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Unresponsive domain names freeze SSH connection when using SOCKS proxy

Is it possible to stop the SSH connection freezing when using dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy) when it encounters an unresponsive DNS name? I found the whole SSH connection freezes when going on ...
Aenfa's user avatar
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SSH login to Windows 10 not possible with a admin account

I am trying to establish an SSH connection from a VirtualBox Ubuntu2204 guest to Windows 10 host via ssh using public key. I can do it when I use a non-admin account, but it fails with an admin ...
Alexander Kessler's user avatar
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ssh between two docker containers on different nodes

Hi I am trying to create (preferably passwordless) ssh connection between two docker containers (named master and worker_1) on mulitple nodes and having difficulties. These are the options I tried so ...
aneela's user avatar
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sshd Match on the type of pubkey being use by the authenticating user (Match PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms)

I want to detect what type of ssh pubkey is being used by a user and do a Match Statement on it in sshd_config. The goal is to prevent using pam if a Secure Key (
perrze's user avatar
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X11 forwarding on SDDM

I am trying to forward X11 from my PC (server) to my laptop (client). I allowed X11 forwarding in my sshd_config. Running ssh user@ip -X returns Warning: untrusted X11 forwarding setup failed: xauth ...
Player_X_YT's user avatar
3 votes
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How to properly secure harden SSH in 2024?

Since 1995, SSH, notably OpenSSH server [1999], is one of those essential services like DNS [1985] for admins to manage their IT landscapes. How do I properly secure harden an OpenSSH server in 2024? ...
user418615's user avatar
-2 votes
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Where does the command "ssh-keygen -A" generate host keys?

I tried to start sshd and saw an error message as follow. # sshd: no hostkeys available --exiting And did some search and found I need to run the command "ssh-keygen -A" to generate default ...
user1339750's user avatar
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Why does incoming SSH on macOS Monterey stop working but is fixed temporarily by restarting sshd?

I have been allowing incoming ssh on one of my home machines for many years without incident. Recently it stopped working. I have discovered that it can be fixed by restarting the sshd process, using ...
Jeffrey B Mulligan's user avatar
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ssh linux to windows fails, Connection reset

I have set up the sshd server in windows 11 as in the official documentation. I have transfered my public key to the windows machine to C:\ProgramData\ssh\ as administrators_authorized_keys and ...
Kauabanga's user avatar
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Is it possible to display "visual client keys" in the sshd log?

I found recently that the ssh VisualHostKey setting is very useful for server "users" to determine that their host is the correct host, but is there a way to log the "visual key" (...
Lazerbeak12345's user avatar
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There is better solution than simple port forwarding from my router to my internal system?

If I forward a port from my router to one of my internal system's ssh port, I start to get messages from the system of attempts with invalid password, invalid user, etc. I assume that someone is ...
pedz's user avatar
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How can I setup 2 VPS can connect without using VPN which those VPS has already setup the ListenAddress to the VPN

I have 2 VPS, and those 2 VPS are setup OpenVPN, and we only can access it by connect to VPN, then ssh it to VPN gateway itself. I set it up from sshd_config by adding ListenAddress. here's the ...
Hakim's user avatar
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Unable to SSH into localhost on MacOS Big Sur (11.7.3) --> kex_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

I am new to learning about SSH configuration on a Mac. Remote login has been enabled via System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login: On Allow full disk access for remote users: Yes Allow ...
slsu's user avatar
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Listing host's available ssh ciphers from client

Is there a way for a client to check available SSH ciphers and algorithm without using NMAP? I have configured my sshd_config to disable some cipher and algorithm found by my security team. Just wanna ...
Rick Brian's user avatar
4 votes
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How to troubleshoot a long delay when connecting over SSH?

SSH'ing to my Linux workstation from my Mac laptop works totally fine, except that there is sometimes a very long delay before I see a prompt. If I try again then it's fast like normal, but a few ...
jacobsa's user avatar
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Windows Server 2019, SSH server, max number of connections or concurrent users?

