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2 answers

Add confirmation after executing ROBOCOPY command

I have started to use ROBOCOPY command a lot. I use ROBOCOPY source destination /MIR. Is there any way to add confirmation, "y/n" after the command is executed, but not actually ran. So I ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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RoboCopy to hidden shadow drive partition; error code reads as Invalid Parameter #26 :x\

I am currently attempting to set up a mirroring of my C:\ drive. I read online that using Robocopy was the best way to set this up. I have put together the following string of robocopy options, ...
SimpleUser's user avatar
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How to make ROBOCOPY /MIR actually mirror properly when excluding files/dirs?

I have this test dir structure: ├───dir1 │ New Text Document.txt │ thumbcache_123.db │ └───dir2 New Text Document.txt thumbcache_123.db If I run this command: ROBOCOPY &...
Advit's user avatar
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1 answer

Robocopy from network drive doesn't skip duplicates

This is my robocopy line: robocopy "\\network\Document\Migration" D:\Migration /S As described here robocopy should skip files that have the same size, date and name. First copy from ...
Samuel Gfeller's user avatar
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Network share access denied after STIG/CIS hardening in windows

I have one windows server from where I was running robocopy and it was working. The source was a network share from where I was copying some files to this windows server. After implementing CIS/STIG ...
user3847894's user avatar
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Purpose of xcopy over robocopy

From what I've found online, robocopy seems to be xcopy with more features; are there any scenarios where someone would want to use xcopy over robocopy?
Meester Moo's user avatar
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robocopy a specific directory and its contents but not the files on the same directory-depth

I have a folder structure like this: R:\TOPFOLDER ├───Folder_1 │ │ other File.txt │ │ │ ├───!Downloads │ └───other_Folder ├───Folder_2 │ │ other File.txt │ │ │ ├───!Downloads │ ...
Phil's user avatar
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2 answers

rsync-like copy command on windows

tl;dr I'm looking for a near-exact replacement for rsync --recursive --update on vanilla Windows. details What is a command, in Windows, that works like: input: a filesystem pattern (restricted to ...
Keith Russell's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

robocopy: copy only newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder (updating files, not folder)

To update the files in the destination folder, I'd like to copy only the newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder. I don't want to copy any files that are in the source ...
joehua's user avatar
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1 answer

Applying one command to list in text file

Assuming I have a list of PCs in a text file, how would I go about running the same command on each pc in the list? For example, say my list is this: ln1 ln2 ln3 ln4 And my command is this: ...
Connor Vance's user avatar
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1 answer

How do I write this in my batch script?

The command is robocopy M:\Tech_Supt\$Software\Open Way & Motion PC files and Config\OpenWay Install Objects\ C:\OpenWay Install Objects\ /e The path is awful due to the spaces and & ...
Greg Arnason's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to copy entire folders/directories in command prompt?

My laptop isn’t booting, so I’m running a Windows ISO off a DVD and attempting to backup some files to an external hard drive plugged into the USB via Command Prompt. With command prompt I can enter ...
M. Guillaume's user avatar
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Copying files based on creation/modified date

I have a question about backing up files from the command line. We have a shared folder (stored on one of the computers) in the office containing several thousand files and subfolders. Until now, I've ...
stoyian0v's user avatar
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2 answers

Robocopy: copying files without their directory structure

I have a network fileshare called \\SMWEB\MSDS which contains hundreds of sub-directories named MSDSnnnn (i.e., MSDS plus a number).  Inside each sub-directory MAY be numerous files — some .html, .jpg ...
gpence's user avatar
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1 answer

xcopy invalid parameters - copying all files in folder

for /R "c:\" %f in ("*.pdf") do xcopy %f "%USERPROFILE%\all\text" /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y This is the command I am using to copy all of the .pdf files on my computer into one folder. However, it does ...
ss.benjamin's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How to duplicate files onto an external backup drive, but first moving existing files to match the source folder tree and get a report?

