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Questions tagged [segmentation-fault]

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2 answers

How OS detects memory access violations

How does an operating system (preferably Linux) know that you've accessed a memory location that you're not allowed to? This question was inspired by those damn pointers! The way I see it is: ...
Doddy's user avatar
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Segmerntation fault when running extundelete on Ubuntu - what to do?

I have a partition raw image on which I am trying to run extundelete to undelete some files from an ext4 filesystem. Unfortunately extundelete exits with a segmentation fault. Is there anything I can ...
Mel's user avatar
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4 votes
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Wireshark won't launch, Segmentation Fault, Kali Linux

Wireshark won't launch when logged in as root or normal user. I receive segmentation fault in the terminal window every time. Output from the terminal (the same for both root and normal user): root@...
Teer's user avatar
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segfault error 4 in

Key Info: Ubuntu 64 Lucid (No memory issues, no new hardware) Nearly every application dies with this segfault. Googling around finds dozens of posts that have this exact problem and not a single ...
Shawn's user avatar
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3 votes
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iexplore.exe - The memory could not be "written"

Using IE8 I'm randomly getting the error: iexplore.exe - Application Error The instruction at "0x7c0c5a6c" referenced memory at "0x7c0c5a6c". The memory could not be "written&...
DeveloperDan's user avatar
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Why mutt terminates with segmentation error?

I pressed $, in order to sync mailbox, but mutt just quit... In fact mutt dose not quit every time I press $, it only quits sometimes. So how do I figure out the reason why mutt quits? Is this a bug ...
hugemeow's user avatar
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Sudo aptitude search produces bus error

I've got a strange aptitude error while performing search: $ sudo aptitude search pcre Bus error $ sudo aptitude search libpcre Bus error $ sudo aptitude autoclean Bus errorackage lists... 0% What ...
Nemoden's user avatar
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The Operating System is not generating core dump by default when an application crashes?

I am working on Linux Fedora version : I set the prior requirement of core dump size to "unlimit". The problem is whenever an exception happens it is showing the message like Segementaion ...
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Attempted to update to Natty Narhwal (11.04 alpha 3), Power was interrupted

I set up my computer to run the update overnight; my grandmother said it was making a lot of noise so she shut it off. Trouble is, the upgrade didn't finish. Now, Xorg refuses to start; the computer ...
Tasuret's user avatar
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Crash without Core dump

First of all: I have core dumps enabled and they work most of the time. So one programm crashes every now and then and generates a core dump. But sometimes it crashes without a core dump. Which is ...
why.n0t's user avatar
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Error code 0xc0000005 while installing windows 10

Following up the story Moving windows from HDD to SSD (Dualboot Windows 10 + Ubuntu 16) , I tried to install a fresh copy of Windows 10 to my SSD drive. I took 100gb space from Ubuntu and formatted ...
user291257's user avatar
2 votes
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GDB debugging tool for linux

I'm executing a pro*c executable in linux and I've got segmentation fault error. But there is no core file dumped. Thus, I want to debug the program using GDB debugging tool. However, I see that it ...
missingsemicolon's user avatar
2 votes
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grep segfaults when passed "-r" and "--exclude-dir" and stdin is a pipe

If I pipe data into grep AND pass the "-r" flag (recurse subdirs) AND pass the "--exclude-dir" flag (e.g. to skip ".git" directories), then it segfaults. If any one of these things is missing, then it'...
Jonathan Hartley's user avatar
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bash Segfault by infinite recursion

I just noticed that the bash I'm using (4.2.25(1)) isn't protected against infinite function recursion. In such a case a Segfault happens (and the bash process terminates). To check this on your ...
Alfe's user avatar
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When does Windows use "The memory could not be 'read'/'written'" or "<application name> has stopped working" for access violations?

What is the difference between the following error messages? The instruction at "<address>" referenced memory at "<address>". The memory could not be "read"/"written". <application ...
bwDraco's user avatar
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Google Chrome crashing on linux when trying to upload *.jpg file

I'm on Slackware 13.1, and installed Chrome 5.0.375.126 using sbopkg from slackbuilds. Whenever I open the file upload dialog and select a *.jpg file, the browser immediately crashes, leaving behind a ...
David McDavidson's user avatar
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Windows 11 WSL LxTerminal closes after pressing first character

Setup: Windows 11 Enterprise, version 22H2. WSL 2 enabled from command line. Ubuntu 20.04 installed through Microsoft Store. LxTerminal was installed and pinned to taskbar. Here is some version ...
Kalle's user avatar
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Errors with FFMPEG on Ubuntu 16.04 While Using AMERGE: Segmentation Fault, et al

