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Questions tagged [ssh-keys]

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520 votes
15 answers

How to fix warning about ECDSA host key

I'm trying to setup password-less SSH on an Ubuntu server with ssh-copy-id myuser@myserver, but I'm getting the error: Warning: the ECDSA host key for 'myserver' differs from the key for the IP ...
Cerin's user avatar
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253 votes
4 answers

How to convert .ppk key to OpenSSH key under Linux?

I know that is possible to convert .ppk under puttygen in Windows, but how to do that on Linux? Is this possible ?
marioosh's user avatar
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102 votes
4 answers

Using Multiple SSH Public Keys

I have a personal account and a company account on Unfuddle. On Unfuddle SSH keys can only be used on a single account, so I need to create a seperate SSH key on my laptop for both accounts. I ran ...
Dave Long's user avatar
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99 votes
7 answers

How to store SSH keys?

I've started using SSH keys instead of passwords just recently (thanks to GitHub, of course), so please keep in mind that I'm pretty new to this whole concept. Currently my keys simply lie under ~/....
Anton Strogonoff's user avatar
97 votes
17 answers

SSH-Key authentication fails

I'm trying to ssh into a CentOS server which I have no control over.. the admin has added my public key to the server and insists the fault lies with me but I can't figure out what is wrong. Config ...
Tim's user avatar
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97 votes
6 answers

How to make git not prompt for passphrase for ssh key?

I'm using git bash and I setup ssh key using ssh-keygen and each time I do something with a repo git ask me for passphrase for /c/Users/jankiewj/.ssh/id_rsa. Is there a way to disable that passphrase. ...
jcubic's user avatar
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81 votes
5 answers

Bad owner or permissions on ssh config file

I have realized that I am no longer able to connect to the webserver at x.x.202.50. Yesterday I have changed the following ssh configuration file: /share/homes/admin/.ssh/config by adding the ...
symp Ioio's user avatar
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74 votes
2 answers

Read Only access to GitHub repo via SSH key

I want to generate an SSH key with only READ permissions to be used with my GitHub account is it possible? or should I create another account with only read permission?
jibe's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Configure ssh-key path to use for a specific host

When connecting via SSH my terminal wants to use id_rsa by default. I don't want to use that key for this particular server. So I am forced to specify the proper key path when connecting: This works ...
MastaP's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

SSH: "Permissions 0644 for '' are too open."

Why is 0644 i.e. -rw-r--r-- too open for a SSH key? Also I could not find any false permissions on the .ssh directory (0700) or the home directory (0731). Btw I'm getting this error when testing the ...
user2820379's user avatar
39 votes
4 answers

Get the fingerprint of an existing SSH public key

This Question asks about getting the fingerprint of a SSH key while generating the new key with ssh-keygen. But how does one get determine the fingerprint of an existing public key in a .pub file? ...
Basil Bourque's user avatar
36 votes
6 answers

To use ssh-id-copy do you need both and id_rsa?

I am trying to setup a second access ssh key for a friend. He sent me his ssh-copy-id -i [email protected] /usr/local/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: failed to open ID file './...
user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

Missing ~/.ssh Folder in macOS High Sierra

I'm trying to find my ~/.ssh folder, but can't. I'm familiar with terminal so I've been going through my filesystem and can't find it anywhere. Has it relocated in the file tree or is my computer just ...
Alex Schneider's user avatar
30 votes
3 answers

Connect to server using SFTP and a public SSH key using FileZilla on Windows

Is it possible to generate an SSH key on a Windows machine and then use that key to connect to a server using SFTP via FileZilla? This is all working with my Mac, but I have a client that is stuck in ...
macek's user avatar
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28 votes
4 answers

Running ssh-keygen without human interaction?

