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Questions tagged [scrolling]

Scrolling is the act of moving vertically or horizontally across visual data to view something that normally would not be in view with the current viewing mechanism.

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167 votes
6 answers

Is there a way to scroll, by pixel, instead of by cell, in either Excel or OpenOffice Calc?

We have lots of spreadsheets that have lists of numbered sound files for an educational app. We use spreadsheet features such as "fill down" for the numbering, and we often use formulas to check ...
Triynko's user avatar
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134 votes
9 answers

Is there a way to allow continuous scrolling in Adobe Reader?

I am having to read through a MASSIVE (1000+ page) PDF specification in Adobe Reader. It has always bugged me that if you scroll to the edge of a page, the Reader automatically jumps to the top of ...
RLH's user avatar
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85 votes
10 answers

How to take a screenshot that includes a scrolling element within a web page in Firefox?

I need to take a screenshot of an entire webpage. The trick is that I need the screenshot to include the entire contents of a single element that does not fit in the screen. It is a single ...
End Antisemitic Hate's user avatar
75 votes
7 answers

How can I invert touchpad scroll direction on Windows 10 on my Asus laptop?

I just switched to Windows 10 on my ASUS N550JV and installed related drivers from the support page of ASUS. The touchpad works great, but for some reason the direction of scrolling on touchpad is ...
Varaquilex's user avatar
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66 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to search tmux scrollback history? [duplicate]

I'm starting to use tmux, and I already love it. But if I could search through scrollback history it would be even better (e.g. like in iTerm2). Is there a way to do it as of now?
pms's user avatar
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64 votes
3 answers

How can I scroll horizontally with my regular mouse?

Normally, I only need to scroll up and down, but when using software like trello,, a text editor with large amounts of code on a single line, etc, I need to scroll horizontally. Using the ...
johncorser's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

Chrome - How to disable scroll over tabs

I use a laptop. Not a mac, but with a multitouchpad so I scroll down and right click with 2 fingers still. I hate the fact that if I move too much my fingers over tabs, the scroll will but activated ...
Augustin Riedinger's user avatar
42 votes
6 answers

Enable mouse for scrolling only in Vim in iTerm (MacOSX)

I'd like to use the mouse in Vim only for scrolling (not to enable other Vim modes or otherwise interact with Vim). Using :set mouse=a seems to be an all or nothing operation, can this be altered? ...
Jonah Braun's user avatar
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38 votes
4 answers

How to make mouse wheel scroll the less pager using bash and gnome-terminal?

I have two computers with the latest Fedora. On the first, I'm using zsh and the mouse wheel can be used with the less pager within gnome-terminal to scroll the pager. On the second, I use bash and ...
user36520's user avatar
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37 votes
6 answers

Enable touch-scrolling in Firefox

In Firefox, swiping on the touch screen results in selecting text, instead of scrolling (like on an iPad). Is it possible to change the behaviour, so that the touch screen can be used to scroll, while ...
Matthijs Melissen's user avatar
33 votes
11 answers

Logitech Anywhere MX mouse scrolls up a little after I scroll down and vice-versa

I am using Windows 7 x64 and have installed the SetPoint Settings software and have specified OS implementation. I have also unchecked the smooth scrolling. How to fix this problem, so the response ...
Arthur Mamou-Mani's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

tmux: enable mouse scrolling in vim instead of history buffer

I have just started using tmux 1.8 recently, after working with screen for a while. After reading things here and there on the internet, I came up with following ~/.tmux.conf However when I open vim ...
thequark's user avatar
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32 votes
3 answers

No smooth scrolling on Windows 10

For some reason, smooth scrolling (using the mouse wheel) was replaced on Windows 10 (in my case, at least) with scrolling of entire page and sometimes even more. I see this on those apps for now: ...
android developer's user avatar
30 votes
7 answers

How to disable the middle button scrolling in Chrome

When I press middle mouse button, it opens: It is so difficult to control the scrolling. Is there any way to disable this?
Hemant's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

Synaptics touchpad stops working randomly

I have two laptops. One dell Vostro and other Vaio Z. Both have Synaptics (Yes, I have checked, and the original drivers were from Synaptics as well). On both laptops, the touchpad scrolling stops ...
Jus12's user avatar
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27 votes
9 answers

Can I enable scrolling with middle-button-drag in OS X?