[ffmpeg version info below, as well as OS version info.] I am trying to use the sidechaincompression filter along with the amerge filter in ffmpeg for ducking voiceover audio over an audio bed. ...
Robert's user avatar
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Debugging sigsegv faulting Apache

What's the best way to get meaningful gdb backtraces from Apache server which misbehaves on production? [Tue Aug 02 16:07:12 2011] [notice] child pid 27681 exit signal Segmentation fault (11) It's ...
Mikko Ohtamaa's user avatar
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Intermittent Xorg crashes under Ubuntu 11.04

Since upgrading Ubuntu yesterday, I've seen several instances where my session has crashed and forced me back to the login screen. A quick peek at the Xorg logs shows a segmentation fault with the ...
Chris Kottom's user avatar
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Zsh zle function segfaults on `trap 'zle reset-prompt' EXIT`

I have the following function to select a tmux session with fzf: function tmx { [ -n "$ZLE_STATE" ] && trap 'zle reset-prompt' EXIT local tmux item tmux="$(which ...
Petr's user avatar
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FFMPEG How to do segments encoding in MXF XDCAM HD422

I'm trying to encode a feed from a Decklink card to MXF XDCAM HD422 by segment, so I use the following command line: ffmpeg.exe -f dshow -video_size 1920x1080 -r 25 -pixel_format uyvy422 -rtbufsize ...
Michel's user avatar
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Graphviz (neato) segfault when processing tree with 50,000 vertices

I have a 5MB .gv file with the edges for a 50,000 node tree. I've run neato on it (with a few output formats). The .gv file was generated by SageMath (built-in method was not terminating). ...
dysonsfrog's user avatar
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ruby inside vim causes a segfault

Every time I try to run a ruby command from inside vim, I get a segfault. If I try to run :ruby puts 1, for example, vim crashes immediately: $ vim Vim: Caught deadly signal SEGV Vim: Finished. ...
ewok's user avatar
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Unable to enable core dumps (ubuntu/ARM)

I'm struggling to enable core dumps in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (ARM) running on an nVidia Jetson TX1 SBC. I've done all of the usual stuff, including suggestions from here and here. There is plenty of space ...
mshildt's user avatar
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Is it possible to catch the instruction that wrote an invalid value into the pc register?

After an instruction, for example, pop {pc} writes an invalid value, say 0, into the pc register, CPU will try to fetch the instruction located at 0, which will usually trigger a segment fault. ...
xiaokaoy's user avatar
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Despotify segfaults when playing song

On my mac I installed despotify using brew install -HEAD despotify when playing a song I get Ouch, I segfaulted. How embarrassing. :-( Abort trap: 6 I have these brew packages installed, I couldn't ...
gilbertbw's user avatar
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Compile MakeMKV 1.7.6 - Segmentation Fault

I've previously been able to compile MakeMKV 1.7.5 and older versions, but the latest version (downloaded from gives me strange segmentation ...
Terence Eden's user avatar
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Why I am getting segmentation fault error while converting video using FFmpeg?

I am converting each type video to .flv video using FFmpeg but for some videos I got "Segmentation fault" error why this error was occurred? my code to convert .flv file is function convert_flv($...
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2 answers

FAULTY_HARDWARE_CORRUPTED_PAGE, probably caused by: ntkrnlmp.exe

My laptop suddenly crashed with the following screen. After reboot I've opened memory.dmp under WinDbg with the following details: Loading Dump File [D:\Debug\MEMORY.DMP] Kernel Bitmap Dump File: ...
kenorb's user avatar
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Continue shell script after external command dumped core

I am making a testing script to compile (via make) and run a bunch of tests. I have a series of cat, grep and sed commands that organizes the results of all the tests nicely, however core-dumps are ...
Suedocode's user avatar
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Vim segfaulting for no apparent reason

Vim is occasionally segfaulting on me whilst editing, but it's not at all obvious what is causing it. I'm sure it's some third party plugin I have, but I have no idea which one. How can I track down ...
jordelver's user avatar
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Can hardware issues cause segfaults and core dumps?

