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Questions tagged [search]

Search refers to the ability of finding any number of items of information with specified properties among a collection of items sharing the same type of properties.

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336 votes
5 answers

How can I search within the output buffer of a tmux shell?

I can't get this to work. How can I search the buffer of a tmux shell?
NES's user avatar
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258 votes
5 answers

How to find files with certain text in the Terminal

I'd like to find all files that contain a certain string of text. How would you do that in the Terminal?
Svish's user avatar
  • 39.9k
246 votes
20 answers

How to add a custom search engine to Firefox?

Is there a way I can add a custom search URL to the Firefox search bar? e.g. I'd like to provide a URL such as, where Firefox replaces the %s with the content of the ...
Andrew Grant's user avatar
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201 votes
13 answers

Windows 10 Search can't find ANY applications. Even calculator [duplicate]

I have problem with Windows 10 Enterprise N x64. When I press "Start" and start to type application name it never finds it. I can't even find applications like "Calculator", "Microsoft Word" or any ...
Hooch's user avatar
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125 votes
5 answers

How can I search a file by its name and partial path?

Often I have a file name and it's partial path, e.g. "content/docs/file.xml". Is there a simple way to search for that file, without manually cutting into parts its name to provide directory name ...
user avatar
115 votes
3 answers

What is the "Search Domains" field for in the tcp/ip DNS settings control panel/preference pane for?

On Mac OS X, if you go to System Preferences -> Network -> Advanced -> DNS on the left is an area where DHCP DNS resolvers show up, or you can enter in your own to override any that your ...
user17245's user avatar
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108 votes
8 answers

Search through text files in Mac OS X

Is there a way to search through all the text files in a folder (and subfolders) for a specific string or bit of text in Mac OS X?
Paul Sheldrake's user avatar
93 votes
13 answers

What's a good solution for file-tagging in linux? [closed]

I've been looking for a way to tag my files and search/filter them based on those tags. Here are my (updated) requirements : any file readable by the user can be tagged freely a user can search for ...
julien's user avatar
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74 votes
5 answers

How to use keyboard to navigate google search results (now that instant search is dead) [duplicate]

As of today, Google Instant Search is dead. This is what it used to look like: I never cared much for the instant display of results while I typed. ...
Bill Cheatham's user avatar
63 votes
7 answers

How to find a folder on Mac OS X 10.5?

I'm on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard). What's the best way to find a folder for which I'm not sure of the full name? For example, I know the folder name I want is like: "farm-animal-type" But the full ...
user avatar
62 votes
8 answers

Bash: is there a way to search for a particular string in a directory of files? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Search for a text pattern in linux In bash, I was wondering if there were any commands that would let you know if a particular string you are looking for exists within the ...
Dark Templar's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

Windows Search for exact filename and extension only

While searching for Windows.h, I discovered some rather annoying search behaviour on Windows 10. Rather than being presented with a single result of Windows.h, I was presented with an entire laundry ...
xaav's user avatar
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60 votes
5 answers

Vim - select text highlighted by search?

In vim, I often perform searches to hop to a word or phrase instead of navigating there with h/j/k/l. Then I hit n to hop between occurrences. Say I've got this text: Time flies like an arrow; fruit ...
Nathan Long's user avatar
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53 votes
5 answers

grep for "term" and exclude "another term"

I am trying to build a grep search that searches for a term but exludes lines which have a second term. I wanted to use multiple -e "pattern" options but that has not worked. Here is an example of a ...
nelaaro's user avatar
  • 13.7k
52 votes
7 answers

Find all files that are NOT of a specific type/extension in folder?

Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit: I'm looking for a way to find all the files in a directory that are NOT of a specific file type or extension. Example: I'd like to find every file that isn't an .mp3 in my ...
Jeff's user avatar
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50 votes
5 answers

Windows 10 Notepad can't find text

When I paste this into Notepad on Windows 10: "first_name"=>"M", "surname"=>"C", "country"=>"Australia" and then try to find the string "name" with Ctrl+F, it comes up blank: Is Notepad's ...
MSC's user avatar
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49 votes
5 answers

How to make Google Chrome search using rather than [closed]

I don't know how Google determines my location; it automatically switches to use Both and are inaccessible to me in China, so I want to ensure I always use ...
Lenik's user avatar
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47 votes
1 answer

Notepad++ - Continue Search from top

In general when we do a Find in Notepad++, it starts from the current cursor position and continues till the end of the document. Due to this, to search a complete document, we have to go to the ...
SyncMaster's user avatar
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43 votes
7 answers

How do I search for files and exclude subfolders in Windows 7?

