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How to git clone a public repository through firewall?

I am trying to install a scientific software package on a HPC cluster. Let's call it clusterhpc. During the configuration process software package tries to clone a bunch of public git repos. However, ...
mechanics32's user avatar
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How do I clone from local git repositories with ssh?

The final goal is to host a remote repo on my pc that support pushing and pulling. From the official doc given by git help clone, the host url format should be git clone ssh://user@localhost:/C:/path/...
Forest Lam's user avatar
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git - using gitconfig to switch repository host address

So right now I have some alias in my ~/.ssh/config: Host github_company_a HostName Host github_company_b HostName and I use the alias directly: git clone git@...
Prometheus's user avatar
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I'm getting on gitbash a warning WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED! for github

When I try to clone a git repository in gitbash on Windows I get following error: $ ssh -T [email protected] @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ WARNING: REMOTE HOST ...
Asterios Raptis's user avatar
1 vote
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KeePassXC and `.ssh/config` dont behave correctly when setting public key as Identity

I have been using KeePassXC as a password manager for a while and I've been quite happy with it. Today I decided to try to set it up as as ssh agent. The platforms of interest for me are Windows and ...
Sito's user avatar
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Long time SSH key to github stops working, and now github tests welcome me as org_name/other_project

A ssh key that had once worked with Github stopped working and nothing I did would fix it. All Git requests would die with the standard git: fatal: Could not read from remote repository In github, I ...
wruckie's user avatar
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How can I share executables from my Linux build computer with my macOS editing computer?

I currently have a setup where I edit code on my Mac, push the changes to a GitHub repository, pull the changes on my Linux build server (controlled via SSH), then build the program. The issue is that ...
AcinonX's user avatar
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Jenkins is unable to connect to GitLab

I've got Jenkins and GitLab setup in my homelab running in docker containers. I was able to connect to GitLab from Jenkins, pull the desired repo, and perform the steps in the Jenkinsfile. I had a ...
Jonathan Heady's user avatar
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2 answers

Impossible to git push to a https GitLab repository: SSH passphrase wrongly asked each time

I have some SSH keys that, after entering my passphrases on a terminal, I use successfully to connect to some servers, in particular to push on git repositories. My organization is testing a self ...
Denis Bitouzé's user avatar
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Why do I need to type in my password when using git?

This is a strange thing, but when I am physically opening a terminal at a computer, I can use git without any need to type in passwords. For some reason, when I ssh to the machine (it is a Mini Mac), ...
kloop's user avatar
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How to set up git to let me and my kids manage a web server (what am I doing wrong? no files appear...)

UPDATE - see later to glimpse my whole day. See next for the TLDR; version... TLDR; I've got 2 CentOS machines - "cork" (a web server) and "local" (one workstation for now). ssh ...
cnd's user avatar
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How do I restore `git pull` functionality on Windows?

With no changes (to my knowledge) to my Windows 10 machine, I can no longer run git pull to pull changes to a repository. This is just a testing machine, I don't need to push changes, but I've been ...
Eric's user avatar
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Run bulk chmod for all sub-folder .git/ in each project

I know how to CHMOD for single folder such like chmod 700 .git/, however in my server it has multiple project, each of them contains .git/ folder. From a report of, they suggest to ...
Khoi Pro's user avatar
4 votes
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Do I need two ssh keys for one account with two emails (work and personal)?

Here's my situation: I have one GitHub account. It was always my personal account, with my personal email. Recently my company switched to GitHub and I decided to use the same account (it was allowed, ...
Ish Thomas's user avatar
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Git on Cygwin using SSH: Permission denied (publickey) when cloning, but ssh -T [email protected] works

I am having trouble getting cygwin configured to use git with ssh keys on my windows 10 machine. I installed cygwin's most recent version from their site (setup version 2.925) and added/ensured the ...
Douglas B's user avatar
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"ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable" error - can't connect to any SSH server

I have an issue I can't connect with SSH to Gitlab or any AWS instance. It was fine before, but I remember that I have installed RabbitMQ last time (not sure if this is the reason). I installed it ...
Mohamad Zbib's user avatar
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Tortoise Git not using id_rsa

I use Tortoise Git on Windows 10. When I push it asks me password although I do have %userprofile%\.ssh\id_rsa file. I also tried to use git from command line (Git bash). If I google I get instructed ...
user1787194's user avatar
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Managing signed commits as an organization

