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23 votes
2 answers

Why does pressing enter increase the file size by 2 bytes in windows

I'm using File Explorer to monitor file size in Windows. I have a .dat file and when I type normal characters like letters the file size increases by 1 byte but when I press enter the file size ...
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4 votes
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how to display the size of USB/SD peripherals in my batch?

I made a small batch file to display the size, name and id of USB sticks and SD cards connected to a PC for test purposes. I tried to use :~0,-9% to shorten the size displayed in bytes, this works ...
calade's user avatar
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rsync: identical files (contents, size, timestamp) between source and destination are not being seen as identical

NOTE: Sadly, it turns out that this has nothing to do with file timestamps. Per the info given in that other post, I tried --modify-window=30 and even --modify-window=300, but that did not change the ...
HippoMan's user avatar
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3 votes
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How do I change the space between system tray icons in Windows 10?

My system tray icon on Win10 suddenly becomes bigger. Originally, it is But now it is Each icon occupies larger space (although they are ...
FrankHan's user avatar
2 votes
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Firefox: How to resize "Add bookmark folder" window?

Right-clicking on the Bookmarks Toolbar and selecting "Add Folder..." shows the "Add bookmark folder" window. I am using Firefox 107.0.1/Latest version (Windows). How do I resize ...
Stackuser's user avatar
2 votes
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Is exFAT less efficient at utilising disk space than HFS+?

I'm using rsync to copy all files from one 3TB external disk formatted as HFS+ to another 3TB external disk formatted as exFAT. I've double checked both disks are exactly the same size and formatted ...
Tim MB's user avatar
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How to prevent large file size in JPEG-PDF roundtrip conversion?

TL;DR: File size doubled in roundtrip conversion between JPEG and PDF. Tools used : poppler and imagemagick I am doing this Extract images from a pdf containing only images (scanned document), via ...
Abdullah Ibn Fulan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Swapping partitions in openbsd

After a regular openbsd installation I have this partition scheme: # df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Capacity Mounted on /dev/sd0a 986M 111M 826M 12% / /dev/sd0k 46.4G ...
somenxavier's user avatar
2 votes
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Changing the mac desktop icon resize shortcut in finder

By default finder has a keyboard shortcut for changing icon size/zoom, ⌘ = and ⌘ -. If you are like me you press these on accident and the result is desktop icons all over the place as the grid ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 answers

Could the allocation unit size on my backup drive cause it to run of space when used to backup my main drive?

I’m using two hard drives for conducting monthly backup for certain data in my PC. However, I found out the folder the backup data inside my second hard drive has larger size on disk compare to the ...
Axen Wong's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How can I add current file size to the file name

I lost heaps of important data, plus failed backups etc. I did some recoveries but laptop drive had other plans, pushed data out of valid files + some recovery files had mismatched names or recovered ...
Sarah Eastman's user avatar
2 votes
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How to find files bigger than 2gb Windows command line? (32 bit overflow prevents the well known method working)

I am using the following well known solution to recursively find files greater than a specified value: forfiles /S /M * /C "cmd /c if @fsize GEQ 2000000000 echo @path" This perfectly works ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
2 votes
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What file properties affect the size of a video file?

This question is related to one I just posted on Stack Overflow about the meaning of the Windows shell file property "Video compression". For a set of 71 video files, I'm looking at their ...
NewSites's user avatar
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How to resize video but do not stretch/modify original video using ffmpeg

Im pretty bad at video editing/property terms. Sorry in advance. Green = Input video Red = Output video Sorry if this doesnt make sense. But can this be possibly achieved? I tried searching for ...
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1 vote
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smartctl NVMe SSD : what is "Maximum Data Transfer Size"?

I just noticed a Maximum Data Transfer Size spec on both my NVMe SSDs (128 pages in one case, and 64 pages in another). What exactly is this ? Is it the same as EBS (Erase Block Size, see Is partition ...
ChennyStar's user avatar
1 vote
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95% of a partition on my external HDD is invisible and disk analyzing programs can't find it

On my 2TB external HDD is a NTFS primary partition 480GB large. Combined size of the files present is 18.5 GB, mostly the pagefile.sys and the free space is 256MB. 18.5GB + 250MB is about 18.75GB, ...
GwenKillerby's user avatar
1 vote
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Font changes after reply in Outlook 2010

I have a user that sends mails with default font Arial size 12 but when the mail is sent it changes automatically to Arial size 10. So the user is typing with Arial 12 but when it's sent it's Arial 12....
show0116's user avatar
1 vote
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Why does the file size of the a being transferred depends on how much free space the external hard drive has, and how can I avoid that?

