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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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Sending Environment Variables via SCP

I'm looking to send some kind of environment variable using "SCP -o" (or any other file transfer protocol for that matter PSFTP, PSCP, etc). I currently use SCP to transfer files between ...
horsman's user avatar
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adding *any* directive above Include negates HostName inside that included file

Okay - worst subject ever? Sorry. $ cat ~/.ssh/config # Host wut # LocalForward 1234 whatever:1234 Include ~/.ssh/test.include $ cat ~/.ssh/test.include Host op1 HostName $ ssh -...
jsharpe's user avatar
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SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B

Schematic: ssh ssh A ------> B ------> C ^ ^ using A's using B's ssh key ssh key Preconditions: A is running ssh-agent A can access B B can access C A can't ...
J.Nexus's user avatar
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How do i set up MacOS Screen Sharing only through SSH?

I am physically in another country, and I want to set up Screen Sharing on my MacBook Pro running 10.15. The problem is that I didn't even think of setting up Screen Sharing before I travelled, ...
py660's user avatar
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Hotspot connection SSH / Ping

I have a singleboard computer (Rock 4 SE) with a wifi that is hotspot capable. It is running linux Debian. I want to SSH into it with my laptop using the linux machines own wifi as a hotspot for ...
Gergely Lévai's user avatar
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Screen capture in Windows is all black

I'm trying get screen capture through a SSH connection. In this SSH connection, I'm using the normal user. (in my case its PC) I found that after executing this command: screenshot-cmd -o test.jpg ...
RoseTeq's user avatar
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Getting Remote side sent SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO after USERAUTH_SUCCESS on mobaxterm

I am getting Remote side sent SSH2_MSG_EXT_INFO after USERAUTH_SUCCESS on mobaxterm after some times, I tried to google up but couldn't find solution. This one say to adjust the PuTTY's Connection/SSH/...
Will Khoo's user avatar
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How to find the ssh connection behind a reverse tunnel from the server side?

I use the the ssh -R command to create a ssh reverse tunnel in the client side: ssh -fNR 3389: user@remotehost In the client side, I can use the ps and netstat commands to find the ssh ...
wangwei's user avatar
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Is it possible to see MacOS's sshd process in the output of ps?

I am running the following version of MacOS: $ sw_vers ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 14.5 BuildVersion: 23F79 I observe that when I run ssh localhost, I am able to ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Having JetBrains WebStorm open regularly kills screen session in PuTTY

I have a very odd and very frustrating issue. Summary I have my Linux environment set up to automatically reconnect to any existing screen session on log in, which when combined with the WebStorm IDE ...
Eric Shields's user avatar
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ssh-connection from outside (and inside) fails -- Linux Mint

PROBLEM no ssh connection to my local computer possible, even not ssh [myname]: ssh localhost, on the other hand, works entering sshd: ALL and ssh: ALL in /etc/hosts.allow does not help ...
hjm_els's user avatar
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Windows YubiKey GPG works with putty but not terminal

I created three gpg subkeys stored on my YubiKey as described here. I added enable-ssh-support and enable-putty-support to my gpg-agent.conf file. Everything works when accessing a server with the ssh-...
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Incorrect permission of copied files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh

After copying files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh, the copied files and folder have permissions that only creator have full access and other users including SYSTEM and Administrators have ...
VladE's user avatar
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Will this OpenSSH config provide the best security

Setting up my OpenSSH server on a Windows 10 server to be exposed to the WAN. (Up until now it has just been used on the LAN). What I am trying to achieve: When connection is from the internet, only 1 ...
M_D's user avatar
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ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" – file not found

I'm trying to run cat < /tmp/test.txt on remote host host2 through host1. The file /tmp/test.txt exists on host2. I try: # locally ssh -t host1 ssh host2 "cat < /tmp/test.txt" The ...
Daniel YC Lin's user avatar
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tmux ctrl-b + [arrow key] for navigation not working

I am pressing Ctrl+B, releasing both keys, and then pressing arrow keys, but it is not navigating (instead it is going through past commands as if Ctrl+B was not pressed). I'm using tmux in a SSH ...
Joe C.'s user avatar
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How to fix cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host

I use oracle cloud infrastructure. I was trying to connect thorough ssh and I got this error "cannot connect to host: dial tcp: lookup ubuntu@####: no such host". I have checked everything. ...
KafeelGamer's user avatar
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use proxmox services without logging, possible?

i want to know if it is possible to use proxmox services without logging, i mean without connect a keyboard and a display. I remark that when i reboot my hypervisor, many time i was forced to launch ...
Dod's user avatar
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How to transfer a file to a remote host using parallel + ssh?