The Windows 7 search dropdown always searches within sub folders, but I only want to search the current folder. How can I do this?
user avatar
42 votes
1 answer

Search for a JPG on my computer by using a smaller JPG?

I have a low resolution image that I know I have the full resolution image stored somewhere on my computer. Is there anyway to search for a JPG on my computer by using a small resolution of an image ...
AAA's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Are there any advanced options for Google Chrome's history search?

Google Chrome's history search is somewhat … less powerful than I'd like it to be. Examples: These are some annoyances I've found while trying to work with the Chrome search. Searching for ...
slhck's user avatar
  • 230k
37 votes
14 answers

Vim: How do you efficiently search for text?

Whenever you want to search for text in vim you would type / and then the string you are looking for. However, when the string is a long one, and you want to do this multiple times, is there a way to ...
Dark Templar's user avatar
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37 votes
13 answers

Best way to *confidently* search files and contents in Windows without using an indexing service? [closed]

Back in Windows XP I knew that doing a file search and checking "Search file contents" (or whatever it was) I would get my results if I waited patiently. In Vista, I felt I had absolutely no ...
Josh Comley's user avatar
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37 votes
2 answers

Search for an exact word in Vim command mode

I want to search for an exact word in Vim in command mode (using Vim command /wordtosearch, NOT the search of the current word at the cursor using * or # commands), e.g. I would like to search for an ...
goldenmean's user avatar
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35 votes
4 answers

Make Chrome prioritize history results over search suggestions in omnibox

On multiple occassions yesterday, I visited a website that had a word startlocal in it's title. Today, when I entered startlocal in the omnibox, I expected that website as a suggestion. Instead, I got ...
srgb's user avatar
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34 votes
8 answers

Windows 7 search for file with a special character in the file name?

I'm trying to find files in Windows 7 that have a parenthesis in the file name. However, when I type ( or *(* or "(" or *"("* I get either nothing or every file. Microsoft's "advanced query syntax"...
Matias Nino's user avatar
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34 votes
2 answers

How to reverse-i-search back and forth?

I use reverse-i-search often, and that's cool. Sometime though when pressing Ctrl+r multiple times, I pass the command I am actually looking for. Because Ctrl+r searches backward in history, from ...
m-ric's user avatar
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33 votes
2 answers

Linux find/search root partition ONLY?

Say I need to do: find / -name somefile.txt and say root partition / is mounted on /dev/sda5; however, let's say I also have 250GB partitions (/dev/sda6, /dev/sda7) mounted in /media - AND another ...
sdaau's user avatar
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32 votes
10 answers

In Chrome, is there a way to search only within my bookmarked sites?

I'm not trying to search for a bookmark - I'm trying to search for a term that may appear on one of my bookmarked sites. For instance, if I wanted to search on the term "Obama" and restrict my query ...
Michelle's user avatar
  • 423
31 votes
19 answers

What search utilities can search by file name in Windows 7? [closed]

I've just installed Windows 7 64-bit and have found that it's file search really really sucks. What is a good alternative that I can load on my system to do file searching? Note: I don't care about ...
31 votes
3 answers

How to stop Windows Search from auto excluding repository folders?

Windows search indexer is adding most paths to repository folders (both .git and .svn) to the exclusion list. I can remove them manually of course, but each time i rebuild the index - they are re-...
klepp0906's user avatar
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28 votes
13 answers

Unix-type "locate" on Windows?

Using the Windows CLI (cmd), how does one locate a file that he knows part of the name of? For instance, every single Windows workstation installs javac in a different location, how would one find it ...
dotancohen's user avatar
  • 11.5k
28 votes
5 answers
3k views listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer

When I access through Google search i get the following message saying The Website Ahead Contains Malware! See the screenshot attached below: Is it same for you guys? How can I avoid this? ...
onefourone14's user avatar
28 votes
8 answers

How to prevent Firefox converting 'localhost/*' URLs into search queries?

