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Questions tagged [remote-access]

Accessing or controlling a computer that you are not physically in front of.

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212 votes
4 answers

How do you run a SSH server on Mac OS X?

How do you run a ssh server on Mac OS X?
Pablo Fernandez's user avatar
71 votes
4 answers

Messed up my .bash_profile remotely, can't ssh back in

I'm using a GNU/Linux system remotely, via SSH. I mistakenly added something into my $HOME/.bash_profile scriot which causes an error. (To be specific: I added an exec foo command instead of . foo, ...
einpoklum's user avatar
  • 9,751
70 votes
16 answers

Remotely turning on or rebooting a frozen computer

I use a remote desktop program (usually Microsoft's Remote Desktop) to connect to a Windows machine everyday. The remote computer has a fixed IP address, and if the computer is on and responsive, I ...
Amelio Vazquez-Reina's user avatar
58 votes
5 answers

How can I enable multiple users login at a time in remote system?

Recently we bought dedicated server with Windows Server 2012 Standard.It's allowing 2 people at a time.So I want to allow more people at a time. How can I do this?
subbu's user avatar
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44 votes
7 answers

Shift and Control keys out of sync with normal keys over RDP

I spend quite a lot of time working on various machines via RDP (usually RDPing to one machine and from there RDPing to other computers outside our LAN) and have an issue where the modifier keys (i.e....
sgmoore's user avatar
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40 votes
8 answers

How to access C$ share in a network?

Considering I have admin access to a machine, how can I remotely access the default C$ share in Windows XP and Windows 7? Edit: This is not a domain, it's a single machine that I need to access
jyz's user avatar
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31 votes
7 answers

Log off a disconnected user remotely

How do I log a disconnected user off remotely? For example, I remotely connect to a computer (with Dameware, if that matters) and run a command that takes a significant amount of time to complete. In ...
thePurpleMonkey's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

How to enable remote access for another account on Mac remotely via SSH?

I have admin rights at a remote Mac computer. I can access it via SSH. The Mac has another user account, which doesn't have remote access. How can I remotely (via SSH) enable remote access for the ...
Andy's user avatar
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26 votes
5 answers

Reaching a device in my LAN from the Internet

I have an embedded device that I can program via Ethernet IP when it's connected on the same router with the PC as follows: Is it possible to send the whole traffic through the Internet and still be ...
Engine's user avatar
  • 395
24 votes
4 answers

Remote management of parents' computers [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Free remote desktop app good for working with someone computer illiterate? I am looking for something that I can install on my parents' and grandparents' laptops to help me ...
Ivan Zlatev's user avatar
21 votes
3 answers

Can I access Remote Desktop shared drive from command prompt?

I am using Windows Remote Desktop to connect to a server. I have enabled access to a local drive as per but I'm trying to figure out how to access the drive ...
ShaneC's user avatar
  • 315
19 votes
2 answers

Run commands on a VirtualBox VM from outside

Is it possible to run commands on a VirtualBox VM from outside? Or should I use some sort of remote control tool like VNC? If so, what would be the easiest and best for such a simple task. I have a ...
Auxiliary's user avatar
  • 395
19 votes
4 answers

Error 'Permission denied (publickey,password)'

I am trying to connect to a local IP address via SSH from the terminal. The command is ssh -v [email protected] But it is not connecting. It keeps giving me the error "Permission denied (...
harnamc's user avatar
  • 295
17 votes
4 answers

How can I tell who is actively logged on (locally or remotely) a Windows 7 PC?

From my Windows 7 PC, I want to check to see who is “actively” logged on to another Windows 7 PC on my network, not who connected last. How can this be done? Throughout the day several people will ...
pgodar's user avatar
  • 173
17 votes
3 answers

Under what login/boot conditions can Chrome Remote Desktop access a computer? Does this differ by OS?

If I set up a host computer for permanent remote access via Chrome Remote Desktop, when is it accessible? Specifically: Is it accessible when it has been locally logged into only by a non-...
Zac B's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How can I remotely determine if a laptop has webcam from the console?

I have multiple laptops I can remote into, but I do not know whether they have a working webcam. I cannot see them. I do not need to access the webcams; I just need to know if one is present. Is there ...
theforestecologist's user avatar
16 votes
2 answers

What happens to running processes when I lose a remote connection to a *nix box?

