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1 answer

ssh-keygen fails to read key generated by itself

Using OpenSSH_8.9p1 Ubuntu-3ubuntu0.7 on WSL, ssh-keygen refuses a key it previously generated, outputting error: do_convert_from_ssh2: parse key: invalid format Reproduction $ cd /tmp/...
YSC's user avatar
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macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase with git remote since I updated to Sonoma

Referencing this similar issue, which had good suggestions: macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra but this solution isn't working for Sonoma, and using git on a server. Used ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

What exactly triggers the following SSHD warning, suspected IP change?

I have connected via SSH to the server before (using name, not IP). What exactly triggers the following SSHD message: Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address '[xx.xx.xx.xx]:23' ...
Jan's user avatar
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why is ssh-key only used on one system

I had to copy manually my ssh key from a windows system to a headless ubuntu server using scp (because ssh-copy-id isn't a basic command on windows), and I've desactivated password authentication. ...
Danywigle's user avatar
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ssh key and firewall blocked zone

i added ssh key from servera to serverb [production5@servera ~]$ ssh-copy-id production5@serverb and i added servera to blocked firewalld zone in serverb. firewall-cmd --add-source= \...
bahadir b's user avatar
0 votes
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setting up ssh between two windows machines - permission denied

I am trying to establish ssh connection between two Windows machines. Here are things I did: I installed OpenSSH on both machines, generated the ssh keys and placed the public key on the host machine ...
SlimakSlimak's user avatar
0 votes
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Long time SSH key to github stops working, and now github tests welcome me as org_name/other_project

A ssh key that had once worked with Github stopped working and nothing I did would fix it. All Git requests would die with the standard git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository In github, I ...
wruckie's user avatar
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0 answers

Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process?

Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process? When I open my terminal, an ssh-agent gets created with socket location /var/folders/sm/4bt9kz951dg4s5kq1jwy57tc0000gn/T//ssh-nWola5Puaw6o/agent....
kataba's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to convert OpenSSH ED25519 private key to the OpenSSH format that MySQL Workbench uses?

Juuso Nykänen's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Is it possible to display "visual client keys" in the sshd log?

I found recently that the ssh VisualHostKey setting is very useful for server "users" to determine that their host is the correct host, but is there a way to log the "visual key" (...
Lazerbeak12345's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Why is the key pair generated on the iOS switch [SSH server], not on the client?

I've been going through book CCNA 200-301 Official Cert Guide, Volume 1, as I'm learning for the CCNA exam: CCNA_200-301_Official_Cert_Guide/Odom,_Wendell_-_CCNA_200-301_Official_Cert_Guide,_Volume_1....
John Smith's user avatar
0 votes
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Private ssh key deleted itself after attempted migration

I'm migrating to a new laptop for work (Mac -> Mac, both on Sonoma). To migrate my ssh keys I made a tarball of my ~/.ssh directory and copied it over to the new machine. I went to ssh to one of my ...
Loren Gilmore's user avatar
0 votes
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ssh using private key fails: server accepts key, still getting return packet type 51: access denied (public key)

People in my organization connects to their GitHub repo over ssh key. Recently, some people are getting :permission denied (public key) The issue is not only with GitHub, they are not able to connect ...
Amartya Sinha's user avatar
1 vote
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How to add SSH key to Gitlab-ce in Docker

I am running Gitlab-ce V16.5.1 in a docker container. I need to add a proper SSH key to my profile in order to use HTTPS/SSH and to enable my pipelines to complete without generating HTTP Basic Access ...
Factor Three's user avatar
0 votes
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How to view an encrypted private key file?

I have a private key file generated and encrypted by ssh-keygen. Is there a way to directly open to view the file when I have the pass phrase? Or is the only method to use ssh-keygen -p to undo the ...
Old Geezer's user avatar
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2 answers

Recover the IP address of a remote machine knowing its hostname + ip address of the network + sshkey registered

I want to remotely ssh a computed administered by only me. The machine is always on a fixed IP (network; I do not know the technical name for that). To ssh I use ssh [machine_name]@[machine_addr] (...
Peedaruos's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Yubikey ssh authentication fails with "signing failed for ECDSA-SK"

I have a Yubikey (Security Key NFC by Yubico) that I'm trying to set up on a Linux machine for SSH authentication in Discoverable keys mode. I've followed this tutorial and created the keys with ssh-...
user134167's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot restart SSH after adding host entry in sshd_config

