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192 votes
9 answers

How do I create a GIF screencast in Windows?

I need a way to record my Windows desktop and save it as an animated GIF file. Here's an example: I need GIF animations so that they can run from a web page without requiring any plugins. I want to ...
metal gear solid's user avatar
161 votes
9 answers

Combine/merge PDF files in Windows? [closed]

Is there a painless way to combine/merge PDF files in Windows? I understand that pdftk will do it on Linux.
user1413's user avatar
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107 votes
10 answers

Extremely simple web server for Windows? [closed]

A few years ago I used a super simple free web server for Windows. The only thing you had to do was copy an exe to a dir, double-click that exe, and - voilá - that dir was now accessible over HTTP. ...
Martin R-L's user avatar
  • 1,383
96 votes
4 answers

An application to easily pick a color in Mac OS X and get the hex value [closed]

I'm looking for a way to easily pick a color from anywhere on the screen in Mac OS X and get the value as a hex code (like #ACC782 ). OS X has a built in system "color picker" and I found a ...
cwd's user avatar
  • 18.2k
90 votes
24 answers

Is there a text editor for very big files? [closed]

I have a very big text file (10 GB). Both Notepad and Notepad++ tell me that the file is too big for them to open. What editor can handle such a large file? It's a log file.
78 votes
15 answers

Converting from EPS to SVG format [closed]

What is the best way to convert from an EPS formatted vector graphic to an SVG formatted graphic using only freely available tools?
user13137's user avatar
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75 votes
17 answers

How do I find the largest files and folders on a drive? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I visualize the file system usage on Windows? I am looking for a tool to tell me which files and folders are the largest as I need to do some cleanup.
68 votes
13 answers

How to play multiple videos side-by-side synchronized?

I've got 3 videos, all 3 have the same time, same amount of frames, and they only differ in terms of encoding quality. Now I need them to run side-by-side in synchronized fashion for evaluation ...
Grumpy ol' Bear's user avatar
67 votes
10 answers

How can I use my small SSD as a cache for a larger hard disk?

I would like to use a (small) SSD disk as a cache for a large hard disk. I realize there are hardware-based products that do this: HighPoint RocketHybrid HBA, Intel SmartResponse and others. There is ...
haimg's user avatar
  • 22.7k
60 votes
6 answers

What is the closest thing to Windows notepad on the Mac? [closed]

What is the closest thing to Windows notepad on the Mac? I'm using Leopard.
Brian R. Bondy's user avatar
59 votes
4 answers

Tool to change file modified date with a tool which works inside File Explorer? [closed]

Looking for a tool to change a file's modified date which works from inside File Explorer context menu. I am aware of external tools like BulkFileChanger but I want to right click on a file and make ...
Tony_Henrich's user avatar
  • 11.9k
46 votes
7 answers

What's the closest equivalent of Little Snitch (Mac program) on Windows? [closed]

I'm using Windows 7 and would like to have a feature like Little Snitch on the Mac that alerts you whenever a program on your computer makes an outgoing connection. Description of Little Snitch from ...
Charles Scowcroft's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

Is there a tool that can detect (and if possible, fix) glitches in MP3 files? [closed]

My collection contains some MP3s which have some glitches like: displaying the wrong duration on loading minor jumps suddenly ending despite the duration claims another minute remaining noise I'm ...
Tobias Kienzler's user avatar
43 votes
3 answers

Is there a good DNS server I can install on Windows 7 for a LAN? [closed]

I have a few computers on my LAN, and now I'm getting tired of remembering the IP addresses all the time, so I would like to start using DNS names on my LAN. I have a heterogeneous network with ...
Jonas's user avatar
  • 27.8k
39 votes
13 answers

Batch convert Word documents to PDFs

How do I batch convert many Word documents and have them saved as [originalfilename].pdf?
Kjensen's user avatar
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39 votes
11 answers

How can I control two computers with the same keyboard and mouse?

How can I control two computers (with seperate monitors) with the same keyboard and mouse? Is there a software solution to this? Can the computers be running different OSs?
Jeffrey's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

How do I get the Windows 7 taskbar with the Start Menu to display on dual monitors? [closed]

I am looking for an application with features as follows:- It will give me a dual monitor set up with a Windows 7 taskbar with Aero peek and the Start Menu on each monitor. The taskbar should ...
Christopher Edwards's user avatar
37 votes
12 answers

How can I keep folders synchronized between several machines over my home network?

