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Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy (or "Robust File Copy") is a command-line directory replication command.

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Robocopy not working on Win10 machine

I can't get robocopy to work within a simple batch file (my first), as I keep getting ERROR 123 (0x0000007B) [below]; I've searched via google for a remedy, but found no solution, and tried to copy my ...
Eric's user avatar
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Robocopy not logging folders

Robocopy is randomly not logging folders in the log. I'm using exactly the same switches but copying the same or different folders. See picture at bottom.. I used: robocopy "F:\folderSample2&...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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Is there any way to tell Robocopy NOT to delete an empty folder after it has moved all files from it?

I have a folder that I dump files into which are later moved from there to another folder using Robocopy. After Robocopy empties the folder, it deletes it. How do I stop it from doing this? Edit: Here'...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
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What are the best Retries and Wait time switches for Robocopy?

I'm trying to find the best Robocopy commands for each situation I can think of, such as copying a folder that includes the weirdest files (such as the Windows folder), or a Windows User's folder, etc....
Antonio23249's user avatar
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How can I find robocopy failures in the log?

After I use Robocopy to copy a folder, I sometimes get failures in the run log summary at the bottom (please see picture), however, I don’t see how to locate them in the actual list of files in the ...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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Any way to make Robocopy produce "failed" and "mismatched" files for testing purposes?

I'm learning Robocopy and I'd like to find a way to produce a Run summary with Failed and Mismatched files or folders. I guess you cannot produce a Failed result unless you have a hard drive with bad ...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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ROBOCOPY, What is the meaning of "mismatch" and "failed"

Anyone could please clarify what's the meaning of the columns MISMATCH and FAILED in the Run summary?
Antonio MS's user avatar
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Interpreting Robocopy logs

I'm using robocopy to copy a folder: Robocopy "F:\Users" "G:\Users" /MIR /R:5 /W:15 /MT:32 /V /XA:O /XJD /LOG:G:\Backup.log What's the meaning of these terms in the log?: Modified ...
Antonio MS's user avatar
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Robocopy issues with symbolic links and output log file

I'm trying to robocopy these folders for a Windows 10 system drive I attached externally): The full User's folder The full Windows folder I know more or less how to do it, but my doubts are these: ...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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Robocopy move old files instead of override

I'm really new to robocopy and can't find if my idea can be realised. I want to make a backup folder let's say destination "backup". But every time robocopy finds a file different from the ...
Wickedgirl's user avatar
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How does Robocopy handle file system links (symbolic links, hard links and junctions)?

Is it safe to delete a Robocopy backup? I have read that some people accidentally deleted files outside of the backup because it contained links/junctions. Can I prevent this?
Marco Eckstein's user avatar
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What are junction points for files (instead of directories)?

According to, junctions cannot link to files. Also, when I try this nevertheless with mklink /j junction-file target\foo.txt, the command will succeed, but the junction ...
Marco Eckstein's user avatar
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How do I properly sync data between two Windows 10 systems on the same LAN utilizing Robocopy, a .bat file, and Task Scheduler?

I've read a number of posts regarding the use of robocopy to sync data between two Windows systems. I tried various configurations, and the settings I currently have in place are what seemed to work ...
jmg999's user avatar
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What is the closest thing to a logical disk image with Robocopy or similar tool?

I have an old 2 TB drive that seems to be on the way to electronics heaven. It's not make scary noises, but Windows 10 failed to mount it until it ran a multi-day checkdisk. Besides that, it's close ...
Steve's user avatar
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Does using command line robocopy effect drive life?

