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Questions tagged [robocopy]

Robocopy (or "Robust File Copy") is a command-line directory replication command.

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Changing a Backup using xcopy to one using robocopy in Win 11

In a Windows 11 Pro and Office 21 Pro environment on a Lenovo 13th Gen, Intel i7-55U, 16GB, 64 bit, Notebook, are there any pitfalls in an incremental copy of Dir/files from external drive F to ...
Dennis G Bails's user avatar
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The same robocopy command is extremely slow on one computer and very fast on the other

I am facing the problem that the same robocopy command has totally different execution times on two different computers. The source is a Windows Server 2016 Standard. There is a directory with approx. ...
Grimm's user avatar
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Google Drive Desktop wasn't moving file, it's moved the file to trash then reuploading when moved by robocopy

So, I'm applying this 3-2-1 backup rule. Folder form ssd-sync is synced to vhd-sync through robocopy, here is the argument command. robocopy D:\ssd-sync E:\vhd-sync /LOG+:D:\ssd-sync\robocopy-...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
-2 votes
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Why robocopy does not copy some files perfectly?

Here, NTUSER.DAT is different between the 2 different files. As if they're not overriden as they're supposed to. The statement I use is this robocopy "D:\Users\TeguhProg" "C:\Users\...
user4951's user avatar
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robocopy XD exclude does not seem to work sometimes

For example: robocopy c:\folder d:\folder /MIR /ZB /FFT /MT:32 /R:10 /W:5 /NP /XD cache temp /sl /xj I can clearly see it copying folders with "cache" and "temp" in it. (ie. c:\...
eng3's user avatar
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How to make robocopy overwrite files?

I cannot make robocopy overwrite files. I need to get copy speed stats on one big file but the file to copy is skipped once already copied : PS C:\> ls ~/Downloads/19041.1.191206-1406....
SebMa's user avatar
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How can all files on my drive suddenly have modified timestamps set to 1 hour newer than a week ago?

I regularly back up most of my files using Robocopy using the mirror function. I haven't noticed anything odd in the past days, since I most frequently backup to another SSD. But to my horror, when ...
Hunnicatt's user avatar
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robocopy recursive - trying to copy particular files from source to destination

I have a folder structure, let's call it C:\source, and beneath it are various folders. In those folders are a variety of files. I want robocopy to copy all .DOC files in the entire source tree to a ...
jeremy's user avatar
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Add confirmation after executing ROBOCOPY command

I have started to use ROBOCOPY command a lot. I use ROBOCOPY source destination /MIR. Is there any way to add confirmation, "y/n" after the command is executed, but not actually ran. So I ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Can I use Robocopy /move yet still preserve creation and modified timestamps of all directories and subdirectories?

I am trying to move all files and directories and subdirectories including empty ones while preserving both creation and modified timestamps. I tried robocopy but it seems no matter what parameter I ...
Static Storm's user avatar
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Rotate destination folder with Robocopy

I use this command Robocopy D:\DIR1 E:\DIR2 /MIR to keep the contents of two folders synchronized: How do I keep 5 separate copies of the target folder, while deleting the sixth-oldest one?
Mkgl's user avatar
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Robocopy /Purge /Move - at what point/how will destination folders/files be deleted?

I have read both At what point does Robocopy overwrite a file? and At what point does Robocopy overwrite a file?, and neither seem to address my question or I'm totally clueless. Example(s): Parent-...
query-01's user avatar
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Robocopy /MOVE, directory\tree not recreated, Win-11\Home

The line below previously worked with Win-10\Home; dir\tree remained intact. robocopy D:\ A:\Bak_Up /E /ZB /dcopy:dat /LOG:A:\Bak_Up.log /TEE By comparison, using Win-11\Home from the below .bat, ...
query-01's user avatar
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Robocopy from corrupted SD Card hangs on some files despite /R:0 /W:0. Manually adding each to /XF list and reruning is too slow. How can I automate?

I'm trying to recover thousands of photos and videos from a corrupted SD Card. I've tried to recover the SD Card with chkdsk /F /R /X . Here is the relevant output: "Corruption was found while ...
anglosachsen's user avatar
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Robocopy copy: report: Dirs, Files, and Bytes are all 0 for Extras, but Times is 0:00:01. Why?

I copied a few files with robocopy on Windows 10. In the final report, Dirs, Files, and Bytes are all 0 for Extras, however Times is 0:00:01 for Extras. How is that possible? Total ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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How to have robocopy search subdirectories inside of source folder for the files to move?