I transfer some files from a GoPro (connected via MTP) to an external hard drive. I notice that for the file size of the file being transferred depends on how much free space the external hard drive ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
1 vote
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Size of all files whose path fulfils condition

I would like to calculate the total size of all files in a given directory that fulfil the condition: The path of the file (or, equally good, the directory of the file) contains the string DEV_ The ...
J Fabian Meier's user avatar
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Excel file size data converstion

I often end up with data in excel about file sizes where values may include things like: 0 1K 850K 7.12K 19.2M 43.1G 1012G 28T 1.02P (ok, the last one not so often, but it's a theoretical possibility,...
Thingomy's user avatar
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2 answers

Word file with emoji results in bigger PDF file after export

I have updated my CV in Word by adding rating of my skills and used the star emoji (⭐) to categorize my skill by experience (i.e., by number of stars). My Word document size didn't increase that much ...
Azimuth's user avatar
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Unable to Change Font Size of Inkscape Guideline Label

Introduction I've successfully created labeled guidelines in Inkscape (version 1.1.1) using the following steps: Guidelines can be created by dragging from either of the rulers. Upon double-clicking ...
Michael Atorn WAT's user avatar
1 vote
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How to resize a linux raid-1 volume?

my some-years-old linux server has four raid-1 volumes: /dev/md1 on /boot type ext4 /dev/md2 on / type ext4 /dev/md3 on /home type ext4 /dev/md4 on /data type ext4 The four volumes are stored in this ...
botnico's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Huge File Size with Embedded Font (Used Characters Only) in PowerPoint

I have a PowerPoint file. I used 2 custom fonts on my document, so I decided to embed the fonts in the file using the "Embed Fonts" option available in PowerPoint. Settings Screen Without ...
bobisanerd's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Size On Disk Smaller Than File Size BUT HD Getting Full Based On File Size [duplicate]

Well the title says it all. As you can see in the screenshot here, all those big files have a waaaay smaller size on disk, but when I click HD properties it´s getting full based on the file size and ...
Robertt Crown's user avatar
1 vote
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How can a folder have much larger `size on disk` than `size`?

I have a folder on a NTFS network drive. I had copied it over from my local NTFS drive. Its displayed size on the network drive is totally confusing to me: Size: 1,34 GB Size on Disk: 12,2 ...
csstudent1418's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

my drive shows size on disk very smaller than its actual size

I have check there is no compression check on ntfs settings but still also 1 TB file shows 60 GB on disk. How is this possible ?
Hammadleo91's user avatar
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Overriding The Notepad++ File Size Limit

I had a text file I was working with in Notepad++, which I accidentally closed and now I can't open it again because it says "File is too big to be opened by Notepad++". I was editing it ...
azoundria's user avatar
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With `ls -sh` is 1K a kilobyte, a kilobit, 1000 bytes, 1024 bytes, or what?

Preface to my question (this isn't my question): I've been looking for a command-line tool to that tells me how many bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes, etc. that a file is (not some other form of ...
Brōtsyorfuzthrāx's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I stop MS Word from resizing the page width when I resize the window?

I'm using MS Word 2016 in Windows. Whenever I change the width of the window, the page size changes. That is, I click-and-drag on the right border of the window and make it, say, a little wider. When ...
Dave Mellinger's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Cannot explain size of screenshot PNG file

I am running ubuntu 64-bit on a virtual machine and took a screenshot of a part of my desktop using the shortcut Shift+Print. The .png file consists of 1500x1078 pixels and has a total size of 30,1 kB....
Simon's user avatar
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Why find is giving inaccurate responses for 1M and 1G size?

Why find is giving inaccurate/weird responses when I try to look for files that are 1 megabyte size or 1 gigabyte size ? Or even less than 1 megabyte or 1 gigabyte. [root@server1 ~]# ls -lh total 7.8M ...
linuxuser's user avatar
0 votes
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Scale PDF page size _without_ adding white background

I have a PDF containing an A5 page. For reasons, I want to "rescale" that page to be A4-sized - but not by adding margin/padding; I want the actual content scaled. i.e. the opposite of what ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to calculate the minimum size for a FAT partition to fit given files?