Would it be possible to run ssh-keygen without human interaction? I have a shell script that takes care of server deployment from start to finish, but ssh-keygen is the only remaining piece that ...
Hayek's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

How to secure SSH Private key on Windows 10

I'm using the new ssh client for windows 10 and when trying to connect with a private key I'm getting this error: @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: ...
Martin Brown's user avatar
27 votes
5 answers

How to ssh-copy-id 2nd key when the server only allows publickey authentication

[MacOS 10.12.6 host, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS guest] I have a local VM setup to only accept publickey authentication. Until now, I've been using a key that requires a passphrase to be entered, and the ...
gone's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

How to ssh as another user

The remote server only allows account X to ssh to. Now, from my computer, I want to ssh to the remote server as account X without password. I generate the private key on my local computer and share ...
chipbk10's user avatar
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25 votes
3 answers

How to verify host fingerprint in Openssh

How can I verify fingerpint of newly connecting host when I try to connect from my remote machine to home-machine. At first connection I got this: [email protected]$ ssh emiter@home-machine....
Emiter's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

How do I connect to SFTP with provided SSH Key?

I was redirected to this StackExchange, it is my first time here. The extent of experience I have with SSH keys begins and ends with the one time I setup the ability to push code to GitHub. I need to ...
user5854648's user avatar
19 votes
1 answer

How to quickly identify SSH private key file formats?

Triggered today by Remote Desktop Manager, whose SSH Key Generator offered to save a private key in OpenSSH format, but then proceeded to store it in PKCS#1 / OpenSSL format, while using the same ...
Reto Höhener's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

What does ssh-keygen [-o] do?

Gitlab lists their ssh-keygen commands with the -o flag: But I cannot find -o in any help page or man page. What does it do?
jsarbour's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

How can I force SSH to ignore the IdentityFile listed in "Host *" for one specific host?

My SSH config file is set up to use a specific IdentityFile in the Host * section as the default key. For one particular host, I want to offer a different key (and only that key, never the default key)...
Scott Dudley's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How do I use KeePassXC as an SSH agent?

There's an SSH Agent tab in KeePassXC's options. How do I use it to manage my SSH keys across multiple Windows and Linux machines?
gronostaj's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

How to setup SSH Keys on Windows machine (SSH Client) to access Azure Linux VM?

Googling was fruitless, as most people have a slightly different variation of this problem. I am trying to setup an Azure Linux VM with SSH (no password), for access from a Windows machine. 2018 ...
Alex R's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

How to use PuTTY for forwarding keys

My situation : - I am connecting from my PC (Windows 7) to the server A via (using my private key and my password) with a userA - I'd like to connect from A to the server B via a command ssh: ssh ...
Noche's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

SSH Key Authentication on Synology NAS

On my Synology NAS, I can't get SSH key authentication working. I have tried all the usual things (added to authorized_keys, edited sshd config, ...), and still haven't been able to get it working. I'...
George's user avatar
  • 462
12 votes
8 answers

Disconnected: no supported authentication methods available

I have the same exact problem described in this thread, but the answer accepted there is not the right one for me, because the user's home directory is local. I think that I configured everything ...
WinWin's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How to generate a public/private key (UNIX)

Can some one please tell me, for using SSH, why does a host also need to have a public and private key? And how can I generate a public/private key pair for myself?
Justin k's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How safe is it to make my SSH Public key, very public?

Is it a security risk to allow anyone to see your SSH public key? My public key(s) are on all the machines I login to regularly, and I've also given other sysadmins my .pub file so they allow me ...
Alister Bulman's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

How to add PEM file as SSH private key to "known hosts"

I have Ubuntu desktop, and I have been given a PEM file (mykey.pem) that is the SSH private key for a Linux server. I am trying to figure out where this PEM file needs to be placed locally on my ...
smeeb's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

"Permission denied (publickey)." after update of Cygwin

I updated Cygwin and I can no longer SSH into any remote machines. Here is the relevant debug output from SSH; What is happening? debug1: Server host key: ssh-rsa SHA256:...
Nifle's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Forwarding ssh key using docker composer-compose

In docker 18.09+ we can use the following approach to use a forwarded ssh key when building an image: # syntax=docker/dockerfile:experimental # example file FROM node:10.15.3-alpine RUN apk update &...
Cyclonecode's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Tell git which private key to use for a user without home folder

I was reading the question Tell git which private key to use, and the answer doesn't apply for a case were the user doesn't have any home directory. We're setting up a Jenkins server right now, and ...
FMaz008's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Stream video on VLC Player over sftp with ssh key authorization

