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Cisco IR829 , Cellular is not getting IP address

hello I have a problem with my current router and with this model Ir829 i always have problem to get ip address by cellular, the sim card seems to work good with other device, and i have tested ...
Mauro Mejias's user avatar
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ovpn config file creating a tunnel but cannot access LAN apps

I have an ovpn file which opens a tunnel to router I have setup. This tunnel works since I can confirm that my public IP is located at the same location as this router. This router has a local server ...
bcsta's user avatar
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-1 votes
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What will be the local IP and remote IP while doing port forwarding in airtel Router?

I bought an unmanaged cloud server from the hosting company. My cloud Server IP is It is hosted with Plesk so PORT is 8443. My local IP is and my Router IP is
Haccker AI's user avatar
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Cannot access internal network server from internal network device using public IP

I cannot access server2 from my laptop under the office network using public external IP address. And here is my experiment Case From To Command Connection Case 1 L server1 ssh [email protected] -p ...
Olivia's user avatar
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Port forwarding gets me to router login page

I have port forwarding configured on a Teltonika RUT240. The plan is to connect to a device on the local network. Connecting to the public IP (static IP from ISP) only gets me to the router's web page....
mandarinar's user avatar
-2 votes
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How do I SSH into this home router? Minimal web options, SSH connection reset by peer, telnet creates bad request

I'm looking to extract logs from my TP-Link Archer AX73 to do some basic network monitoring. I initially followed a guide involving an SNMP exporter but quickly discovered that there is no option to ...
followmeimlost's user avatar
1 vote
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Port Forwarding is not working [closed]

I want to be able to connect to my Raspberry Pi either via ssh or through connection like server-client from WAN which I think I need to do with port forwarding which is what I'm having problems with. ...
ZombieSpale's user avatar
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Home network SSH between two machines with two routers between them

Ok so in my home network I have two routers setup, one from my ISP and my own Linksys router. I am currently trying to setup a Pi connected to the ISP modem/router but since my workstation is ...
Starkiller4011's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to ssh into remote server, despite port open and server reachable

As the title says, I am trying to create a home Linux server, and everything was going fine, including when I ssh into the server over LAN from both my laptop and my desktop. I am a total beginner ...
Jules Raschilas's user avatar
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Router accessible by local devices but not from the Internet using its DDNS hostname

I am attempting to setup port-forwarding on my Asus router so that I can, among other things, SSH to one device connected to LAN from the Internet. Since my Internet provider doesn't provide me with a ...
Faptimus420's user avatar
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ssh from external ip address not working

I am trying to ssh into my wsl from a remote machine. I have setup the ssh forwarding from Windows to wsl. I can now ssh into my wsl through my internal IP address I have setup the ...
Elias Wang's user avatar
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Cannot ssh into self hosted server from public IP

I set up a server to self host and cannot ssh into it, and I'm having trouble debugging the issue. This is the error I get when I run ssh with verbose logging: OpenSSH_9.4p1, OpenSSL 3.1.2 1 Aug 2023 ...
Anthony Bias's user avatar
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I enabled port-forwarding on my router, now how do I "log in" to it with SSH?

I have a server on my home network, and I'd like to be able to remotely access it via SSH. So I enabled port forwarding on my router administration panel, to forward all TCP/UDP requests to port 22 to ...
vw1262's user avatar
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SSH fingerprint difference

tl,dr: The user has a home server accessed via SSH by them and their coworkers. Recently, coworkers began experiencing connection issues, encountering different SSH keys than expected. The user, on ...
Fernando D'Andrea's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can't suddently ssh into home router

I've configured my home router and my pc at home to accept ssh connections, I've ssh into both the computer and the router multiples times with no problems at all. Today, while I was remotely logged ...
atianalisi's user avatar
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New outbound SSH hangs after old SSH session is terminated

I have a home server that I SSH into from my laptop. I'm having an issue where: I SSH into the server, and it works fine I put my laptop to sleep for whatever reason Upon waking, the SSH connection ...
Karl's user avatar
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Remote administration between 2 host behind different NAT

I have 2 computers, both connect to the internet using different routers in different locations, therefore not having a fixed public IP address. Computer A is the admin Pc and needs to get a shell on ...
atianalisi's user avatar
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How to include key exchange algorithms required to connect to router using OpenSSH client?