What am I doing wrong? I added within /etc/ssh/sshd_config: Host myserver HostName User myuser Port 22 When I try to restart sshd, I receive error: $ sudo systemctl ...
Frank Martin's user avatar
0 votes
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Unable to connect to server as root via ssh

I want to use remote explorer in VS Code on Windows to access a server from Ubuntu. Entering a password all the time is annoying, so I tried generating an ssh key using ssh-keygen. The key works fine ...
Andrew's user avatar
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-2 votes
1 answer

Passwordless SSH - no luck

Need to get passwordless SSH access from my Macbook (client) to Ubuntu 22.04 server (server). ssh_config on client and sshd_config on server remains original All steps made on client: Create key (no ...
Valery Bulash's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Do I need two ssh keys for one account with two emails (work and personal)?

Here's my situation: I have one GitHub account. It was always my personal account, with my personal email. Recently my company switched to GitHub and I decided to use the same account (it was allowed, ...
Ish Thomas's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to securely permission SSH keys on my mac so they require sudo access to both use and copy

I would like to set the permissions/owner settings for the SSH keys so they require sudo access to both use and copy. This would just be an additional security step if someone were to steal my laptop ...
Vishal's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

how to move ssh-key related files to another directory?

i've been trying to clean up my root directory so that it isn't clustered with random dotfiles. nonetheless, on setting up the ssh-key i came to a dead-end, where i wouldn't find a way to migrate ...
Lanny's user avatar
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What do ssh-keygen flags -N "" -q do?

I am following the tutorial where OP creates ssh keypair for guest VM login as ubuntu ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -f id_rsa -C mycurrentfolder -N "" -q what -N "" -q is really doing?...
MikiBelavista's user avatar
0 votes
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Why does SFTP prompt for a password when trying to connect to azure storage that should only accept RSA keys?

When I try to make an SFTP connection to an azure storage account using RSA keys azure still prompts me for a password. This problem occurs only on my laptop which is running Ubuntu 22.04.02 LTS on ...
Jonas's user avatar
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2 votes
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use rsync with autossh

I'm trying to use rsync with autossh on my laptop, so it can also work when internet connection is less reliable, but it doesn't really do as I'd like it to do. The starting point is that I have an ...
Richard Rosner's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Unknown reason why cannot get ssh access via public keys anymore

Server 1 -> Centos 7. Server 2 -> AlmaLinux 9. By mistake I rsync -e “ssh…” /dir1/ user2@domain2:/home/user2/dir2/ instead of rsync -e “ssh…” /dir1 user2@domain2:/home/user2/dir2/ The final ...
dstonek's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to generate rsa-sha2-256 keys using ssh-keygen utility?

I want to generate rsa-sha2-256 ssh key pair using ssh-keygen utility. Can you please share the command for the same? For ssh-rsa, it's ssh-keygen -t rsa
raman bhadauria's user avatar
0 votes
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Why am we still getting "Provided host key does not match remote server's fingerprint." in Netsuite when the host key sent matches that of the host?

We are encountering an error in Netsuite where despite the host key being inputted in Netsuite matching that of the server we're connecting to, Netsuite continues to error that the: "Provided ...
Christian Bannard's user avatar
1 vote
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SSH into windows 10 pc with Termux using keypair

So i want to SSH into my windows 10 pc via termux On server windoes 10 pc: 1.)installed OpenSSH using optional windows features. 2.)enabled the respective services On client termux app: -generated ...
AwesomeVk47's user avatar
0 votes
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Windows SSH-Server is only reading first line from "authorized_keys" file

I am trying to SSH from Ubuntu(WSL) to Windows but the OpenSSH-Server on Windows seems to be reading only the first line of authorized_keys file. When I put the SSH-Key I use to SSH from Ubuntu to ...
D_Gamer's user avatar
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Log in with either a password or a public key. But not both at the same time, and limit the PAM authentication to the root user

I am having difficulties configuring the ssh server. The scenario is as follows. The root user is the only one using google F2A (PAM), the restricted user only connects by password and the rest of the ...
Jaime Dalton Carbone's user avatar
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SSH key does not save permanently

Everytime my laptop connect to company's wifi, and committing/fetching something, git always pops error permission denied so I have to add the ssh key. The problem is that it doesn't effect ...
Huan Huynh's user avatar
1 vote
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How to debug ssh connection to remote user (when connection to root works fine)

I have an Xubuntu "Caller" and Fedora "Callee" in my garage. I'm setting them up to connect via SSH. Both are running OpenSSH, so the configurations are similar. I can connect as ...
4Dummies's user avatar
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SSH-Keyscan Does Not Return a Key

