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Questions tagged [resizing]

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45 votes
6 answers

iTerm 2 window resizing

My iTerm 2 window is up against the menubar at the top of the screen. When I resize the window vertically from the top to the bottom, a small gap is always left. It never resizes down fully to the ...
jordelver's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Use ALT to move windows in Windows like in Linux

In most Linux window managers, one can use the Alt key while clicking and dragging to rearrange windows. This is one of my favorite features of Linux window managers. Is there a way to do this in ...
Corey D's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Will zero filling increase the size of virtualbox dynamic disk image

I have been mostly using fixed-sized disk images for Oracle virtualbox, but I am considering switching to dynamic disk images as I heard that dynamic images are similar in performance to fixed-size ...
tinlyx's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Truncate empy space from a raw dd image

I have a raw disk image I took using dd of a Ubuntu instance. The total disk size is 300 GB, but only 5.5 GB used. Is there a way to resize the raw dd image down to 20 GB, keeping all of the 5.5 GB ...
Justin's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Recursively resize images from one directory tree to another?

I have a large complex directory tree full of JPG images. I would like to create a second directory tree that exactly mirrors the first, but resizing all the images down to a set size (say 2000x1500 ...
davr's user avatar
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3 answers

How can I resize an NTFS partition when there are bad sectors?

I want to extend a partition, but in between the partition and the un-allocated space, there is a large NTFS partition in which Windows is installed. When I use GParted to try and move the NTFS ...
Haedrian's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Can't shrink a data partition on a Windows 8 computer

My computer is running Windows 8 X64 Enterprise. I have two partitions, C (System) and D (Data). Both are bitlocked. I would like to shrink my D partition (in order to create a new one). Using the ...
Steve B's user avatar
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2 answers

Increase the LXD/LXC Btrfs loop file storage pool size

Our production container crashed because its LXC storage pool is out of space. Here is dh -h from inside the container: Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on /dev/loop0 82G 78G 2....
exebook's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How to prevent windows from being resized?

Adobe Audition is really stupid in that when you change the size of the window, and then change it back to the original size, all the frame positions are lost and you have to tediously reposition them ...
endolith's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Windows 10 Resizes and Moves Windows when Computer Wakes [duplicate]

When I wake my computer up my windows resize to a smaller form and they also seem to move the upper left hand corner of the screen. There is an answer to this question on but it'...
CasualKyle's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Disable window vertical stretch (and only that)

There's an annoying feature in windows 8 that when you resize a window and try to stretch the bottom of it to the bottom of the desktop, it automatically stretches the top to the top as well. Is ...
laggingreflex's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Restricting table cell resizing in Word

Is it possible to restrict users from resizing the cells of a table in protected documents in MS Word 2010? I want to restrict them from making any changes to the layout of the table (or, at least, to ...
Mihai Todor's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

How to maximize Office Word window on Mac OS (Sierra)

So I'm new to Mac and just trying to figure out how to do basic things like I'm used to from Windows. I found that double-tapping the title bar of windows typically only maximizes in one direction (...
user3425451's user avatar
3 votes
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Is there any quality loss when using a place command in Photoshop

I am using “Place” command in Photoshop to import .ai file. Is there any quality loss after using this steps: Save file in Illustrator at some default size—i.e 400x400px—using .ai extension or any ...
Whirlwind's user avatar
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If you have pinned applications, can the Start Menu be made less wide than the width of the application list and three medium sized icons?

On Windows 10, I have the list of application in my Start Menu. Next to that list, I have a 1 column wide and 8 rows long list of pinned applications. All of my icons are Small size. Despite this, my ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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0 answers

Resizing PDF pages to uniform size

I have a multi-page PDF file. Due to the nature of its making (scanning with a camera and then cropping), the pages are all in different (but similar) sizes. I would like to perform resizing on each ...
user23823's user avatar
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3 votes
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resize2fs: "Can't read a block bitmap" after shrinking ext4

I've used resize2fs /dev/sda3 300G to shrink an ext4-partition to 300GB. Then I used parted resizepart 3 310G to shrink the partition size in the partition table to 310GB, slightly bigger than it's ...
LukeLR's user avatar
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2 votes
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Does the GUID or UUID of a partition change on resizing the partitions?

