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Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy (or "Robust File Copy") is a command-line directory replication command.

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How can I get copied directory sizes using robocopy and copy to match?

I have been having trouble with the size of data on disk not being reported consistently the same. Robocopy log is ok but properties information gives different directory sizes. Recently I made a ...
Mary A. Marion's user avatar
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Exclude many files and folders using Robocopy

I have a robocopy job, mainly copying C:\src to D:\dst. The problem is that there are many, many directories in C:\src, which I want to exclude (eg. output directories of dev projects, repositories ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Copying encrypted files to a non-encrypted folder using robocopy

If I use robocopy to copy encrypted files to a shared folder that does not support encryption, it fails with a The specified file could not be encrypted. This happens with or without the /EFSRAW ...
user209974's user avatar
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How do you copy a folder tree with invalid characters and too long paths from a network drive?

I've tried robocopy /E /256 z:\source c:\target but that doesn't rename files with invalid characters. I tried dragging the folder to my desktop and 7zipping it but it also fails on invalid ...
Richard's user avatar
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Attempt To Use Batch Files While Keep Structure

I wanted to use robocopy, but it is not possible due to my text file has filenames attached. I ended up have to use copy instead. I wanted to copy files like this... Source: S:\folder\A\B\C\D\E\...
PanK's user avatar
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robocopy exclude subfolders with unknown name

I want to copy some folder structures that look like +[a] +[b] | +[R] | | +[xyz] | | +[abc] | | + a | | + b | +[D] | +[xyz] | +[abc] | + a | + b +[c] +[R] | +[123] | | + 2 | | + 3 ...
vlad_tepesch's user avatar
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xcopy invalid parameters - copying all files in folder

for /R "c:\" %f in ("*.pdf") do xcopy %f "%USERPROFILE%\all\text" /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y This is the command I am using to copy all of the .pdf files on my computer into one folder. However, it does ...
ss.benjamin's user avatar
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Windows 10 - Robocopy chokes on a directory called "Recovery"?

Trying to use Robocopy with the MIR switch to copy the entire contents of one disk (not networked) to a directory on another (also not networked). The source disk is E:. The target disk/directory ...
glaucon's user avatar
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Log ROBOCOPY Results only

I'm using ROBOCOPY to create a mirrored backup of a directory, to a removable SSD. The copy executes, but I'd like to keep a log of only the results, each time the script runs. Like the result below....
Bludeuce's user avatar
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Robocopy replaces root folder (sometimes?)

Something really strange is going on, and I cannot figure out why. I am running the following command on command prompt: robocopy D:\User\Pictures D:\Temp /MIR The first time I run it, it does what ...
Sumac's user avatar
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Robocopy has erroneously moved important files; but why?

A few days ago I've used robocopy to copy all contents of an old hard-disk to a network volume, but today discovered robocopy had decided to also move all of my files in C:\Users, while my listed ...
Annihlator's user avatar
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Batch File will run from command line, but not Task Scheduler

enter image description hereI have several computers, all running Windows 10 Pro x64. All were upgraded from Windows 7/8 via the Microsoft free upgrade offer of more than 1 year ago. One of these ...
MrGadget's user avatar
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How to copy Folder directory including Root volume folder on Windows?

I would like to copy Recursively the full C:\Test Folder with all subdirectories including the Test folder and the folders permisions. I tried using the following commands but it only copies the files:...
Angel's user avatar
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How can I make robocopy continue to try even though there is an error 2 (file not found)?

I have a script that runs each night for backup purposes. The just of the script is it will backup a DB, compress it to a 7zip file and then copy it to a network location I have set-up. My script ...
Arvo Bowen's user avatar
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incremental backup with robocopy not working with ms access files

I'm looking for incremental backup of one of my folders in my USB flash drive to my pc I'm using a ROBOCOPY command and has scheduled it on log on event through task scheduler Here's the code I'm ...
junaid's user avatar
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robocopy, make destination folders and files all lowercase

I am using robocopy as part of a content pipeline (for app development). First i run it mirroring only the directory structure. Then i run it several times with /e (making use of /xf /xd etc). For ...
James's user avatar
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Invoke-command still using my PC as middle man during robocopy?