So I know that I can stream media to VLC using sftp, however my server uses ssh-key authorization and not username/password. Is there any way to allow VLC to use my private ssh key to connect to my ...
simon_lefisch's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

'Server refused our key' upon attempted connection to Windows Server

I'm attempting to use PuTTY to securely connect my remote desktop from my laptop to my desktop computer, and so far I have been successful in tunneling through the proper ports WITHOUT A KEY, just by ...
Christopher Walters's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Passwordless login via SSH from multiple computers

I'm trying to understand the concept of passwordless login via SSH. As far as I understand you create the SSH key pair on the computer on which you will connect FROM. Then copy the public key to the ...
Santa's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Tell ssh to try all key files in ~/.ssh/

I have multiple keys in my ~/.ssh/ directory, each with a separate project name, for projects that have multiple servers each. id_rsa_project1, id_rsa_project2 However, ssh won't search for them. ...
tudor -Reinstate Monica-'s user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Marketing Cloud SSH Key Generation: Inconsistency between PuTTY and ssh-keygen

After spending two months back and forth with Salesforce Support, I have finally worked out that in order to upload an SSH key in Key Management, you have to use PuTTYgen, not ssh-keygen (on Mac). ...
ejangi's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Cygwin Connection closed by ::1

During the installation of Hadoop I am trying to setup CYGWIN and ssh. Installed and ssh also started successfully and setup authorization key as instructed HERE but When I try to connect to the ...
manurajhada's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Does the size of a RSA key cipher have any impact on my internet connection?

I am wanting to setup passwordless authentication to my remote linux server, I was going to generate an RSA public/private keypair. I was thinking about cipher strength like 2048 bit and 4096 bit. ...
AtomicPorkchop's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Current directory in SSH config

I have a project which has all the id_rsa files and an SSH config in it, which has entries something like this: Host projectname-server-1 User root Hostname IdentityFile ./...
KNejad's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to convert an existing private key into ppk format using ssh-keygen?

I have a private key private.key) in format -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----IEpAIBAAKCAQEAvKwuhMiQR/THmjK.....-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----, and I am trying to convert it in the format that putty (.ppk)...
pratik swami's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Do I need to keep the comment at the end when I copy SSH public keys to another machine?

Say I have a public RSA SSH key that looks like: ssh-rsa ijvoienvejfvmiejnci3onrvejviewlonvcljnrijcnreionv me@machine If I’m copying this key to share with another machine, do I include the comment ...
pretzlstyle's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

OpenSSH - Any way to keep strict host key checking but check only the key and ignore server's name?

Question Is there a way I can keep the strict host key checking behavior on but have it check only the server's key fingerprint (which is effectively already a unique identity for the host), without ...
mtraceur's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Unable to Change Password for Private SSH Key

I'm running PuTTY Pageant on Windows, and I used it to generate a private SSH key with a .ppk extension. Now I want to change the password to that key, so I opened my Git bash terminal, cd'd to my ....
kmgdev's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to set up VPN connection with .p12 and .ovpn file?

I'm quite new to Linux (Ubuntu 10.10) and I'm having a hard time trying to import keys and certificates for a VPN connection to my work office server. I have a .p12 file which is the key I'm guessing....
user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Why is my hostname appended to an SSH public key when I generate it from the command line?

When I generate an SSH key through a Bash file on Ubuntu, the machine name (I guess that's it) of my PC is automatically added to this SSH key. This is the part that generates the key inside the ...
CodeWhisperer's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

SSH with Dropbear: "Permission denied (publickey)"

I've create a RSA key pair with ssh-keygen. In /etc/dropbear-initramfs/authorized_keys I have the public key, and on my client machine I have the keypair in the /home/<name>/.ssh/ directory. ...
lasttry's user avatar
  • 63
6 votes
1 answer

SSH Key Apparently Expired:

I was under the impression that SSH keys did not have an expiry, so I am a bit puzzled as to why a client came to me yesterday to advise that 2 of our keys had: Message from client: I can see that ...
Donna's user avatar
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