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tmux ctrl-b + [arrow key] for navigation not working

I am pressing Ctrl+B, releasing both keys, and then pressing arrow keys, but it is not navigating (instead it is going through past commands as if Ctrl+B was not pressed). I'm using tmux in a SSH ...
Joe C.'s user avatar
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Flushing output on interrupt on the Linux cmdline

On a local terminal, the stty -noflsh option allows to discard buffered output on Ctrl-C and thus prevents from long scrolling delays if one did accidentally output large amounts of text to the ...
Juergen's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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Tmux session disconnect does not preserve session content when reconnecting

I need to copy a 200gb+ file to multiple servers from one server. I have a sftp transfer running in multiple tmux sessions from the one server. When I press ctrl+b, d to exit the tmux instance and ...
user460178's user avatar
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How to make a script to launch different scripts in different workspaces in linux?

I have limited access to a linux machine, meaning I cannot install any external tools. I want to make a script to open terminals with ssh at different workspaces. However, I found that one way to move ...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
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Encoding issues over SSH characters shown as ~@~X in vim

I am having issues when viewing a file through SSH I have 2 computers connected to each other myServer 'myHost' , sharing over 'SSH' a session. On myServer I have got a log from wget which originates ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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Linux/Ubuntu/Orange Pi5 retrieve open tabs on Chromium (kiosk mode) via terminal - Powershell

I have a problem as of late where I am developing some PowerShell script to manage and update some digital displays. Please see below for my work in progress (By no means done). I am struggling to be ...
M.Atkinson's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reposition window in SSH session? I am logging into a Linux machine from a Mac machine

I am using a Mac with XQuartz to display an X application running on a remote CentOS machine. I'm trying to reposition the window from the remote machine using my keyboard, as it opens in such a way ...
blaughli's user avatar
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MobaXterm Terminal Settings will not get saved in subsequent runs of a session

When I spawn a new ssh session in MobaXterm and Change the font family in terminal settings this setting won't persist in new spawns of the session. How can I fix that?
Mohammad Hosein's user avatar
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GNU 'Screen' clears some or all of the output history displayed in the terminal when attach to the screen

I use autossh and also screen on my Ubuntu server, because of the poor internet connection I have, I use both to keep my connection alive even when my internet connection is lost... But I experienced ...
TuanHaxor's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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How to X11 forward after multi hopping in SSH?

I have the following SSH flow: root@HostA -> root@HostB -> root@HostC -> user@HostD I want to do X11 forwarding for Firefox on HostD all the way back to HostA, since A, B and C don't have ...
robertinho's user avatar
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Propagating zsh window title through tmux, then ssh, to terminal emulator/window manager

My zsh automatically sets my terminal emulator (kitty)'s window title to my current working directory, or whatever program is currently running within it. However, when I ssh to a remote host and run ...
kovas's user avatar
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How do i prevent websites from appearing in autocomplete in terminal?

I am running MacOS if it matters I am new to terminal and work in a lab at my uni, we have a server where we ssh into from our laptops. I am using ZSH as my shell and have no plugins besides git ...
Wex300's user avatar
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PuTTY vs ssh.exe on Windows for ssh connections

When I want to connect via ssh to Linux servers from my Windows laptop, my main choices are using PuTTY as I have for 20 years, or using the ssh.exe that's now default on all Windows systems (Win10+) ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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MobaXterm file browser not following terminal after multiple SSH hops

I'm new to MobaXterm and I have a question about the SSH browser side panel. For my work, I need to connect via ssh to a Server A (login server) and from there ssh again to a Server B (processing ...
odisp's user avatar
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"zsh: command not found: ssh -Y" on mac terminal

I am trying to connect to a remote server using ssh, it used to work with no problem when I started the terminal and did ssh -Y <user@address> However, now I keep getting the following error: ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
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How can I get iTerm2 to colour-code remote tmux sessions?