I have a mouse with three buttons but no wheel. In OS X, is there any way (perhaps with addon software) that would allow me to use my third button for scrolling by holding it and moving the mouse?
kdt's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

tmux - scroll up/down with shift + page up/down into a pane

I would like to be able to scroll up/down into a given pane with the same keybinding that xterm does, i.e SHIFT + Page Up/Down. For example, if the tmux window is divided into 2 vertical panes, I ...
user1610662's user avatar
25 votes
3 answers

How to scroll the terminal emulator window in smaller steps using the keyboard?

How could I scroll up and down the bash shell window (without the mouse or scroll bars, just using the keyboard)? Shift+PageUp and Shift+PageDown acts like page up and page down. But how could one ...
Misha Moroshko's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Scroll down half the screen size in Firefox

Is it possible to have the spacebar not scroll down the entire page in Firefox? Scrolling one line at a time (with the down arrow) is very slow, but scrolling the entire screen (with spacebar) sets me ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

How to make mouse wheel to scroll control under mouse cursor?

Currently, mouse wheel scrolls the control that has keyboard focus. That's not good when window has several scrollable controls, because I have to click control first and then scroll. And the same ...
skevar7's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

Don't change the cursor position when scrolling in Emacs

Is there a way to stop Emacs from automatically moving my text-cursor position (aka, point) while I'm scrolling? I keep losing my location and marks with this annoying behavior. I tested the ...
NVaughan's user avatar
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21 votes
7 answers

Cat file to terminal at particular speed of lines per second

I'm lazy and I could write a script to do this, but I'm even too lazy to think of how to do it. I often do things like : cris$ python > output.txt cris$ cat output.txt ...
Cris Stringfellow's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

How to view all boot messages in Linux after booting?

Relevant questions are: Where Linux places the messages of boot? Name of log file where boot process is logged However, these do not answer this question. This question is concerned with how all ...
AttributedTensorField's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Disable scrolling to next slide in Powerpoint Edit Mode

When editing in PowerPoint lately (using 2010, but occurs in other versions I believe), I have often pasted in large images that are larger than the screen. I'll then scroll down (with my trackpad) to ...
Nick Lassonde's user avatar
19 votes
2 answers

Windows 10 - Powershell console, cannot vertically scroll

For some reason I don't get any vertical scrollbars in powershell, and I cannot scroll up to see any commands or output after they've gone out of view. I can't see the output from my commands if it ...
user1751825's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

VirtualBox Scroll Up/Down Guest Terminal

I have a FreeBSD guest on a Windows XP host. BSD has no GUI, so it just boots up to the terminal. The output of most commands is more than is visible on the screen, but I can't scroll up/down in the ...
Baldrick's user avatar
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18 votes
3 answers

Notepad++ scrolls beyond the EOF

I updated Notepad++ to 6.4.3 this morning. Since then, I've noticed a very strange behavior. Notepad++ now scrolls beyond the EOF, i.e. I'm able to scroll the document even beyond the last line. Here ...
Rahul's user avatar
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18 votes
5 answers

How can I still see the 'man' text after I quit man?

I typically use tcsh or bash and often want to use 'man' to review a command's options. Currently when I quit man or ctrl-C, the man text disappears and I see the scrollback buffer that was there ...
Sol's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

How can I create a link to a specific position on a web page? [closed]

Is it possible to create a hyperlink to a specific scroll position on a web page? For example, I'd like to create a link to, but with the page scrolled down 100 pixels.
Anderson Green's user avatar
17 votes
16 answers

Why does Adobe Acrobat scroll so slowly, and what can I do about it?

I often am forced to view long PDF documents either in browser or out of browser. When I'm forced to use such documents, it's always frustrating, because whenever I scroll the document, the viewer "...
Billy ONeal's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

how to make less pager respond to scroll wheel and not clear the screen

I know about answers like how-to-make-mouse-wheel-scroll-the-less-pager-using-bash-and-gnome-terminal, which is to remove the -X flag from the $LESS environment variable. But I would like to do both ...
Kevin G.'s user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Synaptics touchpad scroll doesn't work on many applications

The Synaptics touchpad in my new laptop doesn't scroll at all in a number of applications, including Steam and Zune. I've narrowed the problem down to Synaptics not sending mouse wheel messages, but ...
Juliana Peña's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

emacs: How to return to last position after scroll/page up/down?

After issuing scroll-up or scroll-down in emacs, is there a quick way to return the point to its previous position (assuming I didn't remember to add it to the mark ring)? Alternatively is there any ...
Ian Mackinnon's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How to configure arrow key scroll step in Firefox

I upgraded from Firefox 3.6 to Firefox 19 (!!! how do they manage to release sixteen major versions in just three years?), and now find that the arrow keys scroll the page by much more than they used ...
hmakholm left over Monica's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

How do I horizontally scroll in Notepad++?

