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How to make robocopy overwrite files?

I cannot make robocopy overwrite files. I need to get copy speed stats on one big file but the file to copy is skipped once already copied : PS C:\> ls ~/Downloads/19041.1.191206-1406....
SebMa's user avatar
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How can all files on my drive suddenly have modified timestamps set to 1 hour newer than a week ago?

I regularly back up most of my files using Robocopy using the mirror function. I haven't noticed anything odd in the past days, since I most frequently backup to another SSD. But to my horror, when ...
Hunnicatt's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Add confirmation after executing ROBOCOPY command

I have started to use ROBOCOPY command a lot. I use ROBOCOPY source destination /MIR. Is there any way to add confirmation, "y/n" after the command is executed, but not actually ran. So I ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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Can I use Robocopy /move yet still preserve creation and modified timestamps of all directories and subdirectories?

I am trying to move all files and directories and subdirectories including empty ones while preserving both creation and modified timestamps. I tried robocopy but it seems no matter what parameter I ...
Static Storm's user avatar
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Rotate destination folder with Robocopy

I use this command Robocopy D:\DIR1 E:\DIR2 /MIR to keep the contents of two folders synchronized: How do I keep 5 separate copies of the target folder, while deleting the sixth-oldest one?
Mkgl's user avatar
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Robocopy /Purge /Move - at what point/how will destination folders/files be deleted?

I have read both At what point does Robocopy overwrite a file? and At what point does Robocopy overwrite a file?, and neither seem to address my question or I'm totally clueless. Example(s): Parent-...
query-01's user avatar
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Robocopy /MOVE, directory\tree not recreated, Win-11\Home

The line below previously worked with Win-10\Home; dir\tree remained intact. robocopy D:\ A:\Bak_Up /E /ZB /dcopy:dat /LOG:A:\Bak_Up.log /TEE By comparison, using Win-11\Home from the below .bat, ...
query-01's user avatar
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Robocopy copy: report: Dirs, Files, and Bytes are all 0 for Extras, but Times is 0:00:01. Why?

I copied a few files with robocopy on Windows 10. In the final report, Dirs, Files, and Bytes are all 0 for Extras, however Times is 0:00:01 for Extras. How is that possible? Total ...
Franck Dernoncourt's user avatar
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Copy Program Files folder to another volume

I want to copy C:\Program Files to D:\Programs and place a junction instead. If I run robocopy "C:\Program Files" D:\Programs /e /copyall /sj /secfix from WRE or any other external ...
Pellegatta Simone's user avatar
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Robocopy extremely low performance copying from Synlogy SMB

I want to occasionally backup a media library which is located on my NAS to another drive (6TB WD RED HDD; produced in 2019). The drive is located in my main PC and connected through SATA. The NAS and ...
Der_Reparator's user avatar
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Does Robocopy's /ZB option switch modes on a per file or per transfer basis?

Robocopy's command guide describes /zb as an option that "Copies files in restartable mode. If file access is denied, switches to backup mode." However, this is somewhat ambiguous. When ...
woashi's user avatar
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9 votes
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Using robocopy on windows led to infinite subfolder duplication via a stray shortcut file.... How can I avoid this?

I ran robocopy on my system (with all apps I could close, closed) and tried to rip the entirety of my C drive to a different drive. Im not sure why but, there was a systemlink in the C drive called &...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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ROBOCOPY how to exclude existing files by name only

Here (Does Robocopy SKIP copying existing files by default?) it says ROBOCOPY will by default overwrite files if they differ by name or last write date or size. However I am looking for a ROBOCOPY ...
kofifus's user avatar
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first time robocopy and my files are gone

I just tried robocopy for the first time and my folder is gone. This is the command I used: robocopy E:\folder G:\ and then: robocopy G:\ E:\folder my folder at E:\ is not showing. The used space is ...
alireza's user avatar
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RoboCopy slower than Xcopy? (Windows 10)

I'd been using xcopy in a backup script but every so often xcopy would fail with "insufficient memory" when a pathname would sneak into the backup set that exceeded 254 characters. Lots of ...
user316117's user avatar
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robocopy: copying data from source to dest ends up with total file size a lot bigger than the original

I have a 5TB external drive (WD My Passport, lets call it drive E:) and I want to move all the data to another identical drive (5TB WD My Passport, lets call it drive F:) because my first drive starts ...
Aenaon's user avatar
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How to make ROBOCOPY /MIR actually mirror properly when excluding files/dirs?

