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Sending Environment Variables via SCP

I'm looking to send some kind of environment variable using "SCP -o" (or any other file transfer protocol for that matter PSFTP, PSCP, etc). I currently use SCP to transfer files between ...
horsman's user avatar
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SSH from A through B to C, using private key on B

Schematic: ssh ssh A ------> B ------> C ^ ^ using A's using B's ssh key ssh key Preconditions: A is running ssh-agent A can access B B can access C A can't ...
J.Nexus's user avatar
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Hotspot connection SSH / Ping

I have a singleboard computer (Rock 4 SE) with a wifi that is hotspot capable. It is running linux Debian. I want to SSH into it with my laptop using the linux machines own wifi as a hotspot for ...
Gergely Lévai's user avatar
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Having JetBrains WebStorm open regularly kills screen session in PuTTY

I have a very odd and very frustrating issue. Summary I have my Linux environment set up to automatically reconnect to any existing screen session on log in, which when combined with the WebStorm IDE ...
Eric Shields's user avatar
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ssh-connection from outside (and inside) fails -- Linux Mint

PROBLEM no ssh connection to my local computer possible, even not ssh [myname]: ssh localhost, on the other hand, works entering sshd: ALL and ssh: ALL in /etc/hosts.allow does not help ...
hjm_els's user avatar
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Incorrect permission of copied files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh

After copying files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh, the copied files and folder have permissions that only creator have full access and other users including SYSTEM and Administrators have ...
VladE's user avatar
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Using E2C to connect two Linux computers behind NAT

This has been asked before but I've had no success. I'm trying to connect two Linux devices via an E2C as a jump host: [Box2 (Accessing REST API)] --> [EC2] --> [Box1 (Hosting REST API)] What I'...
leo8382's user avatar
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RPi 4 Keeps Hanging: Docker Services & SSH Fail Randomly

I have a Raspberry Pi 4 with an SSD running Raspberry OS Lite. I run Docker containers for Home Assistant, Pi-Hole, and NetDaemon. I've been experiencing random hangs where the system becomes ...
Eugene Niemand's user avatar
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Is it possible to set up a remote login session where a specific user only has access to certain folders, and can only run one executable?

I have a server where I'd like to grant a user the ability to log in remotely, but restrict the session in two specific ways: They can only access a certain set of folders on the computer, and for ...
Bri Bri's user avatar
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curser desync when connecting to a fish shell on a raspberry pi over ssh

This is a rather specific issue, but I wouldn't be surprised if it occurs due to some more general shortcoming. In short, the issue is that, when using the fish shell in my Raspberry Pi, over ssh, ...
Brendan Mesters's user avatar
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Is there a way to reserve bandwidth for ssh on linux / debian?

I ssh into my dev machine, and then start a download, for instance "ollama pull llama3" This uses all of the available bandwidth for the network interface, which makes ssh unresponsive until ...
Morten's user avatar
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How to use ssh x11 forwarding on Windows?

I am running XServer by VcXsrv on Windows. Here is my VcXsrv configuration, and I believe it should be listening on :0.0, which is port :6000. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8&...
Sangria's user avatar
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Proxmox Root Passwords being changed randomly

I have a Proxmox Cluster set up with four nodes and One qDevice set up. I just got the qDevice working last night, but since this evening I'm seeing something I can't really understand. The passwords ...
AdderoYuu's user avatar
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scp not working in a custom python shell script after migration from ubuntu 20.04 to debian 12

I have this backup server where various clients upload daily archives via scp. In order to protect the machine and to manage the backups, I have written a simple python shell script that only allows ...
velis's user avatar
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How to explain sequences of FIN,ACK instead of FIN - FIN,ACK?

Context: newly installed Debian 12, I get a bunch of strange logs related to ssh: root@square:~# journalctl -u ssh -f May 07 11:13:00 yop-square sshd[766]: error: kex_exchange_identification: ...
WoJ's user avatar
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SSH key works for FileZilla and Windows CMD, but not PuTTY

I upgraded Raspbian on my 6 Raspberry Pi units from Bullseye to Bookworm by: Updating /etc/apt/sources.list. sudo apt update sudo apt full-upgrade I didn't change anything in the upgrade. The ...
Sawtaytoes's user avatar
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How can I configure OpenSSH to forward SFTP-Requests?

I have a two-server setup in which one is only reachable via the other. The corresponding client config looks like this: Host <actual_host> User root ProxyCommand /bin/bash -c "ssh ...
Shade's user avatar
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How to stop ufw-firewall preventing me to ssh into another server?