How to horizontally scroll in Notepad++? I know the way by dragging horizontal scroll bar, but I would like more convenient way: Scrolling with keyboard Scrolling with mouse wheel while holding Shift ...
ViliusK's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

One finger scrolling on a MacBook touchpad

After an accident that damaged my hands, I am no longer able to do the two finger scrolling gesture on a MacBook touchpad. On Windows I set up so called "scrollzone", it allows me to scroll smoothly ...
user7610's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How to scroll horizontally in IntelliJ IDEA under Windows?

I have a touchpad/trackpad I can scroll horizontally with (two-finger scroll) basically anywhere. Not in IntelliJ IDEA, though. Is there a way to make it work there too? (I do currently use Shift+...
Bloke's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

conEmu: Is it possible to lock scrollbar and prevent it from auto scrolling down

conEmu experts: I have a script that prints a lot in a short time. So I want to disable the auto scrolling down when the script is running. I don't want to use 'more' because it only allows ...
Rafa's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

How can I make the Page Up and Page Down keys scroll a full screenful in browsers?

For as long as I can remember I have been frustrated by the browser behavior whereby using the Page Up and Page Down keys on the keyboard doesn't scroll the web page by a full screenful. Whenever I am ...
RSW's user avatar
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12 votes
5 answers

How do I scroll multiple lines (thus faster) in Adobe Acrobat Reader?

When I scroll a PDF with the mouse (two-finger gesture on a laptop to be more precise) the scrolling is way too slow. I am not referring to rendering issues nor some kind of lag. Simply put, the ...
user1350191's user avatar
12 votes
6 answers

Disabling horizontal scrolling using mouse wheel

I am using Windows 7 x64 on an iMac (via BootCamp) with the button-less Magic Mouse that comes with the iMac. I would like to disable the horizontal scrolling that happens when you move slightly the ...
Carlos's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How to scroll up and down in EFI shell

When you boot in UEFI mode, you can be loaded to EFI shell. In EFI shell you can type help -b to see available commands by paging them as in more command. But I do not know how to scroll back up. I ...
Ashark's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Adjust the scroll speed on Synergy Client (Mac Client/Mac Server)

I have an iMac acting Synergy host, and a MacBook acting Synergy client – both running on OS X. The native mouse scroll speed is just the way I like it on my iMac, but when I transfer the cursor to ...
P A N's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Disable smooth scrolling in Preview in Lion

Smooth scrolling in Lion's Preview application sucks. Pressing the Page-Down key too quickly leaves you waiting for Preview to catch up to your position. The only way I can find to turn this off is ...
nevan king's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

OSX Lion: Can I use "classic" mousewheel scrolling but keep "natural" trackpad scrolling?

I recently upgraded from OSX Snow Leopard to OSX Lion version 10.7.1. So far, I'm enjoying the "natural" scrolling when using my trackpad. However, when scrolling with my mouse wheel, I'm having ...
Jon Quarfoth's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

Synaptic touchpad scroll direction not consistently reversed in Windows 10

I bought a new laptop with Windows 10 and am having issues with the Synaptic touch pad. By default, two-finger swiping on the touchpad scrolled like a Mac (i.e. the scroll bars move against the ...
Craig Gidney's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How to turn off smooth scrolling for apps and start menu in Windows 10?

Is there any way to disable the smooth scrolling effect for Metro apps and the start menu in Windows 10? The scrolling in Metro apps and the start menu is a little bit delayed in comparison with ...
Louis Yang's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Refresh without jumping to previous scroll/window location in Google Chrome

I'm trying to figure out how I can refresh a page without jumping to the previous scroll location in Google Chrome. When using Firefox this can be done by pressing Ctrl + F5 to refresh the page, cache ...
3limin4t0r's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Windows 10: Enable system-wide smooth scrolling

This question is a bit different from others that I have found, because the solutions to them have always been "change the scroll setting to 1 line at a time". I won't be satisfied by that. I don't ...
Jacob Birkett's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

Windows 7 Explorer - Activate mouse focus to be able to scroll in tree and file view?

I'd like to be able to scroll in the tree view without having to click in it. Is there a way to do this? I have once used a tool that generally gives focus to the window underneath the mouse cursor, ...
none's user avatar
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