Can someone look at my code and tell me why when using invoke-command, that my PC is still being used as a middle-man? I'm trying to get the destination computer to transfer directly and not use my ...
Christopher Heisler's user avatar
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power loss during files moving

I use Ctrl + X to cut and moving files to another DISK. 15 folers 312 files have corrupted when i check it. it's recommended to using COPY instead CUT/moving ? because when moving, file transfer ...
CENA3's user avatar
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Robocopy ignores files that exist in destination subfolders

I am currently using Robocopy to maintain files in two locations. I want to be able to have a subfolder within the destination folder for "completed" files. My problem is while Robocopy continues to ...
DUBSONEG's user avatar
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Robocopy /fat option

I'm trying to copy server files to sharepoint and there are a lot of files and folders that have full sentences as names and as such, when I try to copy these files into the sync folder on the server ...
XanderXIV's user avatar
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How to simply keep a file in open status without help of program in C language/etc.. by using windows bare basic features?

Why robocopy still copy an open file, opened by txt editor in windows Further to above question, how could it be the simplest way to keep an file opened in a bare windows env like server 2016 ...
Ken's user avatar
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Why robocopy still copy an open file, opened by txt editor in windows

From wikipedia, it is told that robocopy will skip copying files in open status. However, when it is under test for robocopy behaviour, the robocopy still copy the opened file by the most simple text ...
Ken's user avatar
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How to duplicate files onto an external backup drive, but first moving existing files to match the source folder tree and get a report?

If the title didn't make much sense then, let me provide more details. My problem is that there are some identical files on both drives already, but they reside in different directories. Let me show ...
computationalprince's user avatar
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Robocopy exclude directories with wildcard

I am trying to backup critical folders and their contents on a daily basis so that, should my data drive fail, I have a backup of the important project files but my working data drive is much larger ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
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How to get ROBOCOPY to throw an error when there's denied access

I am using ROBOCOPY to copy some files from folder A to folder B. I have purposefully made folder B inaccessible using NTFS permission to throw an error so that it can take a different action when ...
JuniorPenguin's user avatar
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ROBOCOPY source destination *.* /maxage: <20171231> [closed]

I need to copy files from one folder to another, I want to copy files younger than Dec 31st 2017: ROBOCOPY source destination . /maxage: <20171231>
Joseph Wright's user avatar
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External hard drive (USB 3.0) disconnects after half an hour when robocopy is copying large files

I'm constantly facing the same issue, that I'm not able to successfully copy files from one internal drive to an external drive. I'm using robocopy with this command robocopy D:\ F:\ /e /zb /np /copy:...
testing's user avatar
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How to Robocopy only modified files and exclude new files

How can I Robocopy only modified files and exclude newly created files in source folder. I'm using windows 7
Yogesh's user avatar
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How to copy user's appdata folder using robocopy?

I'm trying to backup my current user's AppData folder. Because the folder is quite big, I wanted to use robocopy. However, robocopy is having mess with symbolics links. Especially, in the user ...
Steve B's user avatar
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Using OneDrive as a backup for my Pictures library

This sounds like an easy-enough question, and luckily I found an article on it here, which I followed. I have mapped my OneDrive as a Network Location on my PC, and it works perfectly (though I had ...
adam's user avatar
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Windows: copy files and change extension without duplicates

I have a directory that has image files without extension. Let us say it to be D:\initial\. Now I want to copy those files over to D:\final\ directory and change the extension to .jpg for each file. ...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
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Robocopy /S creates empty folders

I'm trying to stop robocopy from creating empty folders when it is copying. The SOURCE folders are not empty; but they also have no new files to copy. Yet robocopy creates them at the destination. My ...
GWild's user avatar
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Copy subfolders and their content up one level?

Right now I have the following structure Folder 1\ -Apr2007\folder 1 \folder 2 \folder 3 -May 2007\folder 23 \folder 24 \folder 25 ...
user9687306's user avatar
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ROBOCOPY /XN: newer in source or destination?