I bought a second hand computer a few weeks ago and I've been having a few issues. At first, I was installing Arch Linux and everything went smoothly until I tried to launch X at which point, X would ...
KNejad's user avatar
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Kodi 19.3 - Segmentation fault (x00007fb4bc20c6c1 in pymalloc_alloc)

I'm running Linux Fedora 35, Kernel 5.15.10, Python 3.10.1. I installed kodi 19.3 via the DNF package manager. However whenever I try to launch kodi it opens up so I can see the GUI, but then after ...
SneakyShrike's user avatar
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Can a segfault be caused by another process?

Suppose two separate applications A and B are running. Usually, a memory corruption in A will cause A to crash with segfault error leaving application B unaffected. But can memory corruption in A (...
user2097565's user avatar
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Seg fault when launching Civ 6 in Steam, Ubuntu 16.04.3

I've just installed Ubuntu 16.04.3 (64-bit) and Steam. When trying to launch Civilization 6 I'm getting the following error: GameAction [AppID 289070, ActionID 1] : LaunchApp changed task to ...
Adam's user avatar
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ssh-agent segmentation fault

I had openssh running just fine on cygwin. But after a recent update of openssh, I start getting the segmentation fault error when starting ssh-agent. Has anyone encountered such behavior and how can ...
Martin's user avatar
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Detect the origin for my computer's problems, probably hardware-related

In the past couple of weeks my computer shows more and more problems. I think it might be a hardware problem, since most of my setup is 13 years old and it worked before with the same OS. However, I ...
anjuta's user avatar
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ChromeOS - after update, segmentation fault for all shell commands

My current version: That's what I'm getting when I type shell in ChromeOS terminal (Ctrl + Alt +T): I also noticed I'm not able to use any command, for example: What can I do to fix that? Without ...
user1209216's user avatar
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can I get the approximately memory size in x86 without memory map

I know that in 32-bit protected mode in x86 the memory model is segmentation, so can I set GDT at base and at limit 4G, then accessing for example byte for first 1M then 2G or something like this, if ...
mohammad's user avatar
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Solaris 8 X11 binaries generate segmentation violations on NetBSD

All, Recently, I've been trying to get the Solaris 8 versions of xterm and xauth working on NetBSD from an ssh client with X11 forwarding, but both binaries seem to generate segmentation violations ...
fireshadow52's user avatar
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ffmpeg + (large) metadata text = Segmentation Fault

I’m attempting to insert a large amount of text data into an mp4 using -metadata title='"+JSON.stringify(filedata)+"'. This works fine for small amounts metadata text but not for large ones. ...
VILLMER's user avatar
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Is there a "windows" approach to solve a STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error?

Good evening and thank you in advance, here is the challenge I'm facing. I have a .exe file I need to run from my Windows 10 Pro computer. Once I open it, it crashes after ~10 seconds. When I check ...
Guillaume Giroux's user avatar
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spotify SIGSEGV error "Warning: GTK2 does not support Wayland!"

I'm currently using Arch Linux operating system. I just ran pacman -Syu command that updates all packages so I don't know which one is causing the problem. I then tried to start spotify and got this ...
Roman Kwaśniewski's user avatar
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Asterisk 13 & Pocketsphinx Segmentation Fault

I've built a voice recognition system for german digits using asterisk 13, pocketsphinx and a plugin and server (based on astsphinx) to connect asterisk with pocketsphinx. When testing the system with ...
christian's user avatar
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Installation of R version 3.3.2 Error - caught segmentation fault address 0x0, 'cause' memory not mapped

I currently can run the most recent version 3.6.1 of R on my mac however I need to install an older version (specifically version 3.3.2) in order to run analysis in a different application (nSolver). ...
luckyszed's user avatar
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How to debug segmentation faults hardware issue?

this story begins in 2011 when I purchased my Home WorkStation. Back then I was using windows and several BSOD made me switch to Ubuntu. From time to time ubuntu prompted me "App crashed" ...
Andrea Baccega's user avatar
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Xorg multi-card modesetting configuration segmentation fault

Using xorg-x11-server 1.20.1-5.2.el7_6 , I am wondering if I am making a simple configuration error? The following segfaults: Section "ServerLayout" Identifier "Example" Screen 0 "A" ...
ToBeReplaced's user avatar
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Updated my latptop cpu from i3 to i7. Experiencing random system hangs and segfaults

I have I've upgraded it over the years (bought new 16gb memory, new ssd). Now I realized it's too slow for me, and decided ...
mkurnikov's user avatar
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Audio related programs inexplicably segfaulting after reading from urandom

I've been running debian as my main driver os for a few months now, and I've just started having a strange bug with some audio related applications. A system call trace revealed this. ... open("/...
Rob M's user avatar
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