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Questions tagged [sox]

SoX (Sound eXchange) is a computer program for audio manipulation

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131 votes
2 answers

How to add a mp3 handler to sox?

I want to play music in the terminal with sox. # install sox/lame sudo apt-get install sox sudo apt-get install lame # play music play music.mp3 # play FAIL formats: no handler for file extension `...
kev's user avatar
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24 votes
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command-line utility to record from microphone

I am looking for command-line utility that monitors the microphone, and if you start to speak, writes the file. Recording period should be adjusted. Solution is: sox -t alsa default recording.wav ...
kirill's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Create a video file from an audio file and add visualizations from audio

My initial thought was to upload audio files to YouTube along with video that is inspired from the audio. The particular visualization can be in different form such as spectrum, spectogram, or other ...
Sun's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

How do I append a bunch of .wav files while retaining (not-zero-padded) numeric ordering?

I have many (7500) .wav files (named by their numbers) which I'd like to merge into one. I think it has to be done with a bash loop because with using globbing some files would be in the wrong order (...
Neula's user avatar
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12 votes
4 answers

Creating stereo file from two mono files with sox

I'm using sox 14.2.0 on Centos 6.0. I have two mono wav files, left.wav and right.wav. I need to combine them into one stereo.ogg file, with left.wav pan 80% to the left, and right.wav pan 80% to ...
haimg's user avatar
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10 votes
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Loop audio file to a given length

I'm currently facing an issue where I need to take some mp3 file and make another mp3 file where the first one is playing for a given amount of time, looped if needed. Preferably I'm looking for a ...
Tomcatus's user avatar
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9 votes
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How to extract vocals from music using a command line software?

I know how to remove the vocals by using SoX. The command is sox source.wav mono.wav oops which means to mix stereo to twin-mono where each mono channel contains the difference between the left ...
whatUwant's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to record 10 seconds of audio with SoX?

I want to record 10 seconds of audio from my microphone input with SoX. I haven’t found any example in the documentation or elsewhere that would show how to do it. Here’s my current command using ...
shrx's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

script to run sox to combine multiple mono tracks to stereo

I have a folder full of .wav audio files. Some are stereo, most are mono splits. The mono split pairs are all named foo bar track.L.wav and foo bar track.R.wav I can use the command line tool sox ...
d0g's user avatar
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3 answers

how to record mic input and pipe the output to another program

Hi everyone Im trying to follow a tutorial on generating truly random bits How To Generate Truly Random Bits This is the command from the tutorial but it does not work rec -c 1 -d /dev/dsp -r 8000 -...
acrs's user avatar
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sox: How to specify audio input and audio output devices on OSX

In Linux, I used to use the following command, which takes audio input, applies reverb and a pitch shift effects, and then outputs the result to the specified audio device. sox -r 44100 -t alsa hw:1 ...
regulatre's user avatar
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2 answers

How to convert audio file of type G.723.1 into wav format?

I have few audio files which have .wav extension. I tried to get information about this file using soxi <foo.wav> command but I got following error : soxi FAIL formats: can't open input file ...
Shekhar's user avatar
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Is it possible to record the output of sound in macOS from the Terminal?

I would like to record the output audio of my Mac to an audio file using the command line, where I can specify the length of time to record. So for example, I might ask the command to record to a ...
Baz's user avatar
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sox and ffmpeg combine mp3 fails `Input files must have the same sample-rate`

I am trying to combine mp3 files via sox using: sox in.mp3 in2.mp3 out.mp3 and I get: sox FAIL sox: Input files must have the same sample-rate tried the -m option, but I guess this is default. I ...
JohnJ's user avatar
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FFmpeg audio phase reversal

I'm writing a script which performs a series of operations on several .wav files. One of the operations is phase reversal (from what I gather, a 180 degrees phase shift). Is this possible with FFmpeg ...
Asotos's user avatar
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need to clean up audio noise using sox

What I am doing right now is recording audio from my mic using arecord and piping the raw output to VLC like so: arecord -r 8000 - | vlc -vvv - It works great, except the audio that is coming out ...
eagleon's user avatar
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How to specify Vorbis encoding options using `sox`?