Does ROBOCOPY /XN exclude files that are newer in the SOURCE or files that are newer in the destination? I checked Microsoft official documentation but it is totally ambiguous.
Yván Ecarri's user avatar
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robocopy to Drive File Stream Fails in powershell but not at command line Error 5

When I run the robocopy at an admin command prompt it runs successfully. C:\Users\StoreMgr>robocopy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of Sale 12.0\Data\Paracept" "G:\My Drive\...
David 's user avatar
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I made too many nested folders

I made way to many nested folders, around 20 thousand, I think. I can't delete them, even with 7-Zip, as some people recomended. I tried ROBOCOPY, mirroring an empty folder, but it fails, because ...
Carson Graham's user avatar
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How to backup file from server and keep last n versions?

I am trying to create a batch script to backup an Access Db from a NAS Server to another server and keep the last "n" versions of that file (n is fixed inside the script), this script is going to to ...
Chico3001's user avatar
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Copying the directory tree and file contents of only specific folders

I'm trying to archive a large amount of files from only subfolders with a specific name. I'd also like to maintain the original folder structure in order to keep it simple for my team to access the ...
user avatar
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Folder not visible in Explorer or from cmd after RoboCopy

I use RoboCopy to do a basic backup of one of my (non-OS) HDD's: robocopy D:\ X:\Backup\D /MIR /XD D:\ExcludeMe The destination directory (X:\Backup\D) had not been created before execution. After ...
Marcos Foster's user avatar
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use a different directory as copy target

hi I would like robocopy to output the actual copied files to a different directory than the one that it uses to determine the files to copy. So i have 3 directories: source reference output/diff-...
vlad_tepesch's user avatar
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Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

I am attempting to back up data onto some external hard drives as a part of my job, the data sets can be over 100GB in size with specific file structure so using robocopy is a must. When I run this ...
purelyp93's user avatar
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Not able to access path of mobile phone in cmd

I'm kind of new at CMD so please go easy on me. I am trying to copy files from my mobile phone via robocopy in CMD as the regular copy/paste doesn't support some of the features of robocopy I'd like ...
DisplayNerd's user avatar
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Using Robocopy to move files to Null

I'm trying to move files using robocopy to NULL in a powershell script, in effect deleting them. Normally I'd use get-childitem but I'm dealing with long file name paths and it fails on those, but ...
user66131's user avatar
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Robocopy: "The system cannot find the path specified." for cell phone micro SD card

I am trying to expand the memory in my Samsung Galaxy S8 by copying over the current data in my micro SD card to a larger one. Unfortunately, I don't have a micro SD slot on my computer, so I want to ...
Skipher's user avatar
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Robocopy Commands ad switches [closed]

On Robocopy commands/switches we get requests to move a huge number of files and most of them have dates that were created. Most of the files they want to remove are OLD file - from 2/xx/16 to 5/xx/...
Victor Lopez's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform a complete backup of the Users folder with Robocopy?

This is a more specific version of a broader question I posted a few weeks ago, I have my Users folder - B:\Users - on a separate drive to my Windows 7 system. I want to copy the contents of this ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Working with source files while Robocopy is running

I need to make a backup of my entire Users folder from within Windows, but I also really need to be able to use my computer normally. I'm planning to use Robocopy for this purpose, and want to clarify ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
-1 votes
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Windows batch, how to automate RoboCopy in Compare mode, not Copy mode?

This RoboCopy Compare command below is working fine, it is comparing 2 folders and outputs results to a text file and if there is a difference between 2 folders then text file has at least 5 phrases ...
Joseph's user avatar
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Unable to delete deep folder structure

I am unable to remove a very deep directory tree. When I try to delete it normally, it just stays at 0% and nothing happens. I have tried using the robocopy method with /purge, which ran for over 1 ...
Ahnson's user avatar
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RoboCopy multithreading in Windows 10

The RoboCopy reference specifically says 'The /MT parameter applies to Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 7'. What is the behavior in Windows 10? I would hope multithreading is somehow the default, ...
Gordon's user avatar
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