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Sending Environment Variables via SCP

I'm looking to send some kind of environment variable using "SCP -o" (or any other file transfer protocol for that matter PSFTP, PSCP, etc). I currently use SCP to transfer files between ...
horsman's user avatar
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scp not working in a custom python shell script after migration from ubuntu 20.04 to debian 12

I have this backup server where various clients upload daily archives via scp. In order to protect the machine and to manage the backups, I have written a simple python shell script that only allows ...
velis's user avatar
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Can transfer files using WinSCP but scp or rsync fail with errors like "Connection closed"

I get errors when trying to transfer files using scp or rsync, but I can transfer files using WinSCP, and it's using SCP protocol. I'm running WinSCP on Windows 11 and scp rsync on WSL2, and when I'm ...
李昊泽's user avatar
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Can’t send over a SSH key to Windows 11 but process works with Windows 10. Why?

I'm running some tests with SSH with public keys. I am generating the keys with the ssh-keygen command in my Linux machine. I'd like to use the SCP command to copy the public key to my Windows 11 ...
slyroad's user avatar
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Copying files from Linux server to windows machine over SSH, using expect script and crontab is not reliable

We have a server that is producing reports from some elements in two formats. PDF and DOCX. I created a crontab job to automate transfer of these files from the server to one of the local Windows ...
anej zafred's user avatar
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SCP from server to local host failed

I am sure I was SCPing some files TO the server before, but now it does not work in opposite direction. I'm using: $ scp -v mysrv:/home/XXX/dir/app.rb app.rb.bak Authenticated to mysrv ([]...
A.D.'s user avatar
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Persistent SSH Error 'port 22: No route to host'

I have been trying to resolve a problem on my Windows 11 laptop dealing with openSSH server with the error message 'port 22: No route to host'. Mind you I have done the download correctly, and have it ...
user avatar
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SCP silently ignored on the remote machine

When I'm trying to copy a file using scp (in whatever direction), there's no error displayed (although the returned $? code is 1), all I can see is the message that normally the REMOTE machine prints ...
Ethouris's user avatar
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scp -O (legacy protocol) option per config file?

I basically have the same problem as described (and solved) here: This is: scp to some ...
Heiko Finzel's user avatar
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How to remotely download from a server that's 'firewalled' by another server? [duplicate]

I need to access and download a catalog of stars from a remote server for my thesis work from outside my university. The server that holds the data (let's call it target) can only be accessed from ...
condosz's user avatar
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scp: ambiguous target when attempting to copy directory with an apostrophe and spaces in the name

I am trying to use scp to copy a directory by using ssh through windows terminal to connect to my mac and then use scp to copy a folder to my raspberry pi; I have tried many variations such as scp -r &...
Ponyboy's user avatar
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Getting "Remote to remote not supported" when copy file from Windows host to remote Ubuntu server using pscp

I'm trying to copy a file from a Windows host to a remote Linux (Ubuntu) server using pscp. This looks straight forward at first: pscp -P 22 'C:\text.txt' user@ip:~/Downloads However, I get the ...
daydr3am3r's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to test scp without sending a file?

I have a setting where only scp connections are allowed to a remote server, with ssh login being disabled (i.e. you can't get a shell into that server), and I am seeking a clean way to test the ...
Anis LOUNIS aka AnixPasBesoin's user avatar
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Permission denied (publickey). scp: Connection closed

I'm having a remote server running SSH, I use the scp from my local computer like this: scp filename.txt username@IP:/data/production it asks for the password, I supplied it, and then I get ...
saurabh's user avatar
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Transfer a file via scp with key auth

I need to transfer a file from machine source to machine target, executing the scp command on source machine. The source machine has a private key, and the target machine has source's public key ...
RedMurloc's user avatar
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scp doesn't trigger initial prompt even though known_hosts is empty or deleted

I have a bash script to copy a file to a remote server using scp and expect. The script is as follows: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set port [lindex $argv 0] set file_to_send [lindex $argv 1] set login [...
CaTx's user avatar
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Trying to scp files from an old Cisco C3560G to my PC : no matching key exchange method found

I'm trying to download files from an old Cisco C3560G to my PC but I get this error : PS C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH> ./scp.exe -pr admin@PAN-MGMT-01:c3560-ipbasek9-mz.122-53.SE C:\Users\sebastien....
SebMa's user avatar
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Copy files between VMs using localhost as jumpbox

I have encountered SCP through SSH-forwarding in cases where VM-A <---> VM-B <---> VM-C and a file is needed to be transferred from A to C or vice versa, ie. B is the Jumpbox in this ...
vish4071's user avatar
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cat through ssh does not work, it hangs on "debug2: exec request accepted on channel 0" and scp never finishes

I trying to print a file through ssh on CentOS7 but it does not work somehow : $ time timeout 60s ssh -vvv SERVER-01 cat /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo OpenSSH_7.4p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2k-fips 26 Jan ...
SebMa's user avatar
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Using Rsync Transferring files from server to client too much slow?

