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Changing a Backup using xcopy to one using robocopy in Win 11

In a Windows 11 Pro and Office 21 Pro environment on a Lenovo 13th Gen, Intel i7-55U, 16GB, 64 bit, Notebook, are there any pitfalls in an incremental copy of Dir/files from external drive F to ...
Dennis G Bails's user avatar
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Google Drive Desktop wasn't moving file, it's moved the file to trash then reuploading when moved by robocopy

So, I'm applying this 3-2-1 backup rule. Folder form ssd-sync is synced to vhd-sync through robocopy, here is the argument command. robocopy D:\ssd-sync E:\vhd-sync /LOG+:D:\ssd-sync\robocopy-...
Muhammad Ikhwan Perwira's user avatar
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Rotate destination folder with Robocopy

I use this command Robocopy D:\DIR1 E:\DIR2 /MIR to keep the contents of two folders synchronized: How do I keep 5 separate copies of the target folder, while deleting the sixth-oldest one?
Mkgl's user avatar
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Why am I seeing low transfer speed with Robocopy between two external SSDs? [duplicate]

I'm using Robocopy within a PowerShell script to backup my main SSD to another SSD, but I'm having problems with the file transfer speed. While in Windows Explorer I have writing speeds of 300~400 MB/...
Tyrone Hirt's user avatar
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Robocopy extremely low performance copying from Synlogy SMB

I want to occasionally backup a media library which is located on my NAS to another drive (6TB WD RED HDD; produced in 2019). The drive is located in my main PC and connected through SATA. The NAS and ...
Der_Reparator's user avatar
9 votes
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Using robocopy on windows led to infinite subfolder duplication via a stray shortcut file.... How can I avoid this?

I ran robocopy on my system (with all apps I could close, closed) and tried to rip the entirety of my C drive to a different drive. Im not sure why but, there was a systemlink in the C drive called &...
Mister SirCode's user avatar
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Robocopy over SMB from Windows 11 to MacOS Catalina Locks folders and makes backup fail

I am trying to backup an external hard drive on my Windows machine to an external hard drive on my iMac running macOS Catalina. I am using Robocopy batch file to mirror the 2 drives. The code I am ...
Frankie Galanti's user avatar
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Robocopy destination folder not specified

I want to make a backup copy of an entire drive to a folder in an external drive but robocopy doesn't "see" the specified destination folder. The idea is to update all the files and add the ...
E_Blue's user avatar
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Why does Robocopy skip a changed file if file length and file date are the same?

I've been using Robocopy for a while to create a (quick) backup of my disks. The exact command I use is robocopy /MIR /R:0 sourcedrive:\ targetdrive:\sourcedrivename . This should create an exact ...
Deekay's user avatar
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Robocopy created hidden directory at destination

I can't see the directory "Backup" in Windows Explorer, although I can navigate to it. The same is true for PowerShell. When I go to the root of the directory Dad and type ls I don't see it ...
Daniel Penrod's user avatar
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Is there any way to disallow Robocopy to download files from OneDrive to a local backup?

I hope you can help me. I currently use Robocopy to back up my OneDrive files to a local hard drive with the following command: robocopy Location1 Location2 /MIR /W:0 /R:1 /REG. It works great. ...
Ale500x's user avatar
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Robocopy command isn't backing up, is this command valid?

I'm trying to use Robocopy to incrementally back-up my project every 15 minutes, only if there are changes. I'm using Windows Task Scheduler to start the .bat file at start-up, and because I don't ...
TheNomadicAspie's user avatar
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Robocopy move old files instead of override

I'm really new to robocopy and can't find if my idea can be realised. I want to make a backup folder let's say destination "backup". But every time robocopy finds a file different from the ...
Wickedgirl's user avatar
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How rename files copied via Robocopy if it exist but with different modify date

I'm using Robocopy to copy files from a folder to another, i think my code will overwrite the file if it was existing on the destination folder and the timestamp was different, what im trying to do is ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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How to schedule a backup for only the new added files?