I want to record audio encoded using Vorbis quality level 6, but how to pass the encode options to rec?
Lenik's user avatar
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How to trim and join several parts of an audio file using crossfades?

I want to keep several sections of an audio file, merged together, but without any discontinuities ("clicks") at the join points. There's a SoX command that does this (, ...
Display Name's user avatar
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How do I convert a batch of audio files on Windows?

I have a folder structure like this: -dir1 -subdir1 -subdir2 -file1.wav -file2.wav -dir2 -etc... Inside the folders are thousands of audio files that need to be converted....
MikeJerome's user avatar
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Stream live audio with noise filter in Linux

I need to strip the noise from an audio source, but it needs to happen live. The resulting voice doesn't need to sound perfect, it just can't contain too much noise. I've read up about sox, but it ...
Jelle De Loecker's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Nested ssh command forwarding

In general I could realtime listen audio on the remote computer as: ssh me@gate rec -t mp3 - | play - e.g. on the computer named gate I could execute the command rec (or sox) and the audio-stream is ...
cajwine's user avatar
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Using a negative stoptime for the fade argument in the SoX audio editor

This SO answer suggest that one can use a negative stoptime with fade to specify the time from the end of the file. Negative time specification works for me with trim, but not with fade. This is what ...
joelostblom's user avatar
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Remove sections of audio in SoX

What's the easiest way to remove the specified sections of a wav file using SoX? Right now I use the trim command to break up the file and then concatenate the parts. However, that seems a little ...
Guest's user avatar
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Make SoX not show output

I'm recording with SoX, and I want to make it not show output at all. When recording, it shows this output: Input File : 'default' (waveaudio) Channels : 2 Sample Rate : 48000 Precision ...
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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Maximum number of files that can be merged in SoX?

For anyone who has experience with the sox audio tool, what is the maximum amount (in MB) of files you have tried to merge? So far I have merged up to 925MB worth of wav files and have not had ...
lord_missingno's user avatar
2 votes
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How to run a play list with sox?

Is it possible to play a list of music files with sox? It is possible to play a file by: play song.mp3 I know I can create a batch file which includes all the files to run such as: play song01.mp3 ...
Mert Nuhoglu's user avatar
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create sine wave with sox without a gap

I am using sox for creating synth with 100ms, this is my command: /usr/bin/sox -V -r 44100 -n -b 64 -c 1 file.wav synth 0.1 sine 200 vol -2.0dB Now when I create 3 sine wave files and combine all ...
iceget's user avatar
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How to use SoX or ffmpeg to extract the envelope of a sound file

I need to extract the envelope from a Wav sound file. Is there a way to achieve that from the command-line using SoX or ffmpeg?
Sylvain Leroux's user avatar
2 votes
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Old school boom box input equivalent using SoX

I used to have a cassette tape/radio unit (boom box format) device. I used to use this to record mix tapes from my dual turntable and mixer setup. The resulting tapes were - for me - ideal for playing ...
AlanT's user avatar
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Error when trying to convert 2-channels sound file to mono using sox or ffmpeg

When I tried: sox file.wav -c 1 file.wav I got: sox WARN wav: Premature EOF on .wav input file When I tried: ffmpeg -i file.wav -ac 1 file.wav I got: [pcm_s16le @ 0x2997880] Invalid PCM packet, ...
Victor Basso's user avatar
2 votes
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Plotting the volume of an audio file

Most applications that play sound display its volume graphically. I need that information (the sound volume as it changes over time) written to a text file so I can plot it myself and use it for ...
reinierpost's user avatar
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Using SoX in Python to Increase mp3 Bitrate

I am trying to increase the bitrate on an mp3 in an audio archiving program written in Python, that uses SoX. Here's a portion of the code: #fullHour is a boolean DeltaSeconds = chunk['...
DRT's user avatar
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Auto Batch Process - Trim, change bit rate and then normalize wav files via sox on Windows

I would like to batch process wav files in a folder: Firstly trimming the files to 5secs and placing the trimmed files in a folder called "Trim5s", then Changing the bit rate on the trimmed ...
Joe's user avatar
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Recording mp3 on Windows 7 using SoX [duplicate]

