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59 votes
1 answer

Does an anchor tag come before the query string or after?

I am unclear if an anchor tag should come before a query string or after. or Or does it matter?
whoacowboy's user avatar
33 votes
21 answers

Querying a CSV file

Does anyone know of a simple tool that will open up a CSV file and let you do basic, SQLesque queries on it? Like a graphical tool of sorts, one that is easy to use. I know I could write a small ...
J. Polfer's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Run an SQL Query With a Parameter from Excel 2007

I have a query in an Excel table. I followed this to do it. But how can I add a parameter from a cell into my query? I am looking for a way to do this: select * from dbo.Customers where CustomerID ...
Vaccano's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

understanding bind9 query log

I'm running two bind servers a activated query logging but don't know what exactly i see here and not finding anything on the web which enlightens me; 31-Oct-2017 17:56:35.464 queries: client x.x.x.x#...
screenie's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Get RSS feed from Youtube playlist in reverse order

I subscribe to a few Youtube channels and playlists via RSS. To get the RSS feed of a playlist, (e.g. Crash Course Philosophy), we get the playlists’ URL, and replace everything but the ID with a ...
user137369's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Query parameters in an external connection to sql server

I want to do exactly this: but I want to do it in Excel 2010 and also I am querying SQL Server instead of MS ...
Dan's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Only return state of a service when using sc.exe query

When using the following command to return information about a service to a file : sc.exe query MyService >> MyFileLocation\MyFile.txt I get the following information in the file : SERVICE_NAME:...
Niek Jonkman's user avatar
5 votes
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Issues sending Latin accented characters (ã,õ,á,é,í,…) to a database table in PHP/MySQL

I am having problems making mydatabase table show Latin caracters. (ã,õ,á,é,í,…). I am using WAMP server with Apache 2.4.9 and MySQL 5.6.17. I have a simple form that I created in HTML and I have a ...
João Luís's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

How to get query command on Windows 10

I have a Windows 10 computer on which I need to see what users are logged in via an SSH connection (which is the command prompt). I figured I could run query user on the machine, but the query command ...
Mark Deven's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Pass parameter from Excel to Access query

I have a Access (2010 but I've also tried Office 2003) database with a lot of tables, forms and nested queries which rely on data entered in a form, e.g. WHERE query1.year=[Forms]![Form1]![Text0];. I ...
CaptainProton's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to combine the output of two querys in MYSQL when they have non-compatible conditions

I'm looking for some assistance in adding together the output of the two following queries. They have two incompatible conditions so I'm struggling to combine them in the one query. Total Revenue ...
NiallBC's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes
3 answers

Merge multiple columns into one via a query in an access database

i need to write a query that combines multiple columns of text. my database is a database of wallpapers on my computer (i use john's background switcher), so i can easily find them and have them ...
crazybmanp's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Foobar2000: any way to query whether a song is in a specific playlist?

In Foobar2000, I would like to make an autoplaylist that only shows songs that are not currently in another specific (manual) playlist. Is there any way to query for this? I imagine the query to ...
oKtosiTe's user avatar
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3 votes
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Convert DateTime with Decimal Time Longer Than 3 digits?

I'm trying to import some data from CSV into MS SQL 2008 Server. I'm using PowerShell's Invoke-SQL, and an SQL script that utilizes BULK INSERT. CSV fields get imported as VarChars and I'm trying to ...
Ƭᴇcʜιᴇ007's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I get Excel to run a query for each row in a spreadsheet?

Is there a way to run an MS Query for each row in a spreadsheet? For example, I have a sheet that looks like this: CustomerID 111 222 333 I have the customer's address in a database, and I'd like ...
Chris Curvey's user avatar
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0 answers

What is the priority order mechanism of dns client configuration in windows?

