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SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B

Schematic: ssh ssh A ------> B ------> C ^ ^ using A's using B's ssh key ssh key Preconditions: A is running ssh-agent A can access B B can access C A can't ...
J.Nexus's user avatar
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Unresponsive domain names freeze SSH connection when using SOCKS proxy

Is it possible to stop the SSH connection freezing when using dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS proxy) when it encounters an unresponsive DNS name? I found the whole SSH connection freezes when going on ...
Aenfa's user avatar
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Access ssh through proxy

My college requires proxy to access the WiFi. My computer is connected to that WiFi at college. I want to access it from my home using ssh. What can I do? what can I do to access a machine using ssh ...
Dhiman K. Chakraborty's user avatar
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Can't forward dynamic port to host using SSH

I'm trying to set up a SOCKS proxy server on HostA from HostC (which has external access to the internet) through HostB. After configuring PermitTunnel yes on /etc/ssh/sshd_config on HostC, I managed ...
robertinho's user avatar
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Proxy server forwarding traffic over two consecutive proxies

I have a server behind a bastion server and use an SSH tunnel to forward traffic between my laptop and a lab environment. Using proxychains-ng I can successfully forward traffic from commands with ...
Clancy Walters's user avatar
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ssh, udp and split tunneling accross windows 10

I use "Bitvise SSH client" on my windows 10 machine to Connect to SSH server in windows Server. It doesnt tunnel all of my Pc so use Softether VPN Client Manager To Connect it via Socks ...
Guester 's user avatar
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SSH config for remote servers using kerberos

I connect to my remote server using: ssh -At [email protected] ssh -At [email protected] The following only asks me for a password one time. I do not have any authentication file on my computer, ...
Peyman's user avatar
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Connecting to a remote server without it's IP and using a relay server

I have 3 systems as follows: Client A: IP not disclosed Client B: IP not disclosed Server: some public ip Client C: IP not disclosed So, what i'm trying to do is, I want Client C to connect to the ...
Gaurish's user avatar
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How to setup go-mmproxy

So, I'm have HA Proxy setup, and I want to use the proxy protocol to send my ssh requests, as well as other requests to other TCP services like a minecraft server. I read the article here, but I didn'...
ShadowFox88's user avatar
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.pac file or manual proxy stopped working with ssh / socks5 and firefox 118

Up until updating firefox to 118 my .pac file for automatic proxy configuration was working okay. I'm on linux and the proxy is over ssh with socks5 so first I do ssh -D9999 and ...
Fetchinson0234's user avatar
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Multihop ssh tunnel/proxy

I am trying to set up an ssh tunnel/proxy configuration to enable me to reach a private API so that I can test it. The API is hosted in AWS API Gateway and is configured by design to be reachable only ...
Andy McKibbin's user avatar
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Getting sshd to use a proxy when tunneling with SOCKS5

I have a setup (which I cannot change), in which I need to a access a webserver from my local machine. I don't have direct access to the webserver. It is only accessible from a proxy. The proxy ...
SebastianR's user avatar
-1 votes
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Can I access a remote VPS's via proxy? points to local machine, is it possible to access a remote VPS's instead of my own device?
Flan1335's user avatar
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How to connect to sftp server from MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username and password?

There are similar questions like this around, but I haven't been able find the answer to my question, which is: How to connect to sftp server from a MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username ...
Johan's user avatar
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Tunneling Http traffic from A to B using SSH

I am very new to networking and trying to understand SSH. I have this setup Device A : serving web app on a static 192.X.X.X DeviceB : can access the web app through 192.X.X.X Device C: connected to B ...
Rohit Singh's user avatar
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Connect to a SSH server (in VM) via an intermediary SSH server (in docker)

I have 2 SSH servers (server1 is running in a docker container, server2 is running in a VM). From my laptop, I can connect to the first one (ssh server1) but not to the second one because of security ...
Guillaume Adam's user avatar
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Use nginx to serve SSH on different virtual server than HTTP(S)

My question is a bit different than serve ssh & https at the same time or redirect http requests to ssh. I don't want to multiplex the stream. I do have a virtual server to "spare" ...
Panayotis's user avatar
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How do I forward a website that I can access on a remote machine, to my local machine?

