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samba is an re-implementation of the smb network sharing protocols, which are used in Windows for file and printer sharing.

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Why the Samba shares on Debian became inaccessible after Windows 10 update to 20H2?

So, enabling and starting the DNS Client service helped to turn on the network discovery and all Samba shares became visible. …
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Why the Samba shares on Debian became inaccessible after Windows 10 update to 20H2?

I have updated the Windows 10 to version 20H2 and after that all my Samba shares on the Debian are became inaccessible. The ping from Windows 10 to Debian is successful. … The SMB File Sharing Support enabled on the Windows 10: NOTE: I can access the Samba shares from Samsung Galaxy as usual, without problem. …
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Windows 10 can't map network drive of Linux samba server

Enabling the DNS Client service and turning on the network discovery will help the Samba shares became enabled. … A solution of similar problem is described here: Why the Samba shares on Debian became inaccessible after Windows 10 update to 20H2? …
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