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Questions tagged [sleep]

Sleep mode is a low-power state designed to provide very fast resuming of a computer's operation, with minimal power consumption.

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324 votes
3 answers

Conclusively stop wake timers from waking Windows 10 desktop

How do you stop a Windows 10 Desktop waking up from the sleeping/hibernated power state without user intervention? For lots of users this won't be an issue but, if you sleep in the same room as your ...
seagull's user avatar
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192 votes
13 answers

How can I put the computer to sleep from Command Prompt/Run menu?

I know that almost everything on Windows, like opening any sort of application, can be done from the command prompt or from the Run menu. How can I put my computer to sleep or shut it down? What is ...
Lazer's user avatar
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189 votes
16 answers

How can I stop windows re-positioning after waking from sleep?

I put my multi-monitor system to sleep when it's not in use. After I wake it up, all windows are repositioned to a different screen. The closest pattern I can think of is that the windows there were ...
Kingamoon's user avatar
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131 votes
10 answers

How to prevent Windows 10 waking from sleep when traveling in bag?

I am not turning laptop off, but rather putting into hibernation, as it starts much faster and I can continue working without starting all apps again. It was working long time from Windows XP to ...
TN.'s user avatar
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115 votes
7 answers

How do I stop Windows 10 going to sleep after locking with Win+L key

I've got a Dell XPS 13 (9360) with Windows 10 Home. Steps to reproduce: Open power options (Win-X, O) Click change plan settings next to the current plan ("Dell" in my case) Set both "on battery" ...
Dave E's user avatar
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79 votes
7 answers

How do I make a batch file wait / sleep for some seconds?

I use a batch file to start up a few of the programs I need running in the background. Up until now, I had used the pause command to execute it after some of the other start-ups finished. I would ...
Cegorach's user avatar
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59 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between (these four) sleep states?

Whilst browsing the internet I found an article here about how to run a Power Efficiency Report. As I wasn't doing anything, I decided to try it and see what it did. In the results it listed the ...
Connor W's user avatar
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58 votes
12 answers

Why does my Windows computer immediately turn back on after sleep/hibernate?

After clicking sleep or hibernate in Windows 7, my computer loads for a while and then goes into sleep mode, but not 1 second later it powers back up. The event log has no errors and no warnings ...
Nick Bolton's user avatar
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50 votes
19 answers

Is it still necessary to shut down computers?

Nowadays with our modern operating systems, is it necessary to fully shutdown computers instead of choosing to stand-by or hibernate computers (desktops and laptops)? Would there be any side-effects ...
49 votes
3 answers

Windows 10 Sleeps Before Set Time

My computer is falling asleep outside of the screen and sleep times that I have set. I have made sure that the screen saver is set to none, and that the power options and advanced settings match the ...
user2168046's user avatar
45 votes
6 answers

Trigger Task Scheduler in Windows 7 when computer wakes up from sleep/hibernate

I don't want task scheduler or whatever to wake the computer, but when I open the laptop back up and the machine wakes I'd like that to be the trigger that task scheduler or something uses to run an ...
Adam's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Is the CPU active in Sleep mode?

Suppose on a Windows OS, you toggle the computer to go into sleep mode and put it away. As far as I know there will no programs or processes will be running. But would the processor still be running ...
cpx's user avatar
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41 votes
4 answers

Turn on Windows 10 laptop without opening it if external monitor is attached?

I work most of the time with my Windows 10 laptop (Lenovo X1 Carbon, 2012 1. gen model) closed and an external monitor attached. To achieve this I have to start the computer by opening the lid, ...
janpio's user avatar
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40 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 Lock Screen always puts monitor to sleep after 60 seconds

I use Windows 10 at work, and for security reasons, I always lock my workstation when I leave the room for any reason. The problem is that my monitor is a Samsung 4K TV and the lock screen puts it to ...
James's user avatar
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40 votes
16 answers

Why won't my computer go to sleep automatically?

Windows 8 is set to sleep after 30 mins, and it used to work, but recently it's started refusing to sleep. (I can still manually ask it to go to sleep without any issue.) I was having issues a while ...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
36 votes
10 answers

What is the hotkey to put my Windows to sleep?

My keyboard doesn't have power-related keys. I would like to enter the hybrid sleep using the keyboard and only with a minimum of keystrokes. If there is none, how do I bind a hotkey to it?
Jader Dias's user avatar
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35 votes
11 answers

Dual monitors won't "wake up" after sleep

My laptop is set to go to sleep when not in use, but when I have it set to use Dual screens, after I "wake it up", all I can see is the mouse on the second screen, flickering. If I unplug the VGA ...
Ben's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

How to prevent Google Chrome from keeping computer awake?