I occasionally lose my remote SSH connection to my VPS. I use screen for long-running processes, but am wondering what happens to the processes I had running aside from those run within a screen ...
David Marble's user avatar
15 votes
8 answers

Is there a way to remotely shut down a Windows machine on my home network that doesn't support RDP?

I have an older Dell Dimension desktop, originally running Windows XP, that I had recently upgraded to Windows 8.1. I plan on using it as a media server running Plex, and I can easily move files on to ...
regularmike's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

RDP Alternative on linux (Ubuntu 18)

Does someone know a valid alternative on Linux that runs with performance comparable to the RDP on windows 10? FreeRDP and VNC have bad FPS performance, and the only program I found which can ...
Nuked's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

How are these remote/headless display dongles used?

I have a "dumb" TV in one room, and a PC in another room. It's been suggested to me I might want to get a "display emulator" dongle, which will somehow let my PC believe it is ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Allowing Remote Connection in IIS on Windows 7

I'm trying to give access to a website in IIS on my Win 7 machine to another person on my network. He's unable to access it. I was wondering if perhaps it was because IIS isn't configured to allow ...
GiddyUpHorsey's user avatar
14 votes
1 answer

eCatcher login error (peer not authenticated)

I can no longer login in Talk2M using my good old eCatcher 3.x or 4.x. I receive one of these error messages: Written out: Additional info I/O error while communicating with HTTP server: sun....
Serge Wautier's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

SSHFS graceful degradation instead of freeze when connection is lost. Is it possible?

A third-party program will write files to a SSHFS mounted dir. If the internet connection is lost, the third-party program will likely crash (badly), because all programs trying to access such an ...
Andrei's user avatar
  • 493
13 votes
6 answers

How can I remotely control a linux box from my Mac?

I set all of my family members up with Linux Mint so that their computers would stop punching themselves in the face, but I'd like to be able to control those computers when my mom calls up and wants ...
user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

X11 - Forwarding and efficiency

I have a graphically intensive application that needs to be forwarded over X11. I spent some time researching X11 and its (in)efficiency, including this great post: Why is X11 forwarding so ...
Fang's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

FileZilla: Can I run a remote shell command via FileZilla client?

I have a very simple question. Can I run a remote shell command on the server via FileZilla client. For instance can I do a: tar -zxvf myarchive.tar.gz etc... (didn't think it was possible with ...
John Sonderson's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Does Psexec execute Remote Procedure Calls?

I've heard of RPCs and that they get executed via TCP port 135. I just executed ipconfig via psexec.exe on a remote PC and wondered if this is a RPC. As I've seen in Wireshark, the whole process is ...
JohnnyFromBF's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

TeamViewer special key on local and remote end not matching

I am using TeamViewer 7.0.11474 to remotely control a Mac Pro from my Macbook Pro. I occasionally find that some key strokes (likely the special keys) I type on local machine gets translated ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

If my taskbar turns to a light blue color, does that mean I've been hacked?

I've noticed this happen at night randomly. My Windows 7 taskbar at the bottom of my personal laptop turns light blue for a bit, then after a while it goes back to its normal color. At my company ...
DarthVoid's user avatar
  • 217
9 votes
9 answers

Is there any freeware for remote access via web browser? [closed]

I have a PC at home which I want to access from a web browser at school. I looked for many software solutions but they had at least one of the following problems: Not free Need to install client ...
user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

How to connect home computers (Linux) from office computer (windows) using putty

Is there any way I can connect home computers (Linux) from office computer (windows) using putty. If yes, please tell me the step to make the connection.
shakthydoss's user avatar
9 votes
4 answers

Using VNC to Control PC behind NAT

I need to use VNC to control a computer behind a NAT. I have no access to the remote router, but I can have the person sitting in front of the computer follow very simple instructions. I'm also ...
Robert S. Barnes's user avatar
9 votes
6 answers

Putty freezes at random when logging into a remote machine in another continent

I have to ssh to a remote machine in Europe from Asia every day for my work. But Putty freezes sometimes at totally random times and I have no choice but to close and re-open a new ssh session. It's ...
Srikanth's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Can't send key combinations with TeamViewer from Mac OS X to another Mac OS X

For some reason I can't send key combinations from my MacBook to my Mac Pro. I tried from a PC and it works, only from my MacBook seems to fail. Does anyone have any idea what the hell it's going on?
Tudor Luca's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Share MacBook webcam with PC over Remote Desktop

I have a desktop PC in an office with a webcam attached. Normally when I'm in the office I use this for meetings, etc. I would like to connect to this PC remotely via RDP, but from my MacBook. One ...
Craig Otis's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

SSH vs. OpenVPN, which one is faster?