Since upgrading from Firefox 3.6.x, my address bar has a quirk that never used to be there. When I type in, for example: localhost/my_dir/index.php Firefox turns it into a search query, my search ...
danjah's user avatar
  • 435
27 votes
3 answers

Why does searching "0.693" bring me to ""? [duplicate]

While working on math, I encountered a number and wondered if it had any significance. So, in the browser search bar I entered it ("0.693"). I got redirected to the IP address, which ...
MCMastery's user avatar
  • 413
27 votes
4 answers

How to do an inverse search in Vim? (i.e., get lines not containing pattern)

With grep I can do a grep -v "my search" to get all the lines without "my search". With sed I can sed '/baz/!s/foo/bar/g' to find replace text on lines with out "baz". Is ...
nelaaro's user avatar
  • 13.7k
27 votes
2 answers

How to search multiple file types from Windows Explorer search box?

I would like to use the Windows Explorer Search box to search for multiple file types. Is there any supported syntax to do so? I tried: *.docx *.xlsx *.docx, *.xlsx *.docx; *.xlsx *.docx or *.xlsx *...
Steve B's user avatar
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25 votes
5 answers

Using wildcard search/replace in Notepad++

Here's my problem: In a .txt file, I need to find and replace thousands of instances of syntax like this: (see (a053007djfgspwdf)) or (see (a053007djfgspwdf) and (a54134xsedgeg)) or (see (...
Michael Tuck's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

Disable Chrome Omnibox Search on Space Key

My Chrome Omnibox toggles the search on both TAB and Space key. This is really annoying. Is there any way I can tell Chrome to search only on TAB?
brpaz's user avatar
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24 votes
7 answers

How to search files at windows folder search that have dash

I found out that at windows folder search the letter dash - works as eliminating the following word from search results. However I have files that contain dash -. How can I search for them them? For ...
Furkan Gözükara's user avatar
24 votes
8 answers

How can I search for text in all tabs in Firefox?

I have a number of opened tabs and I want to search for a word in all of them (just as you would do in any decent editor on you desktop). I found an extension Find In Tabs, but its outdated and doesn'...
merv's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Windows 7 Proper search syntax for exact and only exact match

In Windows 7 if I search for "debug" I would expect only files and folders that are EXACTLY debug. Which would only be extension-less files named debug, or folders. Windows being it's ever ready "...
Chris Marisic's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Best Windows software to search file content [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Best way to confidently search files and contents in Windows without using an indexing service? What in your opinion is the best Window's software for searching file content? ...
23 votes
1 answer

Weird looking paths get added to Windows 10 search index and break search

I am using Windows 10 Pro (1709). A few times in last weeks I have noticed that search from start menu wont find any files. Simply rebuilding the index did not fix this. Looking deeper into indexing ...
Madoc Comadrin's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

Howto search in PDFs using regular expressions? [closed]

Usually I use Notepad++ to search in file(s) using regular expressions. Today I am wondering if there is a PDF program that does the same for PDFs. Of course I could convert the PDF to text and use ...
Michael S.'s user avatar
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21 votes
6 answers

How can I force Windows 7 to REindex a folder?

I asked Windows 7 to index my entire "Media" folder. After it was done it'd find anything in there, no problem. Then I reorganized it a bit and moved some folders around, and now it doesn't find ...
Claudiu's user avatar
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21 votes
8 answers

How do I search the content of 7-Zip archives (.7z)?

I am looking for a way to search the content of files inside of a 7-Zip archive (.7z) without having to unpack the archive. I have many 7-Zip archives with code inside them and I'd like to search them....
Martin's user avatar
  • 595
21 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 disable internet in search

I just installed Windows 10 Pro (version 10.0.19041) and I noticed that the "Start menu" search (the one you get when you hit the Windows button on the keyboard and start typing) searches the internet,...
Sebastian's user avatar
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21 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to get old suggestion system back in Firefox 43.0?

With the new update, the first suggested link is just domain. In older versions, the first suggested link was the page I visited the most and I got used to this great feature. Is it possible to ...
Peter's user avatar
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21 votes
3 answers

How do I get a similar awesome bar (from Firefox) in Chrome?

Before switching to Chrome, I always used Firefox, and I always really liked how you could type into the address bar and it would search (a fuzzy search!) for pages that were in the history that ...
JustcallmeDrago's user avatar

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