygen, can't see the folder using filezilla

I created an ssh key using: ssh-keygen -t dsa But when I use FileZilla (FTP) to my server, I can't see the .ssh folder or files. I even tried moving the id_dsa file to another folder but I still can'...
user3183's user avatar
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1 vote
8 answers

From within telnet (putty), can I download a file to my computer?

I generated a key for use with SSH (Subversion) on my Unix server, and I need to download the key. I tried to use an FTP program but the folders are hidden i.e. /.ssh/ Can someone download them ...
user3183's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

/usr/bin/reset disables backspace

Following this question, running /usr/bin/reset destroys my backspace functionality. What can I do? After pressing backspace I get ^?
flybywire's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How to make HOME or END keys work in mc running on OS X (ssh)

I installed MacPorts on OS X 10.5 and I found out that when I connect to the computer using SSH and use mc - Midnight Commander - the HOME and END keys do not work. I have to mention that I'm using ...
sorin's user avatar
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14 votes
8 answers

Save me from gibberish terminal

While logged in to a remote ssh session, sometimes I do cat to the wrong file (a binary or a diretory) and the display converts to gibberish. The only way out is to close the terminal and open a new ...
flybywire's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

How can I use ssh to run a command on a remote Unix machine and exit before the command completes?

How can I use ssh to run a command on a Unix machine and exit before the command completes? For instance, if I type ssh localhost 'sleep 60 &' ssh hangs on my terminal until sleep completes, ...
Richard Hoskins's user avatar
197 votes
10 answers

How do I set up SSH so I don't have to type my password?

How do I set up SSH so I don't have to type my password when connecting to a host?
57 votes
13 answers

How do you get screen to automatically connect to the current ssh-agent when re-attaching to an existing screen?

If you start a screen session while ssh-agent is running (from ssh -A agent forwarding), accessing ssh-agent works fine. However, if you detach from that session, log out, log in again (with ssh-agent ...
user avatar
29 votes
2 answers

How to prevent clearing of terminal output when I "exit" an SSH session?

This is the situation: I open a terminal in Ubuntu, and do ssh host-1, which works as expected. From host-1, I do ssh host-2, which again works fine and connects me to host-2. From host-2 I do, for ...
user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Sharing a GNU Screen Session

I have a meeting with a professor coming up shortly, but he won't be at school for a face-to-face meeting. Instead he will meet with me via Skype and an SSH login. I'm a heavy user of GNU Screen, but ...
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6 votes
13 answers

How do I push a file from a Linux box to a Windows Box?

How do I push a file from a Linux box to a Windows Box? Which versions of Windows have a built-in SSH server that a Linux box can "scp" (secure copy/ssh) to. I'm looking at freesshd right now. Any ...
StephenNYC's user avatar

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