I need to have remote access to my server. I would like to have X Forwarding functionality as well. SSH provides me with that; however, it's a little slow over the internet. Would OpenVPN perform ...
ageis23's user avatar
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8 votes
6 answers

How can I create a remote connection between Mac & Windows computers?

My office has 30 Windows PCs and 5 iMacs, all of which are connected to a LAN and the internet. I have seen TeamViewer being used for accessing other computers remotely, and want to know if it is ...
sagarkothari's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How can I turn on File and Printer sharing, and the Firewall from the Windows command line

I am using PsExec to access cmd on a Windows 7 computer on my network, and I want to turn on File and Printer Sharing, followed by the Windows firewall without having to get up and walk all the way to ...
JMK's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Accessing Chrome Remote Desktop Without Signing Into Chrome

Can I setup Chrome Remote Desktop access on a host machine without having to log into Chrome on that machine? I don't want to sync all of my Google account to the Chrome browser on that machine or ...
Sean Saleh's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What to use for Shell Access? [closed]

I just purchased a virtual dedicated server-plan that comes with shell access. It's been a while since I've actually used shell access remotely, so I'm a bit behind the times. Years ago I used PuTTY, ...
Aristotle's user avatar
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7 votes
5 answers

Does an ISP have admin access to your modem/router?

I use a Zyxel P-660HN-T1A modem/residential gateway to connect to my home ADSL subscription. I called my ISP today to inquire about upgrading to a faster broadband package. For some reason, my call ...
synack's user avatar
  • 71
7 votes
7 answers

Black Screen on AnyDesk Connection

I am using AnyDesk to mirror a Windows 7 laptop screen onto an Android Tablet. Until recently, everything was fine, but one day, and every time since, I connected as usual but could only see a black ...
user904966's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Should I use VNC or X protocol to control a Linux application from Windows?

I need to use an RubyMine IDE running on a Linux machine from a Windows desktop. I want to make that remote Linux application window to behave as close as possible to a normal local Windows ...
haimg's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

How to check how many remote ssh logins in my macosx

I allow remote ssh login to my Mac. However I only can see my local login when running command who. I'm sure a remote session has login my Mac via ssh. localhost% who kane console Jul 10 22:21 ...
Kane's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Running remote scripts on Linux Servers from Windows

I'm on a Windows server, I'm looking for a way to run some scripts (through RSH?) remotely on Linux servers. Thing is, I have to do a lot of stuff manually on different servers whenever I want to ...
Davio's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How to prevent a person B to kick of person A remote desktop connection, on Windows?

Person A and Person B use the same non-admin Windows user account to start remote desktop connection. Person A starts remote desktop connection and works on a document. When person B then starts ...
zlatko's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Connecting a tmux pane to a remote server

I am quite new to tmux and don't really know how to use it to it's best effect so what I am trying to do might not be the best way of doing it. Feel free to give alternative suggestions! The setup: I ...
Leo's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Launching programs remotely via SSH on Windows 7

I've installed freeSSHd server on Windows 7. It works fine but when I try launching any graphical executables via SSH, e.g. "C:\Program Files\GIMP 2\bin\gimp-2.8.exe" or start /d "C:\Program Files\...
patryk.beza's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Teamviewer connection error: "Partner did not connect to router", "WaitforConnectFailed"

Sometimes I got this error message when trying to connect to a client: No connection to partner! Partner did not connect to router. Error Code: WaitforConnectFailed Both computers are ready ...
ePi272314's user avatar
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6 votes
4 answers

Console2 + putty/Cygwin ssh + xterm-256 integration

I've successfully switched to Console2 on my Windows box, and I'm quite satisfied with that. (If you don't know it, try it: it lets you group both cmd.exe and Cygwin sessions in the same, tabbed ...
AndreaG's user avatar
  • 163

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