My computer frequently fails to sleep. How To Reproduce The Problem Open Google Chrome. Play a video on YouTube.* Open a new Chrome tab to some other website (such as SuperUser). Close the YouTube ...
Ryan's user avatar
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34 votes
3 answers

Disable UpdateOrchestrator Reboot task

About a week ago my Windows 10 Pro started waking up in a middle of the night. I've had similar problems about half a year ago, but managed to configure the cause - unruly UpdateOrchestration task and ...
lukeg's user avatar
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31 votes
16 answers

My monitor's power button is broken - how do I black out the display without unplugging it?

Occasionally, I leave my computer turned on all night with some program running. If the computer logged off or sleep, the program is stopped. The monitor light is bright enough to disturb my sleep. My ...
Vahn's user avatar
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30 votes
11 answers

What's waking up my PC?

When I place my PC to sleep, it goes to sleep for 2 min and then wakes up again on its own. I ran cmd.exe as an admin and then typed powercfg -last wake and -requests and I got nothing really that ...
Peter A's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

Permanently disable wake-on-mouse in Windows 10

I have always had the same issue with all of my Windows 10 computers - it is essentially impossible to put the computer to sleep with the mouse. When I click Start > Power > Sleep, the computer ...
user45623's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Is there a command line tool to put Windows 8 to sleep? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I put the computer to sleep from Command Prompt/Run menu in Windows Vista? A few days ago I installed Windows 8. I first found the lack of the "shutdown" menu comical, ...
Andomar's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

windows 10 desktop - does sleep mode use a lot of energy?

I recently bought a desktop PC - it's the first I've bought for possibly 10 years and it's got Windows 10 installed. I notice that these days, there is no option to Hibernate anymore, just shutdown ...
RoboShop's user avatar
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28 votes
3 answers

Can I run my MacBook in clamshell mode without being connected to power?

At home, I run my MacBook in clamshell mode (closed lid, external display). This works fine when you're connected to the power adapter, but it doesn't work when running on battery. That's how it's ...
kch's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Laptop waking up from sleep because of "power button"? (Windows 8.1)

My computer is brand new but has a serious problem - it wakes up from sleep mode on its own in the middle of the night, usually a couple hours after I put it into sleep mode. This problem is ...
dmcruns's user avatar
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27 votes
3 answers

Laptop randomly waking up = Hibernate / Low Battery?

A (Windows 7) laptop has been annoying me since the day we got it. When it is put to sleep (the lid closed), it seems to intermittently wake up randomly during the night (i.e., 10pm, 1:30am, 7am, etc.)...
Synetech's user avatar
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27 votes
4 answers

Windows 10 gets shutdown instead of going to sleep/hibernate

It's a long time problem - Windows 10 is shutting down instead of going to sleep or hibernate. All the power settings are set to sleep/hibernate/nothing for power button/closing lid/idle etc. And ...
arieljannai's user avatar
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26 votes
6 answers

How not to lose Wifi after waking up from standby or sleep mode?

After 30 minutes my Windows 7 PC goes to Standby. Problem is, when I get it back to normal, Wi-Fi is disconnected. And it doesn't just reconnect and come back in 10 seconds. For example, when I start ...
janpio's user avatar
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26 votes
8 answers

Why does my Windows 7 computer freeze after waking up from Sleep?

Moderator edit: if you have a similar problem, please ask your own question, since it seems there are several things that can cause this situation, it is better to treat each case separately. Hey ...
25 votes
3 answers

Execute command after seconds (without sleep)

How can I run a command after X seconds without sleep. Or with sleep but without the shell just wait for the response of that command? I used this but it didn't work sleep 5 ; ls > a.txt I need ...
Martin's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

My Windows 8 PC wakes up every night around 3 am

I just built a new Windows 8 PC, and started using it a few days ago. Every night, I use Hibernate on the computer before I go to bed. The only way to turn it back on is to hit the Power button. ...
Gary's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Turn off USB power when closing MacBook lid

I have a USB-powered cooling pad under my MacBook Pro. When I close the lid to put my MacBook to sleep, I would like the cooling pad to turn off. In other words, I would like the MacBook to cut ...
Patrick J Collins's user avatar
24 votes
6 answers

Windows 7 come out of sleep when I open remote desktop

Is there any way to have a Windows 7 machine come out of sleep automatically when I try and connect to it with Remote Desktop? The power saving option of the machine I want to connect to (enforced by ...
John Sibly's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Can a Windows PC do anything while it is sleeping?

