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How to find the ssh connection behind a reverse tunnel from the server side?

I use the the ssh -R command to create a ssh reverse tunnel in the client side: ssh -fNR 3389: user@remotehost In the client side, I can use the ps and netstat commands to find the ssh ...
wangwei's user avatar
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Using E2C to connect two Linux computers behind NAT

This has been asked before but I've had no success. I'm trying to connect two Linux devices via an E2C as a jump host: [Box2 (Accessing REST API)] --> [EC2] --> [Box1 (Hosting REST API)] What I'...
leo8382's user avatar
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Unresponsive domain names freeze SSH connection when using SOCKS proxy

Is it possible to stop the SSH connection freezing when using dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy) when it encounters an unresponsive DNS name? I found the whole SSH connection freezes when going on ...
Aenfa's user avatar
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Equiv of `ssh a -tt ssh b` or how to use remote ControlMaster

I have two servers, A and B. Login to B requires 2FA every time, so I use a ControlMaster to persist the authentication status. However, I'm using a laptop, which sometimes sleeps and stops all TCP ...
Yuxuan Lu's user avatar
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Can a ssh reverse tunnel bind to something else than localhost?

Machine A has a service (say - web server) bound to localhost:80. Machine B wants to access this service but has no direct connection to machine A. I want to create a reverse ssh tunnel from Machine B ...
WoJ's user avatar
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Access ssh through proxy

My college requires proxy to access the WiFi. My computer is connected to that WiFi at college. I want to access it from my home using ssh. What can I do? what can I do to access a machine using ssh ...
Dhiman K. Chakraborty's user avatar
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SSH connection through tunnel unable to negotitate error

I am using an SSH tunnel to establish an SSH connection to a device, I am creating the tunnel with: ssh -L localhost:44445:X.X.X.X:XXXX [email protected] However when I try to ssh through the tunnel with: ...
Pietro Paolini's user avatar
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SSH parameterized config entries?

I often setup port forwards with something like: ssh -NL 1234:localhost:1234 MyHostName The ports usually stay the same, but the remote changes. It would be nice if I could create SSH entries like: ...
Nathan Fig's user avatar
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redirect X11 ssh fowarding between linux and windows

I have a challenge and requesting your help to guide me on that. I have two linux server (A, B), run ssh x11 fowarding from A to B (displaying specific app such as firefox or chrome or ...), infact ...
Ali Dehghan's user avatar
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Double SSH then execute NC using Batch file and Plink

Good morning, I need to execute a netcat command and get the output to do elaboration on my local PC (windows). I just need the "connection good/bad" Now I use PuTTY using the following step ...
ThEnGi's user avatar
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Permission denied error when trying to SSH through a script

I have a set of Bash scripts designed to establish an SSH connection from a local machine to a remote server through a middle server. The local script initiates a tunnel using socat, and the middle ...
FLSill's user avatar
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Accessing MySQL database through SSH tunnel

At the moment I can access a MySQL database by SSHing in terminal. This prompts me for a passphrase for a key ssh Enter passphrase for key '/Users/yourname/.ssh/path/to/key': ...
Gregory Peck's user avatar
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How to access a host ssh tunnel from within a docker container?

I'm creating a ssh tunnel, which I'm trying to access from within a docker container. On the Client a ssh tunnel is created ssh -R [email protected] -N On the host/server ...
natschz's user avatar
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I'm struggling with a reverse ssh tunnel setup. command looks correct, but no traffic flows

In my house I have a NAT firewall which has exposed port 7022 externally, mapped internally to port 22 of one of my machines, lets call it alpha. This machine has a user account "external" ...
akc42's user avatar
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ssh from A to C over B with one command?

There are three machines: A, B and C. C is connected to a local port on B, so that B can access C anytime. I would now like to connect to C from A (over B). What I currently do is logging in into B ...
tollo's user avatar
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How SSH port forwarding over the internet [closed]

I want to access my remote devices SSH server Attached My remote PC (mostly a router or Raspberry Pi No internet to devices) over the internet (my PC has Internet) using my laptop. Anydesk TCP ...
Shannon's user avatar
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Correct way to end ssh tunnel

I frequently need to connect to a database instance on AWS, so I use an SSH tunnel. I can create one with the following command: ssh -N -L admin@bastion....
Mike Christensen's user avatar
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psql hangs on connect over SSH tunnel proxy

I am proxying my connection to a PostgreSQL server through an SSH tunnel. [laptop] ---(ssh)--> [arbitrary linux server] --(TCP 5432)--> [postgresql server] ssh user@arbitrarylinuxserver -L5432:...
Ian Ling's user avatar
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Is it still possible to RDP through SSH tunnels from Windows 10?