I use the cmd command "robocopy" to back up a folder on an ssd to an internal backup drive though a bat file. The command I use: robocopy "X:\Source Folder" "P:\Backups\Source ...
user2530952's user avatar
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robocopy only copy recent files, not recent folders

I had to create a copy of the file structure from a fileshare using robocopy C:\something D:\something /E /EF *.* I now just have all the folders, no files. Now, I just want to robocopy files that ...
saleetzo's user avatar
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Robocopy copied Delta files to another location

robocopy is a great tool for making full/incremental copies and I like to use it for Backups. One thing, I still haven´t figured out: How to treat the Delta files specifically Situation: Source A is ...
Dave's user avatar
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rsync-like copy command on windows

tl;dr I'm looking for a near-exact replacement for rsync --recursive --update on vanilla Windows. details What is a command, in Windows, that works like: input: a filesystem pattern (restricted to ...
Keith Russell's user avatar
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Trying to parse a string that I generate in a batch file into a few values of an XML file

I'm trying to create V2 of my little batch file. I only know batch , so I'd prefer to do this if possible instead of powershell but if I have to, I have to. The app just copies five files that are the ...
Elliot Strong's user avatar
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Reducing Command Priority: Robocopy Slows System

How can I prevent Robocopy from slowing other processes to a near standstill? I have a Windows 10 batch file running Robocopy, once per hour, to mirror one drive and to copy changed files on another ...
Ray Woodcock's user avatar
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Robocopy started hidden with vbs script not showing exit codes in Task Scheduler

Trying solutions here and here works fine, except in Task Scheduler Last run result always shows as The operation completed successfully. (0x0) instead of 0x2 or 0x3 without vbs: Is it possible to ...
lemeie's user avatar
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robocopy: copy only newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder (updating files, not folder)

To update the files in the destination folder, I'd like to copy only the newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder. I don't want to copy any files that are in the source ...
joehua's user avatar
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Copy files except when destination modified in last x days

I think what I am trying to do is simple, but I can't get the robocopy settings right, as I am trying to copy files from src to dest, over-writing files in dest if they already exist, except if ...
Mark Schultz's user avatar
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Applying one command to list in text file

Assuming I have a list of PCs in a text file, how would I go about running the same command on each pc in the list? For example, say my list is this: ln1 ln2 ln3 ln4 And my command is this: ...
Connor Vance's user avatar
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robocopy ignores modified files

I'm cloning a directory with robocopy. My intention is cloning everything, purging extra files in the destination and also overwriting files that are the same according to size and timestamp (/IS ...
smv's user avatar
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WIll Robocopy copy and replace files if they become corrupted?

I have Robocopy set up to copy files to a network storage location from folders on a Hard Disk. In the event of some sort of issue with my HDD, where the files become corrupted, will Robocopy copy ...
skillz21's user avatar
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Modify Powershell script to to copy from multiple sources to a single destination using Robocopy

want to write a script (preferably in PowerShell) to copy (robocopy) files from multiple directories to a single destination. I am able to do this for a single source directory. But need help to ...
AbP's user avatar
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How rename files copied via Robocopy if it exist but with different modify date

I'm using Robocopy to copy files from a folder to another, i think my code will overwrite the file if it was existing on the destination folder and the timestamp was different, what im trying to do is ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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How to schedule a backup for only the new added files?

I'm a Windows user and wondering: how can I do a backup for the files on a specific folder if the files are not older than x days? Or to backup only the newly added/modified files without doing a full ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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Hows to force robocopy to produce less verbose output

I have a short cmd file I run every day to back up any new or updated files/folders from sys1 onto sys2. The line within that file that I use right now for the backup is: start /w robocopy \sys1\data\...
johnoh's user avatar
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A directory with same name already exists in this location

I am trying to create a folder with name, let's say, phantomdir but I am getting a dialogue that says, translated, "A directory with same name 'phantomdir' already exists in this location. Do you ...
engin's user avatar
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Batch file continues to run command after Task Scheduler stops it

I have a scheduled task running at 00:00 that opens a .bat file containing a robocopy command, with the task set to stop after 4 minutes, and to force stop if not ending when requested. It seems the ...
Richard Harris's user avatar
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Robocopy deletes skipped files in destination when mirroring

When attempting to mirror two folders using Robocopy, the option /MIR causes files in the destination to be deleted when the source files are in use. Specifically this happens when backing up my ...
avenmore's user avatar
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Get-ChildItem in Robocopy not working as expected

I'm looking to find all .jpg files in D:\ZZZ_Phone_test and its subdirectories and then have Robocopy to copy those to D:\ZZZ_Phone_test\1\1\BackUp\ (which needs to be excluded because it is within ...
ThomasHunter's user avatar
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Robocopy: how to copy all files in folder newer than a specific date (including older files)