I heard that OS X Mountain Lion on a Mac has a feature called Power Nap : With Power Nap, your Mac sleeps but your applications stay up to date. So you have the latest information — such as mail, ...
Elmo's user avatar
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23 votes
7 answers

Why is my laptop favoring the wireless connection over my LAN connection?

When my laptop comes out of sleep, I have to typically wait about 90-120 seconds before my network (wireless or NIC card) 'wakes up'. During that time, I see my wireless connection with 'limited ...
jason's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Prevent Windows 7 PC from sleeping while a download is in progress

While I'm downloading a large file on Windows 7 using Google Chrome, my computer goes to sleep. I could obviously set the computer to not sleep at all (or change the interval before the computer ...
Jason Sundram's user avatar
23 votes
7 answers

Are there specific technical considerations that would make it detrimental to put your computer in sleep mode every time?

Often I have a lot of stuff open and don't feel like shutting down my laptop, so I just use sleep mode when I'm transferring it. But I have no idea if this might have any disadvantages. So my ...
Ivo Flipse's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

Legacy Kernel Caller preventing sleep mode

I have a problem with Windows 7 not sleeping. PowerCfg -requests says a "Legacy Kernel Caller" driver prevents the sleep mode. This is not very helpful or informative. How do I get more details ...
majocha's user avatar
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22 votes
8 answers

Task Scheduler won't wake the computer

I want my computer to start uTorrent at 4 o'clock in the morning, when I'm asleep. But the computer is a bit noisy so I put it to sleep mode every time I go to bed. I've tried creating a task in Task ...
valya's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

How to execute a script on sleep, hibernate, resume, and shutdown

I keep alot of my classwork documents hosted on dropbox as well as my personal site for remote storage. This helps alot since I switch between an iPad, laptop and desktop, so there are no worries ...
Jason's user avatar
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22 votes
6 answers

Windows 7 Keyboard Repeat Rate and Delay are Reset on Resume from Standby / Sleep

I always keep my keyboard repeat rate at the maximum and the delay at the minimum for optimal keyboard responsiveness. Under Windows 7 however, I have found that the rate and delay are reset to the ...
Synetech's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

Does Windows 10 sleep mode also hibernate system?

I was always using Sleep mode and I thought that if I turn off electricity while PC is sleeping, it will just «hard» shutdown without saving any data / open apps, etc. Today I accidentally turned off ...
user0103's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How can I make my computer play dead? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Disable power LED blinks during Vista hybrid sleep? I have a laptop that when sleeping is perfectly quiet, which is great. What isn't so great is trying to sleep with led ...
wizlog's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Which of shutdown / hibernate / sleep causes the least wear to an SSD drive?

Having an SSD for the only drive in my laptop I'm wondering which of shutdown / hibernate / sleep causes the least wear to it? Is there any serious test that would measure that? Suppose that the ...
Ondrej Tucny's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

Display all power related events (turn-on/-off/sleep/hibernate/...)?

Imagine your computer is doing strange things regarding turning on, off, sleeping, hibernating, restart, being on in the morning when you set it to sleep in the evening before and similar things. I ...
janpio's user avatar
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19 votes
6 answers

How do I prevent Ubuntu from putting my monitor to sleep?

Ubuntu 10.04 Under Preferences > Power Management I have changed the settings to never put the computer to sleep and never to put the display to sleep. My display still goes to sleep and I am ...
CT.'s user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Laptop wakes up from sleep every several hours

I have a new ASUS Zenbook UX305. OS: Windows 10 Home I've figured out that my laptop wakes up from sleep during the night, so i reviewed the event viewer and found out that it happens about 3-4 times ...
ozking's user avatar
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19 votes
9 answers

USB Audio Device Preventing Sleep (Windows 10)

Background I have been having issues with my computer not entering sleep and also waking from sleep since Window 8.1. I had hoped that Windows 10 would resolve these issues, but unfortunately this is ...
spenser_l's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

prevent sleep in scripts

Is there a way to prevent Windows from going into sleep mode while running a program on the command line or with cygwin? Ideally, I'm hoping for something that could be used like: nosleep myscript....
Mr Fooz's user avatar
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