We are using Win2019, and enabled the built-in SSH server. We have different client devices (each with different IP addresses) connecting to this SSH server. We would like to know, on the Win2019 SSH ...
lg34576's user avatar
1 vote
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Cannot restart SSH after adding host entry in sshd_config

What am I doing wrong? I added within /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Host myserver HostName User myuser Port 22 When I try to restart sshd, I receive error: $ sudo systemctl ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
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3 answers

ssh_config matching rules

I am trying to set up connection to [email protected] via powershell terminal (with config located in .ssh\config) without proxy, however, I want to keep being able to connect to ...
Peter's user avatar
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inner SSH Server in docker container to get X11 Forwarding in a password-disabled AWS SSH server

My company provides an AWS Ubuntu server for software development (primarily for compiling the code). We provide the public ssh key of our laptops to the IT department, and they create an account ...
Qiao's user avatar
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How to configure powershell for OpenSSH instead of cmd

I have a Windows 10 Pro machine that I can ssh into (OpenSSH Server is installed/running) as cmd. I want to have the shell as powershell.exe (not the default of cmd.exe). I tried setting the ...
Intrastellar Explorer's user avatar
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How to disable local port forwarding only in SSH authorized_keys file?

This question is related to this one, here, but the accepted answer for that question does not actually answer the question and is inaccurate, as pointed out in this comment. Basically, I have a ...
jinscoe123's user avatar
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How to set PATH on MacOs for non-login shell?

On mac os, if I do ssh localhost 'md5sum --version' the md5sum command located in /usr/local/bin is not found. This path is listed in /etc/paths but this config file is not read by the shell because ...
Fractale's user avatar
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SSH connection dropping immediately after authentication in Ammonite sshd

I realize this question (or similar ones) have been asked elsewhere, but the solutions haven't worked for me. I'm trying to use ammonite in a scala/java project locally and start the SSH server with ...
Jacob Bennett's user avatar
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sshd server: match a subdomain name of a client and not just IP of that client

using openssh 9.2 for security I am using match to restrict clients who may access the ssh server Match Address PubkeyAuthentication yes this works fine but since this client machine ...
DKebler's user avatar
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How do config that an SFTP user can access two root folders on different drives from OpenSSH Windows Server?

SFTP user is a service account so we cannot create 2 separate service accounts per employee. One service account is under group service 'Users' and 'Admin-Users' then it should be able to access the ...
Snowprincez Coffee's user avatar
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windows openssh server authentification fails with correct password

I have 2 computers, one is windows 10, the other is macos 10.15.7. I try to login my windows 10 from my mac with ssh laptop-qjn9a0b1\[email protected]. Again and again, it said Permission denied, ...
Tokubara's user avatar
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How to debug a failure to communicate (via SSH) for just the root account

I have a host (named giggles) whose root account does not accept incoming SSH connections. It has a user (kevin) account that does. Moreover the two accounts have exactly the same credentials for ...
4Dummies's user avatar
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Trying to setup SSH key pair for root

Setting up SSH keys for root (technically ed25519 keys). Created the key pair on server I want to logon FROM and put the pub key onto the authorized key file of the server I want to connect TO. I can ...
Benjamin W Larson's user avatar
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OpenSSH sshd.exe does not start with KexAlgorithms parameter

Running OpenSSH Server 8.1p on Windows Server 2016 DC When I add the parameter "KexAlgorithms" in the sshd_config, the service fails to start. I want to add legacy support for key methods ...
Daryl's user avatar
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sshd can't disable password aunthentication

I just rented a VM from Hetzner, I created a new VM of Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS and I put my ssh key upon its creation so I could log into the machine directly and it worked. However, when I was trying to ...
Zhenyu BAI's user avatar
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SSH from Windows10 to Windows10 on lan, not able to use DIR command

When using OpenSSH from Win 10 to Win 10 laptops on local network - I am not able to view hidden files and folders. The Dir command behaves different between being on the local laptop and on the ...
mortenlund's user avatar
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ssh login failed with public key

I use publickey to do ssh login and failed. Here is my sshd config, sshd logs. sshd config: Port 1046 Protocol 2 PermitRootLogin no ChallengeResponseAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no ...
Leslie__Joe's user avatar
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Centos7 password based Authentication failing

Successfully joined AD server: id [email protected] Got the results so the user exists: ssh [email protected]@XXX.XX.XXX.XXX Error: debug3: send packet: type 50 debug2: we sent a password ...
raushan sharma's user avatar
3 votes
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How to SSH from MacOS terminal to Ubuntu 22.04. No matching host key type found

