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2 answers

How to copy directory stucture, folders, sub-folders, files properties,metadata wihtout copying the actual content of files?

Softwares like DirLister, Snap2HTML I have a external disk of size 2tb,, and laptop with 500gb SSD and free time at work.. Copy Volume Shadow of External Disk, just directory structure and files, ...
hasoma's user avatar
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Is there a Linux equivalent of “Robocopy /CREATE”?

I'm looking for a Linux equivalent of the command Robocopy /CREATE, which recreates a complete empty file tree with all the attributes of folders and files in the source, except the files' contents. ...
GabrielB's user avatar
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rsync -avzh /media/sdx/* /media/sdy/ --delete --recursive --links, what is wrong here?

Rsync is giving me trouble. I use it for a decent backup. I wasn't able to make it match ROBOCOPY.exe. rsync -avzh /media/sdx/* /media/sdy/ --delete --recursive --links It seems to copy all and ...
user978927's user avatar
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Robocopy to copy files and folders to and fro between a location on Windows and UNIX

Using Robocopy to copy / move files and folders from one Windows server to another is pretty much a possibility. But can Robocopy be used to do the same across different OS ? i.e. transfer files from ...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

File copy software that first checks for errors and than copies only undamaged files? [closed]

I'm trying to copy files from a damaged HDD to a fine one (both connected via USB 3.0 under Windows 8.1) but I'm having a hard time since it's more than 1TB of data. I'm using robocopy with r:0 and w:...
user2163438's user avatar
46 votes
3 answers

Linux equivalent to robocopy?

It’s kind of funny, there are a lot of ways in which Linux command line tools are vastly superior to Windows ones, but one thing I have not found an equivalent to is robocopy. Robocopy is way more ...
Ibrahim's user avatar
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