With OpenSSH_8.9p1 for Windows, I'm trying to connect to a NuCom router NC-WR764TGV: ssh [email protected] Output: Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching key exchange method found. ...
jamacoe's user avatar
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How to share socks proxied internet with OpenWrt

I have a router in which installed OpenWrt 22.03.3 and I do ssh [email protected] into it. Then I run these two commands: ssh -fnD 1010 root@my_public_server -pPort Now I can have a socks proxy from ...
Saeed's user avatar
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SSH connections within LAN slow down/freeze

When SSHing (and this would presumably be the case with other protocols) to devices within my LAN using 192.168 addresses, such as a Raspberry Pi or server, everything works fine for some time, but ...
Radvylf Programs's user avatar
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Setup Linux VM on router

I'm picking up a project that is somewhat out of my depth and expertise so I'll try to lay it out simply. We had a system of sensors that were connected by ethernet to a router, this router had been ...
greg's user avatar
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Cannot Access server remotely through VPN tunnel when server is connected to am openVPN service

I created a VPN tunnel to my home LAN. The VPN Tunnel is successful because I can access my router's gateway. I have ssh access to one of the servers on the network ( I Tested this ...
bcsta's user avatar
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Cannot access server on LAN remotely via VPN Tunnel (when server has VPN client turned on)

I have a self-hosted server which has an openVPN client connection always on. So the public IP of this server is not the same as all the other devices connected to the router. I want to also access ...
bcsta's user avatar
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I could SSH externally into VM, but suddenly stopped working, but worked again temporarily on router reboot. Why does this happen?

Please be gentle; I'm completely new to network management. Background: I am running an Ubuntu Desktop 20.x VM on a Synology DS916. Some pertinent details are as follows: The VM has a static private ...
cambridgecircus's user avatar
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How to ping/ssh to a system that is connected to a router

Let us say I have system A and system B. I would like to ping system A from system B. But, system A is connected to a router, the router is connected to the base network. System B is connected ...
OlorinIstari's user avatar
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How to determine the IP address and SSH into a hostapd server?

I've started the hostapd deamon and am able to connect to it via Wi-Fi. Now I want to SSH from the connected device into the server that started the hostapd WiFi. The SSH deamon is running of course. ...
user1785730's user avatar
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Unable to SSH between machines on the same network

I'm trying to SSH from my laptop (mac / to my pc (linux / Both are connected, via wifi, to a 4g router (Huawei b715-23c). I have sshd running on linux on port 4773, and ...
Atte's user avatar
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ssh to linux home computer, without configuring the router: possible at all?

There are many tutorials on how to setup a linux computer at home so you may connect to it remotely via ssh, but they require to do some configuration on the router. Is there any way to setup ssh (or ...
Vince's user avatar
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SSH times out when using a VPN. Works fine inside my network

I have an Ubuntu server running in my network. When I SSH inside my network, it works fine. If I try to do it outside of my local network — connected to a VPN — I cannot reach it (times out). It's ...
user3906610's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I enable ssh onTP-Link TD-W8961N?

I was trying to work on AAA (authentication authorization and accounting) project but my keep facing access denied (permission denied) issue. Telnet works, but how can I enable SSH on this router?
Alazar Yehualashet's user avatar
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Create a static IP for a single (Linux/Ubuntu) machine on an internal/home LAN?

At home I have a few old PC's (PC-1, PC-2) that automatically gets assigned a (dynamic?) IP and can connect to the internet via my wireless router. I would like to assign a static IP to PC-1 so I can ...
u123's user avatar
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SSH connection to Raspberry Pi using 2 internet and 2 routers

I have two internet connection and both of them have public static IPs. Both of this internet connections are connected to their own separate routers and these two routers are connected to each other ...
Bhavesh Jadav's user avatar
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Accessing SSH on multiple devices connected to the same home-router (Port-forwarding solution)

So, I have multiple devices connected to my router via ethernet cables. All devices have some kind of SSH-service running and are reachable over the WAN/Internet via "ssh [email protected]&...
Caeleste's user avatar
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sftp/ssh connection works on network but not from outside

