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Is it possible to see MacOS's sshd process in the output of ps?

I am running the following version of MacOS: $ sw_vers ProductName: macOS ProductVersion: 14.5 BuildVersion: 23F79 I observe that when I run ssh localhost, I am able to ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up a remote login session where a specific user only has access to certain folders, and can only run one executable?

I have a server where I'd like to grant a user the ability to log in remotely, but restrict the session in two specific ways: They can only access a certain set of folders on the computer, and for ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase with git remote since I updated to Sonoma

Referencing this similar issue, which had good suggestions: macOS keeps asking my ssh passphrase since I updated to Sierra but this solution isn't working for Sonoma, and using git on a server. Used ...
Joe's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does changing your Mac name affect your SSH key?

I was setting up new SSH keys on my Mac for usage on BitBucket and GitHub. I had not named my Mac yet so it had the default name of <my name's> MacBook Pro. When I was pasting the ssh key in ...
Kaizer Sozay's user avatar
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Unable to connect to a raspberry pi4 using SSH via Mac

So I just set up a fresh install of Ubuntu Desktop 23.10. I used the OS Customisation options in the Raspberry pi Imager program. There I set SSH to enabled. I then mounted the SD card after it got ...
curies's user avatar
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Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process?

Why does FileZilla start its own ssh-agent process? When I open my terminal, an ssh-agent gets created with socket location /var/folders/sm/4bt9kz951dg4s5kq1jwy57tc0000gn/T//ssh-nWola5Puaw6o/agent....
kataba's user avatar
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Netbird (Wireguard) SSH Connections Blocked Even Though Ping Works

I've begun using Netbird 0.24.3 as an easy way to implement a multi-site secure network via Wireguard. I have 7 peers and for the most part, it's been working great. Tonight, I was connected to a ...
Timothy R. Butler's user avatar
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How do I copy text from vim on a remote host in Terminal, to local MacOS clipboard?

I've googled the heck out of this but nothing I try solves the problem. Help? Context I'm running vim on a remote linux machine, which I ssh to in I have root on the remote machine, so ...
Rich's user avatar
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Vagrant up fails with VMware provider

When execute vagrant up, getting this error The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! /sbin/ip -o -0 addr | grep -v LOOPBACK ...
zimmer's user avatar
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Correct way to end ssh tunnel

I frequently need to connect to a database instance on AWS, so I use an SSH tunnel. I can create one with the following command: ssh -N -L admin@bastion....
Mike Christensen's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use ssh-agent as a system service on mac

I'd like to run ssh-agent as a system service, so I have one global ssh-agent running that is accessible from all shells and GUI programs. On Linux I followed these instructions to run ssh-agent as a ...
rcorre's user avatar
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How do I create a shell script that will exit the ssh session after executing the remote commands

I'm trying to write a bash script to compile and deploy some code to a remote server. So far I have been struggling to figure out how to get the script to exit the ssh session. I thought I could just ...
pbuchheit's user avatar
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"zsh: command not found: ssh -Y" on mac terminal

I am trying to connect to a remote server using ssh, it used to work with no problem when I started the terminal and did ssh -Y <user@address> However, now I keep getting the following error: ...
ValientProcess's user avatar
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scp: ambiguous target when attempting to copy directory with an apostrophe and spaces in the name

I am trying to use scp to copy a directory by using ssh through windows terminal to connect to my mac and then use scp to copy a folder to my raspberry pi; I have tried many variations such as scp -r &...
Ponyboy's user avatar
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ssh localhost, getting permission denied (password). (Windows 11)

I am trying to ssh into my windows 11 machine from my mac but continue getting a Permission denied, please try again. After a couple of failed attempts I get username@localhost: Permission denied (...
sebdb's user avatar
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How to set PATH on MacOs for non-login shell?

On mac os, if I do ssh localhost 'md5sum --version' the md5sum command located in /usr/local/bin is not found. This path is listed in /etc/paths but this config file is not read by the shell because ...
Fractale's user avatar
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How to correct ssh local port forwarding saying port is already in use?

I am running a web server that exposes a website locally on the client machine at and I want to access that website on a separate machine on the local network over ssh. Both ...
Connorelsea's user avatar
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How to connect to sftp server from MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username and password?