I have this test dir structure: ├───dir1 │ New Text Document.txt │ thumbcache_123.db │ └───dir2 New Text Document.txt thumbcache_123.db If I run this command: ROBOCOPY &...
Advit's user avatar
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Robocopy specific files from subdirectories to a single directory

I want to copy files within many sub-directories that match specific pattern to a new directory. I don't want to copy the folder structure as I want all of the copied files to be contained within a ...
derelict's user avatar
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Robocopy: Copy all files in subdirectories within parent folder to a new folder

I've done some googling and although this seems to be a pretty straightforward process I have been unable to find code that works. I have a folder with several sub-folders and sub-folders within them ...
Hammy's user avatar
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Incremental copy of log file content

I have a couple of log-files, growing one line at a time, as log files do. The files are available via SMB network share. I want to periodically copy these files. Since the network is rather slow and ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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How to reverse the effect of robocopy junction link command used to change the directory of ProgramData from C to D?

I recently followed the following advise to free up space on my C Drive, however, I wasn't able to delete the ProgramData folder after executing the command below. Any idea how I can reverse the ...
ISs's user avatar
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Robocopy Skipping All files Targeted

Good Afternoon, I'm attempting to use robocopy with Powershell to recursively grab all files from sub-directories and moving them to one "root" directory. I tried doing this with copy-item ...
MrMachoman86's user avatar
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Can LastAccessTime be set to an old timestamp using PowerShell?

I am using PowerShell to create test files for testing the output of Robocopy logs. To get different combinations of newer and older files, I am setting the file timestamps in the source and ...
Jim's user avatar
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Any way to remove the hidden attribute when robocopying from the root folder?

When I copy from the system root drive like this: robocopy D: C:\users\localUser\pictures\CPics *.jpg *.jpeg *.png *.gif /e /MT:4 /R:0 /NP /SL /SJ /NFL /NDL /XA:o /B /LOG:"C:\Users\anton\...
Antonio23249's user avatar
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Robocopy destination folder not specified

I want to make a backup copy of an entire drive to a folder in an external drive but robocopy doesn't "see" the specified destination folder. The idea is to update all the files and add the ...
E_Blue's user avatar
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Network share access denied after STIG/CIS hardening in windows

I have one windows server from where I was running robocopy and it was working. The source was a network share from where I was copying some files to this windows server. After implementing CIS/STIG ...
user3847894's user avatar
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Restore file modification time from backup

Due to some careless copy/zip/unzip operations, all files in a folder and its subfolders had their last-modified time updated. I would like to restore the correct file timestamp from an older backup. ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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Is there Windows copy command that mimic Unix `cp -r` behavior?

I don't know how to name this behavior vividly, just call it loyalcopy. Two figures will illustrate it clearly. I'd like to issue two commands to copy two filesystem nodes (regardless it is a file ...
Jimm Chen's user avatar
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Purpose of xcopy over robocopy

From what I've found online, robocopy seems to be xcopy with more features; are there any scenarios where someone would want to use xcopy over robocopy?
Meester Moo's user avatar
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How can I merge multiple folders and files to a new single folder?

I have a folder named SCENERY on drive F (F:\SCENERY). It contains several folders: A, B, C... etc. I would like to merge the contents of A, B, C... etc to another folder on drive F named BASEFILES (F:...
DaveM's user avatar
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Why does Robocopy skip a changed file if file length and file date are the same?

I've been using Robocopy for a while to create a (quick) backup of my disks. The exact command I use is robocopy /MIR /R:0 sourcedrive:\ targetdrive:\sourcedrivename . This should create an exact ...
Deekay's user avatar
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Robocopy behaviour (user profile folder) [duplicate]

I'm copying with robocopy the folder C:\users to D:\Backups with the following command: robocopy "C:\users" "D:\Backups" /e /b /copyall /MT:32 /r:0 /w:0 Instead of copying the ...
someone's user avatar
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Is it possible for robocopy to always create destination structure if it's missing in monitor mode?

