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24 votes
7 answers

Is there any way to properly display negative time spans in Excel?

Is there any way to make Excel show a negative time span? If I subtract two time values (say, when subtracting the actual amount of time spent on something from the amount of time planned for it) and ...
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124 votes
14 answers

Format a number with optional decimal places in Excel

I have numbers in cells in Excel. I want the numbers formatted so that if they have decimal places they show to a maximum of two, and if they have no decimal places it doesn't show any. For example. ...
Ray's user avatar
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17 votes
4 answers

Setting up Dual Heads on CentOS 5

I asked a question on Stack Overflow a while ago about learning to use Linux, and since then I've installed CentOS 5 on a local machine to match my host. Installation was fine, and I'm up and running,...
Peter Coulton's user avatar
24 votes
9 answers

Opening Explorer shell with admin privileges on XP (with IE7 installed)

I used to demote my user account so that it had no admin priveleges and used a 'sudo-like' trick where you create a shortcut to IE6 and enabled the 'Run with different credentials' option to open a ...
Brendan's user avatar
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162 votes
11 answers

How to tab between buttons on an Mac OS X dialog box

I know that there has been a similar question asked here very recently, but I was wondering if it was possible to tab between buttons on default Mac OS X dialog boxes? I already have the All controls ...
ZombieSheep's user avatar
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20 votes
2 answers

How to calculate the final RAID size of a RAID 5 array?

What is the formula for working out the final RAID size of a RAID 5 array knowing the number of disk and the size of each disk?
GateKiller's user avatar
27 votes
8 answers

How can I use an old PATA hard disk drive on my newer SATA-only computer?

I've got some old hard drives I'd like to connect to my new computer to quickly transfer gigs and gigs of data from the old drives to my nice large new drives. The old drives are PATA/IDE/ATA and the ...
Zack Peterson's user avatar

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