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Is it possible to have a single IP for a VM in different networks?

I am learning about DNS administration in Linux. And I do it in my office and home. In office my IP range is 10.x.x.x/21 whereas in my home, my IP range is 192.x.x.x/24. Since I am learning DNS by ...
achhainsan's user avatar
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Why in port forwarding in VirtualBox I can't set both equal host port and guest port?

Name: Anything you want. example for ssh, say “ssh" Protocol: Type of protocol [ for ssh: TCP ] Host IP: provide hostname from which host you want to connect to [ over here: ] Host Port:...
hodini's user avatar
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SSH refuses to work no matter how much work

I am running on a Windows laptop to a Ubuntu MacBook Pro that's running Ubuntu Sever on VirtualBox. I'm running it over VM because the connection at my house is dynamic and Wi-Fi only, and I cannot ...
SensorMyth's user avatar
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Stuck at Vagrant connect to SSH

I am using Vagrant 2.3.4 and Virtual Box 7.0.8 to setup VM box eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9 9.0.37 on Windows 10. After using vagrant up, I have faced the SSH issue with this log: Net::SSH::...
BachKhoa's user avatar
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Xshell: Unable to login to virtual VM using ssh

I have a Virtual VM RHEL9. Also configured port forwarding to login to m/c using ssh. When i am using cmd [in Win11] it works fine. ssh using cmd But the same fails when used in xshell ssh using ...
srmalige's user avatar
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Iptables redirect outside requests to (VirtualBox)

I have a virtual machine installed with the output: ifconfig: enp0s3: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 inet netmask broadcast inet6 fe80::...
moninah's user avatar
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Vagrant cant provision vm with debian/bookworm64 ssh authentification failed

I am trying to start up a VM with this box "debian/bookworm64" but it timeouts during the ssh authentification. I've used the same Vagrantfile with ubuntu/focal64 and there it just works. I ...
starryn1ght's user avatar
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Virtualbox Port-Forwarding Does nothing when SSH connection is attempted

I recently created an Ubuntu 22.04 VM with virtualbox. Its network setup consists of a Host-Only Network & and a NAT. I recently set it up to allow ssh connections on the private network through ...
Cyberslash's user avatar
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Vagrant up fails with VMware provider

When execute vagrant up, getting this error The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! /sbin/ip -o -0 addr | grep -v LOOPBACK ...
zimmer's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Unable connect to local webserver via secure ssh tunnel

I have problem with connection to the virtual server. I always get connection refused and I don't know how to solve it. I installed bitnami wordpress on virutal machine(VirutalBox). This working ...
detector's user avatar
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VirtualBox Natted Networks & SSH

So I've run out of ideas on troubleshooting this to resolve the problem and figured this was the next stop. In short I'm running Ubuntu within VirtualBox and I'm trying to SSH to the virtual machine ...
Crimson Mugen's user avatar
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Taskhost Process has high CPU when using VirtualBox

I am running a Ubuntu VirtualBox-VM on my Windows 10 host machine. After the VM is running for some time (not at the beginning), the process taskhostw.exe uses much of the CPU. I normaly use ssh to ...
Twistios_Player's user avatar
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What's the password needed to ssh to Windows

I have 2 VMs, one is a Kali VM and the other is a Windows 10 VM that I've initialised with a generic key (
Saurav Chittal's user avatar
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Setup Linux VM on router

I'm picking up a project that is somewhat out of my depth and expertise so I'll try to lay it out simply. We had a system of sensors that were connected by ethernet to a router, this router had been ...
greg's user avatar
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How to make a no-gui virtual machine on a server?

I've got this Ubuntu server I'm running, and it's really handy to take the load off of my laptop, but I'd like to know how to set up a virtual machine on it that I can ssh into. Obviously, this ...
Thunder's user avatar
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How to use ssh-copy-id with vagrant? It keeps asking for .pub

I have been trying to use add ssh key to vagrant VMs through this command. ssh-copy-id -f -i .vagrant/machines/workers/virtualbox/private_key -o PasswordAuthentication=no [email protected] The ...
Sarin Suriyakoon's user avatar
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vagrant up and vagrant halt does not work fine. it shows the command failed using the windows 11 OS and vagrant 2.3.0 and virtual box 6.1.36

I have created my own box file and tried running but i am getting the below error. please help on this. vagrant up Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider... ==> default: Importing ...
user2450515's user avatar
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How to Access virtual box ‘Windows 11’ remotly

I need help in accessing windows on virtual box from mac OS with Remote Desktop. Host: mac os Guest: windows 11
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Can I log into Windows OpenSSH with default shell as pwsh.exe?

