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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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How can I share executables from my Linux build computer with my macOS editing computer?

I currently have a setup where I edit code on my Mac, push the changes to a GitHub repository, pull the changes on my Linux build server (controlled via SSH), then build the program. The issue is that ...
AcinonX's user avatar
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How to run a single command via ssh to WSL2 [duplicate]

I'm trying to run a command from a non-Windows device that looks something like this: ssh me@host 'cat file' > file host is a Windows 11 box that is configured to SSH directly into a WSL2 shell. ...
Michael's user avatar
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MobaXterm Terminal Settings will not get saved in subsequent runs of a session

When I spawn a new ssh session in MobaXterm and Change the font family in terminal settings this setting won't persist in new spawns of the session. How can I fix that?
Mohammad Hosein's user avatar
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On Ubuntu Desktop ssh does not read first line of authorized_keys

Seems nobody has run into this based on my searches so posting this here. Installed Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 on Hyper-V behind NAT on Windows 11 Pro. Desktop version has no ssh preinstalled, so installed ...
Megakoresh's user avatar
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GNU 'Screen' clears some or all of the output history displayed in the terminal when attach to the screen

I use autossh and also screen on my Ubuntu server, because of the poor internet connection I have, I use both to keep my connection alive even when my internet connection is lost... But I experienced ...
TuanHaxor's user avatar
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2 answers

Port forwarding gets me to router login page

I have port forwarding configured on a Teltonika RUT240. The plan is to connect to a device on the local network. Connecting to the public IP (static IP from ISP) only gets me to the router's web page....
mandarinar's user avatar
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How to Find the Local IP Address of a New Linux Server for SSH Without Direct Access?

I've recently added a new Linux server to my LAN and I'm looking to manage it via SSH. However, I only have one monitor, which is currently being used by another computer, so I cannot directly access ...
konchy's user avatar
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How to diagnose SSH login issues and general slowdowns on an Ubuntu server?

I'll preface that I get this is a really vague title, I'm just not sure where to even begin debugging. I have an Ubuntu server running in my house and every while (say couple weeks?) I no longer am ...
ROODAY's user avatar
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Trying to ssh into my wireless router from my Raspberry PI - debug1: send_pubkey_test: no mutual signature algorithm

I have an Asus router: RT-AC1300G PLUS In its settings I set a ssh public key that I generated on my Windows PC using ssh-keygen. I can connect from my PC without a problem. I can't however connect to ...
Acat1728's user avatar
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MobaXterm new-tab button - how to make it open existing user session

In MobaXterm I used to be able to start a new tab with a (saved) SSH session just by clicking the 'plus' button next to the right-most tab. Now, it instead opens a new tab showing the 'Home' page; ...
Austin's user avatar
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how fast a firewall/DPI system can find an ssh server IP on a random port [closed]

Sniffing SSH traffic on port 22 to determine the server IP address should not be hard for any firewalls/DPI systems. I am wondering if the port is random thus we have around 60k possibilities, how (...
Shakiba Moshiri's user avatar
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Windows 11 SSH fails to connect using a private key specified in config

I'm trying to set up SSH to connect to my host using a private key instead of a password, but the Windows SSH client is failing to connect to my host: PS C:\Users\user> ssh ...
RareScrap's user avatar
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Is it possible to display "visual client keys" in the sshd log?

I found recently that the ssh VisualHostKey setting is very useful for server "users" to determine that their host is the correct host, but is there a way to log the "visual key" (...
Lazerbeak12345's user avatar
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PuTTy wrongly display nethack ncurses characters as chinese character "贩"

Using PuTTy to ssh connect to [email protected]. This is the game evilhack, but I think nethack is the same, using the curses interface, which I think is ncurses. It should be fine, but those 2 ...
Xdminsy's user avatar
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Stuck at Vagrant connect to SSH

I am using Vagrant 2.3.4 and Virtual Box 7.0.8 to setup VM box eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9 9.0.37 on Windows 10. After using vagrant up, I have faced the SSH issue with this log: Net::SSH::...
BachKhoa's user avatar
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3 answers

How to create a read only user for rsync?

I have A and B linux servers. I have many users with their home directories in /home. I want to run rsync in B to sync /home from A. I want to consider the following: I want to use SSH key auth for ...
MAMProgr's user avatar
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Is it possible for Ansible to reuse the existing SSH connection to the remote host in order to rsync some directories?

