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1 answer

Is there any way to tell Robocopy NOT to delete an empty folder after it has moved all files from it?

I have a folder that I dump files into which are later moved from there to another folder using Robocopy. After Robocopy empties the folder, it deletes it. How do I stop it from doing this? Edit: Here'...
oscilatingcretin's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Robocopy - Possible issue while logging output?

I am evaluating if Robocopy will be a good option for me for my backup script that will take backup of only newer files from C drive (NTFS) to a Pendrive (exFAT). I have this command that I am ...
rajeev's user avatar
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2 answers

Exclude many files and folders using Robocopy

I have a robocopy job, mainly copying C:\src to D:\dst. The problem is that there are many, many directories in C:\src, which I want to exclude (eg. output directories of dev projects, repositories ...
Bowi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

I am attempting to back up data onto some external hard drives as a part of my job, the data sets can be over 100GB in size with specific file structure so using robocopy is a must. When I run this ...
purelyp93's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform a complete backup of the Users folder with Robocopy?

This is a more specific version of a broader question I posted a few weeks ago, I have my Users folder - B:\Users - on a separate drive to my Windows 7 system. I want to copy the contents of this ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Working with source files while Robocopy is running

I need to make a backup of my entire Users folder from within Windows, but I also really need to be able to use my computer normally. I'm planning to use Robocopy for this purpose, and want to clarify ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

How to speed up robocopy

I'm working with a Windows-7 computer, who needs to copy a lot of small files from the network (NAS). I used to do this using xcopy command, but due to a file lock problem, I've decided to start ...
Dominique's user avatar
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XCopy encounters a sharing violation, how to handle

I'm using xcopy for copying large bundles of files. One thing I particularly like about xcopy is the /F switch which shows all source and destination files, paths included, something like: xcopy /E /...
Dominique's user avatar
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Robocopy 3.1...not accepting my target destination

When I enter my source and destination locations, Robocopy puts my source and destination on the same line. The log says that no destination directory is specified but I specify it in the GUI. I ...
jcchase3233's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

robocopy options to ignore OSX invisible files, or, dot_clean first?

I'm trying to copy ~8GB of files from a USB stick to a win7 system. The files on the USB stick appear to be coming from an OSX system (.DS_Store files and corresponding ._filenames for each file). For ...
MmmHmm's user avatar
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Robo Copy /XF invalid?

Why am I getting an Invalid Parameter error on the /XF line? ERROR : Invalid Job File, Line #4 :"/XF *.avi *.mov *.mp4 *.mv4 *.ai" I don't have any stray characters on the line. Must be something ...
rheitzman's user avatar
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2 answers

how to use space within pathname for Window's Robocopy

When my path for robocopy has a space, I surround it with " but get the weird error below... My .bat file contains: rem Backup scans ROBOCOPY "C:\Users\doug\Documents\My Scans\" "B:\BACKUP\My Scans\...
Doug Null's user avatar
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0 answers

Robocopy transferring more data than available on source

first question on StackExchange, so apologies if there are etiquette breaches! I am using Robocopy to mirror a complete disk drive to an external drive for backup/archive purposes. I used the ...
Radiobiscuit's user avatar
1 vote
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How to back up only newer files

I wrote years ago a script using XCOPY with parameters /E /D /Y /V /R /H that allowed me to back up newer files to my dropbox having always everything updated. Since I upgraded to Windows 7 and 10 ...
Eliezer Jacob's user avatar
3 votes
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Robocopied Junction not Showing Icon? Robocopied Symbolic Link also Not Showing Icon?

I'm not familiar with how robocopy handles junctions, symbolic links, and hard links. I tried to copy one of each, and I noticed the icon that shows over a junction and symbolic link does not seem to ...
whatever1234566's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Copy NTFS MetaData: Good Idea or Bad?

I wanted to "migrate" or "mostly clone" a drive to a new one. So, I robocopied a drive, and discovered that the destination has a few missing MetaData files including files from: B:\$Extend\$...
whatever1234566's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Backup Files (robocopy) | Error on files in-use

OS: Windows 7 x64 (HomePremium) CMD: >robocopy [source] [destination] -options $ robocopy "C:\Users\itzme\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\geo2eich.default" "E:\download\internet\firefox\...
fohrums's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Robocopy: Log names of skipped/Failed files

I am using the following batch file to run my robocopy command: @ECHO OFF for /f %%a in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime ^| findstr ^[0-9]') do (set ts=%%a) robocopy [source] [target] /log+:D:\logs\log_%...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Robocopy: How to copy assets from multiple locations to a single location and maintain a log

I have multiple folders containing assets (each folder has subfolders containing these assets .mp3, .txt, .png, etc). I want to copy all this assets along with the subfolder to a single location/...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Windows 7 thinks every folder is shared

I have a hard drive that I'm moving thousands of folders off, which I would do either using robocopy /mov or windows explorer cut and paste. Robocopy won't move the folders, and explorer prompts me ...
frumbert's user avatar
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Can I use Window's Robocopy to safely backup MySQL tables?

I've got a MySQL database on a server running Windows 7, and I want to create a quick (but safe!) copy without shutting anything down. I issue FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, run Robocopy, then issue ...
samwyse's user avatar
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2 answers

How to copy a file to a destination only if the source file is newer than any of the destination files?