I am trying to retrieve the ssh key from a Cisco Switch and get the following output: [root@localhost] ssh-keyscan -T15 # SSH-2.0-Cisco-1.25 # SSH-2.0-...
uncowandy's user avatar
1 vote
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Trying to setup SSH key pair for root

Setting up SSH keys for root (technically ed25519 keys). Created the key pair on server I want to logon FROM and put the pub key onto the authorized key file of the server I want to connect TO. I can ...
Benjamin W Larson's user avatar
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GIT SSH keys gets "forgotten" the next day, sometimes

We use DevOps as git repository and I use Git GUI to generate an SSH key. I've used DevOps months without any issues, but as of recently, I've started to notice that my SSH key get's invalidated or ...
Joost00719's user avatar
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OpenSSH sshd.exe does not start with KexAlgorithms parameter

Running OpenSSH Server 8.1p on Windows Server 2016 DC When I add the parameter "KexAlgorithms" in the sshd_config, the service fails to start. I want to add legacy support for key methods ...
Daryl's user avatar
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How can I use a U2F hardware authenticator to unlock a SSH key in a computer I am SSH'd into?

I have a number of computers on which I've generated a ed25519-sk SSH key all using the same U2F hardware authenticator (yubikey 5C NFC). I'm now in a situation involving three computers: X, Y, and Z. ...
ahelwer's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use OPENSSH private key to access server?

I received a private key in plain text format from someone. How do I save it to access server. It's in a format mentioned below. -----FOR SERVER! BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY----- ...
Kramer Buckley's user avatar
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Ubuntu Connection closed by [preauth]

I have Ubuntu running on Windows (app) where I have created ssh key pair and added to Ubuntu server (Cloud) for the user. Whenever I try to ssh from Ubuntu Sandbox (Windows) to ubuntu server (Cloud), ...
rp346's user avatar
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Need help wth error 'Permission denied (publickey,password)'

i am trying to ssh to a remote instance and i keep getting Permission denied (publickey,password) error. What is weird is that i am able to ssh into instance-01. I have pasted the verbose logs , would ...
bourne's user avatar
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ssh login failed with public key

I use publickey to do ssh login and failed. Here is my sshd config, sshd logs. sshd config: Port 1046 Protocol 2 PermitRootLogin no ChallengeResponseAuthentication no PasswordAuthentication no ...
Leslie__Joe's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I connect to my SSH on DigitalOcean droplet? permission denied. (git bash Windows)

How can I connect to my droplet in DigitalOcean using the openssh to be able to install my SSL Certificate, I've already added my SSH key to the droplet and my fingerprint is there, but each time I ...
Ibrahim Hafez's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't remove old SSH keys from connection Mac OS

Every time I connect via SSH, the agent will try non-existent keys: debug1: Will attempt key: /Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa debug1: Will attempt key: /Users/user/.ssh/id_dsa debug1: Will attempt key: /...
Specimen's user avatar
3 votes
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How to SSH from MacOS terminal to Ubuntu 22.04. No matching host key type found

I'm not able to login to Ubuntu 22.04 which I newly installed from MacOS terminal. Here is the error I get while trying to SSH to ubuntu QWERTY-M-91FL:~ qwerty$ ssh [email protected] Unable to ...
mac's user avatar
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Why am I getting a bad signature for RSA key error with Rysnc crontab between Linux and macOS?

I'm trying to Rsync backups into another machine on a LAN. I've copied my key over and even using SSH manually, I get the following error, which keeps my crontabs from connecting: ...
Rich_F's user avatar
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OpenSSH Won't Authenticate with Keypair

Problem When I try configuring key pair authentication to OpenSSH-Server running on Ubuntu, I am still prompted for a password. I've generated key pairs with ssh-keygen -t rsa and did not set a key ...
Junto026's user avatar
2 votes
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Permission denied (publickey). On Windows Subsystem for Linux

I am new to SSH and have been looking for a solution for this for long now. I am trying to connect to my uni's server that runs on Ubuntu from my WSL (I am using wsl2) via ssh. My Subsystem also runs ...
luCAT's user avatar
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ssh_config auto restored after some time

I need to connect to git using an ed25519 SSH key, but the /etc/ssh/ssh_config only has the entries below for IdentityFile, so I receive error Permission denied (publickey) when accessing the git repo:...
MUKHTAR INAMDAR's user avatar

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