Q1) Does the GUID or UUID of a partition change on resizing the partitions? I have a partition with lot of free space(windows partition) and another with little free space (ext4 --> / (root ...
samshers's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to resize Word shape object with keyboard?

I have some shapes that are very small. I can move these with the arrow keys, but resizing them does not seem to be possible (eg. with Shift-arrow or Ctrl-arrow). The Keyboard shortcuts for working ...
Jan Doggen's user avatar
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Auto-resize images in Opera

Is there a setting that I can configure to automatically scale large images like Firefox does? I'm using Opera 10.53, and when I open a large image in a new tab, it is not scaled at all. I'm on a ...
Nick's user avatar
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2 votes
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Windows 7 Aero snap window resizing: love and hate, partially disable?

I love the "ease of access" window resizing in Windows 7 that are related to moving the window (move window to left for left half size, to right for right half, up for maximize, shake to get rid of ...
Boyaka's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Reset size of an embedded object to its "natural" size in Visio 2010

Embedded objects typically have a "natural" size. For example a 200x200 image with 100 dpi has a natural size of 2x2 inches. Similarly, a MathType formula has a natural size in which its native font ...
Fritz's user avatar
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Plugging in a second monitor makes windows go behind my panel. How do I debug this?

On my main screen only, I have an Xfce panel (i.e. my taskbar) at the top of my screen. When I plug in my second monitor, my windows resize and have their tops go behind the panel. This persists until ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to tell Outlook not to auto resize the columns of a table

I'm having a very frustrating experience with MS-Outlook, while creating a table inside an e-mail: I have some text, separated by pipe characters, and I've chosen the "Convert text to table" ...
Dominique's user avatar
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2 answers

resize/shrink root filesystem with grub2 (ie: before it is mounted)

Context: a few remote debian 7 32bit servers only accessible via SSH more than half of the disks are empty 1 whole disk partition per server small maintenance window, cannot be down for long ext4 ...
Martin Vincent's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I re-size all display output on a MacBook with letterboxing/mattes, to avoid dead edges of the LCD?

Context My MacBook pro's LCD is damaged. Warranty support and replacement purchase are, at least for several months, impossible for me. The damage is very specific: only the left vertical 1" (around ...
Zac B's user avatar
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change Windows 10 drag files (icon size)

When I drag a file to move to a folder in Windows 10, the icon that shows is so large that it hides the folder name. I want to know how can I re-size the icon that shows, or remove it altogether? (I ...
Mike's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

Unable to resize image and keep image quality

I have a image that i want to use as a header on my site but i have problem resizing the image. The header size is 960x290 but the image size is 1600x1200. I used IrfanView and resized the width of ...
peter7558's user avatar
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4 answers

Windows Firefox Security Exception Window resizing itself

When manually adding a security exception in Firefox the pop-up window resizes itself to a slightly larger size if you click the "get-certificate" button. The issue is that this size becomes permanent ...
Aviose's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How could I resize this image without misplacing pixels?

I wanna resize an upscaled 1366x768 image down to its native 480x270 again. Every time I do it, lines of pixels are misplaced. Example with highlighted areas. The image on the right is slightly out ...
Unknow0059's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Gimp - I don't seem to be able to arbitrarity move the edges of a selection anymore

I'm certain I used to be able to arbitrarily move any of the four sides of a selection without the other sides changing, but I can't anymore. When I click inside the selection and get the sizing bars ...
rossmcm's user avatar
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4 answers

How do I rescale large images?

How do I reduce the dimensions of large .png images? I've tried GIMP, Paint.NET, and IrfanView, and they work well for smaller images but won't even open larger ones.
aaa's user avatar
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2 answers

"No space left" error installing Gitlab in Ubuntu Server

I'm trying to install gitlab in Ubuntu Server. This server has been created in VirtualBox, at the beginning it only had 10GB abailable, but after getting this error I resized the memory up to 25 GB. ...
Linux's user avatar
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2 answers

Gimp Image Resizing

Is it possible to Resize the image double to its original size(image is small in size, example, 80px by 80px, size of an icon), without being blurred. I have tried every type of sharpening technique ...
Anmol's user avatar
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Resize in FFmpeg

I have a video which has a resolution of 1920x1080p. I want to re-encode this video (with libx264 for video and aac for audio); Downscale it first to 1280x720p (with the same aspect ratio) while ...
KLNy's user avatar
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1 answer

How to resize (shrink) images without increasing their filesize?