I am trying to use Microsoft Remote Desktop client on Windows 10 to connect to a windows server 20xx in a data center through an SSH tunnel initiated from an SSH client on the windows 10 computer. I ...
lopass's user avatar
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ssh port forwarding: cannot tunnel to a third server

I want to connect to a server (C; ip= from my desktop (A;ip= via another server (B; I must need port forwarding to run ipython notebook remotely on server C from my desktop ...
user43280's user avatar
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Can I use the SSH tunnel under a VPN as a VPN server?

I am work at home (China mainland). After connected (via VPN) to the school IP, I got the permission to ssh my computer in campus, but cannot visit However, my computer in campus can visit ...
chongkai Lu's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to MS SQL Server works with PuTTY but not from ssh command line

I'm trying to create an SSH tunnel to MS SQL Server from my Windows 10 local computer. When I create a tunnel with PuTTY, it works flawlessly. But when I create the same tunnel in command line (...
BigBob's user avatar
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Use nginx to serve SSH on different virtual server than HTTP(S)

My question is a bit different than serve ssh & https at the same time or redirect http requests to ssh. I don't want to multiplex the stream. I do have a virtual server to "spare" ...
Panayotis's user avatar
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SSH connection with Virtual Smart Card login

I'm using a virtual smart card in order to connect to a Windows remote server via RDP. When I do this it prompts me to insert a PIN, and so I'm done. The account coupled to this smart card is an admin ...
exrezzo's user avatar
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SSH Tunnel (Local Port Forwarding) fails because of Docker

I am trying to enable local port forwarding between my local machine and a remote vm. Inside of this vm runs a docker container which exposes port 7070. Essentially I want everything that happens on ...
only-a-user's user avatar
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SSH connection established by the remote server to my laptop

I have a vm running ubuntu. I use that vm by connecting to it via SSH. My problem begins with some policy enforcement that blocks all incoming traffic coming from the internet. The vm can make ...
johni's user avatar
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Reverse SSH in Git Bash fails with `connect_to localhost port X: failed`

I'm trying to help my coworkers create a reverse SSH tunnel from their local PC to our remote development server. The reverse SSH tunnel works perfectly for me. It's not working for them. The command ...
tvanc's user avatar
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how do i set MaxStartups for specific user not whole system

i want to set MaxStartups for specific user in /etc/ssh/sshd_config but I cant do something like that since "Match" doesn't support MaxStartups keyword : Match User test MaxStartups 1
DIC3's user avatar
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ssh tuneel, forward port to my wildcard domain name

So hello, i am hosting in my home home server web server, and i would like to acces it globaly so my idea was to setup ssh tunnel the setup is as follows my home server has web server on port :8080 ...
Picarica's user avatar
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specify target interface on for ssh tunnel on the other endpoint

I want to configure/maintain two routers on different networks, but both are directly connected to a raspberry pi. The configuration should then happen remotely through a tunnel via that RPi. One ...
Bernhard Bodenstorfer's user avatar
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OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu cannot establish connection to Cisco-1.25. Invalid key length

This problem has already been discussed numerous times, but I am opening this thread because this one is slightly different. This is the log when I try to connect to the computer with IP ...
Jaime Dalton Carbone's user avatar
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Log in with either a password or a public key. But not both at the same time, and limit the PAM authentication to the root user

I am having difficulties configuring the ssh server. The scenario is as follows. The root user is the only one using google F2A (PAM), the restricted user only connects by password and the rest of the ...
Jaime Dalton Carbone's user avatar
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Copy files between VMs using localhost as jumpbox

I have encountered SCP through SSH-forwarding in cases where VM-A <---> VM-B <---> VM-C and a file is needed to be transferred from A to C or vice versa, ie. B is the Jumpbox in this ...
vish4071's user avatar
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How does one add different local bind addresses in PuTTY?