I wonder what is the order of dns query in windows? for example, suppose I have two dns server configured with different DNS Index. to quote what is DNS Index A lower number for the DNSIndex ...
Sajuuk's user avatar
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3 votes
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foobar2000: query if specific files exist in track's directory

In my library there are files like .lrc files (Lyrics) or album art files (various .jpg files) next to the music files: I am trying to create a autoplaylist where I want to list tracks which have a ...
Herr_Schwabullek's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do you create a SQL query in Excel 2007 with a dynamic date range?

I am trying to create a reporting spreadsheet that can print reports for a given time period. The query below works, but when I try to use a ? parameter in place of the date, I get an error after ...
Jordan's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
4 answers

Querying against Active Directory

I'm the "script guy" at my work, which is a blessing and a curse... I've been tasked with generating a script of: Can you create a script to pull all users that have a proxy address that is not ...
WernerCD's user avatar
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2 answers

Pass a cell contents as a parameter to an excel query in Excel 2007

I have tried really hard to solve this issue but I think I am going to need a little help. I can program in different languages but I don't have any experience with Excel, VBA or the queries you can ...
Terco's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Outer join with union in Excel 2010 using Power Query

I've got two tables (two worksheets of the same workbook in Excel 2010): The result should look like this: My SQL code works well: SELECT table_2.ID, table_1.value_1, table_2.value_2 FROM table_1 ...
georgmierau's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Where is a Web Query stored in an excel file?

I have a Web Query looking at a site for data, and it gets the table selection wrong. Viewing source of the linked to web page I am able to identify the correct table. In an Excel Web Query you are ...
datatoo's user avatar
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1 answer

How to execute remote mysql query after granting permission?

I am trying to execute mysql query from another ubuntu system. I have granted permission to user using GRANT from GRANT ALL ON . to 'user'@'' WITH GRANT OPTION; and then ...
wiTTyMinds Technology's user avatar
2 votes
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Embed microsoft query in excel with multiple parameters from spreadsheet

I am trying to embed a microsoft query within an excel spreadsheet, that passes several parameters from the spreadsheet to the query. I would like the microsoft excel query function to find a few ...
Doug's user avatar
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How to paste multiple entries to a query?

How to do you paste multiple entries to a query in design view? I can only paste one value at a time, and I need to add multiple values. Is there a way of doing an Advanced Filter in Microsoft ...
Amie's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to pick rows in MS SQL based on column values?

I want to pick SourceId & Currency based on Count value. Problem is within a set I've to ignore all data where Count = 0 if there is any value greater than 0 but if all the counts are 0 within a ...
Tech Sawy's user avatar
2 votes
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CSV filename bug concerning dots in Microsoft Query (via Office Excel 2013)?

After hours of struggling it looks like I've found a bug regarding csv file processing by Microsoft Query via Office Excel 2013. I'm trying to generate a Chart from csv data. Every hour a new record ...
Sat's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Matching similar records in a database with Group By

I have a database in which there are company names each matched with the company post code. However there are duplicates since the company names are written multiple ways, like this: Company Name ...
Timothy's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Query dpkg for All Packages Installed/Removed from Default Image

Is there any way to query dpkg to tell what packages have been added/removed since the base install of a system? I am running Debian 5.
AJ.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Can I run a low priority query on MySQL?

I have a MySQL table with 3GB data and the ALTER TABLE to create a new field lasts about 15 minutes in pre-production. The software can both do read- and write-queries with the new field or without ...
Xavi Montero's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Access Query for Positive Checkboxes

I have a table which contains personal information of our staff, at the end of the table there are checkboxes for general training (medical, military, health and safety) etc. Say for example i wanted ...
Joe's user avatar
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1 answer

Microsoft Access: Query to delete duplicate data but keep most recent

To my surprise, I've been having trouble finding an answer to this question for my specific case. I have a table with ID and date and I would like to keep only one ID, and that is the most recent one. ...
person1234568475's user avatar
1 vote
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excluding certain file extensions in Windows search

I'm trying to search for a certain file extension, .pro. I have tried the following searches in the search bars: and *.pro, however, both of these queries yield files with the extension ....
tuskiomi's user avatar
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Automating Access 2007 Queries (changing one criteria)

