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Incorrect permission of copied files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh

After copying files from Ubuntu to Windows using rsync on ssh, the copied files and folder have permissions that only creator have full access and other users including SYSTEM and Administrators have ...
VladE's user avatar
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Cygwin SFTP connection closed after PubKey authentication when Match User is set up in sshd_config

I have problem during configuration of Cygwin sftp server on Windows Server. When I'm trying to change root directory of one user with Match User I got "Connection closed" after sftp to this ...
Hubert Lubaś's user avatar
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Git on Cygwin using SSH: Permission denied (publickey) when cloning, but ssh -T [email protected] works

I am having trouble getting cygwin configured to use git with ssh keys on my windows 10 machine. I installed cygwin's most recent version from their site (setup version 2.925) and added/ensured the ...
Douglas B's user avatar
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Start cygwin bash.exe without inheriting windows home

I want to be able to run in the cygwin environment from CMD but when I run C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -l -i my home gets set to the windows home. As I understand bash.exe inherits the environment from ...
Pangi's user avatar
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Use putty on windows to connect to Cygwin on Windows10

Just got a shiny new laptop running Windows 10. Installed Putty and installed Cygwin and now I want to setup Putty to open "Local" windows with a cygwin bash like I have with my last three ...
DavidG's user avatar
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With cygwin, how do you restart an ssh reverse tunnel without a forwarding issue "Warning: remote port forwarding failed" message occurring?

With cygwin, how do you restart an ssh reverse tunnel without a forwarding problem "Warning: remote port forwarding failed" message occurring? I have this command ssh -R 50500: ...
barlop's user avatar
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How do I get Bitvise WinSSHD to provide me with a CMD console when I log in? SSHing to a Windows machine.(from a windows machine too)

How do I get Bitvise WinSSHD to provide me with a CMD console when I log in? I set up Bitvise SSH server locally, and logged in locally with cygwin and with Bitvise SSH client. A bit odd that I can't ...
barlop's user avatar
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Cygwin sshd intermittently getting 'ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer' or not finding binaries

When I ssh to the windows box, on occasion programs on the path are not found, or I get ssh_exchange_identification: read: Connection reset by peer, typically when more than 10 simultaneous ...
Mike G.'s user avatar
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How to find the port used for SCP?

I'm trying to copy a file from my local (Windows 10, Cygwin) machine to a remote (Raspberry Pi) machine using scp, I get a time out error: $ scp main.bin [email protected]: ssh: connect to host 123....
ysap's user avatar
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How to check number of parked cores in command line (win, lin) via ssh

I'm wondering how to check number of parked cores via CMD on Windows remotely, via ssh. I'm also using cygwin there, so bash scrips would also help. I tried to look for answers but it usualy directs ...
CerebralFalsificator's user avatar
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Cygwin can't ssh (hangs, segmentation fault)?

I have cygwin installed on Windows 10 and am seeing that I cannot SSH to any of my servers. When trying to ssh, I just see ➜ ~ ssh -vv me@myserver OpenSSH_8.4p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 and it ...
lampShadesDrifter's user avatar
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Remote login using ssh keys vs password. Weird Error: Is a directory

I am facing a weird issue, and just stuck trying to figure out. If i login using ssh keys (passwordless authentication), i get this error every time: rsanpui@cygwin ~ $ "//DNVM/E920/System920/x86/...
RajSanpui's user avatar
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Accessing virtualbox shared folder from an SSH cygwin session

I'm using the Shared Folder feature of Virtual box. When I double click on the Share in My Computer it gets mounted to letter E and I can then access it from a GUI terminal Window inside the guest ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar
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SSH client takes 100 seconds to connect to machine with 17ms ping time

I'm trying to SSH from one computer of mine, A, to another, B, over a (wireless) LAN. They have the same netmask, get their lease the same way etc. The client A is Devuan Linux, the "server" B is a ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Cygwin + git + ssh = unusable (high CPU usage due to Antimalware Service Executable)

Operations with git take very long time making git unusable. For example, when one does git pull (to update local repo to master repo) Antimalware Service Executable eats close to 90% of the CPU and ...
pmor's user avatar
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How to test ssh port forwarding using netcat (nc)?