I have a virtual machine (Windows) that serves a website: I would like to access that from my local machine (Mac) using that exact URL. They are on the same VPN, and I can ssh into ...
Jacob's user avatar
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Password for Socks Proxy with SSH Tunnel

I need to have a socks5 proxy with an ssh tunnel with the following command: ssh -p <SSH_PORT> -CnfND<Port> Username@ServerIP The question is how can I set a password for this ...
AliMehr's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I define socks proxy (`ssh -D`) in `~/.ssh/config` file?

I now run this to have a socks proxy: ssh -D1111 my_server I want to add it to my .ssh/config file to ProxyCommand so that whenever I run ssh my_server, I can have a socks proxy. I searched but did ...
Saeed's user avatar
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How to create multi hops SSH tunnel using PuTTY?

I have 5 VPS , I use jump command in OpenSSH to connect from My_Pc to VPS_5 . My_PC ==>VPS_1 ==>VPS_2 ==>VPS_3 ==>VPS_4 ==>VPS_5 ==>Internet ssh -D80 root@VPS_5 -J root@VPS_1,root@...
max's user avatar
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How to properly use SSH as a VPN?

I have been dealing with extreme internet censorship in my country for the past month. I tried everything on my Ubuntu VPS including OpenVPN, open connect and then finally V2Ray+WS worked for a few ...
mohsen amini's user avatar
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What's a simple way to create a transparent proxy over SSH?

I have a remote computer that I connect to via SSH that I want to proxy certain domains through the connecting client's network. I figured setting up a simple proxy (like nginx) on the client and ...
David Alsh's user avatar
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SSH proxy tunnel not accessing blocked sites on Windows 10 and 11 due to DNS leak?

I have a problem with an SSH proxy. On my Mac, I used the command ssh -D 8080 [email protected] to login to my server, and I set the Mac SOCKS proxy settings to use, and it was working ...
RaymondY's user avatar
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Forward some traffic through docker image?

My VPN runs in a docker container. I recently switched to Mac, which made this problematic, since docker for Mac does not support --network host. I now have to run all my VPN needs in docker ...
user93114's user avatar
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SSH - quoting error when composing command line with ProxyCommand (bash)

I would like to use the ssh command in a bash script running on srcHost to remotely execute a command on a range of hosts (targetHostX). Some of those remote hosts are only reachable via a jump host (...
garreth33's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Is there a way to redirect DNS traffic to ssh tunnel

I am trying to get a barebone solutions similar to different smart dns proxies available . Now I am able to get one part done, by using , ssh tunneling and creating dynamic forward. host myserver User ...
Simsons's user avatar
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SSH connection over HTPP/SOCKS proxy

I'm trying to establish a connection between my laptop and a workstation that's sitting behind a SOCKS/HTTP proxy server and which I have no access to, or possibility of configuring the router. At the ...
joaocandre's user avatar
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WSL2 creates local listener for remote port for SSH remote tunnel

I currently try to create an SSH tunnel between my Windows system and a WSL2 instance running on it. My goal is to have a Burp Proxy running on Windows that I can access from both Windows itself as ...
fleitner's user avatar
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Running all traffic to bypass local firewall

I am on a monitored university network(I live here) and am unable to reach much of the internet, vpn's are also banned, as in they can't establish connection. So I figured I could get a server on ...
lasercats's user avatar
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How can I set up domain-name-access to home server using cloud server with public IP and VPN?

srv_pub srv_target +-----------------+ +---------------------+ Internet | VPS | VPN | HOME SERVER | -------...
Paul Serikov's user avatar
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Detect redirect using SSH tunnel to https?

I want to redirect my home server via a VPS to the internet, using proxy. For plain http it does work and it is automatically redirected to https using the certificate of '' installed on ...
user513667's user avatar
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How to create persistent SSH connection between two servers in systemctl

This is my /etc/systemd/system/proxy.service file: [Unit] Description=proxy After=system.slice [Service] Type=forking User=root StandardOutput=stdout StandardError=stderr ...
Saeed's user avatar
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How to proxy and tunnel one IP Address via SSH?

