I have a folder structure, let's call it C:\source, and beneath it are various folders. In those folders are a variety of files. I want robocopy to copy all .DOC files in the entire source tree to a destination, let's call it C:\destination

I am not particularly interested in the folders they came out of and would prefer that it just dump all of the .DOC files into the destination folder.

robocopy c:\source c:\destination *.doc

only seems to look in the c:\source directly without checking in any subfolders.


1 Answer 1


Robocopy just complicates the task. A much simpler tool to use here is the old copy command combined with FOR /R:

for /r source-folder %f in (*.doc) do @copy "%f" target-folder

If you wish to compare this command with an example of using robocopy, see the article Flattening a directory tree with RoboCopy.

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