I have a bunch of lossless optimized png's which I want to resize/shrink. Whenever I try to resize them the filesize is actually getting bigger. I've tried Imagemagick and Irfanview. This kinda doesn'...
Brettetete's user avatar
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VMAF Quality Loss when applying bicubic interpolation to a video when upscaling with ffmpeg

First of all, I'm a bit of a beginner to this specific topic therefore any advice would be greatly appreciated! For a project that I've currently been working on, I've been essentially trying to ...
Solomon Williams's user avatar
1 vote
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How to merge a NFTS partition cut into two pieces?

I have a Dual Boot O.S. in a NVMe SSD and I also have a 500GB HDD that had an old computer; that HDD had 3 partitions (A, B and C) and I decided to delete partition A in order to create my linux ...
Eduardo Jiménez's user avatar
1 vote
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Setting a default window size for MS Word

About 50% of the time Word will open in the size that it was last closed in. About 25% of the time it will open a new word window in the size of the first word window that I opened since I booted the ...
codingCat's user avatar
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Resizing qemu images with backing file

We have a base image and based thereon multiple copy-on-write images (qcow). There are many pages (e.g., this SO post) that explain how to resize an existing image. However, I couldn't find an ...
Patrick's user avatar
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How do I view the full properties of a file in the Properties dialog box?

I'm trying to look at the Properties of a Consolas font TTF file, but it cuts off the sentences midway (eg File Description/License Description) and I can't resize the Properties window by click-...
takanuva15's user avatar
1 vote
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Increase RAID 1 volume size with Intel RST on system drive

I need to increase RAID 1 volume size over Intel RapidStorageTechnology on system drive - question is will it delete any data?? RST itself didnt show any warning or confirmation on this, I need to ...
Diwiak's user avatar
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How to resize virtualbox guest storage which is splited

My host is windows 10 and guest is Mint 19 cinnamon 64 bit. When I made this guest I selected my storage size 100 GB, formate VMDK, and split the file in 2 GB. So now I have many .vmdk files such as ...
masiboo's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't resize Ubuntu's main partition with GParted

I'm running out of space on the root partition and I want to give it more space but I don't know how. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04, dual boot with Windows. Here is my extended partition on GParted: As you ...
Machinerium's user avatar
1 vote
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How to resize space from Windows to Ubuntu

I am trying to insert the unallocated space to /dev/sda11 but it cant be done I previously freed some space from my Windows partition then swapped off linux-swap then added the space to it then ...
user602976's user avatar
1 vote
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Using keyboard shortcuts to resize/position individual windows

I'm using Windows 8.1 and have recently bought a 4k monitor. I want to make full use of the desktop estate I have. That's why I have all my application windows set to 1/4th the available size. But ...
WindowsResizePosition's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What is the fastest way to resize a large partition?

Due to a new HDD Configuration I am currently handling larger backup/resize tasks with partitions between around 900GB, which are 70-90% full. some background: First thing I've noticed was, that the ...
Jook's user avatar
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Extend system partition Windows 10?

I had three OSes installed: Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. I only use Windows 10, and that drive is now running low on space. I have deleted the Windows 7 and 8.1 installations (deleted those ...
Al2110's user avatar
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LVM complaining about device smaller than logical volume

I just installed Slackware on my laptop, with full disk encryption (LVM on LUKS). It works fine but there is a warning from LVM: WARNING: Device /dev/mapper/lukssda2 has size of 115996431 sectors ...
dblouis's user avatar
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Resizing the video is lowering the quality of video - FFMPEG

I have successfully resized my video to size: 720:576. But the quality of video has gone down. I don't want quality to go down. I don't want any compression. Orignal video size: 296 MB After resizing ...
D.B.'s user avatar
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