There are similar questions like this around, but I haven't been able find the answer to my question, which is: How to connect to sftp server from a MacOS terminal using a SOCKS5 proxy with username ...
Johan's user avatar
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SSH to localhost keeps asking for password on MacBook Air M1

I am trying to install hadoop on my MacBook Air M1 and when I write in terminal it prompts fatix@localhost: Permission denied (publickey,password,keyboard-interactive). I did following ...
user1785339's user avatar
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SSH login@ip@gateway through config+VSCode

I can successfully connect from my macbook+VPN to my corporative cloud server through ssh with this command (passwordless, using my id_ed25519 key): ssh login@ip@gateway -A But I need to connect to ...
klapeyron's user avatar
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Impossible to return to local machine after SSH in Mac Terminal

I connect to a server through SSH command in Mac Terminal (Ventura 13.1) with: ssh login@serveraddress When I want to quit I type exit. I quit the server but I do not return to my local machine. ...
migmaker's user avatar
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MacOS SSH client always wants to connect to same server

I have set up a new virtual server today, including PubKeyAuthentication and so on... If I now want to connect to other servers via SSH the client always wants to connect to one I was mainly working ...
lutzberlin's user avatar
3 votes
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Since I updated to Ventura, I cannot SSH to my server (Ubuntu 20.04) from my macOS

I cannot SSH specific servers like micro/small instances of AWS, DigitalOcean, and so on after upgrading to macOS Ventura & OpenSSH_9.0p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6 client_1 logs ssh -vvv user@server -p port ...
joji_fx's user avatar
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SSH from macOS host key issue

When I SSH from macOS 13 (Ventura): sudo ssh -i /path/to/my_id_rsa [email protected] I’m asked for a password when there is none on this key. When I use the same my_id_rsa file on Filezilla SFTP I ...
t q's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Git SSH "permission denied" in macOS 13 Ventura

When I try to authenticate with an RSA SSH key in macOS 13 (Ventura), I get a Permission denied (publickey) error. However, when I use the same command against macOS 12 (Monterrey), it works correctly....
Haozhe Xie's user avatar
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How to SSH into to different VMs on the same MacOS?

I have two virtual machines with UTM (the mac software. Similar to VirtualBox). The first one works perfectly. I can SSH and communicate between my mac and the VM via the terminal. But for some reason,...
Vinn's user avatar
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ssh-keyscan with t option with rsa type for MacOS does not return the public key

Having the following: Windows 10 with Git's bash enabled in the console MacOS (el Capitan) If is executed ssh-keyscan -t ecdsa 192.168.1.X In both OS return the same data as expected, such as: # ...
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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MacOS SSH Server how to find password

I wish to start an ssh server on my mac, so I did the following: System Preferences -> Sharing -> Remote Login -> on I ran the ssh service using sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on I then ...
John Warts's user avatar
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Why I have to do `eval` and `ssh-add` every time I switch projects?

I do have in my ~/.ssh/config file two different GitLab accounts. Both are named on Host different and refers on Hostname to Every time I switch between coding projects of the different ...
Manny's user avatar
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Why shows Git/Gitlab a wrong username on account verification in Terminal?

Environment: macOS Monterey MacBook Air M1 OpenSSH_8.6p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6 iTerm2 I try to get my SSH connection to work. After creating a new SSH key file for GitLab and adding it on I do: ...
Manny's user avatar
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How does SSH find the destination from name only?

I have a weird case where I can connect to a remote host named obiwan by simply running ssh cip@obiwan. I cannot understand how SSH knows what obiwan corresponds to. In my /etc/hosts I don't have any ...
Ciprian Tomoiagă's user avatar
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How to Access virtual box ‘Windows 11’ remotly

I need help in accessing windows on virtual box from mac OS with Remote Desktop. Host: mac os Guest: windows 11
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Can't remove old SSH keys from connection Mac OS

Every time I connect via SSH, the agent will try non-existent keys: debug1: Will attempt key: /Users/user/.ssh/id_rsa debug1: Will attempt key: /Users/user/.ssh/id_dsa debug1: Will attempt key: /...
Specimen's user avatar
2 votes
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Remotely access an Ubuntu machine from macOS

I configured a PC with Ubuntu 20.04 to be a database and applications server on our local network. However, as it is a server it will be without keyboard and monitor. Is it possible to access this ...
Tom's user avatar
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Can't connect to remote SSH server, port 2222

