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ROBOCOPY command gives me error if owner is set to group instead of user

I want to copy folder structure with permissions using this command: ROBOCOPY "source" "destination" /E /copy:DATSO /NP /MT. It works only if source folder is owned by the user ...
CHEWKOK's user avatar
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Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

I am attempting to back up data onto some external hard drives as a part of my job, the data sets can be over 100GB in size with specific file structure so using robocopy is a must. When I run this ...
purelyp93's user avatar
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Robocopy files without writing permissions / granting temporary writing permission

I try to robocopy my "C:\Program Files" directory (and further) to D: drive in audit mode during Windows 10 installation with: robocopy "C:\Program Files" "D:\Program Files" /E /XJ /COPYALL However ...
Reizo's user avatar
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Robocopy: ERROR 5 (0x00000005) Accessing Source Directory \\server\ParentFolder\ChildFolder\ Access is denied

I have the following robocopy command to copy the directory from a folder on the network location to another folder on the same network location: @ECHO OFF for /f %%a in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime ^|...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
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I copied a folder with copy&paste instead of 'xcopy'. How to fix that?

I copied a folder (Windows Server 2003) with copy-paste instead of 'xcopy' or 'robocopy'. Now I lost the original permissions, and I can't re-do the copy process (can't access the original folder). ...
user1762109's user avatar
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Permissions issue migrating data across domains

I have 2 domains, lets call them "OLDDomain" and "NEWDomain". The previous admin "migrated" the users from OLDDomain to NEWDomain by painstakingly going through active directory user by user. Then ...
Kyle's user avatar
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