I'd like to have a SoX one-liner that would record 1 hour of audio to mp3. I'm on Windows 7. Is this possible?
Ram Rachum's user avatar
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Trouble Installing SoX

I am running Mac OSX 10.8.4 and am unable to install SoX. I have almost 0 knowledge of UNIX or terminal but require SoX for an audio job. I have downloaded Sox-14.4.1 from the site. I attempt to ...
user254583's user avatar
2 votes
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Specify audio channel to write to monaural file using SoX

I am interested in using SoX as part of a transcoding workflow I'm building. I need to be able to downmix stereo audio streams to mono. More specifically, I need to be able to specify which channel to ...
whlteXbread's user avatar
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How to record 30 seconds of audio from the iOS simulator with sox (or equivalent)?

I want to record 30 seconds of audio from the iOS simulator on OSX. I have found an example to record audio using a microphone. How to record 10 seconds of audio with SoX? However I need to capture ...
Jules's user avatar
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Merging files with sox sequentially

I have seen posts where people merge multiple sound files into one outfile like: soxmix in1.wav in2.wav in3.wav out.wav. However they are all on top of each other. Is there a way to merge so that ...
kmarks2's user avatar
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SoX fails to concatenate *some* newly generated aiff files

I have a Python script that is using Mac OS X's built in speech synthesis API to create aiff files of some processed text via PyObjC/AppKit. Everything is working fine, but I can't get the aiff files ...
dantiston's user avatar
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sox error on white macbook 1.1 no default audio device

I want to use a white macbook which purpose is recording sound with sox. I installed sox and lame via brew but when I want to record something in terminal sox -d ada.mp3 I got the following error ...
flatronka's user avatar
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equivalent of sox for video

I often use sox for editing audio. Is there an equivalent command line tool for editing video on Linux?
hoju's user avatar
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SoX on Windows 11 - No default audio device configured

I've installed SoX ( in order to be able to process microphone input via node. I'm trying the most basic settings, for example, recording from the default audio device ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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Downsample FLAC file if greater than a certain sample rate?

I want to convert a whole bunch of FLAC files to ALAC using a tool like ffmpeg or sox. This by itself is easy enough with a single command line. However, I want to save disk space by downsampling only ...
abza's user avatar
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3 answers

piping cdparanoia through play, aplay, /dev/sound, etc

Currently I am trying to use cdparanoia to play from an audio cd directly without making any temporary files. I can play the first track of a cd realtime by doing cdparanoia -e 1 /dev/shm/tmp.wav 2&...
Sudo Bash's user avatar
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How do I install SOX on UBuntu 11.0 with all format supported packages?

I tried to install SOX ( Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs ) on Ubuntu 11.10. At first, I tried with apt-get install sox, it installed successfully but it couldn't convert wav to mp3. Then ...
gentrobot's user avatar
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Ensure audio and video track are EXACTLY the same length

I generate 200 video files based on audio files generated using sox, combined with image files. Most clips are shorter than one second, none is longer than 6. I then concatenate these files and there ...
qubodup's user avatar
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Convert GSM audio file to G.729

How can I convert GSM sound files to G.729 format? I've used Sox in the past for transcoding sound files, but have not been able to find a way to transcode to G.729. Using Sox, I have found a way to ...
Jarrod Sears's user avatar
1 vote
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Run SOX batch on files in a relative folder

I have a windows batch script that runs a SOX command on various files, but I don't know how to get the batch to run on files in a relative path to that of the SOX executable. Currently all the files ...
Matteo Cuellar Vega's user avatar
1 vote
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how to remove clipping from audio using sox?

i am looking to use -G or -v to limit a track's volume to avoid clip. sox audio1.wav -G audio2.wav or sox audio1.wav -n stat -v 1.000 sox -v 1.000 audio1.wav audio2.wav but nothing works as ...
Michele's user avatar
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How to embed multiple audio files to one video file with timeline offset?

I have a video file: screencast.mpg (100sec) And several audio files(file name indicate offset): 10.wav (10sec) 30.wav (5sec) 45.wav (8sec) How can I combine those files together: V:||||||||||||||...
kev's user avatar
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