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Can a ssh reverse tunnel bind to something else than localhost?

Machine A has a service (say - web server) bound to localhost:80. Machine B wants to access this service but has no direct connection to machine A. I want to create a reverse ssh tunnel from Machine B ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Using ProxyJump option for SSH tunnel with multiple hops

I need to create a tunnel from localhost to host2 through host1, so I'm using the approach suggested in this answer: ssh -L 9998:host2:22 -N host1 ssh -L 9999:localhost:1234 -N -p 9998 localhost ...
Max Koretskyi's user avatar
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ovpn config file creating a tunnel but cannot access LAN apps

I have an ovpn file which opens a tunnel to router I have setup. This tunnel works since I can confirm that my public IP is located at the same location as this router. This router has a local server ...
bcsta's user avatar
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SSH / RDP Reverse Tunnel through intermediary

The problem I am trying to solve is how to establish SSH & RDP connection to a Linux machine that is behind a firewall, with a non-static public IP, and no port forwarding capability: Customer ...
rpr's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

SSH parameterized config entries?

I often setup port forwards with something like: ssh -NL 1234:localhost:1234 MyHostName The ports usually stay the same, but the remote changes. It would be nice if I could create SSH entries like: ...
Nathan Fig's user avatar
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How do I use Localxpose to SSH into a Raspberry Pi?

I want to SSH into my Raspberry Pi 4 when I'm away from home. I already have a Localxpose account, so I figured I would use that. I know I have my keys configured properly, since I can successfully ...
Octa's user avatar
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Accessing MySQL database through SSH tunnel

At the moment I can access a MySQL database by SSHing in terminal. This prompts me for a passphrase for a key ssh Enter passphrase for key '/Users/yourname/.ssh/path/to/key': ...
Gregory Peck's user avatar
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VNC Connection to a remote host with reverse ssh tunnel

I have the following setup: Raspberry Pi with no public IP address Public "jumpserver" Currently i have autossh running on the Raspberry to connect to the jumpserver. Works without ...
Skee's user avatar
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Multihop ssh tunnel/proxy

I am trying to set up an ssh tunnel/proxy configuration to enable me to reach a private API so that I can test it. The API is hosted in AWS API Gateway and is configured by design to be reachable only ...
Andy McKibbin's user avatar
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Getting sshd to use a proxy when tunneling with SOCKS5

I have a setup (which I cannot change), in which I need to a access a webserver from my local machine. I don't have direct access to the webserver. It is only accessible from a proxy. The proxy ...
SebastianR's user avatar
-1 votes
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How can i set up my SSH tunnel connection for run http request from local PC

My remote server have access to specific third party API. But my local PC doesn't. I can do third party http request from server nodejs backend: await""...
Андриан Цой's user avatar
12 votes
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How to modify this code to be able to SSH into my server?

I have a 18.04 Ubuntu server that I use to bypass internet filtering/censorship in my country using SSH tunneling. To do this, I have created several users using the command adduser USERNAME --shell=/...
Vahid Damanafshan's user avatar
1 vote
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Tunneling two different instances of LAN Syncthing via SSH

I have the following configuration: Two Syncthing instances running on PC1 and PC2(home) respectively on LAN1 and LAN2(home). Following this guide i set "Sync Protocol Listen Addresses" ...
HangInThere's user avatar
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How to connect to local KVM guest via remote SSH tunnel to ssh

I try to set up a connection as follows: ssh -f -N -L 5916:localhost:22 [email protected] [email protected]'s password: It asks for a password , but the connection doesn't work. nmap ...
grek's user avatar
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How to minimize upload/download amount for a reverse SSH tunnel on a Raspberry Pi with Cellular Hat?

I have a Raspberry Pi with a Sixfab Cellular Hat that is behind a CG-NAT. I have set up a reverse SSH tunnel between my server and Raspberry Pi, but I noticed that the upload and download amounts sum ...
v3tra's user avatar
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Password for Socks Proxy with SSH Tunnel

