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1 answer

How to get a results ouput file from running a copy operation against a server list?

We have a batch file that we use to (robo)copy scripts to various computers on our network. We need be able to write the result of the copy operation (success or fail) to an output file including the ...
juvenal's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Making Functional Robocopy Backup Script?

I cannot for the life of me get the thing to run on a new user laptop setup I'm working on. I'm hoping someone can help. I have been trying to search forums and YouTube videos but would really benefit ...
bigwheel's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Robocopy command isn't backing up, is this command valid?

I'm trying to use Robocopy to incrementally back-up my project every 15 minutes, only if there are changes. I'm using Windows Task Scheduler to start the .bat file at start-up, and because I don't ...
TheNomadicAspie's user avatar
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How do I properly sync data between two Windows 10 systems on the same LAN utilizing Robocopy, a .bat file, and Task Scheduler?

I've read a number of posts regarding the use of robocopy to sync data between two Windows systems. I tried various configurations, and the settings I currently have in place are what seemed to work ...
jmg999's user avatar
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1 answer

Trying to parse a string that I generate in a batch file into a few values of an XML file

I'm trying to create V2 of my little batch file. I only know batch , so I'd prefer to do this if possible instead of powershell but if I have to, I have to. The app just copies five files that are the ...
Elliot Strong's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

robocopy: copy only newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder (updating files, not folder)

To update the files in the destination folder, I'd like to copy only the newer files whose older version are already in the destination folder. I don't want to copy any files that are in the source ...
joehua's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Batch file continues to run command after Task Scheduler stops it

I have a scheduled task running at 00:00 that opens a .bat file containing a robocopy command, with the task set to stop after 4 minutes, and to force stop if not ending when requested. It seems the ...
Richard Harris's user avatar
7 votes
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Robocopy loops/nests "Application Data" 29 times when copying "Application Data" folder on Windows 10

My goal here is to be able to back up my entire computer by using robocopy. My robocopy script keeps getting stuck here as you can see with the Application Data. C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\...
CreativiTimothy's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

XCOPY only files from a parent folder and from all its subforlders to a new folder in Windows?

I was searching a lot of times how to copy all the files of different extensions from a folder and all its subfolders to a new folder without copying the folders itself using Batch File. I mean ONLY ...
Afnan A.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to use robocopy with exclusions

I am using robocopy to copy folders and files from source to destination. origin_path: folder1 folder2 folder3 file1.txt file2.log file3.png dest_path: folder_important folder1 folder2 this is ...
acgbox's user avatar
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Batch File for Extracting File Path and File Name from Log file

I am really trying to figure this out, so bear with me, and thanks in advance for any assistance. I'm still struggling with understanding proper use of FOR /F "Delims" and "Tokens". EDIT: Ultimately ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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Robocopy - Copy Changed Files to Multiple Locations

I have used Robocopy to backup files from my home server for years. It's a simple /MIR switch. However, what I'd like to do is not only update the destination folder, but also copy those same new ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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2 answers

copy a specific filetype from multiple subfolders into one folder

I want to copy from a folder with several subfolders all csv files to a single folder. But I only want files that are not older than 30 days. This is what i have so far: for /R C:\Source %%f in (*....
crillez's user avatar
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robocopy: excluding directories

I use robocopy to back up files. Because I need to exclude some directories, I tested the following switch first: /xd dirs t* It successfully excludes all directories whose name starts with t. That ...
joehua's user avatar
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2 votes
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Why does my Robocopy always copy one file but not the other?

Trying to learn Robocopy for a basic backup plan, and I tried this in a bat file: @echo off echo "Hello World!" robocopy C:\Testfolder Z:\Testfolder pause where Z: is a network drive (a usb external ...
Jim_1234's user avatar
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1 answer

Compare files using robocopy in for loop

Problem I want to solve: Compare files in one directory to files in a subdirectory. If they match, delete the file in the top directory. This is for Windows and I would like to use Windows Batch ...
Registered User's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Exclude many files and folders using Robocopy

I have a robocopy job, mainly copying C:\src to D:\dst. The problem is that there are many, many directories in C:\src, which I want to exclude (eg. output directories of dev projects, repositories ...
Bowi's user avatar
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Batch File will run from command line, but not Task Scheduler

enter image description hereI have several computers, all running Windows 10 Pro x64. All were upgraded from Windows 7/8 via the Microsoft free upgrade offer of more than 1 year ago. One of these ...
MrGadget's user avatar
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Copying the directory tree and file contents of only specific folders

I'm trying to archive a large amount of files from only subfolders with a specific name. I'd also like to maintain the original folder structure in order to keep it simple for my team to access the ...
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

Robocopy not copying files in subdirectories

I am having problems with robocopy for whatever reason. I have several scripts I use daily that utilize copy, xcopy, and robocopy, and they are all working currently, except for this one. I am using ...
InterLinked's user avatar
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2 answers

Robocopy: destination folder size is bigger than source folder size

I've backed up my windows profile folder to external hard drive with the following command in batch file: robocopy %userprofile% %~dp0src\dest /b /mir /mt /r:1 /w:5 >nul After the copy was ...
qwaz's user avatar
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2 votes
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batch copy folder located by guid

In a batch file, can I copy a folder located by a constant path like \?\Volume{GUID}? When copying (copy, xcopy or robocopy) a directory and its content from a local removable drive (a usb external ...
fkk's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Copy specific folders on Windows (robocopy)

I want to do some thing simple (I thought...) I've got something like this: Folder01 |_File1 |_File2 |_File3 Folder02 |_File1 |_File2 |_File3 Folder03 |_File1 |_File2 |_File3 ...
ManniTC's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Robocopy: Log names of skipped/Failed files

I am using the following batch file to run my robocopy command: @ECHO OFF for /f %%a in ('wmic os get LocalDateTime ^| findstr ^[0-9]') do (set ts=%%a) robocopy [source] [target] /log+:D:\logs\log_%...
Yash Saraiya's user avatar
0 votes
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Batch File:List all files of a type, rename files, flatten the directory

I am looking for help with a batch file(s) that will allow me to move all files of a particular type (*.PDF's for example) to a new folder. HOWEVER I would like to have features not readily apparent ...
Rich_AT_IADDIC's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why does Robocopy ignore the /copy flags?

Robocopy Copy Flags? I just recently made an answer here where I suggested using robocopy and its /copy flags, but for some as of yet unknown reason, the /...
David Ruhmann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Batch file to move/compress/delete files

I am trying to write a batch script that will run automatically daily to do the following: Move files older than 2 days to from the main directory (Jason) to an archive directory. Zip files in the ...
Mansoor Ahmad's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Can I prompt a user to save a file using windows explorer?

I'm trying to build a windows batch file that will copy a folder and all its contents from the local user directory into an individually named folder on a shared server. The name of the folder on the ...
Josh's user avatar
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