I know this may be oddly specific, but answer me these:

  1. How do I make a video out of images where each image lasts for 5 seconds?

  2. I am looping a video where the characters can only say "1! 2!" How do I change the subtitles to make it go from "1!" all the way from "100!"

  • 1
    1) FFmpeg 2) Use a simple scripting language like Python or Autoit
    – Gantendo
    Commented May 7 at 3:11
  • How would that work for number 1? And as for number two, how do I make sure the timing of the subtitles are correct? Commented May 7 at 3:12
  • 1
    1) stackoverflow.com/questions/24961127/… 2) How would you know what the correct timing is? If you are looping a short video then you can predict when who is saying what.
    – Gantendo
    Commented May 7 at 3:13
  • By the way, some of the images 768x1200, and I want to make sure they stay that way with black bars. How do I do that? Commented May 7 at 3:44


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