Like many people I take quite a few photos, and also like quite a few people I don't back up as frequently as I should. What I'd like to be able to do is automatically synchronize my "to be backed up"...
Rowland Shaw's user avatar
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36 votes
2 answers

Solutions for presenting PDF slides with presenter notes on second display [closed]

I made a presentation using the latex beamer class with notes. Now I have a problem displaying notes only on my display while presenting the slides to the audience using a projector. Beamer notes ...
kapex's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Linux PDF version converter

I want to convert a PDF from version 1.5 to 1.4 using a command line utility. Is there anything available?
Tom's user avatar
  • 571
31 votes
19 answers

What search utilities can search by file name in Windows 7? [closed]

I've just installed Windows 7 64-bit and have found that it's file search really really sucks. What is a good alternative that I can load on my system to do file searching? Note: I don't care about ...
31 votes
8 answers

Free Mac OS X application for downloading an entire website [closed]

Is there any free application for downloading an entire site installable on Mac OS X 10.6?
Am1rr3zA's user avatar
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31 votes
6 answers

Opening mdb files in Ubuntu

I have an MDB document that I need to view on my Ubuntu machine, I downloaded MDB viewer and when opening the file with it the application closes. Also OpenOffice DB viewer does not want to work. Are ...
Elitmiar's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

What program can I use to bulk download this list of links? [closed]

I need a program that I can give a lit of URLs to (either paste or in a file) like below and then it must be able to crawl those links and save files of a certain type, like images for example. I have ...
Cheeky's user avatar
  • 309
30 votes
3 answers

Equivalent to Sysinternals Process Explorer on Linux

I am using Ubuntu 11.10 and am looking for an equivalent to Process Explorer on Linux. There is System Monitor but it's not nearly as good as Process Explorer with all of its detailed information ...
Gautam's user avatar
  • 613
28 votes
11 answers

Visio alternatives [closed]

I need an alternative to Visio for making diagrams (particularly signal processing block diagrams) that includes some kind of custom stencils + connection points. I just spent 2 hours learning bits ...
Jason S's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

How can I test all zip files in a folder to verify if they are corrupted or not? [closed]

There was a utility a long time ago called CFAtest that was doing this quite nicely, but it has disappeared. Basically, I am looking for a similar tool (preferably graphical) that will traverse a ...
isarris's user avatar
  • 271
27 votes
3 answers

Is there a screen recording app that saves as .gif? [duplicate]

I have a blog, and sometimes I'd like to show my readers something specific about computers. I've seen a lot of screen recording software, but all seem to save as video files. Do any save as an ...
Manu's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

"Bake" an SVG image into a PNG at a given resolution? [closed]

I'm on Linux and I'd like to take an SVG file and bake it into a PNG file at a given resolution (scaling). Is there a way to do this quickly and effectively from the command line? I'm looking for ...
Naftuli Kay's user avatar
  • 9,651
25 votes
4 answers

What is the Linux equivalent of Fiddler? [closed]

On Windows I like using Fiddler to scan TCP streams and save them. Is there a similar tool to do this under Linux?
abc123's user avatar
  • 251
24 votes
4 answers

Should I use Evernote or Org-mode for taking notes? [closed]

I am looking for an app that will help me manage my notes, and after coming across Org-mode, I was wondering whether Org-mode's functionality is strong enough that it can remove the need for me to use ...
tobeannounced's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

How can I modify button behavior for PC-only mice on Mac that don't emit USB-standard key events? [closed]

I have a Logitech M510 wireless mouse and am on a Mac. Right now I can assign different actions to the 2 thumb buttons through the Logitech control panel. What I want to do is have mouse button combos ...
roflwaffle's user avatar
  • 1,820
22 votes
8 answers

Program to convert flac to mp3? [closed]

I'm looking for a program to convert flac files to mp3, while preserving the embedded metadata (including album art). I'm pretty sure this is possible with ffmpeg, but I don't know the command . . . ...
Jason Sundram's user avatar
22 votes
2 answers

Replacement for horrible, horrible Character Map [closed]

Character Map is a horrible, horrible utility. What is a good free alternative? Ideally, I hope to find a program that comes close to Mac OS X's Character Palette in terms of features & ...
CyberSkull's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Monitoring the microphone level with a command line tool in Linux

I am looking for a tool that will tell me, in less than half a second, if the microphone is picking up any sound above a certain threshold. (I plan to then mute the Master channel with another command ...
Christian Neverdal's user avatar
21 votes
5 answers

Is there a telnet utility for windows?