I have problem with connection to remote server via SFTP from my MacOS, tested in FileZilla. Terminal SSH connection with same user&name (or key) works correctly. open "user@server_ip ...
pavel's user avatar
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Synchronizing Two Folders using SFTP

I have a local folder (on macOS) with some missing files and corrupt data and a folder on a remote server (ubuntu) with uncorrupted data. How can I fix the corrupted/missing files on my local machine ...
cpix's user avatar
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ssh -X warning: X11 forwarding request failed on channel

So I'm trying to ssh from macOS Monterey to gentoo with X11 Forwarding but I keep on getting the error: X11 forwarding request failed on channel The command I'm using is: ssh -X user@server Even -Y ...
annpocoyo's user avatar
27 votes
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Cannot run WSL2 over SSH on Windows 11

I have two machines; a desktop and a laptop. The desktop runs WSL2 and an OpenSSH server on the Windows side. I'm able to connect to the SSH server from the laptop without any problems but not able to ...
Isak's user avatar
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Use pulseaudio for remote ssh connection

I am trying to stream pulseaudio sound output over the cloud instance. In my previous question I could not get paprefs to work on Mac OS but it turned out it does not matter as I can set everything by ...
tonywang's user avatar
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Can't connect to Raspberry Pi via macOS laptop. Works via other devices

Can’t connect to Raspberry Pi via MacOS laptop. Works via other devices including Linux and iOS. This is the macOS terminal command and output: ssh -vvvvvv -p 9091 [email protected] OpenSSH_8.8p1, ...
discord's user avatar
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Cannot establish SSH connection on Mac Terminal: 4 Bad configuration options

I want to establish an SSH connection on my Macbook using the following syntax on the terminal: ssh user@IP-Address However, it gives the following errors: /Users/name/.ssh/config: line 41: Bad ...
Samantha's user avatar
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"Operation timed out" when ssh to my MAC after the server is up for sometime

I am running macOS Big Sur and I started the remote login. Immediately after the service is up, everything works fine. However, after some random period, the server refuses to accept new ssh ...
Bob's user avatar
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ssh connexion : Permission denied (publickey,password)

I'm trying to connect to my server with a ssh connection, so it works when I use FileZilla but not with the command line ssh <login>@<ServerIP> -i /Volumes/ExternalDisk/key.ppk I have this ...
TooikLeChevalier's user avatar
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How to copy with the mouse from tmux in VS Code to the OSX clipboard

I connect to a remote server with VS Code through ssh, using, so I'm not using iTerm. I open a Terminal window in VS code. Using the mouse to copy text to ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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macOS private key still looks unencrypted after added with password

I'm not sure if this is a quirk of generating ssh keys on macOS, but when i use ssh-keygen to create a pair of keys, and then add a password, I can cat out the private key and it does not have a ...
テッド's user avatar
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4 votes
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ssh to fqdn with private aaaa record returns "Undefined error: 0" on ipv4 only internet

I've set up an yggdrasil network (which is ipv6 only) and things work as expected, i.e. I can ping6 200::1:2:3:4 and ssh 200::1:2:3:4 from any network. I then added a few subdomains with aaaa records ...
pkpowell's user avatar
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Tigervnc error - unable to connect to socket: Connection refused (61)

I am using a Mac and I have Raspian running on a Raspberry Pi 4. I'm also a complete beginner and everything is just so confusing. I am on a headless setup. I connected to the raspberry pi using SSH ...
toastyasteroid's user avatar
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SSH RSA and ED25519 keys passphrase issue

I have two types of keys based on RSA and ED25519 keys. however when I do ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_ed25519 <server> I get prompted to enter passphrase for RSA based key first then get asked for ED25519 ...
PhantomS's user avatar
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MacOs issues using caret in a SSH password

On my MacBook with macOS Big Sur and US-International PC as an input source, I am trying to connect by SSH client to remote computer that has a caret ^ (Shift+6) inside it's SSH password. There is a ...
Asain Kujovic's user avatar
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cannot open display from macos client with openvpn

I am trying to connect to a redhat server from a macos client, using ssh and openvpn. Command line commands work fine (eg vim), but displays dont get displayed, eg while running firefox or gvim, and I ...
R71's user avatar
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