Following script is meant to be copied and run on the remote host, i.e., ansible-playbook -u root -i inventory.ini sync-w-ctrl.yml: #!/usr/bin/bash au=jimmy dirs=( "/home/${au}/...
John Smith's user avatar
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setup up ssh connection with 3 Ubuntu machines to bypass a firewall

I have 3 machines, here are the IP addresses of each of them with their ssh port : first device IP: second device IP" port 22822 third device IP: port 22 I ...
nulltogeek's user avatar
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Accessing MySQL database through SSH tunnel

At the moment I can access a MySQL database by SSHing in terminal. This prompts me for a passphrase for a key ssh Enter passphrase for key '/Users/yourname/.ssh/path/to/key': ...
Gregory Peck's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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Why is the key pair generated on the iOS switch [SSH server], not on the client?

I've been going through book CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, as I'm learning for the CCNA exam: CCNA_200-301_Official_Cert_Guide/Odom,_Wendell_-_CCNA_200-301_Official_Cert_Guide,_Volume_1....
John Smith's user avatar
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Proxy server forwarding traffic over two consecutive proxies

I have a server behind a bastion server and use an SSH tunnel to forward traffic between my laptop and a lab environment. Using proxychains-ng I can successfully forward traffic from commands with ...
Clancy Walters's user avatar
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ssh login delayed on Debian

When logging in to an up to date Debian 12 (bookworm) server via ssh (to IP address) the login is delayed by ~10 seconds after entering the password (and also when doing ssh login via key). Here is ...
LeifSec's user avatar
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How to X11 forward after multi hopping in SSH?

I have the following SSH flow: root@HostA -> root@HostB -> root@HostC -> user@HostD I want to do X11 forwarding for Firefox on HostD all the way back to HostA, since A, B and C don't have ...
robertinho's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I SSH into this home router? Minimal web options, SSH connection reset by peer, telnet creates bad request

I'm looking to extract logs from my TP-Link Archer AX73 to do some basic network monitoring. I initially followed a guide involving an SNMP exporter but quickly discovered that there is no option to ...
followmeimlost's user avatar
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There is better solution than simple port forwarding from my router to my internal system?

If I forward a port from my router to one of my internal system's ssh port, I start to get messages from the system of attempts with invalid password, invalid user, etc. I assume that someone is ...
pedz's user avatar
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Port Forwarding is not working [closed]

I want to be able to connect to my Raspberry Pi either via ssh or through connection like server-client from WAN which I think I need to do with port forwarding which is what I'm having problems with. ...
ZombieSpale's user avatar
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SSH X11 forwarding works only for WSL but not to a remote Host

I have a remote PC running Ubuntu 22.04. From another PC running Windows 11 I can connect via OpenSSH to the remote Host. However I am not able to use X11 forwarding (with the -X option) to launch a ...
Mario Hiti's user avatar
-1 votes
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windows 11 ssh key generated in system32 instead of .ssh

My windows 11 openssh is generating SSH keys under system32 folder instead of .ssh even if .ssh folder exits under my user folder. What might be the problem and how can i change it? PS C:\Windows\...
Nogi's user avatar
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Using rsync to mirror the contents of a directory on a NAS

I have two network attached storages (NAS). I am trying to mirror a directory on nasA (IP ending .69) to nasB (IP ending .11) using a Windows Subsystem for Linux. On my laptop I SSH to nasA and try ...
Pete Whelan's user avatar
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Netbird (Wireguard) SSH Connections Blocked Even Though Ping Works

I've begun using Netbird 0.24.3 as an easy way to implement a multi-site secure network via Wireguard. I have 7 peers and for the most part, it's been working great. Tonight, I was connected to a ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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Is it possible to install Linux OS on a computer with SSH with no monitor?