I have two servers: A and B. Server A is my main server which hosts my website (in my country). Server B is a server in the US. I have limit to connect to some websites via server A, so I want to ...
Saeed's user avatar
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ssh config for multiple proxy jumps

I have a setup where I need to do 2 proxy jumps in order to connect to my server D. Effectively, from A, I need to connect to B, from which I need to connect to C (which only allows connections from B)...
Jimmy2027's user avatar
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rsync through ssh proxy using a key that is on the proxy

I am trying to copy files using rsync from a server A, to a server C, through a bastion server B. A -> B -> C This can be achieved normally through using the -e option, like: rsync -e 'ssh user@...
mpope's user avatar
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Sophos SSL VPN with ssh socks proxy over google cloud

I was given Sophos VPN client installation file for Windows. When I try to connect to VPN using the installed client, it fails. The reason is probably due to some ip addresses are blocked in my ...
Mikhail Trunov's user avatar
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How to create tunnel from your local windows machine to remote windows server

I have a jump host at my work environment, what have access to some specific servers like san drive and few web based dashboards are only accessible from this server. Every time i have connect to ...
kartoos khan's user avatar
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Create a HTTPS Tunnel to avoid network hard limitations

Here is my problem : At work, if I don't want to use my phone for everything I use the provided connection to the internet, that goes through a network that has strict restrictions : basically all ...
LMT-PhD's user avatar
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OpenVPN behind HTTP PROXY Authenticate Successfully But Can't Use Internet

Hey I want to figure out how openvpn can be used behind http proxy to direct all my traffic. I was able to do it using other tech different than openvpn for TCP connections but UDP not . Before I did ...
Baryon Bozon's user avatar
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Security risk at ssh tunnel relay

I'm trying to use services such as ngrok/telebit to be able to access my personal web server outside my local network. The web server contains a lot of sensitive data and I'm concerned about the ...
np20's user avatar
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curl with ssh -R proxy

I'm on Windows A and I have a Linux server B. I have a proxy (Clash) on A, curl -x localhost:7890 works well. I want to let B curl through the proxy on A. Here is my ...
Hesc's user avatar
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How to send all WSL traffic through a proxy in host machine

I am using a SSH tunnel to connect to the internet on my host Windows machine. I am using proxifier to send all my traffic though port 1080 which is the proxy port. However, proxifier or selecting the ...
VidathD's user avatar
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Hierarchical ssh connection with Putty, or maybe some other software?

There's this great app on Android called "Juice SSH". It has this wonderful feature where you can hierarchically connect to servers, which makes tunnelling super easy through many servers. ...
The Quantum Physicist's user avatar
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Create an SSH tunnel starting from the jump server

I have this server that I don't own so I cannot register new users or new authorized keys but I have to temporary share my access with a different user. I don't want to share my username and password. ...
wezzy's user avatar
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Login to Docker image running on a remote machine accessed via Bastion proxy

I would like to login to a Docker image that is running on an EC2 instance $INSTANCE proxied by a Bastion host BASTION . My attempt is to use the to parameter of ssh to get to the proxied host $...
WestCoastProjects's user avatar
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Cannot sshfs to server over proxycommand on Windows

I'm trying to connect through sshfs-win to mount a drive over a jumphost. I can normally connect through ssh but when invoked over sshfs-win it fails. Also, I can normally mount the jumphost, but not ...
ditoslav's user avatar
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SSH to host via SSH gateway with PuTTY

What I'm trying to do is this: Windows host -> Windows SSH Gateway -> End Host So SSH into and an End Host via an SSH Gateway. Session 1: SSH Tunnel -> SSH Gateway Session 2: SSH -> End ...
vikdean's user avatar
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Trying to mount remote directory using sshfs: filesystem unresponsive

I'm trying to mount a remote directory using sshfs. I've got my .ssh/config set up so that I can ssh into my user on the remote machine like so ssh wdev The remote directory in question (let's ...
pipsqueaker117's user avatar
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How can I configure the source ip to use for ssh dynamic forwards

I have a server with multiple ip addresses. On this server a sshd is running and I can connect to it. I can also use this as a socks proxy, using ssh's danymic forwards, which is great. When I use the ...
pnbecker's user avatar

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