I have a weird issue on Ubuntu 22.4.4 LTS. Using the ufw firewall, I allowed SSH/Port 22, HTTP and HTTPS. I can successfully login via SSH into my server. However, when I am logged in on the server, ...
itinance's user avatar
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Avoiding Google Authenticator Re-Authentication for Existing SSH Sessions on EC2

I've configured Google Authenticator for 2FA on my Almalinux 9 EC2 instance to secure SSH access. However, I'm prompted for the Google Authenticator code every time I open a new SSH session, even when ...
Dhanushka Ekanayake's user avatar
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sshd Match on the type of pubkey being use by the authenticating user (Match PubkeyAcceptedAlgorithms)

I want to detect what type of ssh pubkey is being used by a user and do a Match Statement on it in sshd_config. The goal is to prevent using pam if a Secure Key (
perrze's user avatar
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Ncat: Connection Refused when connecting on Linux server

I created a java application and ran it with docker inside a linux server XX.XX.XX.XX. That application should listen behind port 105 of that server. In fact, by executing the "netstat -an | grep ...
El_Merendero's user avatar
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One liner command to ssh to server2, switch to another user in server2, ssh into server3, run commands in server3 and get output

Because I can only get to server3 from server2 (Server2 running CentOS7), I'm trying to create a "template" command or a script that I can use to : ssh to server2 switch to another user in ...
Tlink's user avatar
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no colors in vi (vim(1)) when ssh from Windows to Linux. How to fix?

Windows Terminal 1.19.10573.0 When I ssh from Windows into a linux machine, I got colored output on the shell just fine. Directories and files are colored when using ls(1). Same with grep(1); results ...
I grok it's user avatar
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How to properly secure harden SSH in 2024?

Since 1995, SSH, notably OpenSSH server [1999], is one of those essential services like DNS [1985] for admins to manage their IT landscapes. How do I properly secure harden an OpenSSH server in 2024? ...
user418615's user avatar
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Tmux session disconnect does not preserve session content when reconnecting

I need to copy a 200gb+ file to multiple servers from one server. I have a sftp transfer running in multiple tmux sessions from the one server. When I press ctrl+b, d to exit the tmux instance and ...
user460178's user avatar
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Why can't rsync be used in place of IMAP/POP? [closed]

Disclaimer: this relates to those who like to manage their email as files, using the likes of mutt or some other maildir reader. Before I became familiar with the likes of rsync and scp, IMAP and POP ...
Seán Healy's user avatar
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Vim/Nvim Remote Editing

I want to work from my local nvim client on a project on a remote machine. My job requires that I don't store any source code on my local machine and only work on remote (I think writes to /tmp are ...
ataha322's user avatar
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interactive ssh connection forgetting/creating keystrokes

By and then it happens to me, that an ssh session running on WSL/windows11/ubuntu_20.04 to Centos 7.9 forgets keystrokes or other keystrokes are suddenly repeated. This is driving me crazy! And I'm ...
Frank Puck's user avatar
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SSH / RDP Reverse Tunnel through intermediary

The problem I am trying to solve is how to establish SSH & RDP connection to a Linux machine that is behind a firewall, with a non-static public IP, and no port forwarding capability: Customer ...
rpr's user avatar
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How to make a script to launch different scripts in different workspaces in linux?

I have limited access to a linux machine, meaning I cannot install any external tools. I want to make a script to open terminals with ssh at different workspaces. However, I found that one way to move ...
Yi Qiang Ji's user avatar
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How to configure ssh client for different host groups? [duplicate]

Is there a way to edit my ssh config to apply config based on groups of hosts? Here my imaginary ~/.ssh/config HostGroup workhosts IdentityFile ~/.ssh/workkey User workuser HostGroup projectA ...
Human's user avatar
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How to add a new SSK key to a remote server and make it works? (with Hetzner)

Problem I've lost an ssh key and thus cannot connect anymore into my Hetzner server. I've read a lot of answers but couldn't make it work... I've also tried to reset my root password, but even with ...
charnould's user avatar
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Can transfer files using WinSCP but scp or rsync fail with errors like "Connection closed"

I get errors when trying to transfer files using scp or rsync, but I can transfer files using WinSCP, and it's using SCP protocol. I'm running WinSCP on Windows 11 and scp rsync on WSL2, and when I'm ...
李昊泽's user avatar
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Can’t send over a SSH key to Windows 11 but process works with Windows 10. Why?