There is this option in Robocopy: /maxage: Specifies the maximum file age (to exclude files older than N days or date). In my case, i want to copy all data put into a new folder being created ...
Phong Tran Dang's user avatar
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Copying large file with robocopy during remote-desktop session failed with ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED

Today, it was necessary for me to copy a rather large file from one PC A to another PC B. I'm using Windows on both PCs, so that I thought robocopy would be the tool of my choice. The file was about ...
Aleph0's user avatar
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Windows 2012 copy millions of small files

I have to copy about ~12 millions of small files (less than ~100kb e/o) from one VM with W2012r2 to another VM with W2016, using a dedicated gigabit NIC. I need to do an initial copy of all these ...
matiasPandu's user avatar
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What does "robocopy /NOOFFLOAD" do?

The windows tool robocopy has a command line switch /NOOFFLOAD. What does this switch actually do, and under what circumstances would I use it? The documentation for the switch says /NOOFFLOAD :: copy ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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Robocopy loops/nests "Application Data" 29 times when copying "Application Data" folder on Windows 10

My goal here is to be able to back up my entire computer by using robocopy. My robocopy script keeps getting stuck here as you can see with the Application Data. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\...
CreativiTimothy's user avatar
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Robocopy Long File Name

Windows 10 run in our users' company PCs, long path name errors appears to them while trying to transfer files from the PCs to the windows server 2016 Users do not want to Flatten the folder ...
JackHunter's user avatar
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XCOPY only files from a parent folder and from all its subforlders to a new folder in Windows?

I was searching a lot of times how to copy all the files of different extensions from a folder and all its subfolders to a new folder without copying the folders itself using Batch File. I mean ONLY ...
Afnan A.'s user avatar
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Robocopy, large files slow down multiple thread copy

For robocopy, can I have other unused threads move on to another file without waiting for the other threads to finish? I tend to notice that when I am copying files with one larger file, one thread ...
itisyeetimetoday's user avatar
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robocopy batch file is giving Error codes 2 and 3

I have a batch file to get robocopies of rar files from different places it used to work just fine but recently it is giving me error code 2 and 3 but the robocopy is working Fine I didn't even change ...
Datatravler's user avatar
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Is it possible to skip and send email alert if the Robocopy MIR operation is going to copy more than 100 files

Please help, I need the script if the robocopy is going to MIR more than 100 files it should send alert and stop MIR operation. If it is less that 100 then it can perform the MIR operation.
user1181176's user avatar
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Robocopy log file - bad formatting

On: windows-10 Pro x64 and Robocopy.exe 10.0.17763.1 Batch .bat file runs Robocopy to backup my user direrctory on C: to H: C: is SSD formatted HTFS, H: is HD formatted HTFS Command in the batch ...
RMurp's user avatar
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What is the correct RoboCopy command for my intended sync job?

I've never used RoboCopy before and I'd like to make sure a particular operation goes smoothly. I've built an OpenMediaVault NAS and I previously copied all my relevant files to it from my Windows 10 ...
Lemon's user avatar
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How to use robocopy with exclusions

I am using robocopy to copy folders and files from source to destination. origin_path: folder1 folder2 folder3 file1.txt file2.log file3.png dest_path: folder_important folder1 folder2 this is ...
acgbox's user avatar
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What does robocopy /XC actually do?

The robocopy documentation from Microsoft states that the /xc flag/switch means robocopy "excludes changed files". But what does that really mean? I tried to test this with the following example: I ...
Arete's user avatar
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Robocopy reports less than 100%

I'm using robocopy to copy a large number of files (300,000 files totalling around 4TB) from one NAS drive to another. Here is a sample command: robocopy \\nas1\myfolder \\nas2\myfolder /E /R:1 /W:5 ...
SimonGoldstone's user avatar
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Why does the trailing slash on the target confuse robocopy?

Why does the following robocopy command get confused? Remove the trailing slash from the dest ("S:\Temp Backup") and it works as expected. robocopy "S:\Temp\" "S:\Temp Backup\" /mir /ndl /mt /r:0 ...
munrobasher's user avatar

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