I'm looking for a way to accomplish this task. I've tried robocopy and writing a batch file, but robocopy doesn't seem to be able to do it (since /MINAGE can't do time--only dates), and writing a ...
Force Flow's user avatar
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Robocopy copy only changed files to new folder

I'd like to create a backup such as the following: C:/backups/20140101/ All files from source folder C:/backups/20140102/ Only files changed since last backup C:/backups/20140103/ Only files ...
Garth Oates's user avatar
1 vote
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robocopy using parent folder name

I have a small batch file that uses robocopy to backup a folder. The intended action is for it to copy C:/users/public/ into D:/Backups/YYYY-MM-DDTHHMM/ At present, it copies the files into a folder, ...
Garth Oates's user avatar
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robocopy ERROR 1314 (0x00000522) on Windows 7 Home Premium

I'm using a robocopy script with the switches /COPYALL and /B on my Windows 7 Home Premium PC to backup files to a NAS and I'm getting the error message: ERROR 1314 (0x00000522) Copying NTFS ...
Reece's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Windows 7 Delete heavily nested folder structure [duplicate]

I was running a node script that went awry and created a folder structure like so: \myfolder \myfolder \file.txt \myfolder \file.txt \myfolder ...
Aristides's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to pseudo-sync 2 computers - why folders renamed?

Trying to pseudo-sync 2 computers - why folders renamed? Windows 7 - new computer Vista - old computer I create a new folder OldComputerDesktop in C:\Users\joeblow. I execute this: robocopy.EXE \\...
coderjohn's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

RoboCopy Log File Analysis

Is it possible to analyse the log text file outputted from RoboCopy and extract the lines which are defined as "New Dir" and "Extra Dir"? I would like the line from the log contain all the details ...
RobN's user avatar
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46 votes
15 answers

Why can't a Task Scheduler job access a mapped network drive?

I have a Task Scheduler job to run Robocopy for backing up local files to a network share. I have to use domain credentials to access the network share but the local computer is not on the domain, and ...
Craig W's user avatar
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Robocopy causing network disconnects

PROBLEM: I am trying to copy a large folder (my music) from my Windows 7 machine to a Windows 8 machine via a LAN. Inevitably, once robocopy is run, the state of the network will start fluctuating ...
William Everett's user avatar
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robocopy with DCOPY:T does not work

I am using Windows 7. The robocopy switch DCOPY:T can be used (I mean there is no parameter error) in the command robocopy C:\TEST F:\test /E /MIR /COPYALL /DCOPY:T However, folder timestamps are ...
user225935's user avatar
1 vote
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Copy my documents without rename in windows 7

All, Occasionally I use xcopy or robocopy to copy my documents folder as a backup. The issue is no matter what I name it, say MD_Backup, Windows always renames it to My Documents. I'd really like it ...
Jeffrey Bane's user avatar
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No logfile when combining Robocopy with Task Scheduler

I am trying to create a .bat file with Robocopy and schedule it using Task Scheduler in Windows 7. The issue that I am having is with the creation of the log file. When I click on the .bat file, a log ...
Chdu's user avatar
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Robocopy, starts, then stops [closed]

Hey I know robocopy is capable of bypassing the whole 260 character path limit in windows, so I was going to use it, but I came to a slight problem. When I launched it, the CMD for it pops up for ...
user88311's user avatar
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3 answers

delete recursive directory created by robocopy when "The file name is too long"

After running robocopy.exe to backup a C:\Users\ folder without using the /xj switch, I ended up with a recursive directory which was too long. For example, if you run dir /b /s you will receive the ...
Aaron's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

How can I copy files from A to B, only including files that exist in B?

I'm on Windows 7 Professional, and this is my scenario : Folder "Asd" (C:\) Folder "Asd" (D:\) File 1 File 1 File 2 File 3 File 3 ...
markzzz's user avatar
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2 answers

How to wake a network drive from batch script?

I have a batch script which runs a robocopy. It is failing because the drive is not awake. In windows explorer, doubling clicking on that icon "wakes" up the link and the cross disappears and the ...
Valamas's user avatar
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CMD MOVE can't replace directories in WIN 7 [duplicate]

The MOVE command does not work when to ovewrite a directory. I have also tryed to run cmd with admin rights. I'm posting this question with more info so you can easily test it self. Make your own ...
Aziz's user avatar
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"Access denied" when trying to move a directory in Windows 7 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Access denied, cmd move windows 7 I can't use this command in Windows 7 when I want to move a directory. If the destination exists, it says "Access denied". Why does this ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Access denied, cmd move windows 7

I can't use this command in win 7 when want to move a directory if the destination exists. It says Access denied. Why hapens this? It worked in XP. move /y "%1" c:\mydir\ I can use robocopy, but ...
Aziz's user avatar
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Windows Junction / Move File Issues

I am working on a computer where I am moving C:\Users\User to D:\Users\User and I am going to create a junction. All files moved successfully during the move except: My Pictures My Videos ...
user95829's user avatar
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4 answers

Robocopy and fragmentation

While copying large number of files, it's quite often to use multiple threads with RoboCopy (/MT[:n] option). Can this cause fragmentation on the destination drive? Sometimes I use Beyond compare for ...
sarat's user avatar
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Robocopy Mirror Backup gone awry

I have created a simple batch file script for running Robocopy. It is set to make a backup of my user account folder to my external hard drive. Here's the parameters for Robocopy: ROBOCOPY "C:\...
Aznfin's user avatar
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Robocopy to a drive connected to a wlan router fails

I have a wireless router and an USB hard drive connected to it. Basic file access on the command line and Explorer works flawlessly after having set up some options on the router and mapping to some ...
Ville Koskinen's user avatar
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Simple robocopy script to backup a harddrive not working

I am trying to run robocopy to backup my whole harddrive This what I have so far robocopy f: G:\Backup\f\ /E /R:2 /ZB /DCOPY:T /SL The problem I have is that I seem to be geting into a loop where ...
Pbearne's user avatar
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12 votes
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Robocopy permission denied

Robocopy is preinstalled with Windows 7. I've used it many times in the past. I tried to copy a folder to a remote share with robocopy c:\source "\\server\share\path" /s /r:2 /w:2` As a result I ...
Edosoft's user avatar
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