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2 answers

Count matches from robocopy output in powershell

I have the following robocopy command line: robocopy $drv "B:\Blending Produções - Backup\Blending Produções - Tyrone Hirt - BC" /e /NJH /NDL /NC /BYTES /MT:4 /l /xd /A-:SH $IgnorarPastas /...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Why am I seeing low transfer speed with Robocopy between two external SSDs? [duplicate]

I'm using Robocopy within a PowerShell script to backup my main SSD to another SSD, but I'm having problems with the file transfer speed. While in Windows Explorer I have writing speeds of 300~400 MB/...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Powershell script with infinite loop and sleep - good or bad? [closed]

So I have been trying to run robocopy in silent mode with task scheduler, however the powershell or bat script would always pop up whenever a new instance is launched with task scheduler. I found a ...
TSS's user avatar
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How to copy files from one drive to another while maintaining folder structure

I used an old program (rich copy) to copy files from one drive to another. The files have been created, as well as the directory structure, but due to some long file names and directory names some ...
Ralph-IT-guy's user avatar
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How to overwrite files using robocopy regardless of their last change date

I want my PowerShell script to take a backup of $destination directory, in $backup directory, but the newly created backup directory should be named $destination-{yyyy-dd-mm} where 'yyyy-dd-mm' is ...
user419022's user avatar
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Robocopy Skipping All files Targeted

Good Afternoon, I'm attempting to use robocopy with Powershell to recursively grab all files from sub-directories and moving them to one "root" directory. I tried doing this with copy-item ...
MrMachoman86's user avatar
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Can LastAccessTime be set to an old timestamp using PowerShell?

I am using PowerShell to create test files for testing the output of Robocopy logs. To get different combinations of newer and older files, I am setting the file timestamps in the source and ...
Jim's user avatar
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Robocopy using a NO-IP address

I think I was unluck to explain what I need on my 2 first posts. Let's try one more time... Just need to sync a folder from a computer in a different city. But I don't know how to tell robocopy to use ...
BHi's user avatar
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Powershell New-PSDrive from remote computer

I'm here again with one more question. As stated here, I sucessfully connected two servers to copy a lot of files. But the copy won't worked at all. It returns a lot of errors on files and folders ...
BHi's user avatar
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Network share access denied after STIG/CIS hardening in windows

I have one windows server from where I was running robocopy and it was working. The source was a network share from where I was copying some files to this windows server. After implementing CIS/STIG ...
user3847894's user avatar
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Robocopy behaviour (user profile folder) [duplicate]

I'm copying with robocopy the folder C:\users to D:\Backups with the following command: robocopy "C:\users" "D:\Backups" /e /b /copyall /MT:32 /r:0 /w:0 Instead of copying the ...
someone's user avatar
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2 answers

Robocopy created hidden directory at destination

I can't see the directory "Backup" in Windows Explorer, although I can navigate to it. The same is true for PowerShell. When I go to the root of the directory Dad and type ls I don't see it ...
Daniel Penrod's user avatar
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robocopy a specific directory and its contents but not the files on the same directory-depth

I have a folder structure like this: R:\TOPFOLDER ├───Folder_1 │ │ other File.txt │ │ │ ├───!Downloads │ └───other_Folder ├───Folder_2 │ │ other File.txt │ │ │ ├───!Downloads │ ...
Phil's user avatar
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Why does calculating folder sizes with Robocopy.exe give me different results compared to Get-ChildItem?

I have this Function that takes a path input, and gives you the size of it. There are 3 different options you can choose from which are: 'GCI' - Get-ChildItem 'DIR' - CMD's DIR command 'ROBO' - ...
Abraham Zinala's user avatar
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robocopy only copy recent files, not recent folders

I had to create a copy of the file structure from a fileshare using robocopy C:\something D:\something /E /EF *.* I now just have all the folders, no files. Now, I just want to robocopy files that ...
saleetzo's user avatar
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Copy files except when destination modified in last x days

I think what I am trying to do is simple, but I can't get the robocopy settings right, as I am trying to copy files from src to dest, over-writing files in dest if they already exist, except if ...
Mark Schultz's user avatar
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robocopy ignores modified files

I'm cloning a directory with robocopy. My intention is cloning everything, purging extra files in the destination and also overwriting files that are the same according to size and timestamp (/IS ...
smv's user avatar
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Modify Powershell script to to copy from multiple sources to a single destination using Robocopy

want to write a script (preferably in PowerShell) to copy (robocopy) files from multiple directories to a single destination. I am able to do this for a single source directory. But need help to ...
AbP's user avatar
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How rename files copied via Robocopy if it exist but with different modify date

I'm using Robocopy to copy files from a folder to another, i think my code will overwrite the file if it was existing on the destination folder and the timestamp was different, what im trying to do is ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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Get-ChildItem in Robocopy not working as expected

I'm looking to find all .jpg files in D:\ZZZ_Phone_test and its subdirectories and then have Robocopy to copy those to D:\ZZZ_Phone_test\1\1\BackUp\ (which needs to be excluded because it is within ...
ThomasHunter's user avatar
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Robocopy always detects files as "newer" if destination is OneDrive synced