I can't login to Windows OpenSSH is my default shell is not powershell. If it is, then reg add HKLM\SOFTWARE\OpenSSH /v DefaultShell /d C:\Windows\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe makes ...
Guerlando OCs's user avatar
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I am not able to connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine (virtual box)

I cannot connect to the headless "Ubuntu" remote virtual machine which I created using virtual box. I've installed the virtual machine and configured it on my oracle linux server using ssh ...
John Williams's user avatar
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How to SSH to a to a VirtualBox VM on a Windows host with NAT from another PC on the same LAN?

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 VM (VirtualBox) on a Windows 11 host. The network is attached by NAT. I have port forwarding in VirtualBox as follows: Name | Protocol | Host IP | Host Port | Guest IP | ...
Stackerito's user avatar
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How to SSH to a Host from a VM (Virtualbox)

It is well known how to ssh into a Virtual Machine from a Linux Host machine (at least with Virtual Box). We have to set a port forward rule into the vm's network settings. After that we can simply ...
TheWesDias's user avatar
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Permission Denied When trying to SSH with Public IP

SSH: Permission Denied, when using Public IP address I am trying to remotely connect from one PC to another host's Virtual Machine(VM). I can easily SSH from Host to Virtual Machine but when trying to ...
Mitchell Yuen's user avatar
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Using DDrescue to Backup Local Disk on Corrupted vBox VDI

After some crafty, -guessing-, I finally got this command to create a local .img of a remote disk (vbox) that is failing. It work, -slowly-, but it works: ssh root@example ddrescue -d /dev/sda1 - | ...
mjones's user avatar
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Cannot connect to VirtualBox with Bridged Adapter (Linux Mint 20)

I have a Linux Mint 20 host machine running VirtualBox with Debian 11 (bullseye). NAT connection works fine, but I need a bridged connection for SSH, as the purpose of the virtual machine is to ...
nascente_diskreta's user avatar
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PAM authentication error when trying to log in via SSH to FreeBSD on VirtualBox

I have FreeBSD 12.2 installed on VirtualBox 6.1 with the "Bridged Adapater" mode enabled to test Apache via browser by following the IP address I receive by the ifconfig em0 inet command (...
sprsr's user avatar
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Problems trying to keep SSH session alive "forever"

I know there are many questions/articles about this topic. But... I tried a bunch of them and nothing seems to make my SSH connection alive "forever". I'm currently working from MacOs BigSur ...
DGF's user avatar
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How to ssh into windows 10 virtual box guest os from linux host

I have a work PC which runs Manjaro as the host OS but we have windows 10 running in virtual box as a guest OS. For security reasons's IT only allows us to connect to the vpn within the VM. Is there a ...
Reginald Marr's user avatar
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ubuntu server image blue screened

Would anyone have a tip for running a virtual box ubuntu server image? Setting up the virtual box image seemed to go just fine, updated ok, and I did a few reboots. What I wanted to get to work was ...
bbartling's user avatar
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How to setup switch for SSH connection between Virtualbox Ubuntu and Ubuntu?

I have 3 computers: 1 uses Ubuntu 20.04, and the other 2 is using Windows 10 which has Ubuntu using Virtualbox. Normally, if 3 computers connected to the same WiFi, 3 computers can connect to each ...
huy's user avatar
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Cannot connect via ssh connection in virtualbox to remote host

I have installed Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS on my virtual box: I have also created an ssh tunnel the following way to connect to my remote db: admin@admin-VirtualBox:~$ ssh -v -v -v [email protected] -CNL ...
Carol.Kar's user avatar
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Vagrant box not coming up as expected after once working

I set up Vagrant yesterday to use Ubuntu and it was working perfectly. I used the vagrant ssh command to connect with the Ubuntu VM which was created automatically on VirtualBox. Today I was trying to ...
Dhruva Jindal's user avatar
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Cannot ssh and ping into my CentOS VirtualBox

I downloaded the virtualbox image from this website: I uses CentOS 7.8.2003 I am able to start the VirtualBox but I cannot ssh into it. Then, I ...
Shuti's user avatar
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How to ssh into wsl running in virutalbox from linux host

As the title suggests I have a windows 10 vm running in virtualbox on my host linux machine (Manjaro if it matters) and inside of my windows 10 vm I am running wsl 1 with a ubuntu 20.04 distro (This ...
Reginald Marr's user avatar
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Accessing virtualbox shared folder from an SSH cygwin session