Actually i am transferring files from one AM5728 Board to another AM5728 board (with Aargo Linux Kernel) with 1Gbps speed. Tested iperf command speed is 750Mbps. Transfer files from one board to ...
pc.ramachandra's user avatar
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Why Do ssh and scp See Different File Systems

My ssh to a host "sees" one file system; my scp sees a different one. How can this be the case, and how can I fix it. e.g. $ ssh me@otherpc 'ls -l /tmp/media-files.txt' -rw-r--r-- 1 me me ...
Kevin Kleinfelter's user avatar
2 votes
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Broken pipe on transfer from/to fedora system using rsync/rclone/scp

I'm trying to send some files with around 2GB to my home server running Fedora 36. On my Laptop, I have Pop OS! 22.04. Both are directly connected to my router via Ethernet. Sadly, I'm getting errors ...
MrMinemeet's user avatar
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scp no such file or directory exists, but the file does exist

First, I want to say I am sorry if this is posted in the wrong section. this is my first post here, and this is the first time I'm making an account. What I am trying to do is copy a file from a ...
psychedelique's user avatar
7 votes
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Copy file using scp fails (debug1: Exit status -1)

I wanted to copy a single file from a remote server to my local machine. I do not have root privileges on the remote machine but I can successfully SSH into a user given the password. However the ...
k4mp3t's user avatar
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Copying a file from a linux embedded system to local machine connected by a Serial connection

I am connected to my embedded system by serial connection to my laptop(windows), and using puTTy I booted it up. It is collecting data and making a .csv file of the collected data. I would like to get ...
Shubhankar Varshney's user avatar
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scp recursive upload is incomplete

I want to transmit with scp a folder and it's contents, including subdirectories. The size of the directory is 16.2GB and it contains 40.647 files and 7.463 subdirectories. The local machine runs ...
Hellow2's user avatar
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scp : "unexpected filename: . ", but I don't see a "."

I want to scp a .sh script to /dev/shm but it gives me error: unexpected filename: . I don't even see where there would be a lone . in either the script or the directory. The full command was: scp -r ...
user1699544's user avatar
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Sending command: scp -v -t / exec request failed on channel 0

Attempting to send a simple txt file (soon to be csv files) from Windows Server 2019 using scp command (or sftp, or ssh) to a remote server. Remote server employee gave us a username and password to ...
cooldan1's user avatar
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Transfer files from one remote server to another remote server in WinSCP

I want to transfer some files from one remote server to another remote server. The issue is these servers are accessible to be by doing hop from a jump server. I am able to get into these servers ...
Karu's user avatar
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SSH config: is there a way to distinguish between ssh and scp commands?

I manage SSH connections to remote machines using a special ProxyCommand in my ssh_config file. Suffice to say it's structured like this: Host my-target IdentityFile /path/to/temporary-key ...
data princess's user avatar
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Executing a python script via SSH on remote and scp on localhost

I am new to this and need some advice on resolving my problem. I have a python script on a remote server. I want to execute that script from my local system and then transfer the result file generated ...
Pawan's user avatar
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scp works with /bin/sh default shell, but disconnects with /bin/bash default shell [duplicate]

I've recently set up a fairly minimal Debian server (fail2ban and ufw installed with the OpenSSH profile enabled) with a user with default shell /bin/bash: $ grep "$(whoami)" /etc/passwd ...
Nightfirecat's user avatar
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Why can't scp resolve the second hostname?