I need to have a socks5 proxy with an ssh tunnel with the following command: ssh -p <SSH_PORT> -CnfND<Port> Username@ServerIP The question is how can I set a password for this ...
AliMehr's user avatar
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how do i set MaxStartups for specific user not whole system

i want to set MaxStartups for specific user in /etc/ssh/sshd_config but I cant do something like that since "Match" doesn't support MaxStartups keyword : Match User test MaxStartups 1
DIC3's user avatar
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Limit number of a user for ssh tunneling

i want to limit the ssh tunneling per user I did create a user with only ssh tunneling permission ( no shell, no directory ) now I want to limit this user not be able to connect multi devices ...
DIC3's user avatar
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2 votes
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Limiting SSH Tunnel users maxlogins

I've created a bunch of users on my Ubuntu VPS to do just SSH tunneling using this command: (taken from here) sudo adduser someuser --shell=/bin/false --no-create-home which works fine as expected. ...
alex smith's user avatar
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How to create multi hops SSH tunnel using PuTTY?

I have 5 VPS , I use jump command in OpenSSH to connect from My_Pc to VPS_5 . My_PC ==>VPS_1 ==>VPS_2 ==>VPS_3 ==>VPS_4 ==>VPS_5 ==>Internet ssh -D80 root@VPS_5 -J root@VPS_1,root@...
max's user avatar
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Remotely access pc behind firewall from my dynamic-ip pc via a static-ip VPS

I am not sure what is the term for what I want to do, and how secure it will be, but here is the setup: I have full root access to workpc only physically when at work. It is behind a firewall which I ...
bliako's user avatar
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SSH Tunnel via crontab with 2FA gives EOFError

I'm trying to setup a crontab which opens an ssh tunnel. Unlike other questions here and on stackoverflow, the server I'm connecting to has a 2FA which prompts the user for a password. However, I don'...
tgonzalez's user avatar
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PuTTY ssh tunnel through a range of ip addresses

okay this is a dumb question but, is there any way to tunnel multiple ip addresses through a port in a ssh tunnel? the scenario is the following: i have two POS lan printers (, ...
nando-ando's user avatar
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Tunneling between two servers to use the Internet of the second server by OpenVPN or SSH

I'm from Iran and our international Internet is being shut down , so we are going to lose our connection to the world . VPNs are getting blocked one by one . Tor Network is block and bridges do not ...
aboss's user avatar
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ssh tunneling public key error

I'm trying to setup ssh port tunneling. I am setup with my public key on the remote machine. I can login to the remote like this... ssh <name>@<address> No problem. I'm trying to forward ...
JAZ's user avatar
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How to make an localhost tunnel not expired after a long time idling?

Currently I am trying to configure for a tunnel to stay alive aka. after idling for a while. I have do some research and find out this type of ~/.ssh/config file like this: Host * ...
TriNguyen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to redirect DNS traffic to ssh tunnel

I am trying to get a barebone solutions similar to different smart dns proxies available . Now I am able to get one part done, by using , ssh tunneling and creating dynamic forward. host myserver User ...
Simsons's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to database server over multiple hops

SSH tunneling is easy to accomplish: ssh -D1234 host But we have a more specific infrastructure Host 1 (Remote server placed in my company) Host 2 (Local server inside Host 1 network) Host 3 (...
Mohamed Riyad's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

IPv6 SSH Tunnel

I'm setting up a tunnel with ssh -w and I would like to route IPv6 traffic through it. The remote machine is a server on the Internet with several IPv6 addresses assigned What I am doing is: local# ...
movzxb's user avatar
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Reverse autoSSH tunnel does not work

For some reason my autossh reverse tunnel does not work. This is my command: └─# autossh -M 12121 -N -f -o "PubkeyAuthentication=yes" -o "PasswordAuthentication=no" -i /root/.ssh/...
FitzOrly's user avatar
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Connect two ssh tunnels

I have 3 systems. Lets call them A, B and C. I need to create a ssh tunnel from A to C. But there are some restrictions: A can not connect to B A can not connect to C C can not connect to A However, ...
PiTheNumber's user avatar
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Using CVS transparently through an SSH tunnel

It seems a simple thing, but I am stuck. On an Ubuntu machine, to ssh into a particular REMOTE_HOST machine, until now I could do ssh REMOTE_HOST as expected (keys are all setup fine). Now, I am ...
Paolo's user avatar
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SSH Tunnel not working with VPN

I'm using my home macmini connected to a AWS EC2 with reverse tunnel. I start the tunnel with a LaunchDaemon using this config: <array> <string>ssh</string> <...
Rafael Cruz's user avatar
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Ldapsearch through ssh tunell