So, I have 6 queries and I want to run them all once at the end of each month. (I know a bit about SQL but they're simply built using Access's design view). So, in the next few days, perhaps I'll ...
GeoffDS's user avatar
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Access 2007 create report from query

Where is my Query??? I'm using Access 2007, until this version I would create a query then create a report based in that query, using create-blank report. If I use the report wizard it does give me ...
LtDan's user avatar
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1 answer

How to find matching yaml files based on content

I have a bunch of files that contain yaml. Some files are yaml-only, some have yaml front-matter. I would like to be able to query the list of files to return a list that match certain criteria. In ...
user2567544's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Select statement using 'EXISTS' and 'IN' operator

I hit an issue to get data using 'IN' operator from another database. I need help fixing this please. My query looks like this: SELECT i.EXTERNAL_CODE, tc.SITE_NAME, tr.TRANSACTION_DT FROM ...
susik's user avatar
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Is "fsutil behavior query mftzone" for all partitions in Windows 8.1 64-bit?

I have 2 HDDs and 5 partitions in them, and I can't find this question answered on DuckDuckGo, Google nor Microsoft; the command doesn't allow to specify a drive letter, so I suppose is for all ...
saultube28's user avatar
1 vote
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Monitoring blocked requests in varnish

I set up a blacklist in varnish where a bunch of IPs that I suspect for malicious intentions are blocked. I'm trying now to see if there's a way to monitor if any of these IPs made any request and if ...
JakobAttk's user avatar
1 vote
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How come this query shows the same address for non-authoritative answers and authoritative answers?

So, if i query nslookup -type=ns Non-authoritative answer: nameserver = nameserver = ...
koperandus's user avatar
1 vote
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Excel: show list of values based on query in range

I have a table like this: a | tomato b | pear c | tomato d | pear I would like to create a formula that lets me select which rows contain tomato and which ones contain pear. ...
Haaid's user avatar
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1 answer

How to get data from web using Cell values to assemble URL to pull from? Getting Data from web using cell references

How to get data from web using Cell values to assemble URL to pull from? How do I go about using cell references to assemble a URL that excel can use to get data from the web with? Basically I'm ...
Rocket Spaceman's user avatar
1 vote
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using sql query in excel showing columns in the right order

I am currently using a sql query in excel so the users can get the results by refreshing the worksheet. The results are getting displayed but the columns are in different order than what they ...
Gestef's user avatar
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How to simplify Excel/Google Sheets formula with redundant method calls?

I have an Excel (Well, technically Google Sheets) workbook containing product inventory warehouse storage information. I figured out how to construct queries so it grabs the needed information from ...
Mac Sigler's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Query for false values in Access not working

I'm trying to create a simple database to keep track of paperwork as it's turned in. In the form and table I've used yes/no check boxes, checking them when a paper is turned in. What I want to do is ...
Jason Taylor's user avatar
1 vote
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How to create a MS Access query to show a data in columns by criteria?

I have a little problem with MS Access 2013. I cannot figure out how to create a query to show needed data in one table. The data structure can be illustrated with the following: USERS ID Name 001 ...
VIK's user avatar
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Configure DNS Rules for Hosts and Proxy?

I'm not sure if I'm approaching this problem correctly, so please correct me here. Suppose an organization runs its own DNS service. The organization wants the following: DNS queries by all hosts ...
jww's user avatar
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Filtering field on view - Lotus 8.5

I have one view with field that I called "Date". I can´t filter the results for one date... please help me.
PedroPinto's user avatar
1 vote
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excel / open office - append an incrementing value to all non-unique fields

I have a large table of about 7500 store names. I need to search through those names and, if they are not unique, append an incrementing value, for example: store_1 store_2 etc. Anyone know how to ...
mheavers's user avatar
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Query data in Powerpoint

I would like to build an MS PowerPoint 2010 presentation where some of the displayed data would be queried from an external source (I am flexible - the simpler the better, I need to update that ...
WoJ's user avatar
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