I've read through the other posts I've found, but my experience seems to be different. I am definitely not a superuser and I inherited the Robocopy process we use, but in the nutshell, I map a network driver and use Robocopy with "/s /e /z /xc /xn /r:100 /w:5 /log:" commands. (I cannot for the life of me figure out why "/s" and "/e" are used, seems to counter each other. Anyway, we are often transferring 1GB files over a long slow network that can drop out. The first time, it got to ~7% of the file and then the connection dropped. When I started Robocopy again, it skipped the large file instead of resuming. I can't seem to get the resume to work properly. The next time it got to 26.7%, but the file has all the right attributes to appear it's a full file. The date, the file size, etc.
Is there a way to get this working instead of starting from 0% every time? Maybe it has something to do with the file type being an encrypted batch of files, but still.