I have four machines A, B, C, D and I would like to use ldapsearch on the first machine through an ssh tunnel over to C with a jump from B to C. Currently ldapsearch on C contacts the ldap server on D,...
aziis98's user avatar
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Connect to local virtual machine through remote server

My goal is to access a Ubuntu Server that is running in a local VirtualBox publicly via the internet (both SSH on port 22 and HTTP on port 80). For now, I planned to do it like this: I set up the ...
sigalor's user avatar
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IPSEC tunnel lan to lan with VPS in the middle

I have an ipsec tunnel between two points with different static public ips, when the tunnel is stablished, each machine see the others with the private ip. The issue is that I want to put a VPS in the ...
Jaime Da Ar's user avatar
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How to connect to shh without username and password for reverse tunneling

Is it possible to connect to a ssh server (to create a tunnel) just with just: ssh -R sPort:localhost:cPort instead of: ssh -R sPort:localhost:cPort [email protected] (which also requires ...
Sapu's user avatar
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How to create persistent SSH connection between two servers in systemctl

This is my /etc/systemd/system/proxy.service file: [Unit] Description=proxy After=system.slice [Service] Type=forking User=root StandardOutput=stdout StandardError=stderr ...
Saeed's user avatar
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How to proxy and tunnel one IP Address via SSH?

I have two servers: A and B. Server A is my main server which hosts my website (in my country). Server B is a server in the US. I have limit to connect to some websites via server A, so I want to ...
Saeed's user avatar
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Open VPN tunnel to non-static ip behind NAT possible? (IE. Sim card)

I have a Rpi with a cellular modem and SIM card attached. I can browse the web and login remotely to it using something like TeamViewer. However, I would like to use it as an access point. I am in the ...
user1564575's user avatar
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Securing SSH port forwarding?

I'd like to run a SOCKS server on a remote client (RC), that will receive requests (reverse-tunnel) from some cloud virtual server (VS), which will receive requests from my own local client (LC). In ...
ManRow's user avatar
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OpenVPN UDP TLS handshake blocked by provider - how to tunnel via SSH?

I'm trying to connect to a company OpenVPN over UDP, but I'm currently in a country that blocks VPN access. I can connect to the VPN, but after a minute or so, it fails with "TLS handshake failed&...
TravelingFox's user avatar
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Create a HTTPS Tunnel to avoid network hard limitations

Here is my problem : At work, if I don't want to use my phone for everything I use the provided connection to the internet, that goes through a network that has strict restrictions : basically all ...
LMT-PhD's user avatar
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SSH Tunnel Detection

I have a query on SSH tunnel. I have a low cost VPS on which I am running an SSH Server on port 443. I use putty and create an SSH tunnel to bypass sites blocked. In this regard I have some queries. ...
Arun's user avatar
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ssh tunnelling to a non-standard ssh port for MySQL

I’m trying to do ssh-tunnelling via local forwarding to a remote MySQL host reached via a non-standard (port-forwarded) ssh port of 2200 mapped internally to the server’s port 22. First of all, I know ...
GAM's user avatar
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Hierarchical ssh connection with Putty, or maybe some other software?

There's this great app on Android called "Juice SSH". It has this wonderful feature where you can hierarchically connect to servers, which makes tunnelling super easy through many servers. ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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HTTP over SSH tunnel on Windows

Situation: Local windows machine runs a very simple HTTP web-server listening to Remote windows machine has OpenSSH server running and I have ssh-credentials but that's all I assume. It ...
Joakim Hagen's user avatar
1 vote
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SSH tunnel: the middle host has the key to the final host

I'd like to implement a (temporary, won't be a stable configuration) SSH tunnel, so I can SSH to box C from box A going through B. A--->B--->C I learnt that it can be done by running 2 commands ...
user377486's user avatar
-1 votes
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No data when using PuTTY SSH Tunneling

I am trying out SSH tunneling using PuTTY. On my Windows computer, I have PuTTY running with a tunnel going from port 1556 to remoteipaddress:1556. On the remote server, I have a Python3 socket server ...
Tim C's user avatar
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What could cause a reverse SSH port forwarding tunnel to not work when initiated but start working exactly at midnight?

I followed this guide to forward a port on my VPS (public static IP) to access a Nextcloud installation on a remote server behind a firewall. It worked - sort of. At any point in time, the remote ...
Bombaglad's user avatar

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