Currently I have a script called, which ssh's into a server, and integrates with iTerm2's native tmux integration to display the tmux session in native windows; until ssh $1 -t "tmux -CC a -...
Shadowjonathan's user avatar
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ANSI codes in /etc/issue file

I have an /etc/issue file that contains some ANSI color codes on a Linux development board. When I connect from serial terminal, everything shows up perfectly. However, when I connect from SSH, the ...
avishorp's user avatar
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Directly connecting a internal node of a remote server

I was trying to open files like .ipynb via terminal command line (command: code) on the remote server in VSCode. But code is not in PATH, so I used ~/.vscode-server/bin/...
xu chen's user avatar
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How to connect to sftp server from MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username and password?

There are similar questions like this around, but I haven't been able find the answer to my question, which is: How to connect to sftp server from a MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username ...
Johan's user avatar
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Open terminal to locally forwarded port

I am using ssh to access a remote server via local port forwarding. This however being the first time I'm using ssh, I'm not quite familiar with it. I am using this command ssh -N -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa -L ...
ptushev's user avatar
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Protocol not avaible SSH

Sometimes I can access the server, but most of the time it returns the following error. ssh -vvv [email protected] -p 23490 OpenSSH_8.4p1 Ubuntu-6ubuntu2.1, OpenSSL 1.1.1q 5 Jul 2022 debug1: ...
Gilberto Carvalho's user avatar
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Unix script with a trap inside ssh

My plan is to write a script to debug a remote web server. Since the debug port is blocked by the firewall, I need to forward the remote port via ssh to my local machine. This part is working fine. ...
Johannes von Zmuda's user avatar
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Impossible to return to local machine after SSH in Mac Terminal

I connect to a server through SSH command in Mac Terminal (Ventura 13.1) with: ssh login@serveraddress When I want to quit I type exit. I quit the server but I do not return to my local machine. ...
migmaker's user avatar
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SSH agent will not start on login

I've got an issue where ssh-agent does not start automatically on login. I have tried writing a service, configuring a systemd autostart script and a bunch of other things. Another thing I've noticed, ...
ThatGuy's user avatar
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MacOS SSH client always wants to connect to same server

I have set up a new virtual server today, including PubKeyAuthentication and so on... If I now want to connect to other servers via SSH the client always wants to connect to one I was mainly working ...
lutzberlin's user avatar
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Where do terminal font colors come from in an SSH session?

Using gnome-terminal I connect to my servers at work using SSH from Ubuntu 18.04 or 22.04. These work servers can be Sparc Solaris or Linux (Fedora). When I connect to the Solaris servers from my ...
jav's user avatar
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Iterm2 fully clear scrollback within ssh

I am sshing into a server from my mac on Iterm2. The commands that I run on the server produce lengthy outputs that I want to clear the scrollback before running each. So, I decided to use clear ...
Bat's user avatar
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Why can't I scroll or use ctrl-a/ctrl-e when using screen?

I use iTerm2 and I realized that when I'm using screen: ssh -t [username]@[domain].edu 'screen -DR' I noticed the following vagaries: I can't use my mouse to scroll up and down in an iTerm2 window I ...
O.rka's user avatar
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How to pass an ALT key press through SSH connection to tmux using suckless simple terminal emulator?

On my local machine I have suckless simple terminal and tmux with the settings like this: bind-key -n M-k next-window where I am binding an action to a key combination Alt + k. It perfectly works on ...
Alexander's user avatar
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Terminal paging in Windows terminal

I recently had to setup a Windows computer. I usually remote into a linux box(Ubuntu) for development, so I'm using "Windows terminal" app with Window's built-in ssh client to login to my ...
rookie's user avatar
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Unsupported certificate option "-t" at cpanel terminal

I'm creating a ssh key authentication in the cpanel terminal as recommended by cpanel, So I'll be able to integrate git version control:
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Cannot establish SSH connection on Mac Terminal: 4 Bad configuration options

I want to establish an SSH connection on my Macbook using the following syntax on the terminal: ssh user@IP-Address However, it gives the following errors: /Users/name/.ssh/config: line 41: Bad ...
Samantha's user avatar
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How to distinguish between Rsync and SSH access in a “.bashrc” script