I'm trying to use robocopy to mirror files from a CIFS file share to a SharePoint library via the OneDrive sync client. Something I've noticed is that all the files get re-copied each time I run ...
Yoshi Walsh's user avatar
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Robocopy And Using Variables In Powershell

I am trying to set up a robocopy job in powershell that copies files to a destination directory using an array and a variable. I want it to use a specific value based on the current date. Here is ...
JT-66's user avatar
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issue with robocopy on copying files from source to destination of longpath

I am using robocopy $source $destination /MIR, the thing is it does copy files in sync with the source but skippnig the files and directories from source which are having long path names. i would ...
E PSVP LIFE's user avatar
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Use PsExec to run robocopy

Hi I'm currently making a script that copies a directory to another. I'm currently using this: robocopy $splunkconfig 'C:\Program Files\SplunkUniversalForwarder\etc\apps' /is /it /copyall /mir But ...
Alexander Espiritu's user avatar
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How to copy Folder directory including Root volume folder on Windows?

I would like to copy Recursively the full C:\Test Folder with all subdirectories including the Test folder and the folders permisions. I tried using the following commands but it only copies the files:...
Angel's user avatar
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Invoke-command still using my PC as middle man during robocopy?

Can someone look at my code and tell me why when using invoke-command, that my PC is still being used as a middle-man? I'm trying to get the destination computer to transfer directly and not use my ...
Christopher Heisler's user avatar
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robocopy to Drive File Stream Fails in powershell but not at command line Error 5

When I run the robocopy at an admin command prompt it runs successfully. C:\Users\StoreMgr>robocopy "C:\Users\Public\Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks Point of Sale 12.0\Data\Paracept" "G:\My Drive\...
David 's user avatar
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Using Robocopy to move files to Null

I'm trying to move files using robocopy to NULL in a powershell script, in effect deleting them. Normally I'd use get-childitem but I'm dealing with long file name paths and it fails on those, but ...
user66131's user avatar
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Folder-sync strategy with robocopy and a token-file

I work on two machines that I cannot synchronize over the network so I use a flash memory. To synchronize them I created a powershell script that backups my working folder to the flash drive so that ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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windows server 2008 r2 - Script on server needs interactive user input

i have a small script running which listens for a specific ip to get online in the network. (for a robocopy job) I have split this into two things: If the client is connected via vpn, ask the user if ...
user4958337's user avatar
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Robocopy replace same date file move

I'm using robocopy to move data. I want to achieve this IF Source File data (Newer or Same) move/overwrite data Else skip file I need a switch or a way to just excluded newer not newer or same ...
Ahmad Bahrani's user avatar
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Powershell script to be called by serveral servers to copy log files to remote location

We have several servers that save log files locally and I'm trying to automate logging to a single network location with a name of the parent folder where log files are stored and date modified time ...
AAABL's user avatar
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Copy based on last modified date of files

I want to copy from below source dir to the desired destination as shown below. Source dir: --Dummy ----dirA (contain files last modified 2/7/2015) ----dirB (contain files last modified 3/7/2015) --...
Z.V's user avatar
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8 votes
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Robocopy Log File Meaning of New File, New Dir

I've been learning and using robocopy a lot for the last few weeks. One thing I have not been able to find is good documentation on the terms used in the default log file. There is no header row in ...
BitBug's user avatar
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Can robocopy show the console and create a log file?

I'm working with robocopy for the first time and have got most of it figured out and working well except logging. I have experimented a bunch and if I run my job like this: robocopy /xc /xn /xo "...
BitBug's user avatar
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4 answers

Moving a folder across the network

I need to move (not copy then delete, for the sake of file verification) a folder from a network folder to another network folder using Powershell. I have tried Move-Item (where test1 is a folder): ...
Zeno's user avatar
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Replace files smaller than 1KB from backup

I need to use backups to replace corrupted files on a shared folder. All corrupted files are fixed size = 1KB and have the archive flag set. Basically, I'd like to replace files in the destination ...
Szafa's user avatar
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robocopy /mir not duplicating folder structure

I'm using the following script to archive everything prior to Jaunary 1, 2013: foreach ($i in Get-ChildItem "O:\Projects” -Force -Recurse) { if ($i.LastWriteTime -gt ($(Get-Date).AddDays(-649))) ...
jchap1590's user avatar
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Need to create a robocopy in Powershell 1.0

My ultimate goal is to mirror a folder and its subdirectories with the restriction of only copying files with the extensions, sln, vcxproj, cs, cpp, hpp, c, and h. There are far too many subfolders ...
torrho's user avatar
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Robocopy: copy files preserving folder structure but adding a subfolder

I need to copy a folder which contains subfolders with files to a shared folder on another machine. During that, the script should create a custom subfolder in each destination folder and place files ...
Egor4eg's user avatar
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How to use Volume Shadows Copy and Robocopy on Win7?

I’d like to backup my system with Robocopy and Powershell, but Robocopy is not able to copy open files. Volume Shadows Copy seems a solution but I can’t find any clear and simple explanation on how to ...
Franck's user avatar
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