Setup: Several measurement devices are wired to a local computer. A python application runs on this computer to relay commands to the measurement devices. Measurement devices produce and store ...
KHX's user avatar
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Robocopy occasionally "forgets" to copy files

I use robocopy to copy modified files between my development machine and a server. Source machine is Windows 10. Target machine is Windows Server 2016 Standard. This is the command and parameters I ...
Grimm's user avatar
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does robocopy kill files while mirroring if read error?

my params is /mir /copyall /dcopy:t /z /v /tee /eta /unilog+ /mt:32 /r:3 /w:30 for example, some copying finishes ok so, is read error "equal" no-file? will robocopy delete file at ...
Seriy_A's user avatar
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Is there any way to disallow Robocopy to download files from OneDrive to a local backup?

I hope you can help me. I currently use Robocopy to back up my OneDrive files to a local hard drive with the following command: robocopy Location1 Location2 /MIR /W:0 /R:1 /REG. It works great. ...
Ale500x's user avatar
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Robocopy command isn't backing up, is this command valid?

I'm trying to use Robocopy to incrementally back-up my project every 15 minutes, only if there are changes. I'm using Windows Task Scheduler to start the .bat file at start-up, and because I don't ...
TheNomadicAspie's user avatar
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Is there a way to tell robocopy to report in its log how many files it has overwritten?

I'm using Robocopy with the /MIR option to backup some directories periodically, and I would like it to output a log in which the summary can tell me how many files were overwritten (not just copied ...
Mike's user avatar
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Use robocopy to exclude directories containing a file

I'm using robocopy in a batch script to back up all of my files onto an external drive, but I want to exclude any folders that contain (directly) a file called ".nosync", so I can avoid ...
Nathan D'Silva's user avatar
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Use robocopy to copy without attributes for files and directories

I'm trying to run robocopy to copy data but not copying attributes (timestamps are ok). My first thought was to run with these switches: /copy:dt /dcopy:t The way I interpret the documentation, those ...
ProfessionalNature's user avatar
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What are junction points for files (instead of directories)?

According to, junctions cannot link to files. Also, when I try this nevertheless with mklink /j junction-file target\foo.txt, the command will succeed, but the junction ...
Marco Eckstein's user avatar
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rsync-like copy command on windows

tl;dr I'm looking for a near-exact replacement for rsync --recursive --update on vanilla Windows. details What is a command, in Windows, that works like: input: a filesystem pattern (restricted to ...
Keith Russell's user avatar
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Copy files except when destination modified in last x days

I think what I am trying to do is simple, but I can't get the robocopy settings right, as I am trying to copy files from src to dest, over-writing files in dest if they already exist, except if ...
Mark Schultz's user avatar
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A directory with same name already exists in this location

I am trying to create a folder with name, let's say, phantomdir but I am getting a dialogue that says, translated, "A directory with same name 'phantomdir' already exists in this location. Do you ...
engin's user avatar
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Copying large file with robocopy during remote-desktop session failed with ERROR_OPERATION_ABORTED

Today, it was necessary for me to copy a rather large file from one PC A to another PC B. I'm using Windows on both PCs, so that I thought robocopy would be the tool of my choice. The file was about ...
Aleph0's user avatar
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What does "robocopy /NOOFFLOAD" do?

The windows tool robocopy has a command line switch /NOOFFLOAD. What does this switch actually do, and under what circumstances would I use it? The documentation for the switch says /NOOFFLOAD :: copy ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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Robocopy loops/nests "Application Data" 29 times when copying "Application Data" folder on Windows 10

My goal here is to be able to back up my entire computer by using robocopy. My robocopy script keeps getting stuck here as you can see with the Application Data. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\...
CreativiTimothy's user avatar
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Robocopy Long File Name

Windows 10 run in our users' company PCs, long path name errors appears to them while trying to transfer files from the PCs to the windows server 2016 Users do not want to Flatten the folder ...
JackHunter's user avatar
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What is the correct RoboCopy command for my intended sync job?

I've never used RoboCopy before and I'd like to make sure a particular operation goes smoothly. I've built an OpenMediaVault NAS and I previously copied all my relevant files to it from my Windows 10 ...
Lemon's user avatar
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How to use robocopy with exclusions

I am using robocopy to copy folders and files from source to destination. origin_path: folder1 folder2 folder3 file1.txt file2.log file3.png dest_path: folder_important folder1 folder2 this is ...
acgbox's user avatar
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