Okay, this is a weird one. I normally don't ask questions here, but I'm about 5 hours in and my brain is melting. I have set up a sftp server on my network with the following attributes in my ...
MySurmise's user avatar
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ssh on local area network works to server but from remote client doesn't

I have a local server that has DYNDNS installed with a domain name ''. On my local area network, I can ssh to the local server using it's local IP address successfully. This tells me ...
John Wooten's user avatar
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SSH multiple routers connected via switch

I want to capture wireless packets with multiple routers using tcpdump. I can capture wireless packets with just one router but I want to capture with multiple routers simultaneously and send it to a ...
bhdrozgn's user avatar
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Accessing (SSH and Ping) clients between two routers' networks

I have two TP-Link Archer C1200 routers, both with different network ranges, and one of them is connected to the ISP's internet and the other is connected with the first using dynamic IP. I want to be ...
Ahed's user avatar
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Access a home server over the internet with a private WAN IP

I have a Ubuntu machine running in my private network and I intend to use it as a media server. It works like a charm on my home network and I want to make it accessible over the internet. My problem ...
Archit's user avatar
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Why disabled SSID broadcast on router leads to undiscoverable machines in lan

Setup: router TL-WR841N (tp-link last firmware TL-WR841N v13 00000013) laptop (macOS) Raspberry Pi 4 (Raspberry Pi OS) IPs assigned successfully via DHCP router service. Disabled "SSID ...
yunir's user avatar
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Local Win+Ubuntu: ssh from Win to Ubuntu via the Internet

I have two computers, Win10 & Ubuntu 18.04, behind a router, connected to the Internet. On both, Internet works OK. I want to give access to someone to do remote work on Ubuntu (not Win). The ...
MrSparkly's user avatar
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Port forwarding issue - Connection refused when SSHing into a configured port

Foreword I do have an public IP, which I can verify on WhatIsMyIPAddress; When I try to connect to my computer from the outside via any of these ssh myusername@mypublicIP ssh -p 22 myusername@...
Enlico's user avatar
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Trying to Port forward ssh and it stoped working today

I am trying to setup a ssh access to pi outside of my router and I bought a real IP from my ISP and it started working yesterday but today morning it suddenly stopped again. Idk what else to provide ...
Tushar Jain's user avatar
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SSH Connection Blocked to my NAS but not sure why

I typically connect to a NAS from another PC via SSH, but recently the connection has stopped working and I'm not sure what's causing the issue. Typically, I connect over a dynamic IP hosting site, ...
stillQuestioning's user avatar
4 votes
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Connect 2 computers without wifi/router

I'm trying to set up a raspberry pi without having a screen nor direct access to the router, Is there a way to connect these 2 computers? (without buying switch or router). Afterwards, by accessing ...
user avatar
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ssh into WSL2 works on only some IP addresses

On Win10, in WSL 2 running Ubuntu 20, I've installed sshd running on a port different from 22, namely 2222. To the firewall I've added an incoming rule for TCP port 2222. From the windows command ...
Camille Goudeseune's user avatar
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SSH lag when accessing from outside

UPDATE: I just found out that the ssh command option(instead of an interactive shell that you just send a command with it) works somewhat. example: ssh pi@domainname ls works and prints the content, ...
Johanno's user avatar
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Connectivity Issues That Service Provider Can't Answer [closed]

hello I'm not very tech savvy and I have a few questions in regards to my internet service that my provider seems unable to answer. I WAH between different contracts which some require higher speeds ...
ShabbyChic13's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to access local server via ethernet but can access via WiFi

Thank you in advance for your help! As the title states, I have a local server running dietpi on a raspberry pi 4. I am able to SSH access it through my computer and phone when connected to my router ...
theChef613's user avatar
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SSH is unable to connect by hostname

I had a curious issue recently after I changed addresses, ISP, and router. I have a linux box running openssh which I was using as a NAS. I was able to log into the device using a command similar to ...
stillQuestioning's user avatar
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Can't connect to server over local network but works fine from the Internet

This is not a typical NAT loopback block: Other users can connect to a server using its external IP from outside the server's local network, but I can't connect to it with its external or internal ...
Pedro's user avatar
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