I am writing scripts to poll a large number of remote hosts over ssh using gnu parallel. I copy the script to them, run it and get the results. Right now I'm using two bundles parallel + scp to ...
Дмитрий Брыкалов's user avatar
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Using E2C to connect two Linux computers behind NAT

This has been asked before but I've had no success. I'm trying to connect two Linux devices via an E2C as a jump host: [Box2 (Accessing REST API)] --> [EC2] --> [Box1 (Hosting REST API)] What I'...
leo8382's user avatar
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How can I make an internal server access the public web behind a jump host

Say that I have a server A:, which is an totally internal server cannot reach out any public services, such as apt, pip. And I cannot log in A directly. I have to use a jump host B:
Whisht's user avatar
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RPi 4 Keeps Hanging: Docker Services & SSH Fail Randomly

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with an SSD running Raspberry OS Lite. I run Docker containers for Home Assistant, Pi-Hole, and NetDaemon. I've been experiencing random hangs where the system becomes ...
Eugene Niemand's user avatar
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Unresponsive domain names freeze SSH connection when using SOCKS proxy

Is it possible to stop the SSH connection freezing when using dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy) when it encounters an unresponsive DNS name? I found the whole SSH connection freezes when going on ...
Aenfa's user avatar
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SSH timeout over WAN

I have an openssh server set up on my homelab that I want to be able to connect to remotely. I have forwarded the port and tried to connect to it on LAN using the public ip of my homelab. However I ...
Bluesheep33's user avatar
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Is there a way to access a web server with only an Ethernet cable?

I need to access a web server to get some files. I have an Ethernet cable that I can connect my laptop to the server, but I cannot use SSH or remote desktop because I don't know the server's username, ...
Gabriel Pacheco's user avatar
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SSH can't connect to my public IP

4928 2024-06-09 19:04:41.088 debug3: checking match for 'Group administrators' user hanul host [publicIP] addr [publicIP] laddr [publicIP] lport 22 4928 2024-06-09 19:04:41.088 debug3: get_passwd: ...
hanul's user avatar
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How to git clone a public repository through firewall?

I am trying to install a scientific software package on a HPC cluster. Let's call it clusterhpc. During the configuration process software package tries to clone a bunch of public git repos. However, ...
mechanics32's user avatar
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SSH Connection timed-out connecting to a VM via port-forwarding on Windows11

I am on an issue since a while, getting urgent, and not super confident in the Windows sphere. I have a desktop at work that functions as my test desktop. To try software, etc, I installed Hyper-V and ...
ThomVIB's user avatar
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Why can I not use SSH from powershell open in Sublime Text?

I am very much new to this, so if I am missing something obvious, tell me. I use Sublime text as a text editor and IDE. I recently installed the Terminus extension because I thought it would be useful ...
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Jenkins publish over SSH fails to connect after upgrading Jenkins

I recently upgraded Jenkins from 2.46.2 to 2.426.3. My config of Publish over SSH stopped working. It uses password authentication. I provided: Name [DEV] Hostname Username Password Remote directory ...
Sybuser's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up a remote login session where a specific user only has access to certain folders, and can only run one executable?

I have a server where I'd like to grant a user the ability to log in remotely, but restrict the session in two specific ways: They can only access a certain set of folders on the computer, and for ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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How can I automate the connection to an On Prem Windows VM that uses Azure AAD for authentication?