I have the following .bashrc on a remote host: #!/bin/bash DEFAULT=$PS1 PS1="\h:\w\$ " source ~/.bash_aliases if [[ $(hostname -s) = host_name ]]; then source /path/ ...
simona's user avatar
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Terminal for colorized output on remote linux servers

I frequently SSH into remote ubuntu servers to observe output. What I'd like is certain terms (e.g. ERROR) to be colorized, (e.g. in red). My understanding is that this is typically done by the shell, ...
Nik's user avatar
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How to connect to synology NAS through terminal

I figured out that my external hard drive I used for the NAS was not supported, so I got a supported one and it works! Now I am here: How do I cd /Volumes/MyNAS or ssh MyNAS so I can start uploading ...
Lance's user avatar
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MacOs issues using caret in a SSH password

On my MacBook with macOS Big Sur and US-International PC as an input source, I am trying to connect by SSH client to remote computer that has a caret ^ (Shift+6) inside it's SSH password. There is a ...
Asain Kujovic's user avatar
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Ctrl+L stopped clearing screen in PuTTY sessions [duplicate]

I have PuTTY 0.76 running on Windows 10 2004. I use PuTTY for connecting to several Linux servers using SSH. In past I have been able to to clear terminal screen with key combination Ctrl+L. But now ...
Madoc Comadrin's user avatar
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How do I use my local terminal configurations while working on a remote server through SSH?

I have a very specific terminal setup. It is perfect (for me). The colors are great, the highlighting is great, the key bindings and shortcuts are superb. This is great when working on my local ...
Dimitar Veljanovski's user avatar
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Why isn't Esc working in vim in tmux in Mintty?

I sometimes use Mintty from Windows to ssh to a server, where I use vim (neovim) inside tmux. I have used this setup for years without issue. However, recently I have had the odd issue that pushing ...
polm23's user avatar
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Error -bash: ssh username@server -i: command not found

I'm attempting to ssh into a server from terminal on MAC. It was working a few days ago but just stopped today. When I enter ssh username@server -i .ssh/file I get -bash: ssh username@server -i: ...
Hyetigran's user avatar
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Kde, opening a new terminal window to ssh from bash script

I have a bash scrip that does some environment setup, one of the steps require me to use SSH tunneling for licensing. The script I have works fine on a gnome environment, but I'm having trouble ...
cyberbemon's user avatar
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How to connect in ssh with root privilege to a Windows terminal?

I'm trying to port forward localy by opening the port through ssh. But the fact is for ports below 1024, you need to be in root. So when I'm trying for example : [email protected] -L 80:localhost:...
LuckyFr's user avatar
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Is there a way to ssh into Linux PCs from windows with oneclick - using windows terminal?

I use SSH authentication and it works fine. Right now I have a batch file(.bat) which has "ssh username@server" In one click I connect to that particular linux machine's Shell. But it opens ...
PI-Boy Kumar's user avatar
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Launching a new gnome-terminal from a gnome-terminal and running a command

I am running Ubuntu 19.04 (Disco). I use ctrl+alt+t to launch a terminal window. From that window, I would like to launch a separate window that runs a command, say ls. My thoughts are that I would ...
Matthew's user avatar
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putty + powerlevel10k - font issue

I'm running ubuntu with zsh and powerlevel10k and that works just fine on the graphical terminal. I don't really use the TTY terminals, and if I do I can manage to make sense of the broken fonts, so ...
FalcoGer's user avatar
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Terminal/iTerm2 window name on macOS: how to un-stick SSH to show next process?

I'm wondering whether others have experienced this issue (below in bold) and/or found a workaround: in macOS (any version that I've tried which provides Terminal access, so I'm assuming OS X on up; on ...
juanejot's user avatar
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How to gracefully terminate an application via SSH on Windows 10?

I've searched far and wide for this through several similar questions, but none of them have worked so far. Here is my problem: I have two computers, A running Windows 10 and B running Linux. I have ...
Victor Chavauty's user avatar
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How to preserve terminal colors on remote server?

I define my terminal colors in ~/.Xresources. E.g. for my dark blue I have a line *color4: #7cafc2. This works on my local terminal. When I ssh to a remote server, some of the terminal programs use ...
user1079505's user avatar

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