I'm using the Shared Folder feature of Virtual box. When I double click on the Share in My Computer it gets mounted to letter E and I can then access it from a GUI terminal Window inside the guest ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar
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VirtualBox Show button does not show running virtual machines

I'm running VirtualBox 6.1.12, and after running the VMs there, if by any chance the Virtual machine closes, I cannot reopen it by clicking the SHOW button. However, in the preview, I can see that the ...
Aavash Bhandari's user avatar
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Accessing VirtualBox localhost from host machine

I am connecting to a server via ssh -L 8000:localhost:8000 <hostname> on my Ubuntu virtual machine in VirtualBox. In the VM, I can access the server via "localhost:8000" but cannot ...
Shane Bacon's user avatar
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SSH from WSL to a VM running on the host fails

I am running WSL 2 on Windows from which I am running vagrant. Vagrant provisions a Centos 7.6 VM in VirtualBox running on the host. The VM listens to port 22 for SSH and Virtualbox maps the port 22 ...
ashwnacharya's user avatar
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SSH from one VM to anther keeps failing - under same NAT network

I've set up two vm running on same virtualbox host, they are working under same NAT Network and each has grained an IP. Their network setting looks like: In order to make SSH works, I've followed ...
Ray-Von-Mice's user avatar
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ssh virtualbox to guest os from different network using public ip [closed]

I run win10 as Host os and Ubuntu as guest os at the virtualbox. What I want to do is ssh from a different pc to ubuntu ! The guest os network is attached to NAT adapter. How I think it is that I will ...
Panagiss's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect via ssh between 2 virtual machines on 2 different computers?

I would like to know if it's possible to connect via SSH between 2 VM on 2 different computers? I created a private key : ssh-keygen -t rsa I want to send this key to the other VM, but I don't ...
MinhNam's user avatar
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How to SSH VirtualBox from an external network?

I have a static IP, which is provided by the Vodafone home fibre broadband and I am trying to connect my VM, but it is refusing to connect. I am using VirtualBox 6.1.2 and CentOS 7. I have been ...
Shah Siddiqui's user avatar
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How could I connect ansible by ssh into 2 Vagrant machines (Virtualbox Hypervisor)?

I would like to connect by ssh one machine with another to do ansible commands. I have a CentOS7 and want to connect inside the OS to Ubuntu16 VM. Look at my Vagrantfile and what I tried: Vagrant....
Marlon's user avatar
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How can I ssh into a windows machine located in another HD on my computer?

I have a computer with two HD's. One of them runs linuxmint. The other one has a Windows 10 installed. I'm able to mount the windows disk and visualize all files within linux, but I actually needed ...
Teodoro Mendes's user avatar
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Virtualbox, ssh from Ubuntu host to Ubuntu guest: connection refused

I'm trying to connect to my virtual machine and I'm continously getting the following error: ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused My host OS is a fresh installed Ubuntu 18....
ABu's user avatar
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Access denied when trying to SSH into VM as root

Starting today, when I try to connect to my CentOS VM as root, using Putty, or indeed any SSH client, I can no longer login. The connection is made, but the login itself fails. I know for a fact that ...
Grumbunks's user avatar
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Can't get into Virtual machine with putty

There are a lot of threads on this...I've been reading them. Here's what I've got, maybe someone can help. I'm trying to build an OpenWRT image and struggling. I've got a virtualbox machine running ...
sassriverrat's user avatar
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Unable to ping vagrant from local

Here is my vagrantfile PROJECT_NAME = "petalandstem" BACKEND_DIR = "/home/vagrant/#{PROJECT_NAME}/src/backend" FRONTEND_DIR = "/home/vagrant/#{PROJECT_NAME}/src/frontend" Vagrant.require_version "&...
karan patel's user avatar
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Can't ssh from macbook pro to CentOS installed on a VirtualBox

After executing: ssh demo@localhost -p 10022 -v      The trace looks like this: OpenSSH_7.9p1, LibreSSL 2.7.3 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh/ssh_config debug1: /etc/ssh/ssh_config ...
Boris Voychev's user avatar
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Accidentally corrupted my ssh_config file on VM and can't log in anymore, can I fix this without logging in?

I am running a VM on my linux server, and I connect to it usually using SSH. I was editing the SSH configurations for this VM to try out different parameters, and last saved edit was not working. Now,...
user3570947's user avatar

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