I have an old computer I want to use as a Minecraft server. It has no working display ports and has Windows 10 installed on it. The computer is an HP Pavilion m9047c and I want to install Ubuntu ...
Evan Reineck's user avatar
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Cannot access the private network when connecting through a VPN to my Raspberry Pi

I can't access the router nor the Raspberry Pi through SSH when connected to it through a VPN, which is hosted in the Raspberry Pi. The issue doesn't appear in my phone, so the issue is in Windows. I ...
wirytiox's user avatar
2 votes
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X11 forwarding from a remote Linux server to a WSL2 desktop

I need to run GUIs from a Linux server (which I do not have sudo for) for work. Being on a Windows 11 computer, I set up a WSL with Ubuntu-22.04, and succesfully followed these steps to display Linux ...
nastypigeon's user avatar
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Automate a menu presented by a remote SSH jump server

I need to connect to a remote host through a jump server, but this server presents me with a menu like Please make a selection (1 2 ... q) 1. SSH Remote Server 2. Open a local session q. Exit From ...
lpacheco's user avatar
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SSH not recognizing that my public RSA key is already in the authorized_keys folder?

Apologies if the question is really simple, however I have not been able to find a solution yet. I am exploring the exploitation potential of Kali Linux on the popular Metasploitable vulnerable server....
Jakub Zak's user avatar
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Persistent SSH Error 'port 22: No route to host'

I have been trying to resolve a problem on my Windows 11 laptop dealing with openSSH server with the error message 'port 22: No route to host'. Mind you I have done the download correctly, and have it ...
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Is there a solution for remote development for IntelliJ Community Edition?

I am using a Coder cloud instance to host my source code, and would like to develop out of IntelliJ locally on my workstation. The problem is I'm using IntelliJ Community Edition and remote ...
MegaMatt's user avatar
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Private ssh key deleted itself after attempted migration

I'm migrating to a new laptop for work (Mac -> Mac, both on Sonoma). To migrate my ssh keys I made a tarball of my ~/.ssh directory and copied it over to the new machine. I went to ssh to one of my ...
Loren Gilmore's user avatar
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Xshell: Unable to login to virtual VM using ssh

I have a Virtual VM RHEL9. Also configured port forwarding to login to m/c using ssh. When i am using cmd [in Win11] it works fine. ssh using cmd But the same fails when used in xshell ssh using ...
srmalige's user avatar
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How many environment variables can be passed through openssh SendEnv/AcceptEnv

I have added SendEnv whatever_* in ~/.ssh/config on the local host and AcceptEnv LANG LC_* whatever_* in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on the remote host. Now, I'm trying to run some stuff on the remote ...
Bogdan Prădatu's user avatar
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ssh, udp and split tunneling accross windows 10

I use "Bitvise SSH client" on my windows 10 machine to Connect to SSH server in windows Server. It doesnt tunnel all of my Pc so use Softether VPN Client Manager To Connect it via Socks ...
Guester 's user avatar
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Can't SSH on a FRESH install of Ubuntu Server 23.10 on a Raspberry

After days of trial and error, Ubuntu Server 23.10 is FINALLY running on my Pi. Already ran apt update and apt upgrade. However I can only control my Pi via direct keyboard and monitor. It's not ...
Omar's user avatar
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sudo password not working over ssh

I have a user on my local (virtual) machine with sudo privileges and when I login with this user I can run SUDO commands such as: $ sudo ls [sudo] password for <user>: ***PASSWORD ENTERTED*** &...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
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I'm unable to connect ssh using putty on my pc, but on other pc I can

Hello people of this community, I purchase a vpn and when tried to connect through ssh i got the error "connection timed out" every time I try to connect using putty. on a remote desktop I ...
Francisco Barbosa's user avatar
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SSH to server fails intermittently with correct password

I am using MobaXterm to connect to a CentOS server from a Windows machine. My username and password is saved by MobaXterm. Sometimes when I try opening an ssh session with the server it works and ...
Brian H's user avatar
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SCP silently ignored on the remote machine

When I'm trying to copy a file using scp (in whatever direction), there's no error displayed (although the returned $? code is 1), all I can see is the message that normally the REMOTE machine prints ...
Ethouris's user avatar
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"Remote side unexpectedly closed network connection" when I use general hostname in MobaXterm

To connect to a remote Red Hat machine in a cluster, the SSH command needed is as follows, ssh -X -i id_rsa -t username@JumpHost ssh -X username@FrontEndHost since there is a jump host named JumpHost....
zzzhhh's user avatar
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Home network SSH between two machines with two routers between them

Ok so in my home network I have two routers setup, one from my ISP and my own Linksys router. I am currently trying to setup a Pi connected to the ISP modem/router but since my workstation is ...
Starkiller4011's user avatar
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Iptables redirect outside requests to (VirtualBox)

I have a virtual machine installed with the output: ifconfig: enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::...
moninah's user avatar
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