I have the Windows 10 included SSH client installed. I use the following command (but different IPs and ports) in PowerShell to set up an SSH connection to a remote server. ssh -l username ` ...
user avatar
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How to combine these commands to SSH into remote machine?

I have three machines, let's call them Work, Home and Laptop, all on different networks. My goal is to remotely SSH into Home from Laptop. This is how I do this currently: Connect all three machines ...
Train Heartnet's user avatar
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SSH reverse tunneling to a linux machine

I have essentially the same configuration as this question (relevant image below): where I want to be able to ssh into RPC-2 from either LPC-1 directly and from any arbitrary machine via LPC-1. I ...
SIRCAVEC's user avatar
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Accessing CRC (OpenShift) on a remote server: "openshift crc ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused"

I ask you for help because I was unable to access the OpenShift web console, installed in a VM (CentOS), from my pc (Ubuntu). I am not an expert on linux, so please excuse me if I make any mistakes in ...
iron9's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to database server over multiple hops

SSH tunneling is easy to accomplish: ssh -D1234 host But we have a more specific infrastructure Host 1 (Remote server placed in my company) Host 2 (Local server inside Host 1 network) Host 3 (...
Mohamed Riyad's user avatar
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How to access the SSH through another server

I have a Linux server (A) (With IP X.X.X.X) that's accept SSH (in port X) only from another Linux server (B) with specific IP Y.Y.Y.Y. Obviously, if I login in the server B (From whatever IP) I can ...
h2odev's user avatar
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Cannot Connect VNC through SSH to Windows from Unix

I mostly have Unix devices and use VNC through SSH to connect to all of them. However I have one Windows 10 PC and I cannot remote into it. On the Windows 10 PC, I installed TightVNC Server (Version ...
Junto026's user avatar
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WSL2 creates local listener for remote port for SSH remote tunnel

I currently try to create an SSH tunnel between my Windows system and a WSL2 instance running on it. My goal is to have a Burp Proxy running on Windows that I can access from both Windows itself as ...
fleitner's user avatar
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How to local forward multiple hops?

I'm trying to access web server running on serverB and port 10010 from host machine (my PC). In short, the server is running on serverB's localhost:10010. To do that, I have to local forward from ...
sungjun cho's user avatar
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Remote port forwarding through ssh stopped working on windows server 2019 after update

Before the recent update the following command worked correctly and opened a ssh tunnel: ssh -R "remote-port:localhost:local-port" remote-ip which I could test by running locally ncat -l ...
ciamej's user avatar
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Transfer files from one remote server to another remote server in WinSCP

I want to transfer some files from one remote server to another remote server. The issue is these servers are accessible to be by doing hop from a jump server. I am able to get into these servers ...
Karu's user avatar
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How can I set up domain-name-access to home server using cloud server with public IP and VPN?

srv_pub srv_target +-----------------+ +---------------------+ Internet | VPS | VPN | HOME SERVER | -------...
Paul Serikov's user avatar
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Use ssh-keygen on windows machine and use it on linux machine

We have a scenario when we need to generate ssh key with ssh-keygen on a windows machine and copy it to linux instance: echo -e 'y\n' | ssh-keygen -t rsa -f /tmp/temp -N '' >/dev/null 2>&1 ...
A1001's user avatar
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SSH into Namecheap shared host

I'm trying to connect to my Namecheap shared host server via SSH I imported the pub/private key and authorized it like so: Let's VM IP = When I SSH, I kept getting ➜ Desktop ssh webedcwp@...
code-8's user avatar
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Web interface of tunneled instance unreachable

Situation: I'm using windows 10 if that matters. I'm on a work VPN in order to reach some Linux servers with webservers installed on them. I also have WSL2 installed on my system. Using bash I am able ...
JustLudo's user avatar
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Locally edit remote directories/files via ssh tunneling

As the title suggests I want to edit on my local machine (Machine A) files that are in a server (Machine C) that is accessible after sshing to another server (Machine B) (two hops in total). I'm using ...
vic's user avatar
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How to SSH between two servers behind firewalls (without a 3rd party server)

There are many posts on this topic and SSH Tunnelling however, some come close to meeting this requirement, missing out a step or two and others are difficult to follow because of unclear terms. This ...
SC-SL's user avatar
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