My requirement is to automate the transfer of files, and running commands on the Windows VM, which is currently a manual process where I log in to the VM via RDP (and it prompts me for my username/...
Anshuman Kumar's user avatar
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Equiv of `ssh a -tt ssh b` or how to use remote ControlMaster

I have two servers, A and B. Login to B requires 2FA every time, so I use a ControlMaster to persist the authentication status. However, I'm using a laptop, which sometimes sleeps and stops all TCP ...
Yuxuan Lu's user avatar
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curser desync when connecting to a fish shell on a raspberry pi over ssh

This is a rather specific issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if it occurs due to some more general shortcoming. In short, the issue is that, when using the fish shell in my Raspberry Pi, over ssh, ...
Brendan Mesters's user avatar
-1 votes
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Execute windows exe files on wsl after metadata,umask=022, fmask=111

WSL can't run any exe files after I added options = "metadata,umask=022,fmask=111" to wsl config. The reason I did this is so I can share ssh keys from a parent windows machine. So I would ...
user1016976's user avatar
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NetMod Error "An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions"

I am using an application called NetMod, and I am using an SSH configuration. However, the problem is that when I press start, I cannot connect, and the log shows the message: An attempt was made to ...
Yakame Program80's user avatar
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Is there a way to reserve bandwidth for ssh on linux / debian?

I ssh into my dev machine, and then start a download, for instance "ollama pull llama3" This uses all of the available bandwidth for the network interface, which makes ssh unresponsive until ...
Morten's user avatar
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ssh-keygen fails to read key generated by itself

Using OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.7 on WSL, ssh-keygen refuses a key it previously generated, outputting error: do_convert_from_ssh2: parse key: invalid format Reproduction $ cd /tmp/...
YSC's user avatar
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Cygwin SFTP connection closed after PubKey authentication when Match User is set up in sshd_config

I have problem during configuration of Cygwin sftp server on Windows Server. When I'm trying to change root directory of one user with Match User I got "Connection closed" after sftp to this ...
Hubert Lubaś's user avatar
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How to directly save video from camera (of linux machine A) to another machine B over ssh

I am using a camera on my Linux-based computer. I want to store the camera feed directly into my Synology Network attached storage (NAS) which I am accessing through SSH over an ethernet cable. I am ...
Sparsh Sharma's user avatar
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Using rsync with an oldie Netgear NAS (ReadyNAS Pro BE, RAIDiator 4.2.31)

I have an old NetgearNAS (ReadyNAS Pro Business Edition, RAIDiator 4.2.31 firmware) that I set up years ago to house (among other things) my music library - which is quite large. The other "...
Seamus's user avatar
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How to use ssh x11 forwarding on Windows?

I am running XServer by VcXsrv on Windows. Here is my VcXsrv configuration, and I believe it should be listening on :0.0, which is port :6000. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&...
Sangria's user avatar
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Proxmox Root Passwords being changed randomly

I have a Proxmox Cluster set up with four nodes and One qDevice set up. I just got the qDevice working last night, but since this evening I'm seeing something I can't really understand. The passwords ...
AdderoYuu's user avatar
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Ubuntu SFTP Server Permissions

I'm trying to create a SFTP server using Ubuntu Server 24.04 LTS, and I'm having trouble copying to the folder I created: The sshd_config sets ChRootDirectory to \sftpsrv, which is a mounted disk ...
SIMOES's user avatar
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Can a ssh reverse tunnel bind to something else than localhost?

Machine A has a service (say - web server) bound to localhost:80. Machine B wants to access this service but has no direct connection to machine A. I want to create a reverse ssh tunnel from Machine B ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Is ssh-keygen -s supposed to work with ssh-agent?

We're converting our ssh host keys to certificate-signed keys. I wanted to write a script that would use ssh-keyscan to grab all the public keys, then sign them all, and then use ansible to push the ...
thomasafine's user avatar
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Postfix being restarted

I have a script that submits form data to my email that works on local host, but not on the server. # See /usr/share/postfix/ for a commented, more complete version # Debian ...
Adi Mehmedičević's user avatar
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Establishing a VPN connection between 2 PCs behind CGNAT through a cloud server

I have 3 devices in different countries. I want to establish an OpenVPN server on my machine and a client on the other 2 machines and route all their traffic through my network. The problem is that ...
Madara's user avatar
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Cant ping or ssh ubuntu server locally, server can ping websites

Installed ubuntu server and openssh on old laptop installation went well. Settings good, all firewalls down, ssh active BUT still no machine can ping server n server can ping machines. Tried pinging ...
Kuziwakwashe Chikwete Swagger's user avatar
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The mouse keeps moving by itself when I'm using a macro program in RDP sessions

my case is the following: I have 10 VPS RDP sessions open on my computer at the same time. On each VPS I am running a Macro Recorder program (an autoclicker) that performs automated activities. This ...
Mercadão do Jeans's user avatar

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