I'm a Windows user and wondering: how can I do a backup for the files on a specific folder if the files are not older than x days? Or to backup only the newly added/modified files without doing a full ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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Robocopy deletes skipped files in destination when mirroring

When attempting to mirror two folders using Robocopy, the option /MIR causes files in the destination to be deleted when the source files are in use. Specifically this happens when backing up my ...
avenmore's user avatar
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Robocopy ignores files that have the exact same size and timestamp (Truecrypt volumes)

I'm backing up my documents, including a small Truecrypt container (.tc file). When I mount the Truecrypt countainer and modify files inside it, it does not change the file size or the date/time ...
Jim's user avatar
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Robocopy - Copy Changed Files to Multiple Locations

I have used Robocopy to backup files from my home server for years. It's a simple /MIR switch. However, what I'd like to do is not only update the destination folder, but also copy those same new ...
HTWingNut's user avatar
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Robocopy - Possible issue while logging output?

I am evaluating if Robocopy will be a good option for me for my backup script that will take backup of only newer files from C drive (NTFS) to a Pendrive (exFAT). I have this command that I am ...
rajeev's user avatar
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How to copy entire folders/directories in command prompt?

My laptop isn’t booting, so I’m running a Windows ISO off a DVD and attempting to backup some files to an external hard drive plugged into the USB via Command Prompt. With command prompt I can enter ...
M. Guillaume's user avatar
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Robocopy switches for incremental drive backup?

I have two hard drives: G: is an external USB drive connected to a Windows 10 PC H: is a network drive (another USB drive connected to the USB port of the home network router's USB port) I have ...
Jim_1234's user avatar
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Best language/system to auto-batch copy files & dir's with file rename in Windows 8/10?

Robocopy came so close, but is missing file rename on copy. So could people please direct me to a language or system in Windows that would be well suited to the following : This is meant to be a ...
Jim_1234's user avatar
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Why does my Robocopy always copy one file but not the other?

Trying to learn Robocopy for a basic backup plan, and I tried this in a bat file: @echo off echo "Hello World!" robocopy C:\Testfolder Z:\Testfolder pause where Z: is a network drive (a usb external ...
Jim_1234's user avatar
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Robocopy switches to make new copies of existing files?

This is for a very basic backup plan. Imagine that a full copy of c:/myfolder (and all its sub-folders) has already been created at d:/myfolder. Is it possible to use Robocopy as a daily/weekly job ...
Jim_1234's user avatar
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Copying files based on creation/modified date

I have a question about backing up files from the command line. We have a shared folder (stored on one of the computers) in the office containing several thousand files and subfolders. Until now, I've ...
stoyian0v's user avatar
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Robocopy mirror when source files have moved directory

so I'm using RoboCopy to mirror source and destination. It mirrors fine, so now I have matching content on Source A: and Destination B:. My question is this. If I take all files and subfolders from ...
Alex B.'s user avatar
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How can I make robocopy continue to try even though there is an error 2 (file not found)?

I have a script that runs each night for backup purposes. The just of the script is it will backup a DB, compress it to a 7zip file and then copy it to a network location I have set-up. My script ...
Arvo Bowen's user avatar
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How to duplicate files onto an external backup drive, but first moving existing files to match the source folder tree and get a report?

If the title didn't make much sense then, let me provide more details. My problem is that there are some identical files on both drives already, but they reside in different directories. Let me show ...
computationalprince's user avatar
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Robocopy exclude directories with wildcard

I am trying to backup critical folders and their contents on a daily basis so that, should my data drive fail, I have a backup of the important project files but my working data drive is much larger ...
Michael Stimson's user avatar
6 votes
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How to copy user's appdata folder using robocopy?

I'm trying to backup my current user's AppData folder. Because the folder is quite big, I wanted to use robocopy. However, robocopy is having mess with symbolics links. Especially, in the user ...
Steve B's user avatar
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Using OneDrive as a backup for my Pictures library

This sounds like an easy-enough question, and luckily I found an article on it here, which I followed. I have mapped my OneDrive as a Network Location on my PC, and it works perfectly (though I had ...
adam's user avatar
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Robocopy /S creates empty folders

I'm trying to stop robocopy from creating empty folders when it is copying. The SOURCE folders are not empty; but they also have no new files to copy. Yet robocopy creates them at the destination. My ...
GWild's user avatar
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How to backup file from server and keep last n versions?

I am trying to create a batch script to backup an Access Db from a NAS Server to another server and keep the last "n" versions of that file (n is fixed inside the script), this script is going to to ...
Chico3001's user avatar
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Is it possible to perform a complete backup of the Users folder with Robocopy?