Is there a simple telnet command line utility for Windows 7? I am used to the telnet command that is built into UNIX, but I can't seem to find one for Windows that can be used similarly.
ewok's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

How to view a PDF with more than 2 pages side by side?

I have a wide screen that has enough space to show more than 2 pages side by side. In MS Word, zooming out seems to achieve this, but I couldn't find a way of doing the same with PDFs. This is on Mac ...
Ozgur's user avatar
  • 263
21 votes
5 answers

A decent S3 bucket manager for Ubuntu

I'm looking for a decent S3 bucket manager for Ubuntu (Gnome). I prefer it to integrate with Nautilus so it will look like just any other drive (a la WebDAV) but so far I haven't been able to find ...
Luke's user avatar
  • 2,649
21 votes
9 answers

Free visual similarity image for a local hard drive search? [closed]

I'm looking for a desktop search engine for finding images on my local hard drive with high visual similarity. I've only found paid for ones so far. It could be Linux or windows one, either would be ...
barrymac's user avatar
  • 775
21 votes
3 answers

Music player for linux [closed]

I need to choose a music player to use under linux after having fallen out with Banshee*. What would you recommend based on these requirements: Ability to import/export ratings Automatically picks up ...
user avatar
20 votes
11 answers

WinSCP client for Ubuntu [closed]

Are there any GUI clients for Ubuntu which can remotely connect to another Linux box over SCP? I heard about the fish:// protocol and Konqueror (which is for Kubuntu using KDE), but I am looking for ...
ukanth's user avatar
  • 10.7k
20 votes
3 answers

Best program to trim silence beginning and end of mp3 files? [closed]

I have a bunch of mp3 files that have silence at the beginnings and ends, is there any program to trim this automatically? I would prefer that I can just give it a list of files to trim as opposed to ...
Gordon Gustafson's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Software to hold battery at 50% charge level [closed]

My Sony Vaio laptop has a built-in program called "Sony Battery Care" which provides a functionality to hold battery at certain levels of charge while operating. For example, I've set it to 50% and ...
Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar
19 votes
7 answers

How to count pages in multiple PDF files?

I just received a pdf textbook comprised of some 20 separate pdfs (by chapter) with quasi-regular names. Is there a way for counting the pages in the book without opening each file (or going through ...
ysap's user avatar
  • 2,690
19 votes
5 answers

Best Mac OS X DVD Ripper [closed]

I want to rip a DVD on OS X, but don't know what software to use. Is there free open source software? What is the best software for ripping on OS X?
Vandelizer's user avatar
19 votes
4 answers

What software works well for viewing massive TIFF images on Windows 7? [closed]

Today I saw an article about a half-gig, 24000 square-pixel high-res composite image of the moon. (This is a much smaller version of the image) I find astronomy interesting, so I thought I'd ...
nhinkle's user avatar
  • 37.5k
19 votes
8 answers

Looking for simple Windows scan (multiple pages) to one PDF application? [closed]

I would like to find some simple scan software for a Windows machine that can scan to PDF, but I would like it to do batch or multiple pages into one big PDF. I saw a couple questions on scan to ...
Troggy's user avatar
  • 10.2k
19 votes
8 answers

How can I convert scanned images as PDF to a searchable PDF file? [closed]

I have a PDF of a scanned book. I'm looking for a free software that will perform OCR and then provide an option to save it as a PDF or document again. Is there one?
user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Inspect serialized file content

I have a file which apparently contains serialized structures. The first 26 bytes contain the string "java.util.HashMap", so I am sure that this file holds serialized data. Is there is nice tool ...
rekire's user avatar
  • 484
17 votes
2 answers

Program for creating language syntax/grammar "railroad" diagrams? [closed]

I'm looking for the program that JSON, SQLite and other projects are using to create the diagrams used for their language syntax, if there is a particular program. All of the diagrams have a similar ...
ssube's user avatar
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