We are looking to introduce signing of commits into our company. Currently we are leaning towards using GPG kays, but we can consider SSH if what we want cannot be achieved with GPG. We are using a ...
user avatar
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Git: unable to push to remote server, SSH works fine

I tried to make changes to an app that I last modified about 5 years ago and when I tried to push them via git, I got "Permission denied (publickey)". I tried adding the key again, adding ...
Jonas S.'s user avatar
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Adding gpg-exported ssh key to ssh-agent

I exported one authentication key from gpg to a public ssh key (with the --export-ssh-key), now I'd like to add its privat key with ssh-add to be able to clone a repository on github through the ssh ...
TornaxO7's user avatar
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Can ping but not ssh to server on VPN using ubuntu 22.04 and pulse VPN

I've just installed a new copy of Ubuntu 22.04, and I need to access a private github repository over a VPN using pulseVPN. I've created SSH keys and added them to the private github instance. When I ...
Chris Tanner's user avatar
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git insists on user local user name on ubuntu while cloning

I followed the guides to set up my user name and e-mail. I then verified with the same commands. git config --global "<github user>" git config --global > <...
user1760715's user avatar
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SmartGIT Stuck on "Exhausted Available Authentication Methods"

A few days ago, a Git server (using Gitlab) I work on had some changes made and went down for a while. I believe that they moved it to a different machine. I access with SmartGit and use SSH keys ...
BPugh's user avatar
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GIT SSH keys gets "forgotten" the next day, sometimes

We use DevOps as git repository and I use Git GUI to generate an SSH key. I've used DevOps months without any issues, but as of recently, I've started to notice that my SSH key get's invalidated or ...
Joost00719's user avatar
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Can't resolve hostname when docker is running

I'm currently running Ubuntu on a WSL2, I have a couple of repos I cloned with my ssh key (which is valid as I registered it on Azure as I'm using Azure Repos). Right now, if I start WSL and try ...
Lucas's user avatar
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ERROR: Exception when publishing, exception message [Exec exit status not zero. Status [125]]

Our jenkins deploy process checks out our git repo into the workspace and create the docker container from the docker file. Docker file is given in the ec2 machine. and commands to create docker ...
user1757996's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can not clone a repository with ssh from bitbucket

I have a bit bucket repository and I am trying to clone it using SSH. I followed the instruction here: and I can get see that I ...
mans's user avatar
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ssh keys requests password while ssh on remote machine

I have ssh keys setup on my laptop and desktop, so I do not have any issues when I work on either the laptop or the desktop itself. However, when I ssh into the desktop computer and try to git pull or ...
Oxpal's user avatar
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Starting ssh-agent from a script for use in multiple scripts (invoked by git)

I have some homepages in a git repository each. They are built by Jekyll. When I change something, I use git's pre-push hook to let Jekyll build the page and sync it with my HTTP server via rsync. ...
Tobias Leupold's user avatar
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Access denied on my remote server via ssh on windows

Hi everyone I'm trying to connect to my remote server using ssh -i "my_keyprivate.pem" instance@ipaddr but I get the error message Permission denied (publickey) And when I do ssh -vvv I get ...
Pathia Nanto's user avatar
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`git push` behavior differs according to my "login directory" using VSCode Remote SSH

I'm using VSCode's Remote SSH utility to access a VM hosted on Google Cloud. My local machine is a Mac. There, I have a few GitHub repositories I'm working on. I had some issues yesterday and ended up ...
Wasabi's user avatar
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Windows' SSH and Git's SSH act differently on same pubkey

I am trying to connect to soft-serve from Windows. When I do so with the default ssh, it works flawlessly. But, when I try to do that with Git, it doesn't want to work - and seems to send the wrong ...
Ingwie Phoenix's user avatar
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Unable to resolve host while cloning on codeberg

I am using codeberg for repository management. on my windows PowerShell if I type git clone [email protected]:codageaider/repotest.git I get the following error: ssh: could not resolve hostname ...
nicku's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

Git SSH "permission denied" in macOS 13 Ventura

When I try to authenticate with an RSA SSH key in macOS 13 (Ventura), I get a Permission denied (publickey) error. However, when I use the same command against macOS 12 (Monterrey), it works correctly....
Haozhe Xie's user avatar
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ssh-agent don't keep my keys configured

Every time I need to use git pull, I need to run ps aux | grep ssh, kill all ssh process, included ssh-agent, and then I type the commands eval `ssh-agent` and ssh-add ~/.ssh/my_key. The ...
Alvaro Ernani's user avatar
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SSH error kex_exchange_identification ignoring ConnectionAttempts?