If the title didn't make much sense then, let me provide more details. My problem is that there are some identical files on both drives already, but they reside in different directories. Let me show ...
computationalprince's user avatar
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2 answers

Windows: copy files and change extension without duplicates

I have a directory that has image files without extension. Let us say it to be D:\initial\. Now I want to copy those files over to D:\final\ directory and change the extension to .jpg for each file. ...
Slartibartfast's user avatar
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Copying the directory tree and file contents of only specific folders

I'm trying to archive a large amount of files from only subfolders with a specific name. I'd also like to maintain the original folder structure in order to keep it simple for my team to access the ...
user avatar
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2 answers

Robocopy will not copy files involving any external drives

I am attempting to back up data onto some external hard drives as a part of my job, the data sets can be over 100GB in size with specific file structure so using robocopy is a must. When I run this ...
purelyp93's user avatar
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3 answers

How to copy one directory to another with window command prompt?

I read alot of guides about to copy directories. On SO also read the posts Commmand line command to copy entire directory (including directory folder) to another directory copying all contents of ...
Cataclysm's user avatar
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2 answers

Robocopy: destination folder size is bigger than source folder size

I've backed up my windows profile folder to external hard drive with the following command in batch file: robocopy %userprofile% %~dp0src\dest /b /mir /mt /r:1 /w:5 >nul After the copy was ...
qwaz's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Robocopy wont copy folders with a dot at the start

I'm trying to use robocopy to copy some files to a network drive. Here's the command I am using: robocopy /Z /E /R:10 /W:30 /tee /ETA H:\ "\cloud\backup-leon\The Flash\Data" /XD "Temp" "Temporary ...
Leon W's user avatar
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Robocopy (win) | Ensuring Integrity | Source/Destination "size" NOT identical (whole drives)

LAST-UPDATED: 20161204@144548 STATEMENT: "After quite some time of the first initial post, a suggestion was made to use Bash-cp. So, that means the method of using the 1-line command robocopy would ...
fohrums's user avatar
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1 answer

Copy Folder in Windows CMD

How can I copy folder in windows cmd. I would like to copy folder it self with files in it, not just files. When you use copy or xcopy commands they copy files but not folder name. xcopy folderOne ...
IGRACH's user avatar
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1 answer

Write Robocopy batch output to a text file trouble

I want to write the output of a Robocopy command into a text file that I can review to see which files were copied and so forth. I tried these commands... robocopy drive:\ destination:\ /e /v>log....
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Error when trying to copy over the network using robocopy

C:\Users\Alex.Newton>robocopy /"\centlpf01cz6c\c$\Program Files\ProgramName\/" /" \centlpf01cz6c\Program Files\TestBatch\Test\/" --------------------------------------------------------------------...
Alex's user avatar
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-1 votes
4 answers

How to create a USB that copies all photos from PC to which it is connected, using Batch files?

I tried doing this, but it is not working :: variables /min SET odrive=%odrive:~0,2% set backupcmd=xcopy /s /c /d /e /h /i /r /y echo off for /r C:\ %f in (*.jpg) do @copy "%drive%\all\pics" @echo ...
Piyush Thakur's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Script to quit program prior to Robocopy

I'm setting up a backup script for a client that will be scheduled to run once a month to backup his 200GB iTunes directory to his NAS. It's compiled using some defined parameters and ROBOCOPY %...
Reece's user avatar
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Robocopy; How to copying missing files to a different location from original copy?

I am using Robocopy to transfer around 1 tb worth of files from an external drive to a virtual Windows Server 2008 machine hosted on an ESXi 5.1 VMWare server using USB pass-through. I used the ...
Carlo71's user avatar
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1 answer

Robocopy From Folder A - Only differences between Folder A and Folder B, to Folder C?

I have a system setup where 2 folders on separate drives / locations are normally mirrored via DFRS. This works perfectly and I have no issues with this. However, the system that owns these files (a ...
Kip's user avatar
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3 votes
5 answers

How to optionally copy and rename a file in Windows?

Basically, in an automated batch file, I want to copy and rename a file if the destination file is missing or older. There are several variants, which do not quite work: copy /Y c:\source\a.file c:\...
Paavo's user avatar
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command line remove read only flag on all subfolder entries or overwrite read only files with robocopy

I need one of two things to work: I use robocopy to copy all sub-files and sub-folders from one folder to another, and the destination contains older files + files not in the source, and I need the ...
Warszo.Sertz's user avatar