I'm running some tests with SSH with public keys. I am generating the keys with the ssh-keygen command in my Linux machine. I'd like to use the SCP command to copy the public key to my Windows 11 ...
slyroad's user avatar
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Make sftp-server return a banner/disclaimer

I am deprecating sftp access in favor of a restricted ssh based API. I need the sftp-server (OpenSSH) to return a fixed message "SFTP access will be shutdown soon", preferably on STDERR, ...
oᴉɹǝɥɔ's user avatar
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Copying files from Linux server to windows machine over SSH, using expect script and crontab is not reliable

We have a server that is producing reports from some elements in two formats. PDF and DOCX. I created a crontab job to automate transfer of these files from the server to one of the local Windows ...
anej zafred's user avatar
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Unable to submit the files by Rsync from the Windows terminal to Ubuntu VPS (code 12 error) while normal SSH authentication works fine

Although the Rsync is available for Windows, there are some problems with SSH. Here is the first one: the files are simply could not be submitted because of unclear error "error in rsync protocol ...
Tokugawa Takeshi YD's user avatar
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Linux/Ubuntu/Orange Pi5 retrieve open tabs on Chromium (kiosk mode) via terminal - Powershell

I have a problem as of late where I am developing some PowerShell script to manage and update some digital displays. Please see below for my work in progress (By no means done). I am struggling to be ...
M.Atkinson's user avatar
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How can I send command line output to another computer?

This sounds kind of simple but I can't really figure it out. I have 2 computers. One is my main computer. Another is a laptop used to run business logic. It's quite loud so I put it a few meters from ...
John Hon's user avatar
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SSH forwarding audio in Debian 12 KDE

Systems: X86_64 Debian 12 bookworm KDE AND Debian 11 bullseye KDE Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB Raspberry Pi OS (64-bit) (official port of Debian Bookworm) PROBLEM: I have an X86_64 receiving audio from my ...
wonder's user avatar
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Forcefully ending ssh connection deletes content of /dev/shm [duplicate]

I was just curious if the following behaviour is intentional and if somebody could explain this behaviour to me. Enlighten me on this topic. I used /dev/shm as a place for ram transcoding until the ...
speedyonzales's user avatar
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can anyone explain how user keys are verified (post host key/KEX, and not authorized_keys)? issue with ssh user key verify

Nutshell: Looking for a bit of an ELI5 explaining the protocol and/or implementation (openssh) of [post-KEX] user key verification (who does what) without being in code I don't understand or a too-...
zenfridge's user avatar
7 votes
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how to solve: ssh "Connection corrupted" error

On a Oracle/RedHat VM that I use every days (probably after the nightly upgrades) I've this authentication error: $ ssh machine Bad packet length NNNNNNN. ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to A.B.C.D ...
Ivan Buttinoni's user avatar
5 votes
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How to reposition window in SSH session? I am logging into a Linux machine from a Mac machine

I am using a Mac with XQuartz to display an X application running on a remote CentOS machine. I'm trying to reposition the window from the remote machine using my keyboard, as it opens in such a way ...
blaughli's user avatar
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Linux oathtool-generated TOTP 6-digit code invalid for 2FA SSH login using

I'm trying to set up TOTP 2FA login into an SSH session on my Ubuntu box. To this end I have in /etc/users.oath: HOTP/T30/6 testuser – 8436e373cbdabce46a5d8d019c463a (I'm generating this value over ...
Stefan's user avatar
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ssh linux to windows fails, Connection reset

I have set up the sshd server in windows 11 as in the official documentation. I have transfered my public key to the windows machine to C:\ProgramData\ssh\ as administrators_authorized_keys and ...
Kauabanga's user avatar
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How to automatically load multiple SSH keys on ZSH and PowerLevel10k

I'm trying to have my SSH keys loaded automatically when I start my computer (I'm running Archlinux). At the moment I have to use ssh-add [PATH]. I use ZSH, Oh my ZSH and PowerLevel10k. Here is my ....
MrZigha's user avatar
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Debian bookworm: Long delay when starting application via ssh -X

I have a new vanilla Debian bookworm installation on a laptop. Everything works as intended but when I connect to it with ssh -X and start any application (e.g. gedit) there is a delay of ~ 25 seconds ...
code_onkel's user avatar
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pipefail over ssh in linux

set -o pipefail is not getting evaluated correctly on the remote host if the set command is used in ssh command. Example ssh hostname "set -o pipefail; false | true; echo $?" - gives 0 (Not ...
Praneeth Gudumasu's user avatar
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How to make sure a process spawned via ssh get's terminated with the connection?

Apparently people try to keep processes they started via ssh running even when the connection is gone, see So I was believing ...
frans's user avatar
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