This is a more specific version of a broader question I posted a few weeks ago, I have my Users folder - B:\Users - on a separate drive to my Windows 7 system. I want to copy the contents of this ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Working with source files while Robocopy is running

I need to make a backup of my entire Users folder from within Windows, but I also really need to be able to use my computer normally. I'm planning to use Robocopy for this purpose, and want to clarify ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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Do many Robocopy threads harm conventional hard disks?

I spent some hours with creating a batch file to run a save from different servers onto a dedicated backup server, using Robocopy. All participating machines have an Intel i7 CPU with 4 cores. Due to ...
Herb's user avatar
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C:/hiberfile.sys refuses to be copied even when using hobocopy

I'm trying to make a backup copy of C:/hiberfil.sys without rebooting the system. So booting to a linux is not possible. The Windows system is currently running. Running hobocopy c:\ e:\ hiberfil....
Pacerier's user avatar
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Batch - how to read from file with path

I would like to do a robocopy of files whose path is listed in .txt (below is the file structure): Path C:\file1 C:\file2 etc. I need to do a robocopy and save the name of the file. How can I do ...
jax's user avatar
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Robocopy (win) | Ensuring Integrity | Source/Destination "size" NOT identical (whole drives)

LAST-UPDATED: 20161204@144548 STATEMENT: "After quite some time of the first initial post, a suggestion was made to use Bash-cp. So, that means the method of using the 1-line command robocopy would ...
fohrums's user avatar
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Folder-sync strategy with robocopy and a token-file

I work on two machines that I cannot synchronize over the network so I use a flash memory. To synchronize them I created a powershell script that backups my working folder to the flash drive so that ...
t3chb0t's user avatar
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MS Sync Center vs Robocopy batch job

I have a number of videos from our marketing department on a local machine for video editing which need to be transferred periodically to a few different NAS's. Is there any appreciable difference ...
tjcinnamon's user avatar
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What is fastest for nightly Windows7 local drive to USB external drive backup: ROBOCOPY, XCOPY, or BeyondCompare? [closed]

I have a batch file that backs up all my work every night. It copies my internal C: an SSD to my primary external USB-3.0 hard disk, and also that primary external hard disk to a secondary external ...
Doug Null's user avatar
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windows server 2008 r2 - Script on server needs interactive user input

i have a small script running which listens for a specific ip to get online in the network. (for a robocopy job) I have split this into two things: If the client is connected via vpn, ask the user if ...
user4958337's user avatar
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how to use space within pathname for Window's Robocopy

When my path for robocopy has a space, I surround it with " but get the weird error below... My .bat file contains: rem Backup scans ROBOCOPY "C:\Users\doug\Documents\My Scans\" "B:\BACKUP\My Scans\...
Doug Null's user avatar
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Incremental back from one network location to another network location via ROBOCOPY?

Here is the scenario, SOURCE - //END-PC/Sourcefolder DEST - //FIRST-PC/Destinationfolder Source folder has around 60-70GB of data which are Excel, Word, jpeg, pdf and all sort of work related ...
Benin's user avatar
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Backup Files (robocopy) | Error on files in-use

OS: Windows 7 x64 (HomePremium) CMD: >robocopy [source] [destination] -options $ robocopy "C:\Users\itzme\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\geo2eich.default" "E:\download\internet\firefox\...
fohrums's user avatar
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What is backup mode in Robocopy

I am trying to copy a large database backup file over network. The traditional program copy or xcopy failed with different binary resulted. Also tried robocopy without parameter, and resulted a ...
ydoow's user avatar
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Can I use Window's Robocopy to safely backup MySQL tables?

I've got a MySQL database on a server running Windows 7, and I want to create a quick (but safe!) copy without shutting anything down. I issue FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK, run Robocopy, then issue ...
samwyse's user avatar
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Fast acces to OneDrive as file system for backups

I was going to use the robocopy utility from Windows 10 to backup some folders to my OneDrive storage as described in this article:
TecMan's user avatar
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Robocopy - Backup only new files

I have an access to a network drive where news folder are created everyday. This drive is named G: I want to backup all the folders from G:\ to D:\WebUpload Being given that there are a lot of files,...
Atnaize's user avatar
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