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Questions tagged [ssh]

Secure Shell; a network protocol that allows data transfer over a secure channel between two networked devices.

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11 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to make WinSCP use my SSH config file?

I use SSH-based tools on Windows, which use configuration files in %HOME%\.ssh\. Is it possible to make WinSCP use that configuration file too, so I only have to manage one configuration? It's ...
user541686's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Attach to the same tmux session from different nodes of a cluster

I'm working on a computing cluster which has several hundreds of nodes. A load-balancing scheme picks an idle node to login to when ssh-ing into the cluster. As a result, it is very unlikely to re-...
elemakil's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Why can’t I type during git clone PuTTY connection?

I want to clone git repo from CLI in Windows. When I'm executing: git clone '...' I am then getting: The server's rsa2 key fingerprint is: ssh-rsa blablabla If you trust this ...
Krystian's user avatar
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9 votes
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Why is there no UDP port forwarding in SSH?

I know SSH can forward TCP ports, not UDP. I'm not seeking help to circumvent this restriction (this subject is covered here). I'd like to know what is the reason SSH never got UDP forwarding ability....
Kamil Maciorowski's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to prevent gnu screen capturing the mouse?

I want to use local scrollback on my terminal, whilst using gnu screen. That's because my network connection is incredibly slow, so using screen's scrollback is very slow. Local scrollback is much ...
Hugh Perkins's user avatar
8 votes
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ssh randomly can connect, and sometimes "kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host"

Connecting to my server has never been a problem. But now I've added a mesh router in bridge mode to my regular router, and when I try to ssh to my server, sometimes it works fine, and other times ...
David Ljung Madison Stellar's user avatar
8 votes
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Moving mouse in iTerm causes characters to be to printed to prompt

I am having an issue with iTerm that happens to me intermittently. When I am using iTerm and I move the mouse up and down, or click a bunch of random characters are printed to the prompt: I am in a ...
Jack Gore's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Shared connection frequently closes when opening a new connection

I'm making heavy use of reusing a shared connection which I open to a remote box at the beginning of my workday. My .ssh/config looks somewhat like this: ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/...
elemakil's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

FreeSSHd + WinSCP: "Server refused public-key signature despite accepting key!"

I'm trying to gain access to my Windows 2008 R2 server via SSH. I have a Remote Desktop connection, but I need to upload my files to the server. For SSH servers on the Windows server, I've tried ...
FlyingMolga's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Can't open an SSH session because of OpenSSL version mismatch

I just ran apt-get upgrade, and according to /var/log/apt/history.log, openssl has been updated to version 1.0.1e-2+rvt+deb7u7. Now I have one SSH session still open, but I can't open another one. I ...
Niek's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to route OpenVpn traffic through another server?

I have a server (ubuntu 22.04) with Openvpn on it on port 443 (with docker image kylemanna/docker-openvpn). It is working with no problem and the clients can connect to it. The problem is that the ...
Amir Sheybani's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I change the allowed host key algorithms for SSH?

I am writing an application which uses the libssh library. I am trying to establish a connection from the client side where the app runs to the server. However, instead of connecting, I get an error ...
DocDriven's user avatar
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6 votes
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Force restart of systemd-logind.service

I'm having trouble login using ssh on one server, the connection takes too long. I have had the same situation before on a different server and restarting systemd-logind.service worked. I tried to ...
Hohenheimsenberg's user avatar
6 votes
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Reverse sshfs over ssh

I want to mount dir on remote machine from host machine connected over ssh preferably via ssh tunnel; with method described below. how to mount local directory to remote like sshfs? But if get peer ...
Jas Codes's user avatar
6 votes
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How do I remote SSH into an IPv6 address behind a router firewall?

I have this fancy new ubuntu server I just built assembled, and I'm trying to set up ssh from anywhere so I can keep it headless. I've been able to set it up locally, and as long as I'm on the ...
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

git clone extremely slow using ssh

Originally I could do git clone using ssh at an acceptable speed. However my ubuntu crashed, so I reinstalled using the newest version 13.04. After I re-installed all I try to do git clone using ssh ...
Y Wang's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Trying to ssh into IPv6 address, getting "no route to host"

I have a home computer that uses Ubuntu 22.04, that I'd likely to remotely SSH into, from the internet. I'm trying to do this through its public IPv6 address. The address doesn't begin with fe80::, so ...
Train Heartnet's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

VM got 10.0.x.x address instead of 192.168.x.x address?