I am using a recording program to record clips of games, and the program I am using records full sessions with the full session recording files being saved MKV files in my F:\Videos\Clips folder. ...
Dpas_23's user avatar
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Count matches from robocopy output in powershell

I have the following robocopy command line: robocopy $drv "B:\Blending Produções - Backup\Blending Produções - Tyrone Hirt - BC" /e /NJH /NDL /NC /BYTES /MT:4 /l /xd /A-:SH $IgnorarPastas /...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Why am I seeing low transfer speed with Robocopy between two external SSDs? [duplicate]

I'm using Robocopy within a PowerShell script to backup my main SSD to another SSD, but I'm having problems with the file transfer speed. While in Windows Explorer I have writing speeds of 300~400 MB/...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Copy Program Files folder to another volume

I want to copy C:\Program Files to D:\Programs and place a junction instead. If I run robocopy "C:\Program Files" D:\Programs /e /copyall /sj /secfix from WRE or any other external ...
Pellegatta Simone's user avatar
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Powershell script with infinite loop and sleep - good or bad? [closed]

So I have been trying to run robocopy in silent mode with task scheduler, however the powershell or bat script would always pop up whenever a new instance is launched with task scheduler. I found a ...
TSS's user avatar
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Robocopy extremely low performance copying from Synlogy SMB

I want to occasionally backup a media library which is located on my NAS to another drive (6TB WD RED HDD; produced in 2019). The drive is located in my main PC and connected through SATA. The NAS and ...
Der_Reparator's user avatar
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Robocopy with Task scheduler in invisible mode for KIOSK mode or alternative

Computer Setup: Computer in KIOSK mode through Shelllauncher on Windows 10 LTSC. Problem trying to solve: I am looking to move local files on network drive. Solution I found which have some gaps: ...
TSS's user avatar
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Preserving Quick Access Pins and Libraries with Robocopy

So I've had an external drive that I kept plugged into my laptop that later started having connection issues. I decided to use Robocopy to transfer the files over to a new drive with (effectively) the ...
woashi's user avatar
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Does Robocopy's /ZB option switch modes on a per file or per transfer basis?

Robocopy's command guide describes /zb as an option that "Copies files in restartable mode. If file access is denied, switches to backup mode." However, this is somewhat ambiguous. When ...
woashi's user avatar
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Is robocopy syncing files, copying them or syncing with the right parameter? [duplicate]

I want to do something like this I got the impression that robocopy is syncing. That is it looks like if the file is older or ...
user4951's user avatar
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What does ^& mean in a bat script? [duplicate]

According to the link: robocopy c:\dirA c:\dirB *.* ^& IF %...
Andrew's user avatar
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RoboCopy to hidden shadow drive partition; error code reads as Invalid Parameter #26 :x\

I am currently attempting to set up a mirroring of my C:\ drive. I read online that using Robocopy was the best way to set this up. I have put together the following string of robocopy options, ...
SimpleUser's user avatar
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Robocopy from many subfolders to a single output folder?

I'm using robocopy to search for a lot of old Illustrator files to convert. They reside in countless folders, and I want to copy all of them to a new working folder so I can batch process them. My ...
plamobot's user avatar
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Using robocopy on windows led to infinite subfolder duplication via a stray shortcut file.... How can I avoid this?

I ran robocopy on my system (with all apps I could close, closed) and tried to rip the entirety of my C drive to a different drive. Im not sure why but, there was a systemlink in the C drive called &...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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Robocopy folder and subfolders and files WITHOUT permissions , only datas

I'm currently doing a file server migration using Robocopy. I used the following commands to copy the folder to new server WITHOUT security permissions. I want to copy only folder & files / ...
Cell-o's user avatar
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ROBOCOPY how to exclude existing files by name only

Here (Does Robocopy SKIP copying existing files by default?) it says ROBOCOPY will by default overwrite files if they differ by name or last write date or size. However I am looking for a ROBOCOPY ...
kofifus's user avatar
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first time robocopy and my files are gone

I just tried robocopy for the first time and my folder is gone. This is the command I used: robocopy E:\folder G:\ and then: robocopy G:\ E:\folder my folder at E:\ is not showing. The used space is ...
alireza's user avatar
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Robocopy exclude folders by wildcard

I have folders structure like this. C:\MyFolder\http+++one\ C:\MyFolder\http+++two\ C:\MyFolder\http+++three\ C:\MyFolder\Other+++One\ C:\MyFolder\Other+++Two\ C:\MyFolder\Other+++Three\ Need to copy ...
Roman Toasov's user avatar
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Robocopy /purge not purging and /XD not excluding directories?