Is there a way to calculate how big a partition needs to be to fit a file (or several files of a given size)? Let's say I want to make a FAT32 partition on a usb drive and store 1 Gb file (or two 500 ...
Nick L's user avatar
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How to open a file in Notepad in a given window size?

I have a small text file1 used as memo, that I wish to open in a corner of my screen. I know PostIts-like apps but, here, the need is file1.txt with 4 short lines. I can't find an option in the ...
Jef's user avatar
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Program with no sizing options for windows

I have a program that i use for work. cant say what it was, but it was originally written in dos and seems like they just added a GUI to it. The main program window does not even have a minimize ...
Blake Moody's user avatar
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Outlook automatically changing the font size of certain words only, when sending an e-mail

I answerd and e-mail I got on my Outlook app on my iPhone. To my horror, when looking at the e-mail after I sent it, Outlook seemed to have changed the font size of certain parts of my e-mail. It ...
Vanni Espeland's user avatar
0 votes
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Thumbnail of *.mp4 with size and drawtext

I am trying to create a thumbnail with the size of 200 and a drawtext. Unfortunately I have problems to create this thmumbnail with both options. Thumbnail with size is working: ffmpeg -i xyz.mp4 -ss ...
R. S.'s user avatar
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Why do du -s * and du -s . show vastly different sizes?

I ran both du -sh . and du -sh * inside a directory, but the values returned by the second one don't add up to nearly the same value reported by the first. 5.7GB vs 1.5 GB. Why is this? Are there some ...
The Bic Pen's user avatar
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Windows Start Menu keeps resizing to narrow (1 column) size

I have Win 10 22H2 installed, managed by my company. By default, my Start Menu is one column wide (I'm showing only the tiles). I have enough tiles so for accessing the lower tiles, I have to scroll ...
AndreasP's user avatar
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Is Windows (Network) Folder Size accurate?

We have a program that adds columns to various Excel files daily. One way we try to track that it is working is checking the overall folder size and seeing if it increases. The numbers however do not ...
Koops128's user avatar
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Improve Size in Exasol Docker Image

My Goal: I need to improve the Volume Size of Exasol from 4GiB to 10GiB What I use: Exasols official Github Repo/ Docker Image:
Stinson's user avatar
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Changing Video's Sound with another sound with using Shotcut

I want to replace the sound of the video file I have with another video file. I use a program called Shotcut. I have a 250 mb video, mkv file, audio in opus. I change the sound with Shotcut and select ...
Kaan Alper Omega's user avatar
0 votes
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Why files in AppData directories not adding to space left on drive

I have some backup files that get created from a game I play that are stored in the following directory: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\.gameiplay\backups These backups can get relatively large in ...
Kalamalka Kid's user avatar
0 votes
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How to move free space from end of vm disk to resize(grow) primary partition on qemu hypervisor?

I was able to add space to my vm, but am at a loss for how to shuffle it from the end of the disk to resize the primary partition. Appreciate your input if you are knowledgeable about how to do this.....
Mark's user avatar
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Thunderbird change default font and size

I love using Thunderbird for checking all my mail accounts, including Gmail and Outlook. However, I'm having a difficult time trying to locate a setting to change the default font and size. It seems ...
21razor's user avatar
0 votes
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Move a given volume (size) of files

Need to move any given quantity of files from a given type (csv in example) from ./source to a ./target folder and that: the total size of all files moved is below a given value SrcMax files are ...
jt99's user avatar
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Size of users' recycle bins on Windows Server 2019?

Is there a way to show the size of a recycle bin for each user in Windows Server 2019? (Or, perhaps, calculate such sizes via PowerShell and then display them in a neat table?) We may have runaway ...
kindzmarauli's user avatar
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How to increase size of "legacy" UI on Win11?

I have a Surface Book 2 running Windows 11. It has a 3240x2160 resolution, so I've used both the Display's "scale" and Accessibility's "text size" features to zoom stuff in, and so ...
longtry's user avatar
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Inkscape: Importing SVG file produces unusably huge object in document

So the ultimate goal here is to produce a 600dpi vector file for use with a digital printer. I've gone to great lengths to insure that all the original images (png) are 600 dpi. These average 5-8 ...
GDP's user avatar
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