I am trying to copy from one remote-machine to another using my local machine. Both remotes are added in the local ~/.ssh/config as follows: Host source Hostname <public-ip> ...
bjoekeldude's user avatar
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SCP, transfer file across 3 computers

I'm having trouble understanding if it's possible to transfer a file from one PC to another passing through a third one. To explain better my situation: I have: My local PC (PC-1), where I have my ...
Marco Colussi's user avatar
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Scp Tab completion for remote wsl bash does not work as the other way round

On wsl(ubuntu), I can do scp somefile ubuntu:somepath, and use tab completion for the somepath, as I use keys to ssh. But I cant do this in reverse. On remote ubuntu I do scp somefile wsl:, and then ...
tothedistance's user avatar
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How to find the port used for SCP?

I'm trying to copy a file from my local (Windows 10, Cygwin) machine to a remote (Raspberry Pi) machine using scp, I get a time out error: $ scp main.bin [email protected]: ssh: connect to host 123....
ysap's user avatar
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scp stopped working in the middle of a large file transfer to SSH server with Nautilus

I have a Fedora 35 home server set up. I use sshd with the default settings. Up until today, I could ssh and scp without any issues and had no problems with this machine. This morning, from my two ...
Sevag's user avatar
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How do I connect three machines (one PC and two laptops) together though ssh tunnel?

I am a student at a college and therefore am very limited over what I can do with routers and whatnot. I need my PC tower to have ssh access to my school laptop and to my work laptop. I need these ...
Nathaniel Reeves's user avatar
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Unable to sudo scp with ssh key

I need to run a script that contains some instructions which must be run as root, and a scp: sbt assembly # requires sudo scp -r -p myfile [email protected]:/root/spark/root # doesn't require sudo I ...
papillon's user avatar
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Cannot send file from local machine to the server using SCP despite being able to login via SSH

I am trying to send file from my local machine (Ubuntu) to Oracle VM (Oracle Linux). Command I tried is below, but it doesn’t work. I can connect to the server fine using SSH. scp -r -i /...
Goku's user avatar
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scp - permission denied (publickey)

I am able to ssh into a remote server ssh -i "C:\Users\kong\Documents\prl.ppk" [email protected] but not able to scp scp -i "C:\Users\kong\Documents\prl.ppk" [email protected]:~/...
Kong's user avatar
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scp w/ BindAddress

Apologies if I get some terminology wrong here, I'm very much not a networking expert. I have a server on my local network but am connected to a VPN, and to reach the local server via ssh on my Mac, I ...
DanM's user avatar
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ssh works but not scp - Permission denied (publickey)

I am able to ssh into a remote server ssh -i "C:\Users\kong\Documents\prl.ppk" [email protected] but not able to scp scp -i "C:\Users\kong\Documents\prl.ppk" [email protected]:~/...
Kong's user avatar
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scp transfer through an intermediate host

I have 3 servers: A, B, C and need to transfer a file from A to C. ssh is only possible from A to B and from C to B (see below), because A and C are on 2 different VPNs. A → B C → B SSH is not ...
TooLateMate's user avatar
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rsync through ssh proxy using a key that is on the proxy

I am trying to copy files using rsync from a server A, to a server C, through a bastion server B. A -> B -> C This can be achieved normally through using the -e option, like: rsync -e 'ssh user@...
mpope's user avatar
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scp fails with -T in different scp versions

I'm having a strange behavior with scp and the option -T in Ubuntu 16. On one PC with scp version 1:7.2p2-4ubuntu2.8 I run the command to scp a file from remote PC to my local PC and the file gets ...
Naten Baptista's user avatar
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Is openssh-server safe on a local network?

Quick description of my situation: 2 home use computers, both connected to a standard AT&T router. Both computers get a 192.168.1.x IP address from the router. I have no idea what the IP of the ...
cdahms's user avatar
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How ca I make CentOS 7 accept SSH while denying SCP?

On a CentOS 7 server, I'd like to configure it such that: It accepts SSH connections, like PuTTY It denies SCP/SFTP connections, like SCP, WinSCP, and FileZilla Is such a configuration possible?
Oliver Chen's user avatar
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Port 22 won't open even after enabling it on Windows Firewall settings

I'm currently trying to transfer file between my two local computer (laptop running Linux & PC Windows 10) by SHH using scp cmd, see here I'm trying to transfer from Linux laptop to Windows PC. ...
Jawad Bounaâs's user avatar
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Is there any difference between default scp and PuTTY pscp (with -scp) protocols?

I'm trying to automate a task that requires remote file transfer. The file provider manual specifically says that It needs a pscp (PuTTY version of scp) call to be made, and also already includes the ...
VitorBtf's user avatar

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