I'm trying to build Robocopy scripts to replicate my old synctoy but I seem to have something wrong with my syntax. With the below command I want to exclude ..\local settings\Temp and ... \local ...
DanceDad's user avatar
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How can I move a folder without encountering issues related to cyclic folders and excessive disk space consumption?

I'm using the following command to move a folder: robocopy "C:\Users\TTHCMM" "D:\C_Drive\Users\TTHCMM" /E /MT:32 /NFL /NDL /NJH /NJS However, I've noticed that this command can ...
william007's user avatar
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RoboCopy Resume large file

I've read through the other posts I've found, but my experience seems to be different. I am definitely not a superuser and I inherited the Robocopy process we use, but in the nutshell, I map a ...
Crafty42's user avatar
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How to get a results ouput file from running a copy operation against a server list?

We have a batch file that we use to (robo)copy scripts to various computers on our network. We need be able to write the result of the copy operation (success or fail) to an output file including the ...
juvenal's user avatar
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RoboCopy slower than Xcopy? (Windows 10)

I'd been using xcopy in a backup script but every so often xcopy would fail with "insufficient memory" when a pathname would sneak into the backup set that exceeded 254 characters. Lots of ...
user316117's user avatar
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Robocopy: Multiple Robocopy to one log file

I'm looking for a way to log the results of multiple Robocopy runs from one bat script to one logfile so it's possible to lookup any errors in just one logfile. Is this possible? This is my script: @...
Benny Wijnants's user avatar
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robocopy: copying data from source to dest ends up with total file size a lot bigger than the original

I have a 5TB external drive (WD My Passport, lets call it drive E:) and I want to move all the data to another identical drive (5TB WD My Passport, lets call it drive F:) because my first drive starts ...
Aenaon's user avatar
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USB Drive Bulk Copy Failure Windows 10 + 7

I'm trying to copy about 60 GB of files off a 64 GB USB drive onto a new 128 GB USB Drive under Win10 using robocopy. I can copy about 50GB but then the copying stops, without reporting any errors. ...
user581979's user avatar
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Robocopy: ERROR 87 (0x00000057) Time-Stamping Destination Directory

I'm using robocopy to copy files from a CD drive to a SATA drive in USB-to-SATA enclosure. This is the command that I'm using: FOR /F "tokens=6" %%a IN ('vol e:') DO SET var=%%a md k:\%var% ...
Ian M's user avatar
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Robocopy copying from different drive

I am using robocopy to transfer files from an old laptop drive to an external drive because I believe the hard drive is close to failure. I ran the program with these arguments robocopy D:\ E:\...
Themanwithaplan's user avatar
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Making Functional Robocopy Backup Script?

I cannot for the life of me get the thing to run on a new user laptop setup I'm working on. I'm hoping someone can help. I have been trying to search forums and YouTube videos but would really benefit ...
bigwheel's user avatar
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I do not understand robocopy report

I am using the following command: robocopy "h:/.backup-ship/" "../.backup-ship/" /MIR /NDL /MT robocopy report writes: I do not understand the row "Files". Should not ...
g.pickardou's user avatar
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Robocopy over SMB from Windows 11 to MacOS Catalina Locks folders and makes backup fail

I am trying to backup an external hard drive on my Windows machine to an external hard drive on my iMac running macOS Catalina. I am using Robocopy batch file to mirror the 2 drives. The code I am ...
Frankie Galanti's user avatar
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Can Robocopy copy, without replacing: changed, newer or older files?

I’m trying to copy all files that are: changed (i.e.: they have a different size in either source or target) Newer or older (they have a newer or older timestamp, i.e.: different date modified or ...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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How to copy files in File Explorer while preserving all Metadata attributes: Including Last Accessed Date, Modified Date, etc

I have scoured superuser for an answer, and have found similar questions, but none of them talk about preserving the Last Accessed Date. I have already wanted to archive all the last accessed dates on ...
asgasehswheeshss's user avatar
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How to make ROBOCOPY /MIR actually mirror properly when excluding files/dirs?

I have this test dir structure: ├───dir1 │ New Text Document.txt │ thumbcache_123.db │ └───dir2 New Text Document.txt thumbcache_123.db If I run this command: ROBOCOPY &...
Advit's user avatar
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Robocopy specific files from subdirectories to a single directory

I want to copy files within many sub-directories that match specific pattern to a new directory. I don't want to copy the folder structure as I want all of the copied files to be contained within a ...
derelict's user avatar
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