I have a CI/CD that builds a program. This program has several dependencies that are hosted on a private GitLab. These dependencies are downloaded through GIT using SSH. This private GitLab is very ...
Eduardo Mior's user avatar
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Why ssh ask multiple passphrase at once while executing git push

I'm windows user and after I updated git client (2.26.0 -> 2.38.0) the git starts to ask for multiple ssh passphrase for a single push command instead of one here is the terminal prompt git push ...
Ninja Meat Burger's user avatar
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Why I have to do `eval` and `ssh-add` every time I switch projects?

I do have in my ~/.ssh/config file two different GitLab accounts. Both are named on Host different and refers on Hostname to Every time I switch between coding projects of the different ...
Manny's user avatar
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Why shows Git/Gitlab a wrong username on account verification in Terminal?

Environment: macOS Monterey MacBook Air M1 OpenSSH_8.6p1, LibreSSL 3.3.6 iTerm2 I try to get my SSH connection to work. After creating a new SSH key file for GitLab and adding it on I do: ...
Manny's user avatar
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Is it safe to push a git repository with SSH to a server instance?

My goal is to push a Git repository with SSH onto a server instance on a new hosting service. I am following the documentation of the new hosting service, and one of the steps is: git remote add xyz $...
U13-Forward's user avatar
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Git on Windows 10 uses a different key than ssh

I have a config issue with using git on windows. The public key git uses is different than the key ssh uses for the same host. In short, ssh git@somewhere asks for the key password and works fine, ...
movzxb's user avatar
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Trying to ssh my git server with private key, asks also for a password

I setup my git server with user git without password. git home directory is /media/nas/programming/git_repos where I have a file ./.ssh/authorized_keys with my public key. I am trying to push with git-...
Chameleon's user avatar
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How can I connect to my SSH on DigitalOcean droplet? permission denied. (git bash Windows)

How can I connect to my droplet in DigitalOcean using the openssh to be able to install my SSL Certificate, I've already added my SSH key to the droplet and my fingerprint is there, but each time I ...
Ibrahim Hafez's user avatar
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How to upload new repo to BitBucket using git with SSH on Linux command line only?

Steps I've taken: ssh-keygen my key ssh-add -K ~/.ssh/<private_key_file> my key Add the public key to my BitBucket Account settings git config --add --global core.sshComand 'ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa'...
J. Doe's user avatar
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ssh-agent is not keeping private key

Using an Ubuntu server, I have the following user: uid=1001(githubactions) gid=1001(githubactions) groups=1001(githubactions),27(sudo),33(www-data),998(docker) logged in as this user, I create a ssh ...
Peter Pan's user avatar
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KEX error - "kex protocol error: type 30 seq 1" after windows 11 update

Local machine has a bitbucket repository cloned using SSH. After windows 11 update, git push/pull etc cause the error "kex protocol error: type 30 seq 1". I can't find a working solution ...
Sooraj L V's user avatar
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Reverse SSH on Windows Git BASH

I have multiples Windows 10 computer where I can't open anymore ports, neither install more software. But those computers have git bash installed on it. I would like to be able to run some bash script ...
olive007's user avatar
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(Dis-)Advantages of using generic git user for SSH based access

We are using the generic git user to access git repositories on our server via SSH. My understanding was, that this is kind of a defacto standard when accessing git repositories. Now that we are ...
ulrich's user avatar
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How to fix permission denied publickey on Windows10 Git Bash?

I'm unable to ssh into a machine that operates bots of my friend. He added my public ssh key, so i can join, but I get the permission denied privatkey error message. I removed the actual ip $ ssh -vT ...
Timm's user avatar
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Git commit signing with SSH keys — stubborn error about allowedSignersFile

I'm trying to set up git commit signing using SSH keys (instead of PGP/GPG). It's a relatively fresh feature, added in git 2.34. I did follow all the steps (well documented in man git-config gpg.ssh ...
ulidtko's user avatar
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