I've searched the similar question (and prepared to be downvoted too). I'm new to virtualbox, and I have Ubuntu-server-VM (with guest addition installed) run on my Windows-10-Host using VirtualBox-5.2....
Luke's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Ssh X11 forwarding messes up with default shell

I have a bash specific code in my bash profile: $ cat ~/.bash_profile #!/usr/bin/env bash echo "SHELL: $SHELL" function printfiles() { while IFS='' read -r _file || [[ -n "$_file" ]]; do echo ...
kaligne's user avatar
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GPG agent over SSH (with vagrant)

I'm using vagrant for building and signing my debian/ubuntu packages but I'd prefer to not have have to copy my GPG keys into the virtual machine just to sign packages. It just feels insecure. Is ...
notpeter's user avatar
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GPG Agent under Windows as SSH Agent for git bash

I'm trying to set up gpg-agent as the common authentication agent under Windows. It works fine for both Putty and regular gpg use, but now I'd like to use it as ssh-agent in git bash as well. From ...
Simon Richter's user avatar
5 votes
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SSH reverse proxy

I am setting up a Gitlab server ( inside a virtual machine using KVM on a Ubuntu 14.04 host. My university charges us for every external IP address, so I cannot use bridged ...
oceanhug's user avatar
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How to manage SSH keys securely in Windows?

I currently have an SSH key I use to access both Bitbucket and my home server from my Windows laptop. The most convenient way I found to deal with the use of the private key was to just have pageant ...
Faqa's user avatar
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5 votes
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How to set timeout for svn update?

I have about hundreds of server(all has its own working copy), fabric(python ssh tool for administration) will issue multiple svn update to those machines, many commands (10% machine) return ...
schemacs's user avatar
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HTTPS hangs using SOCKS5 proxy over SSH tunnel

Using SecureCRT at work to connect via SSH to my home Mac using a SOCKS5 proxy (my company also has a corporate proxy). I am using Chrome and Firefox with this SOCKS proxy. Regular browsing is quick, ...
Frank Furter's user avatar
5 votes
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gpg-agent asks for ssh password, although the private key has no password set

I am using gpg-agent to manage my github ssh key. I generate my (private) ssh key via openpgpg2ssh from my private gpg key. Unfortunately, although my private gpg key is not password protected, gpg-...
ILikeGit's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

ProxyCommand with sudo

I'm trying to set up SSH so that I can easily log into an server that is accessible only via a sudo to an intermediate server. From the command line, logging into it is of the form: sudo -u admin ...
brool's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to troubleshoot a long delay when connecting over SSH?

SSH'ing to my Linux workstation from my Mac laptop works totally fine, except that there is sometimes a very long delay before I see a prompt. If I try again then it's fast like normal, but a few ...
jacobsa's user avatar
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Cannot use `open` command via SSH on Mac

I have a workflow where I use SSH in terminal in conjunction with remote desktop, and I often use the open command in SSH to open something in the GUI. However, recently it stopped working with the ...
Maurice Lam's user avatar
4 votes
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Accessing Docker's volume using WinSCP

I have 2 Ubuntu 20.04.1 machines with Docker installed. I would like to access the content of Docker volumes using WinSCP. i.e. access the path /var/lib/docker/volumes/my_vol_name/_data which is fully ...
Qua285's user avatar
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4 votes
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Windows 10's SSH Client can't paste tilde and backtick

I'd like to use Windows 10's SSH Client so I don't have to install other programs to ssh but it is impossible for me to paste the tilde character (~) and the backtick (`), they are just ignored. By ...
Christian Toffolo's user avatar
4 votes
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Can anyone make Chrome and/or Chromium post version 78 work over ssh X forwarding?

Since version 79, Chrome and Chromium fail to work over ssh X forwarding. Forwarding is indeed working on my setup, and I use Firefox, VS Code and Eclipse seamlessly over the X forwarded tunnel. But ...
fundagain's user avatar
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Windows 10 terminal: Is it possible to save ssh password?