I'm not able to login to Ubuntu 22.04 which I newly installed from MacOS terminal. Here is the error I get while trying to SSH to ubuntu QWERTY-M-91FL:~ qwerty$ ssh [email protected] Unable to ...
mac's user avatar
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Turning off PermitRootLogin in sshd prevents any user to connect

I have a Debian bullseye virtual machine in OVH cloud. Allowing ssh login as root is non-secure, so I decided to turn it off in /etc/ssh/sshd_config by commenting out the line PermitRootLogin yes. ...
Dmitry K's user avatar
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Fedora SSHd not starting after upgrade to 35

today I've upgraded a VM server mounting Fedora 25 to Fedora 35. I performed a step upgrade skipping 1 release at a time 25-->27-->...-->33-->35. I had zero problems until the last upgrade,...
Marco Colussi's user avatar
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How can I assign an ephemeral port range to a specific linux service and not the entire IP stack

For example: If I want sshd to listen on 22 but use ephemeral ports of tcp 50-60 for communication.
user2325243's user avatar
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SSH slow login and slow typing from Ubuntu SSH and Windows Putty clients over wireless only

I have a Raspberry Pi cluster of 3 Raspberry Pis, each running Ubuntu Server 20.04 on my home network (192.168.0.n). Each Raspberry Pi has a static IP assigned through Netplan configuration. When ...
Confounder's user avatar
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SSH client works only when cipher is specified

When I try to connect to remote host using command ssh -vv hostname, it hangs for a while, then closes connection. I can connect though if I specify following command: ssh -c aes128-ctr hostname The ...
Boris Pitel's user avatar
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SSH into Namecheap shared host

I'm trying to connect to my Namecheap shared host server via SSH I imported the pub/private key and authorized it like so: Let's VM IP = When I SSH, I kept getting ➜ Desktop ssh webedcwp@...
code-8's user avatar
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How do you successfully setup SSH so you can connect to the same host from two different clients?

There are a lot of posts about this type of stuff but I haven't been able to find an answer that works for me... I have an SSH server setup on a Ubuntu machine at home. I was able to setup no password ...
Nick Green's user avatar
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How do I prevent orphaned `sshd` processes on the server end?

I have a number of processes on client machines that ssh to server machines and do things. Sometimes those client processes end unexpectedly for whatever reason. This always leaves an sshd process ...
drysdam's user avatar
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How to create tunnel from your local windows machine to remote windows server

I have a jump host at my work environment, what have access to some specific servers like san drive and few web based dashboards are only accessible from this server. Every time i have connect to ...
kartoos khan's user avatar
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ssh: too many connections in short succession?

I'm running a backup server using rsnapshot, which uses rsync, which uses ssh to connect to the hosts from which to gather data. Usually, everything works fine. I run in to issues, however, if very ...
Patrick Bucher's user avatar
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Reverse SSH tunnel failing to open local port on remote host?

I am using the following reverse SSH command to try and open up a reverse SSH tunnel on a CentOS 7 host back to a Debian 10 host. ssh -p 20000 -NR 20050:localhost:22 user@ipaddress When I try this ...
Hudson Marine's user avatar
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When is it better to use ssh-keyscan instead of ssh to manage known_hosts?

When is executed ssh -i id_rsa_something [email protected] appears: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ABCABC [fixed/...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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SSH - known_hosts file generation content behavior

When is executed ssh -i id_rsa_something [email protected] appears: The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:ABCABC [fixed/...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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SSH connection on a redhat server

I have been struggling for the past few days trying to get an ssh connection working with a public rsa key on a redhat ftp server. I have been following guides such as this one with little luck:https:/...
HaydBooksIt's user avatar
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SSH Using YubiKey 5 and ED25519 Algorithm

I am starting to use a YubiKey 5 to ssh into remote boxes instead of using a software key. I am generating the keys using this command: ssh-keygen -t ed25519-sk This works when I ssh into Ubuntu, but ...
Dan Largo's user avatar
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Problems trying to keep SSH session alive "forever"

I know there are many questions/articles about this topic. But... I tried a bunch of them and nothing seems to make my SSH connection alive "forever". I'm currently working from MacOs BigSur ...
DGF's user avatar
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