I'm attempting to debug an issue with port forwarding, which is "Why can I not limit which port to connect to?" This isn't the question here though. This question here is "Why won't nc send any data ...
Adrian's user avatar
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Cygwin SSH port redirection

What happen when I do an SSH port redirection trough Cygwin SSH ? I mean, does Cygwin has the power to redirect a port in Windows, without administrator rights ? Or do he effectively redirect ports ...
wxi's user avatar
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Share ssh-agent socket or any other named pipe between windows 10 and cygwin

Cygwin emulates sockets by opening port and adding the port number and a "login" secret to a file instead of using windows named pipes. Further there seems to be no access to Windows named pipes from ...
till's user avatar
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SSH sends environment variable, but to no effect

I'm SSH'ing from Cygwin into an older SUSE machine. I use: MyHost SetEnv FOO=bar SendEnv BAZ in my ./ssh/config file, and run export BAZ=bar on my Cygwin machine before connection. When I ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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Ubuntu ssh shell access becomes irresponsive after unattended for a while

I installed Ubuntu 16.04.6 on my server which runs 10+ sites using virtualmin/webmin setup. When I ssh to root or a sudo user it works just well. But if the terminal is unattended for a while, the ...
Arun Panneerselvam's user avatar
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Cygwin cannot generate ssh keygen

I want to generate ssh-keygen via cygwin and there is a problem when I entering path (it doesn't do anything). Here I just press enter and nothing was done:
Royalty's user avatar
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How to access windows binary from Cygwin?

The path is in C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe It's an executable in Windows C:\>dir C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH\ssh.exe Directory of C:\WINDOWS\System32\OpenSSH 01/01/2019 01:33 AM ...
user11392987's user avatar
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Cygwin/Babun: ssh-host-config error with local ADMINSTRATORS and/or SYSTEM

executing ssh-host-config -y shows following output: .... *** Info: called 'sshd'. *** Info: For more info on privilege separation read /usr/share/doc/openssh/README.privsep. *** Query: Should ...
bambino307's user avatar
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Cygwin ssh session disconnects after exactly 30 minutes

Running Windows 10 Cygwin64 - latest version openssh - latest version After opening an ssh session - Cygwin will send a reset to the remote server after exactly 30 minutes (the firewall logs show ...
dave's user avatar
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ssh-host-config does not work on latest Windows 10 version

Steps performed: Install cygwin via: C:\tmp\setup-x86_64.exe -q -B -R C:\cygwin -s -l C:\tmp -A -o -P curl,rsync,dos2unix,make,git,unzip,openssh OpenSSL mkpasswd -l ...
Ravi Yadav's user avatar
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Why does XWin Server from Cygwin not open?

I installed cygwins X Server to be able to X forward on Windows 10 as explained here. Now the installation completed and it finished without problems, but when I try to start the XWin Server as ...
Hakaishin's user avatar
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How to change title of cygwin windows?

I am using ssh in cygwin and it has window title format: username@hostname: /pwd Problem is when I have many ssh sessions I can't distinguish them because I can only see username... in taskbar. Is ...
E. Bazhenov's user avatar
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Cygwin SSH server works with SFTP but not with PuTTY

I followed this video reference (tutorial and explanation on how to restrict a user to their home directory with sshd_config, chroot directory and windows ...
yellowandred's user avatar
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Ssh'ing in and out of a virtualbox guest

I've set up port forwarding and allowed a firewall exception so I can ssh from my Linux Mint host into a Windows7/Cygwin guest. #from linux host hostuser@host$ ssh -p 2222 guestuser@localhost What ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar
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rsync on Cygwin: rsync: [sender] write error: Connection reset by peer (104)

I'm trying to rsync some files to my phone from Windows, using Cygwin. I'm trying to make it work via ssh on USB tethering as described in the comments here. I have SSHelper on my phone. My command is ...
Eärendil Baggins's user avatar
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cmder ssh connect in new console not run default bash

I am trying to ssh connect using cygwin bash in cmder. I set cygwin bash as default bash under Settings>Startup>Specified named task - I put here Cygwin bash. When I open cmder - cygwin bash is ...
Володимир Христенко's user avatar
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PuTTY Cygwin nano screen error

I have recently installed Cygwin on my Windows 7 x64 computer so I can use nano to edit files from the command line. I have also setup OpenSSH to be able to connect to it remotely using PuTTY from my ...
jmhg92's user avatar
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Even after setting HOME openssh looks at wrong place for keys

myhome@NOOSLLPT107144 ~ $ echo $HOME /cygdrive/c/Users/myhome $ ssh -vvv [email protected] OpenSSH_7.4p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2j 26 Sep 2016 debug2: resolving "" port 22 debug2: ssh_connect_direct: ...
Jigar Shah's user avatar
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passwordless ssh from linux to windows