My question is about the new windows 10 terminal At work, I SSH to several servers daily, centos 6 and centos 7, I need to save ssh password, like mobaxterm I can't create ssh keys, because I have far ...
Lynob's user avatar
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OpenSSH for Windows denies public key login with AD user

On aWindows 10, v 1903 system, I am running v of OpenSSH for Windows and trying to connect to it, using public key, from a remote location Username and password authentication works fine. ...
user1173240's user avatar
4 votes
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Can you connect two GNOME-boxes via ssh?

I’m trying to set up 2 node Hadoop cluster using two lap-tops with GNOME-boxes, both running Ubuntu 17.10. The both laptops are connectes to the same wifi but the GNOME-boxes alone are not connected ...
anagardastro's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Microsoft Remote Desktop - "Started Connecting, Giving Up"

My local machine is a Mac and I ran out of disk space on on my remote machine's "/dev/xvda1" filesystem. % sudo df Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/xvda1 ...
Sacha T Red's user avatar
4 votes
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"ssh -X" doesn't open matplotlib figures

Often times, I ssh into another computer to do python work. While I'm coding, I like to have an ipython shell open for quick testing. For some reason, I cannot get matplotlib to open figures. Here is ...
mwoods's user avatar
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Unable to ssh into my linux machine behind a router from outside the network

We are about to deploy some of the gateway devices (Raspberrypi) in the field. Although we are trying to make them so robust that we should not be required to remotely access them but as this is one ...
srj0408's user avatar
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2 answers

Binding DPDK to a NIC without loosing connection

I want to bind DPDK to a NIC and I'm following this documentation here If I only have one physical NIC, how do we ensure that we don't loose connection to the machine while running the dpdk_nic_bind ...
Nithish Inpursuit Ofhappiness's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Permanently set keyboard layout in X11

I need a psychiatrist for my PC. It is convinced it is an iMac (sort of). Seriously: I have a problem which popped up apparently from nowhere, most likely due to some upgrade with "side effects", ...
ZioByte's user avatar
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4 votes
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SSH Like Port Forward But with authentication?

ssh user@server -R server:port1:localhost:port2 This way ssh will forward requests to server:port1 to localhost:port2, but anyone can connect to server:port1. So I'm wondering of there's ...
SparedWhisle's user avatar
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How to get an ssh socks proxy on demand?

I know ssh provides a SOCKS proxy with -D. I wonder if it's possible to start such a proxy on demand, the moment a connection is made to a specified port (using the likes of socat and nc under the ...
Matei David's user avatar
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SSH Failing with User not known for local user

I added a local user to my server (CentOS 6.5) but when I attempt to login as that user I'm getting denied by SSSD with the following error: I can connect with my LDAP credentials fine but can't ...
Ken J's user avatar
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Windows 10 pro 1607 14393.10 has ssh server built-in?

I see SSH Server Broker and SSH Server Proxy services running and can connect to the machine from LAN and WAN. I am not able to login with administrator account nor I was able to find any information ...
nLL's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

List the monitors physically connected to remote computer (make/model details)

If I were sitting in front of the computer I could run xrandr --query in terminal but this doesnt tell me the make/model (at least i know something is connected) but while remote (using ssh) I receive ...
DevinM's user avatar
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How do I automatically ssh in tmux if I open a new pane or window from an ssh pane or window?

I'm a bit of a tmux novice, so there may be a really easy answer to this question, but the title pretty much sums up the question. Let's say I am ssh'd into a server in a tmux window and I go <...
Ethan Brouwer's user avatar
4 votes
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SSH can't read a key from custom authorized_keys file because of a comma

I inherited some code; among other things, there is a custom authorized_keys file with X.509 keys in a format like this one: x509v3-sign-rsa subject:O=GrandsChocolatiers Ltd.,OU=Management,OU=Top ...
dzookatz's user avatar
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ssh disconnect: broken pipe

When I'm connected to an ssh server, I often get disconnected with the error packet_write_wait: Connection to Broken pipe I'm connected via cable. I don't see any instabilities in my ...
pfnuesel's user avatar
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How can I add a new user with SSH access to a Ubuntu VM on Azure?

I feel like this should be an straightforward thing to do, but I'm struggling to find an answer that works... I have an Ubuntu 14.04 server running on Azure with the Resource Management type of ...
aritchie's user avatar
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Cygwin: scp/ssh is slow

I'm using rdiff-backup for backuping my data. Since some machines are using Windows I installed sshd and rdiff-backup with cygwin there. The backup works but is pretty slow. I then did some testing ...
PaL's user avatar
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