I am trying to login to Windows without password from a Linux server. I have already installed OpenSSH from GitHub and I'm able to do scp and ssh. I tried copying the authorized_keys to the Windows ...
Subash's user avatar
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ssh to remote server hangs, but works locally (putty / cygwin / windows 10 to linux)

I've got a linux server running openssh. I can connect to it both from the local LAN and remotely. However, there is one client (a Windows 10 laptop) that can only connect to it locally. When I try ...
meeotch's user avatar
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SSH fails with host key error when sending a command, but works without one

I am setting up a server to be able to support SSH with host key authentication which is currently handled by an old dying server. As of right now I can successfully connect with SSH and interact in ...
Stephen Teodori's user avatar
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Cygwin: How to switch sshd service to a different domain user

As have many, apparently, I struggle to find a forum to ask Cygwin questions. ( has a mailing list. How quaint.) We have a number of Windows servers running cygwin sshd for administrative ...
roc97007's user avatar
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how to undo file permission settings iin filezilla

I accidentally changed file permission of my .ssh folder and authorized_keys file to 700 on my server using file permission in filezilla. But due to this i can't connect to my server giving this error:...
darshana's user avatar
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A specified logon session does not exist. It may already have been terminated for non cyg_server users on Cygwin

Some more progress: This is working for any account on which the services is started with. That is if we give credentials of a particular account in Log On tab of a service. Then it works for that ...
pinkpanther's user avatar
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KeePass2 unable to auto-type into Cygwin or Git Bash (windows 10)

I am using KeePass2 v.2.37 to save my different logins to virtual machines and servers. I seem to recall that I was able to use auto-type with KeePass to ssh with Cygwin and Git Bash, but I have been ...
maxorcist's user avatar
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Cygwin SSH client timeout on login

I can't get an SSH connection to stick. I ran ssh user%server@host -v and got this output OpenSSH_7.6p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2k 26 Jan 2017 debug1: Reading configuration data /etc/ssh_config debug1: ...
BelgishChoko's user avatar
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SFTP login returns "Authenticated with partial success." for public key

As a newbie to SFTP, I am trying to log in to an SFTP server via my private key using Cygwin. But eventually I ended up with having the "Authenticated with partial success" message. Is this client or ...
Jean's user avatar
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PuTTY error: /bin/bash Operation not permitted when connecting to Cygwin sshd

When trying to connect to an SSH server using PuTTY, I get an error: /bin/bash: Operation not permitted And then I get a message box saying: Connection closed by remote host This started happening ...
sashoalm's user avatar
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How can I ssh into a Virtual Box Windows 7 guest from a Linux host?

I've installed Cygwin on the guest and set up sshd. I can ssh localhost from within the guest. The virtual machine is connected with a "NAT" adapter, and I've set up a port forwarding rule for the ...
Petr Skocik's user avatar
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Issue when SSH'ing to Linux server from Windows client using Public key

This question is Cygwin-specific. My intention is to SSH to Linux Debian 9 Stretch server from Windows 10 Pro client. Steps I have done so far: Installed Cygwin with OpenSSH package. Generated ...
Vlastimil Burián's user avatar
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SSH Connection Disconnects Upon Modifying System File or Directory

I am experiencing an OpenSSH problem in Cygwin under Windows 7. My connection sometimes gets "closed by remote host". As near I can tell, this is happening when I modify a system file or directory. ...
Dave's user avatar
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Bash: Looping Over Stored Hostnames, Executing Commands via SSH on Those Hosts

I store in a file named ssh_hosts.txt a list of hostnames. In a shell script, I loop over the hostnames in ssh_hosts.txt and execute a command on the named host via SSH. The shell script is shown ...
Dave's user avatar
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Remotely Starting Cygwin sshd on Windows 7

Our network consists of Windows 7 SP1 machines. We have Cygwin installed on these machines, including the Cygwin sshd SSH server. One machine in particular (call it host H) is used heavily by several ...
Dave's user avatar
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Making ConEmu tab use different network interface (w/ or without ForceBindIP)

Suppose we have 2 tabs open in our ConEmu app. What I want to do is run one of them using the wlan interface wit IP and the other with the wifi dongle interface with the IP adress 192....
ybaylav's user avatar
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Unlocking private SSH key (with Cygwin/X11) when there is no local shell involved?

I have installed Cygwin/X11, including openssh. I have set up a public / private key pair. I have installed the public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys of RemoteHost. I have configured Cygwin/X11 (via ~/...
DevSolar's user avatar
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